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Wendy Cevola ceramics to painting. I love doing tiki art.

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danlovestikis posted on 10/05/2010

The Sacramento Tiki Crawl is about to happen. We look forward to seeing as many TCers as possible. Cheers, Wendy

ZeroTiki posted on 10/07/2010

I am gonna try reeeeeeely hard to go, but craziness is abounding at the homestead. So I wanted to make sure that you knew I adore your new mug Wendy!

VampiressRN posted on 10/07/2010


danlovestikis posted on 11/01/2010

Hi, I recently had a friend say they wished they could make tiki art because they love it so much. To prove it just takes practice and desire I am now releasing these photos of my very first endevor to produce in clay a tiki. This was a present to my husband Dan.

Did I prove my point or have I not improved (:? Cheers, Wendy

Beachbumz posted on 11/03/2010

On 2010-10-31 17:22, danlovestikis wrote:
Hi, I recently had a friend say they wished they could make tiki art because they love it so much. To prove it just takes practice and desire I am now releasing these photos of my very first endevor to produce in clay a tiki. This was a present to my husband Dan.

Did I prove my point or have I not improved (:? Cheers, Wendy

Wow Wendy and what an awesome little tiki he is!!
Thanks to you and all the other TC artists, a year ago I would never have thought I could make what I've been making but now I can't seem to put down the wood chisels or clay for a new design... It's so addicting now I just need more time and lots of practice..:wink:
BTW , I love that new Forbidden Island crate mug, very cool!

Check Out Da Website...www.beachbumz.com

[ Edited by: Beachbumz 2010-11-02 20:15 ]

leleliz posted on 11/03/2010

Combining 2 of my favorite things..
Forbidden Island and artwork by Wendy the new mug is killer. I like the full size tiki version as well.

Great stuff Wendy :)

danlovestikis posted on 11/24/2010

Question. The Tiki Crate will be produced as a statue and as a mug where the top of the tikis head is open. Which would be the most desired by collectors? Personally I think it looks better as a statue.

After the party at Forbidden Island there will be some available for sale and shipping to collectors who couldn't make the party. If you are interested PM me so I can have an idea of how many to make. I'll keep a list and get back to you after April.

I'm posting a step by step on the Missionary Downfall girl on my Craft thread. next. Dan was my advisor as to how um large ah the you know whats should be.

She was fun to make, enjoy men, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2010-11-24 08:24 ]

Iokona Ki'i posted on 11/26/2010

On 2010-11-02 20:21, leleliz wrote:
Combining 2 of my favorite things..

Great stuff Wendy :)

That hula lass is quite stacked! :)

Haole Jim posted on 12/18/2010

OUTSTANDING art and creativity.

Thank you for sharing.

danlovestikis posted on 12/20/2010

Haole Jim, Thank you very much. You inspire me to keep working.

My husband got his Christmas wish I just finished a Hawaiian Eye painting for him. I've put it at the end of my art posts.

little lost tiki posted on 12/21/2010

Merry Christmas to you and Dan!
It's sooooo great to see all of your work together....
truly stunning! What energy,tslent,and inspiration you have!
I think the Hawaiian Eye piece is Perfect!
Keep on rolling onward and upward art-sister!

danlovestikis posted on 01/23/2011

Kinney, thank you so much. I needed to get back here to answer you before the new year. So sorry I didn't. You are such a doll. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 02/06/2011

Hi Friends, if you follow my craft page you will see the story of this little tiki that I've added to the bottom of my art photographs. It's such a thrill to see something so precious to the Frank family come back again from her original sculpt. My contribution is just the use of the mold we made and glazing. Joniece did all the rest of the work so many years ago. No other tiki survived the fire. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 03/02/2011

I have 96 of the 110 Tiki Crates finished. When I finish there will be 60 black and blue mugs and 50 of the three color statue version. The Forbidden Island 5th Anniversary Party is on 4/21/2011 a Thursday. We will be there to greet everyone and we are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.

To see how these were made check my crafts thread here on TC. Thank you, Wendy

kingstiedye posted on 03/11/2011

i dig the glazes you used on the f.i. mugs. great work, sistah!

danlovestikis posted on 03/18/2011

Hi Brodah, thank you, I'm happy too.

