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The Tiki Bar to be Named has a name WIKI-TIKI BAR

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newB24 posted on 06/06/2011

Well, let's just start off by saying, I have no idea what I am doing but I do know I will be doing it Tiki. I do have some skills building and am not afraid to take chances by trying something new. So here I am.

I have a somewhat blank canvas of a room, a little alcove in the basement that I am making into a bar. Room dimensions are 12' wide x 15' deep with 8'7" ceilings.

A few things have been predetermined by the boss and by the placement of electrical outlets and water.

My plan is to learn how to do google sketch-up at lunch today, so maybe I can give a better lay of the land.

I'll attached photos in the next few posts...but what you are looking at is the general bar placement, going with an island bar 3' x 7', off to the side will be a countertop space with sink and a kegerator (the kegerator will be all the way against the back wall, that dorm fridge will be gone but the cabinet is right where the water connections and drain is). Behind the bar in between the windows will be a flat screen tv mounted on the wall with two in-wall speakers that are hooked up to my home theater sound system.

I do have a soffit as you enter the room that I plan on using to really distinguish the space from the rest of the basement.

I'm really looking for some design help....really want to get the wall coverings going, finish the island bar and then start adding the detail later as I can procure the right stuff, but in my opinion, I want to get more of the major construction out of the way to make way for the details!

I've about blown my mind reviewing all of the builds here, so many cool ideas, just not quite sure what goes together or what.

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-06 07:05 ]

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-08 04:34 ]

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-07-19 10:39 ]

newB24 posted on 06/06/2011

By newb24 at 2011-06-06

This soffit is 14" tall x 10" wide and is approximately 10' 3" from the back wall and 11" from the front wall. Perfect spot to put up a thatch awning.

By newb24 at 2011-06-06

By newb24 at 2011-06-06

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-08 04:36 ]

newB24 posted on 06/06/2011

Well it is official, I'm not a tech geek by any stretch of the word. Google sketch-up whipped me today, I guess I need to do the tutorial!

So you are all stuck with just looking at photos and imagining what this space could/will be!

Hibiscus posted on 06/06/2011

Very promising space! I can't help with the building part of it, but I'm sure if anyone knows the answers to specific questions you might have, this is the place. :^)

A cheat I've been using to visually sketch out some ideas for our hopefully-coming-soon tiki porch is to take photos of our space and Photoshop stuff in. The perspective suffers and it's not pristine and beautiful, but it's a quick 'n dirty idea-maker that works for me, and let's me "try on" several ideas. Just a thought.

Good luck!

newB24 posted on 06/07/2011

Great Idea Hibiscus!

I'll definitely give that a trial run and see!

So to start out with some specific questions as it relates to construction and materials...


I currently have 4 can lights in the room, which are all on the same dimmer switch, I have outlets high and low throughout the room, actually put a switched outlet up in that front soffit for future lighting. Most every picture posted has more accent/mood lighting than just can lights.

Should I be thinking about removing the can lights (not sure how hard or easy that would be but would be willing to try!) and installing some track lighting or wiring up some other type lighting?

As is stands now, my vision for the ceiling will be some sort of covering and some bamboo faux support structures with fishnet draped along, I really like that fishnet look.

I'm going to take some time today and grab some photos from other posts of things I like as well as maybe drawing (EGADS) the space on a piece of paper.

newB24 posted on 06/07/2011

Well, another lunch hour spent looking at these builds...

This bar front that PHINZ did, truly inspires me, that lighting sells it.

TABOODAN might be on to something with this tounge and groove paneling (how about on the ceiling?)

PHINZ wall covering is by far my favorite style, I like the bamboo slats on the wall too, but don't think I want the bar and walls to match

TABOODAN and this bamboo wall covering looks amazing, how sweet would that look on the bar with the accent lighting

MARKMYWORDS and the bamboo and reed ceiling is truly awesome, I would add some fish netting to part of it

So those are some of the styles I like....need to make some decisions and start budgeting and procuring.

Looked briefly on-line at lunch, not sure I am going to find much bamboo/thatch/reed locally here in Dayton/Cincinnati so will have to make a spreadsheet and look at costs for shipping and such.

