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Tiki Trio Animation

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Kahuna Kent posted on 12/10/2009

Here is a short Promo animation for my "Tiki Trio" characters:


TV Programming executives, please take note!

Original music is by the amazing Jim (Tikiyaki) Bacchi! (Thanks, Jim!)

Jeff Central posted on 12/10/2009

That is extremely cool!!!! :)

The music really matches the mood of the visuals nicely!!

Great job guys!!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

Sophista-tiki posted on 12/10/2009

that was neato. loved the music too Jim.

Unga Bunga posted on 12/10/2009

That was great Kent!
I was very entertained.
Excellent soundtrack as well Jim.

Good Luck!

TikiTech posted on 12/10/2009

I'd watch it! (even on a Saturday morning!)

beadtiki posted on 12/11/2009

Ahhhh - they were SO cute! I love the mermaid too! The drummer in the beginning was REALLY going to town there - getting his rump and feet involved! I'd like to see Ringo do that!

little lost tiki posted on 12/11/2009


hiltiki posted on 12/11/2009


Okolehao posted on 12/11/2009

Wow - that's not just good, it's really good. I mean really, really good. I can't imagine how much work that took. Start the product lincensing now! I want the plush version of those guys.

bongofury posted on 12/11/2009

I like it!

Haole Jim posted on 12/11/2009

Excellent! Thank you for sharing. Please add Charlie and Geri in future ones, if you do "the adventures of..."

bigbrotiki posted on 12/11/2009

Sorry, but not my bag. The music is great, the setting, animation is all fine, but the main characters are too generic and cute. The essence of Tiki is that it is NOT generic, but inspired, ethnic, different. Big eyes/mouths/feet and bright colors alone do not a Tiki make. Too close to the Neon Tiki Tribe for my taste.

beadtiki posted on 12/11/2009

Kenny - I don't think my body can move like that anymore!

TikiHardBop posted on 12/11/2009

Hey, it's miles cooler than most animation you see on TV today. Wish you luck with that.

And I used to work with the people who started Neon Tiki Tribe, and I will admit that they are pretty lame...

VampiressRN posted on 12/11/2009

I love it!!! Wish I had that talent & skill. The colors and characters are wonderful and the music is awesome. I'll bet WooHooWahine's classes would certainly enjoy this. :)

MadDogMike posted on 12/11/2009

Very nice, I hope you get the exposure you need for a big fat contract :)

teaKEY posted on 12/15/2009

I like it cause its not grainy

Tacky Tiki posted on 12/24/2009

I finally had time to watch it and I think it's great!!! What crazy ideas!! Makes me wonder what those 3 will be up to next! So where might we see more of these guys' adventures?


talo ka posted on 12/24/2009

very nice. excellent music. that monkey reminds me of my drink stealing wife.

Kahuna Kent posted on 01/13/2010

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. BigBro, sorry the colors were not to your taste. Next time I'll ask Ruzik to help with the colors

bigbrotiki posted on 01/14/2010

I think I was more referring to the character design in general:

On 2009-12-11 08:54, bigbrotiki wrote:
Sorry, but not my bag. The music is great, the setting, animation is all fine, but the main characters are too generic and cute. The essence of Tiki is that it is NOT generic, but inspired, ethnic, different. Big eyes/mouths/feet and bright colors alone do not a Tiki make. Too close to the Neon Tiki Tribe for my taste.

JOHN-O posted on 01/14/2010

Brother, you're asking the wrong audience. This is going to be a kid's show right? The test audience should be small children.

Forget about Tiki authenticity, it's all about the $$$ you're going to get on merchandising royalties for the plush toys. Little kids want cute, soft, and colorful.

Remember Tiki wasn't defined as a style until after the fact. It was originally used as a marketing theme to get people into bars, restaurants, and motels. I'd focus on marketability first and then worry about the "art". Unless for you, art comes before commerce. :)

BTW, I think kids will love this !!

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-01-13 18:39 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 01/14/2010

Very good point of differentiation, John-O. For me, it is all about the art of Tiki, as an adult appreciator of the art form.
I do however believe that the really cool stuff can reach both target groups, grown ups AND kids.

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pdrake posted on 01/14/2010

as a tiki lover i have to say that is awesome.

as a 3D animator i have to say you have great motion, flow, texture, lighting and timing.

as a long time purveyor of classic cartoons (the best ones in my book) i have say it needs a little slapstick sound effects to go along with the actions. more woots, shoops and bloops.

great job. what package did you use?

Haole Jim posted on 06/27/2010

Really excellent. Where were Charlie and Geri...and what's the whole Tiki Trio history?

Are the whole Tiki Mag cartoon strips visible somewhere?

Kahuna Kent posted on 06/29/2010

Hi, Jim - glad you liked it!

I'm thinking of the Tiki Trio Cartoon as more of a "Kid's Show", without the alcoholic beverages featured in the more "adult" Tiki Mag strip. Just finished the first "story arc" in Tiki Mag, so the whole "history" thing is a work in progress. Hopefully I'll figure out a way to tie it all together with a backstory at some point.

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HelloTiki posted on 06/29/2010

Top notch animation. How long did this take to put together?

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