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37 new Trader Vic's locations opening (1 in US)

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Trad'r Bill posted on 09/14/2009

From the revamped TV website: http://tradervics.com/locations/newlocations.html

That is a sh*tload of locations... I guess the new-ish TV's CEO Robert Davies is really earning his paycheck... I want to go to the ones in the Caribbean.

Trad'r Bill

Thanks AlienTiki - I think you're right about Kansas (corrected) :)

[ Edited by: Trad'r Bill 2009-09-14 00:33 ]

AlienTiki posted on 09/14/2009

Kansas is still part of the US there Trad'r.

Trader Magnus posted on 09/14/2009

Cool, fingers crossed that one will open in Sweden soon. :)

Bora Boris posted on 09/14/2009

No new ones in Asia, only 4 are left there now. I gotta get off my ass and go over there.

atomictonytiki posted on 09/14/2009

Three new Trader Vic's in England, do you think the Manchester one will be co-owned by the Gallagher brothers?

MrBaliHai posted on 09/14/2009

Interesting how many of those are in Saudi and other Muslim countries that don't drink alcohol. I would think that tikis and non-abstract artwork featuring human representations might be problematic as well.

virani posted on 09/14/2009

Still none in France :(
Or Italy, Belgium, Switz...

Unga Bunga posted on 09/14/2009

I have been to Ireland three times and never found anything Tiki.

skeeter posted on 09/14/2009

What happened to DC?

Beach Bum Scott posted on 09/14/2009

Kansas City had a Trader Vic's. In was in the Crown Center Hotel on the Missouri side.
I used to take dates there, made them feel special way back in High School!!!

nuKKe posted on 09/14/2009

Aqaba! that's right near Eilat, way less of a hassle to get there! I believe I'll have better luck getting G to visit there than Amman or Cairo.

Sadly, Tel Aviv is not ready for TV.

JOHN-O posted on 09/14/2009

Wow, maybe Trader Vic's should rename the franchise name to McTiki's.

blue.octopus posted on 09/14/2009

Wow! we'll be able to do a Tiki Road trip in the UK soon.

Limbo Lizard posted on 09/15/2009

On 2009-09-14 05:27, MrBaliHai wrote:
"Interesting how many of those are in Saudi and other Muslim countries that don't drink alcohol. I would think that tikis and non-abstract artwork featuring human representations might be problematic as well."

Yeah, I've wondered about that, myself, for a while. Trader Vic's were closing all over the U.S., and opening right and left in Dubai, etc. Especially wonder about Saudi Arabia. Spare ribs and a Mai Tai, under the grimacing visage of Lono? Uh, some folks are rather... adamant about that sort of thing in Saudi, aren't they?

MrBaliHai posted on 09/15/2009

On 2009-09-14 17:55, Limbo Lizard wrote:

On 2009-09-14 05:27, MrBaliHai wrote:
"Interesting how many of those are in Saudi and other Muslim countries that don't drink alcohol. I would think that tikis and non-abstract artwork featuring human representations might be problematic as well."

Yeah, I've wondered about that, myself, for a while. Trader Vic's were closing all over the U.S., and opening right and left in Dubai, etc. Especially wonder about Saudi Arabia. Spare ribs and a Mai Tai, under the grimacing visage of Lono? Uh, some folks are rather... adamant about that sort of thing in Saudi, aren't they?

As the defenders of the Hajj, the Vic's in Saudi definitely won't be serving any pork or alcohol. Don't know about Lono, but he's probably Tiki non grata as well.

I lived in Kuwait and Dubai back in the Sixties, and there are Western-only zones and clubs where liquor can be served and consumed. My parents spent a lot of time there!...:)

Unga Bunga posted on 11/03/2009

On 2009-09-14 10:19, Unga Bunga wrote:
I have been to Ireland three times and never found anything Tiki.

It's going to be a Mai Tai Lounge.
It looks like Vic's is "selling out".

Trader Vic's Mai Tai Lounge

telescopes posted on 11/03/2009

On 2009-11-03 13:12, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2009-09-14 10:19, Unga Bunga wrote:
I have been to Ireland three times and never found anything Tiki.

It's going to be a Mai Tai Lounge.
It looks like Vic's is "selling out".

Trader Vic's Mai Tai Lounge

How about "staying open".

cathuna posted on 11/15/2009

None in Scotland. England gets all the stuff. sigh

dash posted on 11/22/2009

i just got back from st. lucia, i asked about trader vics opening and nobody i asked had heard about it.

atomictonytiki posted on 11/23/2009

Oh I don't know but I heard a whisper of a sniff of a suggestion that one city in Scotland might be getting a tiki bar possibly in the near-ish future.

cathuna posted on 11/24/2009

Wowowowow - a tiki bar in Scotland?! Hope this is true. I'm not bothered if it's not Trader Vic's - non-chains are better anyways.

Looks like Manchester is a real tiki hub in northern England now! I used to live so close to Manc too!

SilverLine posted on 11/25/2009

The Trader Vic's at Corbin Park (Kansas City, KS) has been in the works for about three years now. In fact, they were supposed to open this time last year. Nothing as yet, and I'd given up on it. Maybe . .

donhonyc posted on 11/25/2009

Kansas City? What? How about New York City! C'mon!!!!

SilverLine posted on 11/25/2009

On 2009-11-25 07:19, donhonyc wrote:
Kansas City? What? How about New York City! C'mon!!!!

Yeah, I know. But it's all about demographics and taxes. This is from the Market Overview section of the Corbin Park website:

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/25/2009

Trader Vic's .....whats the problem!?

leleliz posted on 11/25/2009

On 2009-11-25 11:40, TIKIVILLE wrote:
Trader Vic's .....whats the problem!?

