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Milana's Little Grass Shack is now completed!! Enjoy!

Pages: 1 15 replies

martini kings posted on 08/14/2009

Aloha friends - well, my wife Valerie never ceases to amaze me. She's always been into woodworking, but now she's really outdone herself!

3 months in the making, 1 major illness along the way, 2 trips to Oceanic Arts and about 100 trips to Home Depot.....and finally --- Milana's little grass shack is finished! Our 4 year old daughter is gonna love spending time in here.

There's not a thing that she didn't do entirely by herself. I basically just provided the uke accompaniment for inspiration, while sittin on my butt.

Now if I can talk my wife into building me a thatched hut recording studio....

hewey posted on 08/14/2009

Such an awesome looking hut, and we only get one pic? MORE PICS! :D

Wayfarer posted on 08/15/2009

That looks great, reminds me of McHale's Island, where do you hitch up the PT boat?

beadtiki posted on 08/16/2009

You gonna rent that out to the general public? I'd live there!

woofmutt posted on 08/16/2009

That's just beautiful.

Once again I'm happy to discover the eye for detail people on Tiki Central have and the desire to see a project done in an exceptional manner.

Of course your problem now is your missus did this for your four year old...The bar has been set pretty high for future projects.

TikiPops posted on 08/18/2009

Tony & Valerie,
It was nice meeting you at Amy's party on Friday night. My wife & I had only viewed Milana's little grass shack on my blackberry screen. Now that we have viewed it on a bigger screen you can really see all the detail. Valerie did an awesome job.

Mike & Karen

little lost tiki posted on 08/19/2009


Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/19/2009

I wanna move in!

TikiMango posted on 08/19/2009

Nice work! And think, if you ever end up in the "dog house" it's a pretty swank place to be.

Sophista-tiki posted on 08/19/2009

I want one

Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 08/20/2009

How neat is that?! Milana's got some cool folks!


Koitiki posted on 08/23/2009

Love it! Anything cool inside to show pics of?

VampiressRN posted on 08/24/2009

WOW!!! That is fabulous...your wife is quite a talent. I'm lucky if I can file my nails evenly. What a great accomplishment. Would love to see the inside...wink wink. :)

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/24/2009

That is really great and she did it all by herself, wow! it looks great and another cool addition to the yard.


Big B posted on 08/25/2009

This is awesome ... ive got to build my boy one of these !!!!

Robb Hamel posted on 08/25/2009

Absolutely gorgeous.

Sorry to hear about the major illness. I hope all is well now.

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