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Hawaii Five-O 2.0

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On 2010-10-05 23:26, CincyTikiCraig wrote:
...the show furthers a message that anything that a cop does 'in the line of duty' like torturing a suspect, acting without search warrants etc is just peachy.

This is spot-on for me, and a distressing comment on our times. Jack Lord played a cop totally dedicated to due process. If he encountered cops using the extra-judicial, "no oversight, no red-tape" methods being celebrated in today's version, he'd slam his hand down on his desk and deliver an infuriated tirade (as Jack Lord could execute so well) on how they were sullying the honor of cops everywhere -- then have them surrender their badges and guns.

The idea that I'm supposed to cheer on a bunch of gunslinging, fascist hyenas has me wondering about the writers and producers: how low an opinion do they have of us anyway? Or worse: are they right about what sells to the majority of our fellow citizens? And if so, err ... yikes...


THAT BEING SAID... The original McGarrett was of course only human, and did bend the rules a good bit here, in a clip from "Man in a Steel Frame" entitled "McGarrett captures his girlfriend's murderer":

Interesting note, Jack Lord was offered the part of Captain Kirk in Star Trek before William Shattner ultimately got the part:

"Jack Lord was considered for the role of Captain Kirk on Star Trek; the role ultimately went to William Shatner. Because Lord wanted to co-produce and have a percentage in ownership of the series, he was ultimately rejected by both Gene Roddenberry and Desilu Studios."


Maybe I'm just feeling sentimental since James MacArthur just died, but I have to admit, the remake is growing on me. I hated the first three episodes, but tonite's installment - an ex-SEAL who went off his meds and takes a bunch of hostages on the Arizona, swearing he didn't kill his wife - is a plot right off the old show. The cast is still not very distinctive - they could replace them all next week and I'd barely notice - but I'm getting used to them, so they're not as annoying. The main reason I keep watching are the scenery and the original theme song (which has changed since the pilot, the current version is nearly identical to the original recording.) Those are the main reasons I loved the first one. No one can replace Jack Lord, but they're not even trying. And Hawaii is still Hawaii. And the producers are huge fans of the original, and swear to do it justice (unlike, say, Soderbergh and much of the cast trashing the original "Ocean's 11'). I'll keep watching.

ps keep in mind, the first show debuted 42 years ago. Imagine if they remade a show in 1968 that first aired in 1926! I'm sure it would be quite different...especially since they didn't even have TV in 1926...


I think all the storylines are ones that could fit right into an old 5-0 show...most of the "troublemakers" are foreigners, which was very mush like the old show.

I don't agree with the cast being replaceable....well, at least not Scott Caan.....he's doing a great job.

I wish there was a personal message from the cast about James MacArthur's passing rather than just a tribute card at the top of the show, but I'm glad they paid tribute.

I'm loving the show, and tune in every week.


On 2010-10-14 08:49, JackLord wrote:
Curious to see if they bring back Wo Fat, in a PC version. Probably turn him into a hot chick like they did with Kono. Yawn.

Paging Lucy Liu.

Actually, to make it politically correct they probably will hire a white Canadian actor to play Wo Fat, like they did with the Emperor Ming the Merciless in the Sci Fi (now SyFy) Channel's unlamented stab at reviving Flash Gordon, which I particularly resented because it made Dr. Zarkov's character into a buffoon, whereas in the Buster Crabbe serials he was depicted as being smart and every bit Flash's equal when it came to fighting Ming's minions.

My one objection to the new Five-O is that the female Kono is so skinny that the punch she threw with her stick-like arm at a guy on the beach in the opening episode shouldn't have done much more than stung his cheek, much less knocked him to the sand. I'm all in favor of having strong female characters -- but make them STRONG female characters if they are going to fight big bad guys!

Also, some folks should keep in mind that the old show could be pretty cheesy, too. Does anyone remember the awful pimp war episode starring Roosevelt Greer?

[ Edited by: Dr. Zarkov 2010-11-02 07:14 ]


On 2010-11-02 07:13, Dr. Zarkov wrote:

On 2010-10-14 08:49, JackLord wrote:
Curious to see if they bring back Wo Fat, in a PC version. Probably turn him into a hot chick like they did with Kono. Yawn.