Preferred sequence of construction (all pending budget/material availability):

  1. Any electrical that requires demolition (can lights to something else, getting power to the bar island
  2. Ceiling and wall coverings
  3. Bar
  4. Flooring/trim
  5. ACCESSORIZE for the next decade

Each of those will be a major undertaking and a lot more research, I'm thinking this will take close to a year if not longer at the pace I am already making decisions.

newB24 posted on 06/07/2011

Last 'current' inspirational photo

This thatch roof structure by MURPH is a must to cover up that soffit and make a grand entrance into the cave

I sure am going to need a lot of bamboo....hopefully I can find something within a 2 hour drive and not have to ship it all in!

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-07 11:06 ]

MadDogMike posted on 06/07/2011

Looks like you're off to a good start. I don't see any reason to get rid of your can lights, you can always dim them or put small colored lights in them. I'll have to check out that Google Sketch-Up.

Mr. Pupu Pants posted on 06/08/2011

Hi Newb24, if you don't have your own complete vision/plan yet, there are obviously so many great examples of cool tiki rooms on this site. What might be helpful for you is to create a folder on your desktop and copy into it, all the pictures from the website that inspire you most. Don't forget to look in the carving and other sections for random design inspirations. There is beautiful and unique work ALL over this site.
A great place for classic tiki room ideas is http://www.arkivatropika.com/cgi-bin/ . You can 'collect' pictures of all the beautiful old Tiki palaces that inspire you most from there.
Then narrow the pictures down to your absolute favorites and put your own twist on it all as you think about how to pull it all together.

Like you, I started with an utter blank slate (literally no architectural details to start from -- other than a large box shaped room (basement). Here is a page with a progression of pictures from my basement.


I need to update it my post (have been out of action because of a car accident but hope to be back on it soon) but maybe you'll find some additional inspiration somewhere in there as well. Lord knows I've sure gotten alot of inspiration from my friends here at TC.

Many more ideas will occur to you once you start building (that's part of what makes Tiki rooms so fun to work on -- the spontaneous ideas that come when you work with these natural materials ie- happy mistakes, etc.)

Good luck and most importantly, have fun!
John (Mr. Pupu Pants)

[ Edited by: Mr. Pupu Pants 2011-06-07 19:10 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 06/08/2011

L-bar wrapping the fridge leaving room for a water feature in the other corner and a Lounge/sitting area. Spaced big bamboo poles with open doorway blocking the bar space from the rest of the world.. Just my thoughts.

faztiki posted on 06/08/2011

Hi Newb24,

you've come to right place, you've already gotten advice from some of the best around.

Ben's onto something. separate the alcove with a few poles and maybe a low rail so you really know you're either 'at' the bar or you're not. and when you're 'at' the bar, you might find that you really don't need a TV in there at all. let the real world stay on the other side of the room.

The can lights could be useful with a dimmer. its good to have the ability to flip them on all the way when needed. use accent lights on the focal points of the bar to bounce light around for better mood lighting. works best if no light bulbs are actually seen, or spotlights shone down on peoples heads.

best advice is to take your time, plan a bit ahead, try a few things out, and then don't forget to get completely obsessed with it. thats when the fun starts.

is Surf Ohio throwing another FesTiki party in Dayton? that would be the spot for finding what you need.

have a blast and keep posting!

  • Faztiki
newB24 posted on 06/08/2011

WOW! Blown away that you have all taken time to post your thoughts and ideas on my build!

I quickly hit up Surf Ohio to find that FESTIKI has been cancelled for 2011! BOOOO

Unfortunately showed the local zoning/building inspector (the wife) some of the ideas I came across and they were not met with as much enthusiasm as I had hoped. And yet another BOOOOOO

Mr. Pupu Pants posted on 06/08/2011

Building inspector...Shmilding Shminspector......

MadDogMike posted on 06/08/2011

Those kind of comments could get her BANNED from the basement! :lol:

newB24 posted on 06/09/2011

Marriage is all about compromise right?!

FAZTIKI: No doubt on the TV, I already have a 120" TV less than 30' away, why would I need another but I plan on putting a small one in and encapsulating it in some sort of box that will tie in with some shelves and such. Won't be visible unless it is a necessity.

REVBAMBOOBEN: An absolutely amazing idea, my original plan was an L shaped bar but that one did not even come close to passing the local zoning ordinance. Never in a million years would have thought about adding a 4th wall with an entrance, a water feature and seating area, I struggled with what to do with that large left over space! I was pulling to put one of those ball bowler bowling machines in!

