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Tiki Oasis 9 - Artist Alley Previews! Warning: This thread is neither cool nor current! So there!

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On 2009-08-10 17:01, Tiki Lee's wrote:
That's It...!
There is so much incredibly AWESOME stuff coming to Artist's Alley that I'm just going to embarrass the Hell out of myself if I bring my stupid amaturish crap.

So I guess that I won't. I'll let an artist who is worthy of the space take it over, like 4WDTiki. His stuff desrves to be there with y'all.
Have fun, and I wish you all the best!
Sell THOUSAND$$$$!!!!!! :D

I sure hope your pulling our collective legs, Tiki Lee! What about all this good stuff?

Tiki Candles in a variety of colors & scents

This year marks the "Return Of The Big Fish" and a few of his friends...

And then there's this guy...

I originally designed him to hold all eight of Frankie's Tiki Mugs, but I never got around to getting them all, and the project kinda petered out until last week when I picked it up again and finished it today. Here it is loaded up:

Tiki candles! And that mug shelf is really amazing! And I like your carved heads, too. I can just see them mounted on a piece of leopard print fake fur!
It's my first time there and I'm freaking out on the inside (don't tell anyone!). But hells bells, don't let what other people are doing get to you. Do your own thing and just have fun with it!


What Kiki said. If it helps we'll make you an honorary Haggler....Ok maybe that's not an incentive, but you know what I'm saying :)

"Stupid amaturish crap"?!! I don't think so, Lee. I will be there with Bill and a few others to sell stuff at your booth. I've got a couple of six(and seven) foot Moai, a couple masks, one airbrushed one-eye, and few other things. Plus, Bill, Thomas, and some other artisits will be keeping the faith for ya. Going to miss ya this year, Lee!

On 2009-08-10 17:01, Tiki Lee's wrote:
That's It...!

There is so much incredibly AWESOME stuff coming to Artist's Alley that I'm just going to embarrass the Hell out of myself if I bring my stupid amaturish crap.

So I guess that I won't. I'll let an artist who is worthy of the space take it over, like 4WDTiki. His stuff desrves to be there with y'all.

Have fun, and I wish you all the best!

Sell THOUSAND$$$$!!!!!! :D

Yew ain't a'gonna backslide out the alley,BOY-AH!

Momma's gonna Tan yer Hide
Talkin all Nonsensikle and such!

Grammy's fixin up some Tater Pie!


I bought a LUAU pig and wanted to keep it hot for TIKI OASIS

Only Three New ones!?!?!
Gurl's a'slackin....

HB-Pappy's gorner be quite pleezed that yore-a
givin his piggy such an ONER-ABLE place to sit a spell!

Now C'mon Dawnee!
Thuh jalopy's runnin
and we're a rarin ta g'wan!


Hey Mister!
Take it easy back there!


Wha!??!!!? Why'd ya make me Granny? :wink:
Junior, git them critters a yourn outa the cement pond! I'll be a wantin to do the warshin purdy soon!

Sneeky Peeky!

Illustrations and silkscreening by Tobunga, product design and sewing by Kiki! Just part of a set, gotta come to T.O. to see the whole thing! Now back to the sewing machine!


Awesome Kiki! You two make a great team.
All this art on here is looking spectacular!
I need to be rich!


:lol: Doggie milkin a goat! well if'n dat ain't jus da beez kneez!

Y'all dun fergit naow!

dont you know that most people "claim" tobe afraid of clowns.

that thar little one seems to be enjoying the Clown....


On 2009-08-11 11:14, Sophista-tiki wrote:
dont you know that most people "claim" tobe afraid of clowns.

grl! i wuz har-assed by a clown a when I wuz a youngin!
but yew get over it! :lol:
'sides, Creeples sez "HUGS NOT DRUGS" :D


On 2009-08-11 10:52, Kiki von Tiki wrote:

I've got me a hankerin' fer some Barbecue all of a sudden!!! Junior! Get them links out of the ice box!!!

Schmokee Links,Paw?

squid posted on Tue, Aug 11, 2009 6:56 PM

Well, that lazy, good fer nuthin Junior has forced me to build his galderned Goofy Golf. I got a few kinks ta work out but I think she's purdy good. So y'all stop by and take a putt or 2 and win sumthin!


Thanks to that there Thor feller for the Trader Hick's name.

mp posted on Tue, Aug 11, 2009 7:05 PM

Howdy yall! bin rell bizzy up here in da northern country grind'n it out fer ye'all.
Heerz sum photo picters uv wat wur cartin Downare.