Paging Lucy Liu.

Actually, to make it politically correct they probably will hire a white Canadian actor to play Wo Fat, like they did with the Emperor Ming the Merciless in the Sci Fi (now SyFy) Channel's unlamented stab at reviving Flash Gordon, which I particularly resented because it made Dr. Zarkov's character into a buffoon, whereas in the Buster Crabbe serials he was depicted as being smart and every bit Flash's equal when it came to fighting Ming's minions.

My one objection to the new Five-O is that the female Kono is so skinny that the punch she threw with her stick-like arm at a guy on the beach in the opening episode shouldn't have done much more than stung his cheek, much less knocked him to the sand. I'm all in favor of having strong female characters -- but make them STRONG female characters if they are going to fight big bad guys!

Also, some folks should keep in mind that the old show could be pretty cheesy, too. Does anyone remember the awful pimp war episode starring Roosevelt Greer?

[ Edited by: Dr. Zarkov 2010-11-02 07:14 ]

Right ? Way too much power in that punch from that string bean arm. I think she may be working our and buffing up a little bit....she looks a little more muscular in the newer episodes.

Also, if you remember correctly, A japanese villain was played by Ricardo Mantalban in the 2nd episode of season 1 of the original show...they just put some makeup on his eyes....so, that kind of thing wouldn't be foreign to the series if they did it now.


I remember Ricardo Montalban playing that guy. Good episode.

Anyway, I too am glad they payed tribute to James MacArthur. And I have revised my opinion, but only just a bit.

I still say it bears no relation to Hawaii Five-0. Whether it was the later Star Treks or the reimagined Battlestar Galactica, a remake must retain some link or echo of the original.

I just do not see that in this show. I still hold that it is more like a remake of The Untouchables (the DePalma film). The McGarret guy screams Kevin Costner. James Bond was played by 6 or 7 actors, give or take. Some were better than others with one probably being better than all. Nonetheless, you always know you are watching James Bond. Four or five decades and multiple actors has not altered the essence of the character. Can we say the same for Steve McGarret?

But....forgetting its title and judging it on its own merits without the Five-0 shadow looming, it works as a fun, over the top, comic book cop show of the 21st century. Not usually my cup of tea, but as I got rid of cable and loathe reality tv, it ironically has a shot at making my limited rotation.

Lets all just be thankful that Gary Busey isn’t in this remake like in the 97 pilot, that would have been an instant kiss of death. Im trying not to hyper focus on the differences of the old and new. There are a few minor quirks and issues but overall I’m entertained.

GROG posted on Tue, Nov 2, 2010 5:10 PM

Mark Dacascos -- best known as the Chairman on "Iron Chef America" and as a contestant on "Dancing With the Stars" last year -- has been cast as Wo Fat, who was the long-time nemesis of McGarrett in the original series. Though the character (played by Khigh Dheigh) only appeared in 11 episodes over the original show's 12 seasons, he is remembered as the big bad of the show.


I've said before that I'm liking it and I am but each week the online edition of Entertainment Weekly has been recapping the episodes with Hawaii Five-0' Bingo and it's pretty funny.

I liked last nights episode but it could have used much more Kelly Hu.

Mark Dacascos should be good as Wo Fat, he was good as the bad guy in the Jet Li / DMX movie Cradle 2 the Grave

Yes, I liked it. :roll:

I really enjoyed the last episode. The cast is really starting to gel. I do know that program # 8 is tiki themed.

As I said, I think the whole cast is good, just not very distinctive, though I agree Scott Caan is a standout. I'm just having troubling reconciling this new Jersey wiseass version of Danno with James MacArthur's iconic version - and this is coming FROM a Jersey wiseass. I'm also glad they're not delving too deeply into these contrived backstories (I really don't care about Danno's domestic issues) and concentrating more on good old-fashioned crime-fighting, with an international flavor, which, you're correct, is right off the old show. Best of all: the re-recorded theme song, which is very similar to the original, much better than the sped-up electrified version of the first few episodes. You can download ALL versions of the theme for FREE right here

I'm still watching... easy to be picky about details... but mostly I'm entertained.


One of the truly good guys in Hawaii / Hollywood is Jason Scott Lee, he now has a 5-0 role as Det. Kaleo http://www.spoilertv.com/2010/10/hawaii-5-0-episode-108-manao-press.html


Here's hoping it developes into a stronger part!