I just posted the first bowl made from Joniece Franks little tiki that survived the horrific fire at Frankoma. The whole story is on page one of my crafts thread.

Joniece was Frankoma's master mold maker and sculptor, he sister was the master glazier. They still do some projects at their historical home in Supulpa, Oklahoma. You can see tours on u-tube by typing Frankoma or Joniece Frank. She was named after her father John so you say her name starting with the sound of John.

Yesterday I googled myself and found that someone took a PBS show we were on and split it up and posted it on u-tube with ads. If you would like to view some of our collection or jungle room type Wendy Cevola Video. Cheers, Wendy

LiddleLola posted on 03/19/2011

I just watched them. I'm going to need your autographs now. I know that won't be your one and only 15 minutes of fame.
Here's a link

I hope to see you tonight at St. Patiki day.


danlovestikis posted on 03/21/2011

Hi LiddleLola, thank you so much for the links to the video's. Now I can share them more often. Sorry we missed you at Matt's we were with mom until 11pm. See you soon, Wendy

McTiki posted on 03/22/2011

Incredible Talent shown here.

Thank yo so much for sharing the details.

I would still not attempt it.



little lost tiki posted on 03/22/2011

Just saw your new piece Wendy!

I am touched,honored,and mostly tickled
that would place me in one of your beautiful paintings!
To be "immortalized" by someone with such
talent,energy,multi-medium mastery,creativity,and pure love of Art
is something i will carry forever in my heart!
A Big Hug and Mahalo to you,cutey!

teaKEY posted on 03/23/2011

On 2011-03-22 09:28, little lost tiki wrote:
Just saw your new piece Wendy!

I am touched,honored,and mostly tickled
that would place me in one of your beautiful paintings!
To be "immortalized" by someone with such
talent,energy,multi-medium mastery,creativity,and pure love of Art
is something i will carry forever in my heart!
A Big Hug and Mahalo to you,cutey!

** That is a very believable Photoshop there LLT. ** Needs a JoshKat in there though.

little lost tiki posted on 03/23/2011

it's not a photoshop,Teaks!
Wendy painted this!

corrinnao posted on 03/25/2011
little lost tiki posted on 03/25/2011

“I don‘t do my art for fame or fortune,” Cevola said, “I’m just havin’ fun.”

i think this line from the article captures it all...
There is always such a joy and enthusiasm that Wendy captures
both in her life and her art!
It's about time the "outsiders" were exposed to her incredible body of work.
great article!

danlovestikis posted on 03/25/2011

Hi corriannao, thank you so much. It didn't occur to me that I could see the article on-line. I was waiting to go buy a - no 50 copies later today. Thank you, now I've posted the link on my crafts page as well as here.

Kinny you are such a fine artist that it is just a blast when you post on my thread. My aim was to do a painting of you that people would smile at, I sure do. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2011-03-25 09:54 ]

Tobor64 posted on 03/25/2011

On 2011-03-25 07:54, little lost tiki wrote:

“I don‘t do my art for fame or fortune,” Cevola said, “I’m just havin’ fun.”

i think this line from the article captures it all...
There is always such a joy and enthusiasm that Wendy captures
both in her life and her art!

I couldn't agree more. My wife & I have only met Wendy twice before in the past and each time she made us feel like we'd known her forever. Truly a good soul. Congrats on the article, Wendy!

danlovestikis posted on 03/26/2011

Stephen, that was such a nice thing to say, thank you. We fell in love with not just tiki but with the people who also love it. This community is really something special. Especially you, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 04/19/2011

If you enjoy my art you can watch as I make it. The TC Events page has a thread for the Sacramento Crawl by Psycho Tiki D. At it's start it shows the making of the Zombie Hut/Coral Reef mug from last year. Now we are preparing for the next Crawl on October 7,8 and 9, 2011. I will be posting photos there and on my other crafts thread as I make the Tiki Bob decanter for this event. It is a copy of the napkin from Tiki Bob's at the Capital Inn Sacramento. If you would like to have one send me a PM and I'll add you to the list. If you attend the crawl you are guaranteed one if there are any left over I contact those on the list after the crawl. Cheers, Wendy