A few sipp'n mugz

and other

My apolagies for ner bad picturs, ma needs a bedder
futogtapher machine. See'yeeall down there, MP

All you Artist Alley types say hello saturday and recieve
a free stylish accessory to help your sales. I'll have 13 of'em,
so dont miss out.

squid posted on Tue, Aug 11, 2009 7:14 PM

On 2009-08-11 19:05, mp wrote:

All you Artist Alley types say hello saturday and recieve
a free stylish accessory to help your sales. I'll have 13 of'em,
so dont miss out.

My favorite paintin'!!! Looks a might 3-D.

And I kin hardly wait to git a stylish excessery!

HAY eMPee!
It's a might bit purdy thang....

comedy gold..........

I count 32 virginias around that moai. Kinda bio tech... like Giger. Does that Moai bleed acid?


Uncle Toesy's bringin' Ma's pee-shooter to keep them pesky varmints ta skeedaddle off'n the greens.

On 2009-08-12 08:54, BigToe wrote:
Uncle Toesy's bringin' Ma's pee-shooter to keep them pesky varmints ta skeedaddle off'n the greens.

hay cuz Doot Digit!

Can we use thaat ther pee shooter to bob fer appals in da pond? er, poole?

[ Edited by: bb moondog 2009-08-12 12:44 ]

Ol' BigToad is a'bringing his BOOMSTICK!

and bb Mooneydog is a'rarin ta go!
I tells y'all This Artist Alley is gorner be ONE HIGH-FALLOOTIN JAMBOREE!

Heers some news frem JUNIOR HAGGLER...

the coffee cups are almos' DUN!
and i acts-two-ally may have thim fer O-Hay-Seed 09!
(if'n it all gets shipped in time)
Pro-dussed by Tikitees at their massive industrial printing fasilli-tee!
10 XL tees of each des-sine
AND 10 PRINTS (signed titled and numbered) of each design

Anywhoos...Here's the 4 designs...
They are Maori/Hawaiaan/Rapa Nui/Papua New Guinea

"the Friend Collector"

Kanaloa Lono Ku and Kane (Four Faces)

"the Gossips"

"the Nervous Guest"

Sooo, If they get to the hut in time.....i kin have 'em fer O-HAY-SUS!
G'wan and check 'um out at the Pappy Haggler's Bargain Barn in the Artist Alley
Fingers Crossed!

If'n thay dun get thar on time
I will do a Post-OH-HAY-SEED A-NOW-CEMENT and tell ya all the deets!

Thank ye Kindly!
See y'alls in a few days!

Looks like there's gonna be some amazing stuff in the arteets alli

Hey Dave!
Congrats on that BEST BOOTH award last year! :)


Wal it's a fack, me an' th' fellas fum th' Carvin Village will be takin on over TikiLee's Alley space. Sumpinbout an offer in Vegas he c'd not turn down, as enny fool kin plainly see. So fer a teaser of whut ah will have, ah figgerd sex sells, so how bout sum o thet! Fry mah hide!

She hain't reel, junior, so git doun!

Dang! We gots dem TEE-KEEs here in thuh Alley!
W'all i'll be Horn-Swaggled!

Billy Boy been a whittlin away!


[ Edited by: squid 2009-08-12 14:22 ]


On 2009-08-12 10:21, 4WDtiki wrote:
Wal it's a fack, me an' th' fellas fum th' Carvin Village will be takin on over TikiLee's Alley space.

There goes the hole dang nayberhud! I smell a feud a comin' on!!!

AH HAYULL..taint no THANG..I kin move it if yew WANT...just to let yer know I wuz gonner PAY UP fer one a them HIGH FALUTIN LEGIT spots but yew DOGGIES were too QUIK and I plumb ran outta TIME...Conseekwently took the VOLUNTEER mgmt. job INSTEED..believe me they are GITTIN their 50 SMACKERS worth outta me and I will be seein YEUNS and helpin out a LOT...plus as I stated that ther ARTYWERKS o'mine will be NOWHAR in site @ Oasis...but thought this was a NEUTRAL SPOT to at LEEST list its AVAILABILITY...yew all PASS YER JUDGMINT and I will abide by yer KLANS rewls

..after all..we is ALL KIN?

[ Edited by: bb moondog 2009-08-12 13:21 ]

squid posted on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 1:14 PM

Why thank ye kindly cuzzin bb! Some uthers woulda taken a fence, but you is TRUE KIN by playin by the rules! Don't fergit to come by fer that cheez sammich! And give yer Aunt Maybelle a big ol smooch fer me. That way I don't have ta feel them whiskers.

And speakin of rules, I wanna take this oppertunitee to farmiliarize y'all with the rules fer Junior's X-Treem Goofy Gawf.