PUPUPANTS: AWESOME build thread, thanks so much for sharing, your wall coverings make me drool, gives me so many ideas

MADDOGMIKE: A vote of confidence that I can come up with something for the ligths! THANK YOU! Well, I guess I used up my favors when I built the home theater room, she was not a fan. So I am letting her have some input on this build. The boys have made the basement a no-girls allow space except Mom, maybe I can work on them a bit to change their sign!

So where am I now? Trying to procure the major materials, what a pain. Spent another hour at lunch calling around to craft and specialty wood stores trying to find something local, yeah right.."Did you say Thatch?" Yes I did, "I have no idea what you are talking about?!". Seems everything that is worth anything is in CALIFORNIA!

As far as design and style:

I'll attach my sketch later but:

  1. Wainscoting around the entire perimeter of the room (either going to be bamboo slats like PHINZ or Small Gauge Bamboo Fencing) Haven't seen too many people use the tortoise bamboo? I think maybe I like that?!
  2. The back wall will get an upper treatment of the Luahala like PHINZ did above (maybe even some BACBAC if I can afford it)
  3. Side walls above the wainscoting will have some sort of mural painted, maybe out one side will be a beach type scene with a volcano in the background
  4. Front entrance will be a bamboo framed thatch roof
  5. Ceiling will be reed with faux support bamboo (if I can't find the 4 to 6 inch bamboo at a reasonable price shipped, I might just try and make some out of PVC

With the availability of the material, not sure I can afford to do too much trial and error, I'm going to have to trust my judgement based on your photos in your build threads. I think I have picked some of the reputable internet dealers from this site, but shipping is going to add a bundle to my costs!

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-09 04:53 ]

newB24 posted on 06/10/2011

excuse my crappy drawing....this is my best photoshop!

The "crown molding" will be 4" or 6" diameter bamboo poles. I'm working on my ceiling design and elevation view at lunch today. I'll try and get it up before the weekend.

Not sure what to do about the floor trim.

I also need to do a detailed sketch on the bar. The plan will be do pick 1 internet supplier and get a huge shipment of as much material as I can possibly afford in a freight delivery. Shipping onesy and twosy of pieces just will not cut it.

newB24 posted on 06/10/2011

OK, did some quick sketching at lunch...here is ceiling plan

Best I could come up with, could change pending what reed fencing I end up getting (width wise) and keeping the smaller diameter bamboo lengths at 8' or less.

So my questions are:

  1. Do I have enough lateral 'supports' (I think probably yes, but not sure...don't want to diminish the reed fencing effect) EDIT-looking at it now, I think some smaller bamboo running laterally at the soffit and back wall might be in order
  2. How do you attach the 4 or 6 inch diameter bamboo poles to the ceiling
  3. I'm debating on how to attach the lateral smaller poles, in the middle of the bigger ones or lash them underneath. Will probably make that decision during construction, kind of like both based on the photos I've seen.

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-10 10:16 ]

newB24 posted on 06/10/2011

OK, talked with my artist at lunch, she is suggesting a full wall sized wall-paper mural. She has put many up with much success.

The wallpaper mural would be cheaper than her hand painting the mural half its size.


GROG posted on 06/10/2011

GROG not so sure about the name. Later Build seems kind of odd for a tiki bar.

Bruddah Bear posted on 06/10/2011

GROG, bar called "To Be Named Later." newB24 just confuse GROG by using evolved man word "Build" instead of caveman word "Ruin" and not using big letters at start of right words. Please forgive new evolved man, he not know any better.

P.S. Bear's mate laugh at us, say "You guys are idiots." Why woman always have to be so evolved?

faztiki posted on 06/11/2011

working through lunch already? welcome to your new hobby!

i've used a mile of that reed fencing in my bar. great, cheap, and easy to use. a few things i've learned:
a single layer of the fence is easy to see through, double it up for a good screen to hide a wall or ceiling.
with a double layer, you can just lay light strings behind it for a great indirect lighting that won't blind you, and just a few strings can light a whole wall or ceiling.

i've only seen those rolls come in 6' heights x ~25' or so long. with your dimensions, you might consider cutting two sections to equal the 10'3" width (perpendicular to the back wall). to enhance the 'hut' feel, the section touching the soffett could be mounted level, and the back section could slope down toward the back wall, maybe the opposite angle of the thatch you'll use in front of the soffett.
or, you might have to split the ceiling into three sections instead of two to equal the 15' width.