Canada=America's Little Hat

TIKIVILLE posted on 11/25/2009

AMERICA=CANADAS tight shirt lol
( you do know we have a larger land mass dont you ?)

icebaer69 posted on 12/16/2009

i´m afraid this list is pure illusion/wishful thinking ...

... they failed in places like BERLIN und LAS VEGAS ...

... and think they can make it in some places which are even too ridiculous
to mention - at least in context with opening a TRADER VICS there !

Trader Woody posted on 12/19/2009

Sweeeeeeet! I only just noticed this.

First I saw Birmingham and thought, "Great, but it's in a shithole".
Then Leeds and thought "Woah....striking distance!"
Finally Manchester and that just about blew my bags.

What amazing, totally unexpected news!

Trader Woody

PS Have faith my Scottish friends. It looks like the Tiki resurgence is travelling rapidly northwards!

Trader Bob posted on 12/21/2009

What about Australia, a Trader Vic's would kill it down here!

SilverLine posted on 01/13/2010

Looks like you can scrap the Overland Park, Kansas location from the list for good. After over a year of NOTHING happening at the construction hole the developer has just filed for Chap. 11 bankruptcy. It may still happen, but then again, monkeys may fly out of my butt.

Trader Magnus posted on 08/04/2010

I wonder what happened with the previously announced bars, it seems like some of them - for example all UK bars - have disappeared from the list of future locations...

old list:

new list:


[ Edited by: Trader Magnus 2010-08-04 06:44 ]

TikiMonkey posted on 05/24/2011

Anyone have more news on Trader Vic's opening in Kansas City? I'm guessing it's dead in the water by now. So much for getting my hopes up :(

arriano posted on 05/24/2011

I'm guessing the recession has squashed a lot of these. Seems odd to me that Trader Vic's would have announced these locations before they were under construction.

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 03/29/2012

The "Upcoming Locations" list now has:
Baku, Azerbaijan
Barbados, Caribbean
Doha, Qatar
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Festival City, Dubai
Papua New Guinea

Mai Tai Lounge:
Baku, Azerbaijan
Barbados, Caribbean
Cabarete, Dominican Republic
Odessa, Ukraine
Mumbia, India

(Not of interest here, but just to complete the list, there's also a Senor Pico's in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

TIKIWAGON posted on 03/29/2012

All very well but i hope the original in london is not affected by all this expansion,Looks like they are cashing in on all the bars cheekytiki have done over here

Pikeys Dog posted on 03/29/2012

It looks like the three English locations have been dropped.

Shame, as Manchester would have been the most 'Tiki' location outside of the West coast with three tiki Bars.

porco posted on 12/19/2012
Pittsburgh pauly posted on 03/06/2013

Just noticed these locations on TV website:

Trader Vic's,
Mai Tai Lounge
Opening in 2013
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

Trader Vic's, Erbil
Opening in 2013
Golan Street
Erbil, Kurdistan

Hale Tiki posted on 03/06/2013

Here's to hoping we see this soon!

Trader Vic's
Opening in 2014
6000 Penn Ave
Pittsburgh, PA

tikiskip posted on 03/06/2013

How sad that this American company (is it still?)
is closing locations in America, and has no plans to build
here in the near future.
But does have plans for other locations outside of the USA.

I can only HOPE for CHANGE in the future of this kind of dismissing
Of the need here in the land that Trader Vic's was started, and other American companies
need to try and build our economy.
Sure Americas economy sucks now but it won't get better if this keeps going on.
We can go to these locations while on vacation ( and it looks like that's what they are going for)
but if this keeps up Americans won't be able to aford it.
I would guess that it is much less of a pain to open in other countries as it has
become very hard to do business here, and won't get better for some time now.

Come on Trader Vic's don't forget who brought you to the party.

Hale Tiki posted on 03/06/2013

Someone get the Ghost of Victor Bergeron on that, a-sap.

lunavideogames posted on 03/06/2013

Sadly, they haven't been an American company for quite some time. I do agree that it would be great for all of us if the US economy was doing better!

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 03/06/2013

Actually the Corporation is still owned and operated by the family. However, all locations, other than the family owned flagship location in Emeryville, are franchises...

Whether locations open or close domestically or internationally is dependent on economics and the vision/passion of the franchisees...

bigbrotiki posted on 03/06/2013

Case in point: The Hamburg Vic's just closed because the Radisson Hotel management felt it looked...get this.... "too 80s" ! :lol:

Sunshine Tiki posted on 03/07/2013

In the last few years I have been to a few of the locations in the US. I visited the Vegas location, it was a tragedy. Should have never opened. Tried to visit the Chicago location, but even though their website said they were open and their phone lines said they were open, they were closed for good. While visiting two other California locations I had service so bad I walked out mid meal and refused to pay on one visit. In each case I did try to speak with management and or corporate. No guest service was offered.

Their rum and food items change labels and packaging so often Im not sure what to look for on the store shelf. The signature dark rum is pretty bad, but I still have a soft place in my heart for their hot buttered rum batter.

Aside from the pool bar at the Beverly Hilton which seems to have good drinks and good service....it is no wonder the company closes locations so randomly. I would love to see their organization figure out what leadership/management is but that doesn't appear to be happening.

Am I missing something?

TropicDrinkBoy posted on 03/07/2013

You are missing Trader Vic's Emeryville, the "Mother Ship". It is the only location owned by Trader Vic's, Inc. The now closed Palo Alto location was excellent as well.

bigbrotiki posted on 03/07/2013

On 2013-03-06 17:08, Sunshine Tiki wrote:
....While visiting two other California locations I had service so bad I walked out mid meal and refused to pay on one visit. In each case I did try to speak with management and or corporate. No guest service was offered...

Am I missing something?

You are missing Zen and sunshine :D

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