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Trader Vic's, Dallas, TX (restaurant)

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I was in recently after a long long absence and the music definitely improved during my groups visit! I've also noticed they've been updating their facebook and twitter pages more frequently and responding to complaints and suggestions. Looks like they are finally listening :) Don't know the fb and twit links, got it off the new website.


[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-01-22 22:36 ]

I am all for educating the public, and against sinking to the level of the public's ignorance, as the media likes to do (case in point: reality shows), but we ARE a minority. Do you know how many average Joes dining or drinking at the place might have complained about that "weird elevator muzak" being piped in? Maybe little table cards with an alluring Exotica girl on them, and a brief text a la "You are listening to EXOTICA, a musical genre that originated in Hawaii as the perfect complement to the tropical environs...." would enlighten people.

For you and me it all comes together when we enter an authentic Tiki bar and Exotica are playing (AND the cocktails are done right!), but IF the general customer notices the music, I doubt he/she can make that leap of faith from today's pop music to Mr. Denny and Co. And management has to go for the majority to survive.

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that we are running a promotion on Facebook. If we get to 5000 fans by the end of the year, we're going to give one fan a fully paid private party for 50! I've included the link to our page below. Also, we wanted to thank all the enthusiast here for your tiki love and honesty! This forum and others like it are a great insight for us. Please keep sharing what you love about the place and even what you love less.

Thanks again!



The iPod with the Exotica / Hawaiian music on it was stolen...that's why it hasn't been playing lately.

Folks...especially locals...we need to support this place as much as we can. The clock is ticking...

That sucks! The same thing happened to mine, at my house, at my son's 17th birthday party. Those things are just to easy to slip into the pocket. And not that cheap to be easily replaced.

GROG posted on Sun, Nov 22, 2009 10:15 AM

On 2009-11-20 08:07, Trader_Vic's_Dallas wrote:
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that we are running a promotion on Facebook. If we get to 5000 fans by the end of the year, we're going to give one fan a fully paid private party for 50! I've included the link to our page below. Also, we wanted to thank all the enthusiast here for your tiki love and honesty! This forum and others like it are a great insight for us. Please keep sharing what you love about the place and even what you love less.

Thanks again!


Hey, that's nice that T-Vics Dallas is concerned enough to join Tiki Central and to read our comments. Kudos.


On 2009-11-19 13:55, Pablofiesta wrote:
I was in recently after a long long absence and the music definitely improved during my groups visit! I've also noticed they've been updating their facebook and twitter pages more frequently and responding to complaints and suggestions. Looks like they are finally listening :) Don't know the fb and twit links, got it off the new website.

Umm just called to make Brunch reservs and was told they're not serving Brunch anymore :( Wha' happened? I really wanted to try it too.


On 2009-12-19 15:02, TxTikiGirl wrote:
Umm just called to make Brunch reservs and was told they're not serving Brunch anymore :( Wha' happened? I really wanted to try it too.

I never got to try it either. It only lasted about six weeks and wasn't a big success. Heard it was good though.


[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-11-22 15:54 ]

Fantastic A-Frame entrance, fantastic car, fantastic tiki, fantastic couple. This photo has so many things working in its favor. Thanks for sharing it.

On 2009-11-22 10:15, GROG wrote:

On 2009-11-20 08:07, Trader_Vic's_Dallas wrote:
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that we are running a promotion on Facebook. If we get to 5000 fans by the end of the year, we're going to give one fan a fully paid private party for 50! I've included the link to our page below. Also, we wanted to thank all the enthusiast here for your tiki love and honesty! This forum and others like it are a great insight for us. Please keep sharing what you love about the place and even what you love less.

Thanks again!


Hey, that's nice that T-Vics Dallas is concerned enough to join Tiki Central and to read our comments. Kudos.

Okay, I did the fan thango!

Nice pics Kenike! Was that an article about the opening?