Watching (and enjoying) last night's episode, I got to thinking again about the casting. It would have been kind of cool if they had really reimagined it and had Daniel Dae Kim play the McGarrett role. He has the most stoic presence.

On 2010-11-09 07:10, JackLord wrote:
It would have been kind of cool if they had really reimagined it and had Daniel Dae Kim play the McGarrett role.


So how crazy was last night's opening? Long pig, indeed!

Do you think the guests got refunds?

This weeks bingo and he's right they spent a lot of time on the bing product placement and does anyone really use bing?

I hope everyone on 5-O is cured of jaundice before next season.

Also, I saw a tiki on the last show. It was during the luau on the left side ofthe screen while they were opening the imu.
EDIT: It was my TV. :lol: No jaundice.

Got Greyhounds? Viva Kate!

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2011-11-27 19:13 ]


On 2010-11-02 07:13, Dr. Zarkov wrote:
Does anyone remember the awful pimp war episode starring Roosevelt Greer?

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"


I'm having a hard time getting into it - I still look at the new McGarrett guy and see the vampire guy from Moonlight! Makes it tough to take him seriously. And MAN! Is Caan a little dude or WHAT?! He's got to be a full foot shorter than McGarrett! Interesting casting there.

What's this about Wo Fat - I thought that was a restaurant in Honolulu?! Which came first?!


What's this about Wo Fat - I thought that was a restaurant in Honolulu?! Which came first?!

The "Wo Fat Chop Suey" building with its pagoda-styled roof has been a Chinatown landmark since 1882. The building was rebuilt after being destroyed twice by fire in 1886 and 1900.

Once a thriving restaurant opened by Wo Fat, a Chinese baker, it would be the oldest restaurant in Hawaii if it was still operating. It was instrumental in popularizing Cantonese cuisine to America. The father of modern China, Sun Yat-Sen reportedly dined there often while attending Iolani School.

I went to Wo Fat’s once, around 2002, to see some local punk rock bands (I think Grapefruit was one.) who had rented it out for a show. I remember the music was very loud and the bartender really hated being there. It is closed now, but the building is still there.


Thanks PR - that answered my question and then some! I didn't realize the place had been around so long. I ate there in 1979 but I can't say I remember much as I was sixteen (yuk!) and was playing at being a vegetarian!

On 2010-11-17 17:59, Phillip Roberts wrote:

What's this about Wo Fat - I thought that was a restaurant in Honolulu?! Which came first?!

The "Wo Fat Chop Suey" building with its pagoda-styled roof has been a Chinatown landmark since 1882. The building was rebuilt after being destroyed twice by fire in 1886 and 1900.

Once a thriving restaurant opened by Wo Fat, a Chinese baker, it would be the oldest restaurant in Hawaii if it was still operating. It was instrumental in popularizing Cantonese cuisine to America. The father of modern China, Sun Yat-Sen reportedly dined there often while attending Iolani School.

I went to Wo Fat’s once, around 2002, to see some local punk rock bands (I think Grapefruit was one.) who had rented it out for a show. I remember the music was very loud and the bartender really hated being there. It is closed now, but the building is still there.

I saw this week's episode finally last night and it was better to me than the few before.. Last week I liked to.. How'd I miss the tiki.... :( and I was looking...
I keep hoping maybe they'll ditch the camaro and get something with some suicide doors... like???

I'm still watching..

Al Harrington is on tonight's episode airing now. The first old series cast member on the new show?


T'was a repeat from Monday's episode.

VERY glad this got picked up for a full season. I really enjoy this show.

I have missed most of this show. Tonight is the first time I saw a whole episode from start to finish. Kind of a hokey storyline, but not as bad as other shows on TV. So I take it the missing/now replaced $10,000...will roll into a future episode?

I kinda like the McGarrett guy.


La Mariana should be in Mondays eposode of Hawaii 5-0 ...fingers crossed :)

I wasn't going to post this but it's been a while since anyone has ranted about the downfall of tiki and Jimmy Buffett's ushering in of Armageddon. Heard about this a week or so ago. Heh heh.