PS I will be selling glaze tests and artist proofs of the Tiki Crate mugs and statues for Forbidden Island after the event this Thursday. If you are interested just send me a PM. There is a list so I will add you on

danlovestikis posted on 06/07/2011


danlovestikis posted on 06/27/2011

I'm writing all the notes that are on this thread! Oh well. I am able to use my right hand for painting. I have a 1 pound or less limit and a loaded paintbrush is just right. So this Moai Madness painting has been done in a normal manner. I'll start another tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

hiltiki posted on 06/28/2011

Glad you are back to normal Wendy, keep creating all the fabulous art that you do. :)

danlovestikis posted on 06/30/2011

Hi hiltiki, have we ever met? Thank you for your post I really appreciate your compliment. I read your posts a lot and when you write about Gecko'z mugs I send them on to him. I love tiki art and I think I will be doing this as long and my hands hold out. I'm in physical therapy right now, its one step at a time. No clay but I can paint so I'm very happy. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 07/31/2011

I've just posted the new ceramic for the Sacramento Crawl. It's a run of 50. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/06/2011

Hi, I've just posted my submission to the Tiki Oasis Burros and Black Velvets show. This piece is Ht: 44" and Width: 36 inches framed. It's very large. I never get a perfect photo of it. The colors are richer than shown. I'm looking forward to the show and seeing everyone. The artist reception is August 20th at 1 PM but is open the whole weekend. See you soon, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/28/2011

The show was outstanding. So much art from so many artists. I went there multiple times each day just to look again. Here's a few images. Cheers, Wendy

Oasis, where else can you go on vacation with a couple hundred of your friends? Thank you Joe for the art show. Great to meet you Big Toe and John Moulder (hope that I spelled it right). Thank you Otto for another fantastic Oasis. See you next year. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/28/2011


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 08/28/2011

Fan-tiki-tastic! :wink:

ebtiki posted on 08/29/2011

Nice pix - and your piece looks great!

danlovestikis posted on 09/02/2011

Thanks hang, kele and eb. Love your comments. It's good to have friends. Wendy

Sophista-tiki posted on 09/02/2011

ooOO these are the first pics ive seen of the artists recceprion I cant believe I totally forgot to be there.

danlovestikis posted on 11/12/2011

Next year Dawn. See you then! Wendy

I've been away and just posting on my other crafts thread. But on page one I've posted my work for the production of resin chunk lamps. I've done two heads in clay that are currently being molded. The step by steps will be on other crafts pages when I have a finished lamp I'll post it here. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/13/2011

Every time I see this post of yours I am amazed...u r awesome

Professor G posted on 11/19/2011

It's beautiful work, ma'am, and how good to find a spot where I can look at pretty pictures and then read people saying nice (and true) things about it. Your art seems to bring out the best in the Tiki Centralites: thanks for sharing it.

danlovestikis posted on 11/20/2011

Well hang10tiki and Professor G you have given me such joy by your comments. I thank you so much.

Professor G just in case you haven't surfed around TC and found my other thread it is under "other crafts". It is there that I place all the step by step photos of my art in progress. When something finishes I place it in Gallery. Ceramics and paintings can take awhile so the other thread has more. I post there often.

(: Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 12/01/2011


my friend roge is now selling his resin chunk lamps on esty. all i did was sculpt the tikis for his project.

i just had surgery so it's 1 finger typing

i've posted the step by steps for these lamps on my other crafts thread, thanks for looking, wendy

little lost tiki posted on 12/01/2011

Hope you heal fast darling
tho you DO look quite relaxed in that picture!

hang10tiki posted on 12/01/2011

WOW, those turned out great...
love your tikis...
get well soon

ps- i thought your cast would look like this

danlovestikis posted on 12/01/2011

thank you little lost tiki, this was much easier so far

han10tiki i love to be photoshopped, i don't know how, thank you so much

check out lenny vs grog on photoshop events my favorites

you both made me feel better

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