On 2009-12-22 22:54, Grand Kahu wrote:
Nice pics Kenike! Was that an article about the opening?


The newspaper scan was. The other b&w pics came from a scan of some promo material for the Hilton.

Here's the entry again as it looked in 2003:

This was eventually torn down and the front of the building extended so they could squeeze in some condos right on top.

[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-01-22 22:24 ]

Wow, the A-frame was torn down THAT recently !? Sigh. :(

Great pics, I am glad you found that B&W. The A-frame looks most imposing shot with a wide angle lens...and very Japanese in style, actually. Do you know who designed it?

I worked on the color version a little to improve contrast and color:

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2009-12-24 08:09 ]

So just went to Trader Vic's and it's closed. A note on the door said they're closed so they can spruce the place up and to watch the website for details. Ummm define sprucing? Should I be nervous?

Hey all...or should I say aloha?

Been lurking around for a while (okay, quite a while) but never took the plunge and registered until now.

My wife and I have loved the Dallas Trader Vic's location since it re-opened its doors a few years back. In fact, we got engaged there! There have been some ups and downs with the location, but overall, its been great.

But to the point: I have some info that I thought you all might be interested it. As far as the question of whether or not we tiki fans should be concerned about the "sprucing up" of the Dallas location, from what I've heard, I would say the answer is yes and no. Dallas had an uncharacteristically cold run of days last week and apparently the weather caused a pipe to burst at the TV Dallas location. My sister went for some Mai Tais on Saturday and there was a sign on the door to this effect. She said that there was ice in the parking lot that seemed to be caused by the burst pipe, so it sounds like the damage may be pretty extensive. I talked with a friend of mine that works at the Hotel Palomar, and he said he was not sure how bad the damage was but was able to confirm that the flooding had been pretty serious. He did say that the cleaners were already at work. I called trader Vic's earlier today and their voicemail message states they will be closed for two weeks or so while they "spruce up," just as the sign said. So, "sprucing up" seems not to mean "screwing up everything cool about Trader Vic's" as some (including myself) may have feared. Instead, it seems to mean, salvaging the greatness that is TV Dallas from the floodwaters (though that might be a bit dramatic). Here's hoping that the water damage isn't too bad and that the management won't be forced to do much remodeling, both because it would be such a shame to lose all of those Poly-pop historical artifacts, and also so that TV Dallas will be up and running real soon. I need a Mai Tai, darn it! Reggae music or no (and I agree that Martin Denny would be 10x better) Trader Vic's is still by far the coolest bar in town. Let's hope they stick around for a long time.


Thank you for clearing that up, David, the Dallas Trader is one of the last classic Vic's left in the U.S., and one never knows when this slow economy calls its next victim. I sure hope the flooding didn't mess up any vintage parts.


On 2010-01-11 22:27, DavidAfshar wrote:

So, "sprucing up" seems not to mean "screwing up everything cool about Trader Vic's" as some (including myself) may have feared. Instead, it seems to mean, salvaging the greatness that is TV Dallas from the floodwaters (though that might be a bit dramatic). Here's hoping that the water damage isn't too bad and that the management won't be forced to do much remodeling, both because it would be such a shame to lose all of those Poly-pop historical artifacts, and also so that TV Dallas will be up and running real soon.

Welcome David and thanks for that valuable info.

The water damage was minimal and only affected a small area, but they DID have to close because of it. However, the "sprucing" they mention on the sign is referring to the new "tropical island grill" concept that other TV's have been experimenting with. Details right now are quite sketchy, but I do know there is some "remodeling" involved, which in essence means decor changes. That's basically all I know at the moment.

We got to see the interior one more time last night. I made a personal plea to Rusty (TV consultant) since Tiki Kiliki was in town to let us have a look and he opened the doors and let us tour the place. Stupidly, I didn't bring my camera to document this somewhat historic event...the creator of the Hukilau is appropriately one of the last to see the "old" Dallas Trader Vic's...and Koitiki and I got to say our goodbyes to TV.