From Entertainment Weekly: “Hawaii Five-0 scoop: Jimmy Buffett to guest star”

Jimmy Buffett: Pilot in a tropical climate? Yeah, we’ll buy that.

EW has learned exclusively that the singer/songwriter/avid aviator will guest star in an upcoming episode of Hawaii Five-0. Buffett will play a veteran pilot who’s a pal of Lt. Commander Joe White (Terry O’Quinn), and he helps Five-0 rescue one of its own from a sticky situation.

That is ironic LoungeShark!!!

I have been trying to watch and support this show, but I find the writing to be very weak and it is not holding my attention. Mostly watching now just for the scenery. Hope it improves.


On 2011-10-03 07:22, LoungeShark wrote:
I wasn't going to post this but it's been a while since anyone has ranted about the downfall of tiki and Jimmy Buffett's ushering in of Armageddon. Heard about this a week or so ago. Heh heh.

From Entertainment Weekly: “Hawaii Five-0 scoop: Jimmy Buffett to guest star”

Jimmy Buffett: Pilot in a tropical climate? Yeah, we’ll buy that.

EW has learned exclusively that the singer/songwriter/avid aviator will guest star in an upcoming episode of Hawaii Five-0. Buffett will play a veteran pilot who’s a pal of Lt. Commander Joe White (Terry O’Quinn), and he helps Five-0 rescue one of its own from a sticky situation.

As long as he's acting and not performing "Margaritaville", I'm good. I love the new 5-0 despite it's unpopularity here and all the tiki nerd peer pressure for not liking it. If you follow the story very closely, there is a subtle plot thread that went through the entire season last year, and continues this year....but you have to watch it every week to know what's up.

On 2011-10-03 11:24, tikiyaki wrote:
I love the new 5-0 despite it's unpopularity here and all the tiki nerd peer pressure for not liking it. If you follow the story very closely, there is a subtle plot thread that went through the entire season last year, and continues this year....but you have to watch it every week to know what's up.

I would agree with you on this. The underlying thread storyline has been pretty good. Like others have said though it does get kinda predictable at times. Originally, I didn't think Hawaii in and of itself played a big enough "character" but they have done a good job of making sure the stories rely on the location, too as the series progressed. What do you think of them adding so many new characters to 5-0? This last one (the homeland security gal) almost seemed like a female version of Dano last week the way she went back and forth with McGarret. And honestly, their odd couple bickering is already a bit much. There's gotta be a drinking game in this...every time they bicker? do a shot. every time you see McGarret's tat? do a shot. Every time the shaved ice guy/criminal informant slips them info? do a shot. you get the picture.


If I could handle the Dane Cook episode, I can almost handle Mr. Buffett.

I like the series, I just wish they would stop adding new characters like you said and focus on the ones they already have. As for McGarret's lady friends I thought his Naval Officer friend was cool, I'd rather see more of her than the Homeland security woman or the CIA woman.

Killing off Kelly Hu was a mistake and they need much more Kono this season.

Other than those things, I'm happy with it.

On 2010-10-05 23:26, CincyTikiCraig wrote:
I'm growing to hate this show. It's violent, the stories are full of holes, the technology is fake as hell, the two lead actors need to learn to shave and stop dressing like douchebags, and worst of all the show furthers a message that anything that a cop does 'in the line of duty' like torturing a suspect, acting without search warrants etc is just peachy.

Ditto to that!

The new McGarrett is a slob. Jack Lord always looked sharp, even in the odd scenes when he wore aloha wear. And don't hold your breath waiting for the new guy to utter this immortal line: "I don't work for Washington, I work for the State of Hawaii!" (Jack Lord in season 3 of the original, in a face-off with some US military intelligence conehead over a cover-up by Washington).

On 2010-10-13 11:20, AquaZombie wrote:
The character updates are all so boring and generic. I hate the fact they keep making fun of Danno wearing a tie, though it's authentic, I guess - it just points up the sartorial inferiority of this era compared with the original's.

And I'll second that too! Another scene, remembered from my childhood, is of Jack Lord coming out of a barber's shop, and the barber says "see you next week Mr McGarrett!" As an eight year-old, I was impressed as hell that this guy went to the barber's EVERY WEEK!


Toto, j'ai l'impression que nous ne sommes plus au Kansas !

