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by bai

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TikiMango posted on 02/07/2010

Amazing stuff Bai! Each piece is a work of art, and total perfection.

benella posted on 02/11/2010

On 2010-02-05 07:24, laojia wrote:

On 2010-02-05 06:49, Bowana wrote:

Sacre bleu!

I would say even more: Ventre Saint Gris!


J'aurais dit :o La classe :o


Tiki Baï posted on 02/16/2010

Thanks everybody :) feel soooo worm with all these really nice comments.. :)
the weather in France is just freaking cold!
I guess it's because of the french winter makes me want to fly over the ocean. :wink:
I made this one: Haka

and some ashtrays:

I made the peanut bob lamp also ( just a little word for the people who would like the peanut bob mug : I will made some in a few week... so please PM me just for let me know how many I need to do... thank you)

and this one is not finish yet : actually I made this one few month ago... and I saw that tiki farm made one and "disney"? I didn't know that... but I guess sometime we all have the some idea comes in the same moment :) .. (still hope you anderstand my english :P)

Mahalo to everybody who comes visit my post.

[ Edited by: tiki bai 2010-02-16 03:27 ]

Babalu posted on 02/16/2010

Very nice Bai!!...Yes, to heck with that cold weather...hop on a plane and come on over here :)

bigbrotiki posted on 02/16/2010

Hi Bai! Good to see you are at it again. Even your simplest work, like those ashtrays, is real eye candy! One day I am gonna own a Bai mug!

I am hoping to work in your home town again this summer. And by then I might be able to share exciting news for local Tikiphiles (the two that are there :) ) of something on the horizon, which, even if still in the far future, might be the proper forum for your talents.

leleliz posted on 02/16/2010

Oh Bai fantastic as always!!

little lost tiki posted on 02/16/2010

Love love love that Haka,Bai!
the ashtrays are sweet
and that Peanut Bob lamp is so ingenius!
i like your bowl the best!
YOU are on FIRE!

tobunga posted on 02/22/2010

I love how you can see the bottom of Haka's feet on the back of the mug! Cool! Awesome bowl, too! In (very) general shape, it's similar to the Disney TIki Room bowl, but it is completely, totally, uniquely BAI!!!

Monkeyman posted on 02/24/2010

Im sure Im not the first to think this.... but why dont you get hooked up with one of the mug manufacturers and get a few designs replicated?

Yours is such wonderful work and so well executed you seem like a prime candidate for a run of 200-300 mugs from a few of your more popular designs.

beadtiki posted on 02/24/2010

I love it all but I was just thinking the other day how no one makes ashtrays anymore! I LOVE them! Nice work!

TIKI-TONGA posted on 02/25/2010

On 2010-02-24 10:38, Monkeyman wrote:
Im sure Im not the first to think this.... but why dont you get hooked up with one of the mug manufacturers and get a few designs replicated?

Yours is such wonderful work and so well executed you seem like a prime candidate for a run of 200-300 mugs from a few of your more popular designs.

I'm right there with ya Monkeyman! I especially like the KavaKava Man mug and of course I'm partial to the Tiki Tonga. Baï for the masses.

Tiki Baï posted on 03/09/2010

spring's coming... :)
even the weather still really cold. the sun found Paris on his way...FINALLY!!! :wink:
You know.. it's hard to find some other words to say "thank you"... :) I feel like my english is really poor.. and i just have this little shy "thank's" .. but be sure, all of you that I really appreciate every each comment you make. Actually even I don't come everytime on TC...and ifI don't feel good... I just have to come visit TC.. and it makes me feel like to be in a great party! :) THANK YOU!

ok çà c'est dit. :) les français comprendront

Babalu: you are my inspiration :wink: and the fabulous idea of squid with the "pork" makes in evidence your incredible talent. :)
Bigbrotiki : I'm very excited about this mysterious news... ???!!!!!!!! did you know about our exhibition in may? (u should go on facebook ) :wink:
Leleliz: You are so sweet. :) you always make my day with your nice encouragement. (special Thanks)
Ken: I MISS YOU!!!!!!
Tabunga: thank you (feel so stupid with this 2 words now :D ) but anyway... I really appreciate your support! hug!
beadtiki : actually I was thinking about that since a long time...(the ashtray) but since I don't see a lot of artist doing it.. I thought maybe it was because it's an "insitation" to people to smoke...? I don't know... but I think I will develop this way anyway... and the ashtray can be used for anything else at least... :wink:
Monkeyman and Tiki tonga : You both put the finger in my biggest problem here. Actually I don't know how to create a mold. I've tryed several time to find somebody in France who can make it for me... but I don't understand why... the price for a mold and a serie are so expensive here. and even I find somebody in other country... the less command would be 300 mugs! I don't know if I can sale such many mugs!! and even If I do... wich one to choose? That's why I'm very impress about some artist here who can guess wich mug they gonna do on serie. it's like a "lotery".
I think I would be more confortable to work with a big "structure" because by my own.. it's to risky.
SO..... now let see what I've done lately...