On a personal note, I said my farewells the last several times I visited because I was sure they weren't going to be open the next time I came. This new business model is one I'm unfamiliar with, but I've heard nothing but bad things about it. We'll see what it is when/if they reopen, but I think it's fair to say the old Dallas location that's been intact since 1967 won't be the same after this. It's sad but not surprising. Luckily I've prepared myself for this moment long in advance.

Of course, all of this could change tomorrow. The surprises at Dallas Trader Vic's never stop coming. Maybe they'll reopen in 2 weeks with just a menu change. Who knows??

[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-01-22 22:28 ]

Wow. Up and down and up and down we go, I'm gettin' dizzy....

Sad situation.....sad...sad....sad !!

But it is a reality we have to face. I am sometimes wondering: It being obvious that the general public, especially in non-traditional Tiki states, is not aware of Tiki culture, and is lacking the contemporary context that once was there in the 50s and 60s, does it go beyond the fact that they do not have the "education" that it takes to understand the style, but do they actually feel alienated in an environment that they cannot place anywhere, that does not relate to the world they know? Does it actually make them feel "uncomfortable" because of that?
Why does this style that feels so cozy, so wonderfully entertaining and escapist to us, not create the same reaction in more members of the working public?

I realize that Trader Vic's prices are not conducive to this economic climate, and that location plays a large part in the popularity of a place, but there are pricey, off the beaten path restaurants that do not have to struggle even today. Another reality is that of the short-livedness of the restaurant industry, concepts get old VERY fast. Tradition does only count to a few in this country.

Thanks for the welcome and thanks for clearing up some of my (mis)information. Boy, will the ups and downs with Trader Vic's Dallas ever stop? In the space of 24 hours I was freaked they would be ruining the location, relieved that they just had to do some minor repairs, and now...well, I'm not sure what to think. "Tropical Island Grill" huh? Sounds like perhaps the upscale retro swankiness will be gone???? Should I be expecting Luau burgers instead of Crispy Duck????

It's really too bad that TV's seem to think they have to redecorate (no matter how lightly). Of all of the people I've turned on to the place (the vast majority of whom would not know what a tiki is if it bit them you-know-where), the first thing they mention about the place is how cool it looks. Some have complained about the price-point, and at times the food was a bit off for others (though it has improved greatly), but I've never heard anyone complain about the vibe of the place. Not once.

I've never run a restaurant, so I have no leg to stand on, but it seems to me that TV Dallas just doesn't know what to do with themselves. It seems every other week they're changing something around. Perhaps the renovations will not be as extensive as I (and I'm sure all of you) fear and this "Tropical Island Grill" concept will be the thing that sticks and keeps this great time capsule of a location alive for years to come. I'm hopeful--but God! they're giving me an anxiety attack over this stuff! Maybe I just need to whip up some Mai Tais to take the edge off :)


THANK YOU for posting all the Dallas Trader Vic's shots. So glad we could all meet on New Year's Eve and bring in 2010.

Bummer, I went last Saturday and felt like I couldn't get into Disneyland. Was going to go back this weekend.... thanks for the heads up guys.

I wonder if the "repairs and sprucing up" will include re-hanging those upside-down doors in the entry? :down:

(Image rotated :down:)

Haaaa! I never knew that! With this, Dallas TV's joins other illustrious places in displaying upside down Tikis, like the Bali Hai and Sam's Seafood/Kona.


When they reopened in 2007, those doors were mounted to the wall. They are actually the third set of doors to go through to get in with the second set usually propped open. When the cold breeze became too much for people trying to eat/drink, they put the doors back up but upside-down. The tiki people noticed the mistake immediately but TV never bothered to fix it.

And I seriously doubt the "sprucing up" will include turning the doors...if no one cared for almost 3 years why would anyone care now? I say we volunteer to fix it ourselves...if they ever reopen.