[ Edited by: Club Nouméa 2011-10-03 18:14 ]

I hope this is the right place to post this information. Last night HB called and said that tonight on H50 they will show La Mariana and one of Gecko'z mugs will show up there. I'm going to be watching I hope this happens. Cheers, Wendy

That is good info Wendy...I am still trying to embrace this show. I agree that the guys need to shave and quit looking like bums. I was expecting WoFat to be older...so I find stuff like that distracting. Hope to see the mug though!!!


On 2011-10-03 13:49, Bora Boris wrote:
If I could handle the Dane Cook episode, I can almost handle Mr. Buffett.

I like the series, I just wish they would stop adding new characters like you said and focus on the ones they already have. As for McGarret's lady friends I thought his Naval Officer friend was cool, I'd rather see more of her than the Homeland security woman or the CIA woman.

Killing off Kelly Hu was a mistake and they need much more Kono this season.

Other than those things, I'm happy with it.

I think part of making a show a "hit" these days, is guest stars. If you're gonna compare it to the original, which I don't see the point in...., they did that back then to....Ricardo Mantalban as a Japanese villain - yes, J A P A N E S E !!! - The actually used eye makeup to make his eyes look asian...talk about unrealistic !...
Anyway, they had all kinds of guest stars in there..Sal Mineo, Gavin McCleod, Don Ho.....etc You get the picture. Kelly Hu was hot, and shouldn't have been Killed off, I agree,and, tho' I HATED the fact that Kono becase a WOMAN in this new series, I like her now, and it gives my song "Kono's Revenge" a new meaning now, in this new season. (Originally it was in protest of making Kono a chick in this new series)

Either way, I don't care who likes it and who doesn't , I'm rooting for it, and will continue to watch it every week. So there !


Me Too!


Me three !

Just started watching this last week. Not bad, ( the Kona storyline is really, really predictable) but I was impressed with the amount guest star crammed into one episode. Peter Fonda, Don Stroud, Danielle Harris, Patty Duke, and William Baldwin were all in Monday's episode. I guess everybody like a free trip to the islands.

Danielle Harris is welcome to stick around. :)

It was Autumn Reeser, but yeah, more than welcome to stick around. For Dan-O's sake, that is.


I still watch this show every week and consider it a guilty pleasure. Sure, it's predictable (chat scene in the car, chase scene, bad guys hate kids, good guys love kids) and the acting is not fantastic (every time someone takes in emotional dialogue they take a quick look away from the person before responding- every time!) but my expectations for this kind of show are low. And the original show was no masterpiece. Anyhow, it's just simple fun, a like the scenery and try to find tiki.


I like it, too. It is great to see places in Hawaii that I recognize, and in High Def, too. I think the acting is excellent. Scott Caan was nominated for a Golden Globe award, and I think he deserves it.

Wo Fat is the mastermind behind everything, it seems. I like that they keep threads running through the entire series.

Oh, yeah, Grace Park is hot.

[ Edited by: TikiSan 2011-10-17 01:21 ]

OK, I didn't read all 16 pages of this post so I apologize if this was addressed previously but I feel obligated to discuss it.
For the love of all that is pure and holy, can someone explain to me why there are so many haoles on this show? I mean, this is Hawaii. In 2011. There have got to be more Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, Philipinos, Asians, etc to play the roles they have but it seems like every single time there's a new person on the show it's a haole. I've DVR'd the season and watched the one with Patty Duke, Peter Fonda and William Baldwin, etc. last night. Good Lord, you couldn't swing a dead cat in any scene and not hit a haole. And that's for the bit parts. The new cast members are all haoles too.
Granted, it could work to my advantage in my "Drink When You Spot A Haole" game.

Henry Rollins on new Hawaii Five -o Series?

Hawaii Five-O Season 3 Episode 22

Along with the Haole content comment, I still feel that is so little use is made of Hawaii as a specific location. So much is filmed in generic, could-be-any-place-with-palm-trees locales. Maybe they are trying to not force the issue afraid of coming across as cheesy, but why go there then in the first place?

But then that has been my feeling all along about the original 5.0, and about modern Hawaii in general: If you are looking for exotic Polynesian-style environs, you gotta build them yourself! :D

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