Remeber this one?... so the approche for glazing it.. was how to make him very old... kind like "antique" . I've be working a lot on this one.

and here is the wahine lamp.
(I aloso create the shade on this.

the fisher. even it probably doesn't look like... this one is a mug. I would say a combination between a mug and a sculpture. I really had fun with this one. :)

and here some next creation in the kiln right know:

Have a happy tiki day :)

virani posted on 03/09/2010

My goodness I love the fisher. And that lamp, wow. Can't wait to see those in person.

little lost tiki posted on 03/09/2010

Yet another Excellent Batch!
the wahine lamp and shade are elegant and primitive and fun all rolled up into one!
but the fisher.......so sweet...so beautiful....
His little headdress/helmet
his soft gentle eyes
the shells and feathers and fish float....
and the wee little bird on the prow....
You're Queen Midas
with a Golden Touch
and Smile!
Miss you too!

GROG posted on 03/09/2010

:) YAY!!! :)

teaKEY posted on 03/09/2010


laojia posted on 03/10/2010

On 2010-03-09 01:55, Tiki Baï wrote:

the fisher. even it probably doesn't look like... this one is a mug. I would say a combination between a mug and a sculpture. I really had fun with this one. :)

and here some next creation in the kiln right know:

WOW! The collection growing up! Is there going to be electrical outlets for all these lights? :roll:
The fisher is very good but where he have lost his paddle? :P
And the "non-kilning" créations are promising...

Very very good job Baï! Congrats!


[ Edited by: laojia 2010-03-09 21:05 ]

flynny posted on 03/10/2010

I'm lovin the Coconut Aloha piece

Tiki Diablo posted on 03/10/2010

Love your work. Beauts!

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GO TIKI posted on 03/11/2010

Very, Very, Well done, I make ceramic art myself, I think your work is amongst the best out there, Cheers to you! Gogo

Tiki Baï posted on 03/22/2010

T**** U :D :D

so this is a message for everybody......
If by any chance you are coming in Paris... in May...
please come visit us! :)


this gonna be just.... GREAT!!!! :)


now we have a big pressure for that even :wink: let's say you are allllll coming :) we have to welcome you with honor!

ok.. let's work...
so here is Chita
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the aloha coco
(dont try to turn your head to look.. the coconut is already foible...(de travers in french) like a coconuts are.. have you ever seen any coconut right straight? :)

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and my lost wahine on mug.
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and now I'm gonna confess u a really really sad story... about the hei tiki mug.
the one I made long time ago... also died in the trip to US. so I redo the hei tiki...BUT
please whatch out the kids from the computer.. this picture is Parental advisory
really scary!!

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I KNOW..I KNOW... :( I felt like...somebody enter in my kiln with a hammer...
for the 3rd time... the hei tiki will survive... well... I hope.. I pray... he's in my kiln right now.

I'll let you know in the next episode...

ciao! :)

leleliz posted on 03/22/2010

holy crap! Its like your work is so amazing pre glaze then after the glaze is done its mind blowing!

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Tiki Joe's Pop posted on 03/22/2010

Your talent is simply amazing! Been a while since I saw your stuff, and the evolution is incredible. We miss you Bai~! Debbie says "hi", too!
Have fun at Tiki Tribe Paris!

little lost tiki posted on 03/22/2010

Long Live Chita!
RIP Hei-Tiki....
Third time's a charm!

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Tikilizard posted on 03/22/2010

Totally awesome! Love the last guy and hope he comes out of the kiln in one piece.

Monkeyman posted on 03/22/2010


How do we purchase your artwork?