Well we might just have the mystic answer to this location's up and dpwn fortunes here: Hanging an ancestor carving pointing DOWN is bad mojo! :D


I left my comment.


On 2010-01-12 12:23, bigbrotiki wrote:
... but do they actually feel alienated in an environment that they cannot place anywhere, that does not relate to the world they know? Does it actually make them feel "uncomfortable" because of that?
Why does this style that feels so cozy, so wonderfully entertaining and escapist to us, not create the same reaction in more members of the working public?

Thanks bigbro - been thinking lots about this lately. I dont think they feel alienated, I think it's more about the price point and upscale/formal service. I think people feel more at home in the bar where there are no tablecloths and they feel they can get more roudy. The space plan in Dallas is very segragated with no energy from the bar spilling into the dining area. This i feel is also a big problem.


oh - and regarding the upside down entry doors. this happened because codes have changed and the doors previously swung in. When we removed them and mounted them fixed I believe they were correct. When they rehung them due to the cold winds, they would have needed a carpenter to rework the mortise for the hinges so they could open out as required for fire codes. just my educated guess. (and probably the waiter they told to do it didnt even realize they were upside down).


On 2010-01-22 18:26, tikiarch wrote:
oh - and regarding the upside down entry doors. this happened because codes have changed and the doors previously swung in. When we removed them and mounted them fixed I believe they were correct. When they rehung them due to the cold winds, they would have needed a carpenter to rework the mortise for the hinges so they could open out as required for fire codes. just my educated guess. (and probably the waiter they told to do it didnt even realize they were upside down).

Makes sense, Tikiarch. Not being up to code never even occurred to me.

[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-01-23 12:02 ]

Hanging them upside down would not change the swing from in to out (but hanging them inside out would), but yes, one would have to change the mortises to reverse the hinges.

I have to agree something is lost in the restaurant in its separation from the bar, but so much of it seems about the challenges of a fine dining restaurant at that price point (the white tablecloth restaurant, as you note). Dallas has lots of excellent restaurants at their old price point - and for that level, everything has to click well. It's not just about the quality of the menu. I do think a more casual menu would far much better IF it were both good and unique enough to draw attention and customers.

Big ifs in a difficult market.


They can't be closed...you can now buy gift certificates cheap!

On second thought, maybe that's why.



I think it's time to move on to Phase II of the Dallas Trader Vic's story...and that is preserving it's memory.

I've amassed a whole bunch of pictures, ads, newspaper articles, internal correspondences and some just plain strange paper ephemera from the "old" Trader Vic's that opened in 1967 and closed in 1989. It's amazing what seemingly useless paper people leave lying around in a box in a closet can resurface 30+ years later and give us new insight into the whole story...

(some of these news articles may be hard to read...try magnifying your computer screen)

So let's start with the very first mention of Trader Vic's coming to Dallas. This is a newspaper article from August, 1964.

But construction didn't actually begin for over a year. The ground breaking ceremony was announced in this article from 10/22/65. Vic himself attended this event. This was, after all, going to be the BIGGEST Hilton Inn, and Trader Vic's was putting at least half a million into their newest restaurant. Of course he's gonna be there...

AND, interestingly enough, there ALREADY WAS a locally owned "Trader Vic's" in Dallas that had been in operation since 1962, but not the Polynesian Vic's. In May of 1967, a month after the new Trader Vic's in Dallas opened, they had to stop using the name.

Here once again is the original Dallas Trader Vic's, complete with the Barney West moai out front.

Truly a sight in Dallas. At this time Dallas also had Ports O'Call across town and also Dobbs House Luau at the airport not far from Trader Vic's. 67-74 was definitely the heyday of Dallas tiki, and Trader Vic's stood at the top.

[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-08-31 16:10 ]

Fantastic research and documentation Kenike!

Thanks for the excellent work.