1) No spittin'
2. No cussin'
3. No cheatin'
4. No feudin'
5. No tabaccy or alkyhol on the green
6. 3 strokes only then GIT!


you gorner show em thuh paddle,Paw?


Skwirrel Jar - :lol: - Y'all are killing me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

mp posted on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 1:52 PM

Alrite, beefer yer gawf game, come by n see mp for a right proper

Mustaaaaaaaaaaash! I got about 12 fern the first come,n bye.

And fer yen lady types lookin for a stylish uhssesery Ill have a few free

vintage scarf type tings. Getnum Quick. Look purty ta sell yer fixns. H A G G L E R S !!!!

Seeyall sooon.

squid posted on Wed, Aug 12, 2009 1:59 PM

On 2009-08-12 13:32, LOL Tiki wrote:
Skwirrel Jar - :lol: - Y'all are killing me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What the heck's so funny about a Skwirrel Jar? Ma treasured that jar til the day she went with the anjels. It was big enuf fer her corn liquor, 5 pickled eggs and her chaw tin. And it dubbled as a spitoon. It was speshul to that womun, I tell ya!!!

And now we're doin' Ma proud by fillin' it full of toys and critters for all the Tiki-O-Hayseeds that come and play. I think it's a real nice jeschure.

So even though you poked fun at Ma's jar, we'll still let you play Goofy Gawf just to show there ain't no hard feelin's.


spankin', huh?

I may have to haul my booty to oasis jes fer dat!

Wall, Ah'l bee! We gots some rite amazin' work a-comin to the alleey. MP, I'll be a comin by fore my purdy neckercheif, so y'all hold onta one fer me now, hear? Welcome and Howdyloha to the Carvin boys! Now no feudin - we don't want ta have ta bring in the LAW! An' I keint WAIT to play some a that goofee gowlf. I dun need no prize ennyways, but I jus might let Pap give me a spankin just fer the fun of it! YEEEE HAWWWW!

Here's another sneeky peeky at somethin real purdy now!

You saw the Tiki Bar-B-Q oven mitts yesterday, and here's the apron! More retro inspired Tiki Party kitchen goodness for the Tiki Hostess with the Mostest!

It's party time on the ol' Homstead . . . Tiki Luau illustration and silkscreening by Tobunga! Product design and sewing by Kiki!

(Lil' Blue sez that one there on the far right is none other than Kinny Ruzic!)

Got the Kiki von Tiki brand, but you should ask Eric to sign these for you! They are sure a work of art!

There's more where that came from, too! The mitts will be packaged as a set with two old-fashioned tea towels, each with a different Tiki Party design! We've got 12 sets available. The aprons are sold separately, we'll have 6 of those.

Come on by and see these for yourselves! You will LOVE how super cute these are!

W'all I'll Be!
them's some might fancy full cookin wer yew got there,Keekee!
And Tobunger's art looks like a nachral fit!
Two peas inna pod right thar!

This just In folks!



The CRAMPS!!! In Rum!!! Yes?!!!
Yer killin' me Larry!

aint nuthin but a GOREHOUND

What's up with all the country tom-foolery, I thought this was about surf city???

Many folks has bin askin' me, "Sabu - How does I find the Artist Alley wunce I gits to the Ho-Tel?"

So's I decided to post some simple diewreckshuns.

Easiest thing ta do is hop the 'ol Tiki Tram which leaves from the lobby ever 10 minnits or so's:

The Tiki Tram takes yew die-recly to the Big Teekee Kow, which everwun knows is thee Gateway To Artist Alley!

Lookie Here! It's Ma Haggler hersself, Welcumin' you to Artist Alley & the Pettin' Zoo! She's holdin' little Otter von Stroheim in her lap - a fav-rite amongst the youngins, and one of the Mascots of Tiki O-hay-sis.

An' Heer ahr the Three Otter Tenors, includin' the faymus Pavorotter, singin' all yer Favorite Songs of the Islands.

Pappy is rehearsin' the Care Bar Jamboree! The chillin's can come pet all the Care Bars at the Pettin Zoo. We got 'em all: Moonshine Bar, Feud Bar, Shingle Bar, Banjo Bar, Chitlin' Bar, and many others.

Junior is showin' the kids how to shake an iggle!

Thar's plenty of stuff fer the yungin's to do at the Pettin' Zoo.

They can feed a Baby Doe:

There's Sqwirrel-Kissin'

An' Dontcha fergit to say Howdy to Crazy Owl Evans. (He likes mice!)

..mebbe shud call it ARTIST WACKY TABACKY ROAD

[ Edited by: bb moondog 2009-08-13 06:36 ]

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