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squid posted on 03/22/2010

Each piece is more awesome than the one before! Especially the lamps. Give my regards to Mr. Bricolage :wink:

Babalu posted on 03/23/2010

hey lady...stunning work! Yes, you do have clay running through your veins! :)

Sorry about the 2nd Hei Tiki...one thing that I have been doing lately to save energy (money), and to make sure that all the moisture is out of my work, so that there is no nasty little explosions, is to heat my unfired work up in my kiln to about 200 degrees Fahrenheit... and then I just turn the kiln off, and let the work sit in there over night. The kiln will hold the heat for quite a while. Everything is nice and dry in the kiln when you start up the bisque firing the next day.

Congratulations on the Paris show! You French sure know how to party.

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pdrake posted on 03/23/2010

that's truly beautiful and amazing art.

you been hanging around with that squid kid too long i can see by the squll. :)

i love the witco stuff more than actual witco.

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Bowana posted on 03/23/2010

Oh no! A Hei Tiki catastrophe! :( That is a shame.

Chita, Aloha Coco, and the Lost Wahine are spectacular!

Go Girl, Go! :wink:


laojia posted on 03/26/2010

On 2010-03-22 07:22, Tiki Baï wrote:

please whatch out the kids from the computer.. this picture is Parental advisory
really scary!!

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What's happens? Too much pressure waiting for the 8th May event? :roll:

Astounding work for the rest.... The lost wahine is awesome! Can't wait to see all that in person!
Cheers Baï!


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Clarita posted on 04/05/2010

On 2010-03-22 07:22, Tiki Baï wrote:
I KNOW..I KNOW... :( I felt like...somebody enter in my kiln with a hammer...

Oh i'm sorry about the sad story, but you made me laugh a lot with that!
and i think I know who did it, look...
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...don't he have a guilty look on his face? :D
Great mugs you do Bai, Aloha!

Tiki Baï posted on 04/07/2010
GROG posted on 04/07/2010


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LOL Tiki posted on 04/07/2010

On 2010-04-07 09:50, GROG wrote:

**x100000000!!! **

teaKEY posted on 04/07/2010

Love your Soloomn mug. I know the one I have in my collection is one of my faovrites and probably the most exciting.

benella posted on 04/08/2010

Excellent stuff especially the skull and Chita.


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freddiefreelance posted on 04/09/2010

On 2010-03-22 07:22, Tiki Baï wrote:
the aloha coco
(dont try to turn your head to look.. the coconut is already foible...(de travers in french) like a coconuts are.. have you ever seen any coconut right straight? :)

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I like the Aloha Coco, but I've always preferred Bisque Coconuts; maybe, if you ever make more of them, you could make the Coconut brown Bisque, but put the glaze on the "Aloha" and Hibiscus?

Tiki Baï posted on 05/11/2010
Tiki Baï posted on 06/21/2010
GROG posted on 06/21/2010

Looks great. GROG like.

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Tobor64 posted on 06/21/2010

Looks great, Bai. Now, what's the story with that awesome Dr. Zaius mug???

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Meheadhunter posted on 06/22/2010

What a great transformation on the bar...
Very Cute!! :)

IK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3e15345a417b08c5d610367ea92148cf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Iokona Ki'i posted on 06/22/2010

Every piece of art you do is pure magic!
So unique and fun to see. Love it all.

Babalu posted on 07/16/2010

what's happening over there sis? We are all needing a Bai post! :wink:

beadtiki posted on 07/16/2010

I LOVE what you did with that bar! That is SO cute! Pretty nice you can make your own mask for the front too!

Tiki Baï posted on 07/17/2010

Bon... JOUR :)
ok it's been a while... and once I had something to show... I feel... like I'm in the twilight zone...
so to tell your the story about this one... I was working on it since 3 day. after one week trying to create a mold of a bottle... for me it was just incredibly difficult.. I definately need a Babalu lesson :wink:
anyway.. my first cast bottle was totally broke on the bottom... I'm.. so a lasy girl :wink: so I decide to keep the rest and try to do something about it. so I imagined to see the bottle like it was castaway on the beach or under the sea.. since the shape was ( de travers ) still don't have this name in engligh... not straight, I thought that it could be interresting having a octopussy :wink: a OCTOPUS on the bottle. I made some search and found the Kraken rum. I don't know if this rum is even good :wink: :) anyway... here it is. a bottle of rum Yo-Ho,Yo-Ho...

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Iokona Ki'i posted on 07/17/2010

Beautiful! Nice save. You and MadDogMike must be on the same wavelength!

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