On 2010-01-26 19:47, ZuluMagoo wrote:
Fantastic research and documentation Kenike!

Thanks for the excellent work.


Thanks very much Zulu. I'm certainly glad you visited when you did. They closed 8 days later.

[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-08-31 16:11 ]

1974 ad, from the Sunday newspaper weekend guide:

Was re-reading the May, 2005 article from the Dallas Business Journal, about the plans to reopen Trader Vic's
Trader Vic's set for Dallas revival

Alas, note the opinion of Matthew Mabel (a local restaurant management consultant):

Matthew Mabel, president of Surrender Inc., is skeptical that Trader Vic's will be able to sustain a successful volume of diners in a market he calls "the hotbed for proving every restaurant in America."

"Trader Vic's is a dated concept that works well in hotel concepts around the world," Mabel said. "While it will probably have an initial retro/kitsch appeal, it is going to be a stretch in the Dallas dining market.

"There are so many aggressive concepts coming, and '60s nostalgia does not run rampant among the dining-out crowd."

Wow, what an opulent repast! I especially like that they offer LOG !!! http://www.snotr.com/video/228

Oh, and in those first buffet photos: I would have gingerly served myself with all those table top Barney West Tikis! :)


On 2010-01-27 09:38, bigbrotiki wrote:
Wow, what an opulent repast! I especially like that they offer LOG !!! http://www.snotr.com/video/228

Yeah, what's the deal with all the logs? There's a wood fire oven nearby...maybe they needed extra table filler? Not enough bananas?

On 2010-01-27 09:38, bigbrotiki wrote:
Oh, and in those first buffet photos: I would have gingerly served myself with all those table top Barney West Tikis! :)

Didn't realize those were Barney West. Wow.

[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-01-31 16:45 ]


On 2010-01-27 09:15, Limbo Lizard wrote:

Alas, note the opinion of Matthew Mabel (a local restaurant management consultant):

Matthew Mabel, president of Surrender Inc., is skeptical that Trader Vic's will be able to sustain a successful volume of diners in a market he calls "the hotbed for proving every restaurant in America."

"Trader Vic's is a dated concept that works well in hotel concepts around the world," Mabel said. "While it will probably have an initial retro/kitsch appeal, it is going to be a stretch in the Dallas dining market.

"There are so many aggressive concepts coming, and '60s nostalgia does not run rampant among the dining-out crowd."

But they never played up the 60's nostalgia angle. They tried to be just like everybody else and still failed. Who knows if it would have worked? I think if they really tried to set themselves apart from everybody else they would have been more successful...instead they did the opposite. I can drink beer and watch football and listen to disco ANYWHERE. Who knows how long it would have lasted? Longer than 2 years and 9 months perhaps?

Thanks for pulling out that quote. Puts things in perspective now.

Trader Vic's Dallas isn't listed as a location on the main Trader Vic's website. Just sayin' :(

....and when are we going to loot the place?

Kenike posted on Wed, Feb 3, 2010 3:29 PM

A buffet pic....they were proud of 'em!

Date unknown on this one, too. Judging from the haircuts of the guys in the back, late 70's maybe?

This appears to have been taken at an unfinished part of a building where it looks like temporary shuttle stops were set up....just a guess...but if it's right I hope they moved the table before the busses came. Maybe it was a job fair? "Service Station" sounds very generic for a place of business.

The two suits on the far left are drinking out of coconut mugs and hanging out by the hot dishes. The ice sculpture is back as well as the tikis (Barney West?). The rum barrel on the right is being used to dispense red sauce as can be seen by the sauce someone spilled on the side of it.

Another opulent spread. Sadly missing is the tapa table skirt and another serving of log!

On second thought, that might be the tapa table skirt spread around the plant. I can see the steam rising from the crab rangoon...or maybe they are egg rolls. Hard to tell.

[ Edited by: Kenike 2010-08-31 16:11 ]

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