I guess Festiki only lasted a couple of years, too bad. Dayton needs an excuse to party.

surfbeatnik posted on 06/11/2011

Honey...so, how is all this tiki stuff going to be arranged?

newB24! If you need some help...I can send you the SketchUp model I created of your space!

newB24 posted on 06/11/2011



YEP! I want it...I'll pm you my addy!

newB24 posted on 06/11/2011

FAZTIKI: Interesting ideas, slope the roof, I kind of like it!

How exactly are people securing the full diameter bamboo to the ceiling? Some sort of wire/rope hanger?

Same on the fence, if I angle it, I do I support it?

If I don't angle it, how do I secure the fencing, trim nails?

VampiressRN posted on 06/12/2011

On 2011-06-11 08:05, surfbeatnik wrote:
Honey...so, how is all this tiki stuff going to be arranged?

Looking forward to seeing that sketch-up.

You have a wonderful space to start with, and you are smart to be planning ahead. Have fun and we love checking out progress pictures.

newB24 posted on 06/13/2011

Well after doing some more sketching and looking around this weekend:

  1. We have a new bar mascot, found him at some store calling my name:

  1. I've decided on the bar top. It is 4" wide Hickory Planks. Once I secure each piece to the top, will sand, color highlight and then hit it with coat after coat of polyurethane. (you can see the stack of it next to Mr. Tiki)

This is a sample of what it will look like when it is done, on the top. I think it is super cool (and durable!)

  1. I think we have settled in on a mural for the wall. (if not this one, the other two choices are sunset on the beach or just a daylight beach scene) it will be the full height and length of the wall 12' x 9'. I'll frame the wall with some big bamboo pieces to make it look like a doorway/entryway.

Other than that, didn't get very far with my bamboo quantities or take off. Will work on that today. I'm hoping to get my material lists out to some of the vendors so while I'm on vacation next week, they can work on pricing and we can get moving on some construction!

newB24 posted on 06/13/2011

Well I put my bulk order out to bid today, should have about all of it covered.

Went to:

Oceanic Arts
Mainlanders-Tropical Tikis
Island Thatch-Sunset Bamboo

I'm trying to package everything together to get 1 freight delivery but it doesn't seem like people are too interesting in doing that. "FREE SHIPPING" still includes a shipping price so if I order multiple quantities, I would think you should get some sort of discount, but that doesn't seem to be the case with some of these guys, hopefully someone will stand up amongst the rest and I can get this stuff on order.

If there are any bad experiences out there with one of these places, please let me know.

Thanks for looking....I'll slow down the posting once I get into construction! I'm a fact-finder!

RevBambooBen posted on 06/14/2011

On 2011-06-13 11:08, newB24 wrote:
Well I put my bulk order out to bid today, should have about all of it covered.

Went to:

Oceanic Arts
Mainlanders-Tropical Tikis
Island Thatch-Sunset Bamboo

I'm trying to package everything together to get 1 freight delivery but it doesn't seem like people are too interesting in doing that. "FREE SHIPPING" still includes a shipping price so if I order multiple quantities, I would think you should get some sort of discount, but that doesn't seem to be the case with some of these guys, hopefully someone will stand up amongst the rest and I can get this stuff on order.

If there are any bad experiences out there with one of these places, please let me know.

Thanks for looking....I'll slow down the posting once I get into construction! I'm a fact-finder!

Sounds like you're a little tense. RELAX! it's Tiki! Before you do anything else,
mix up a Mai Tai! Then re-think why you're building this tiki bar!!!

my PSA for the year.

RevBambooBen posted on 06/14/2011

p.s. that tiki is funny looking.


newB24 posted on 06/14/2011

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-14 04:52 ]

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-25 06:55 ]

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-07-18 04:20 ]

Bruddah Bear posted on 06/14/2011

Wow. You really do want your bread buttered on both sides, don't you?


newB24 posted on 06/15/2011

On 2011-06-14 11:09, Brudda Bear wrote:
Wow. You really do want your bread buttered on both sides, don't you?


I was complaining about shipping costs for the material, who cares now...material is on its way!


[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-14 17:51 ]

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-25 06:56 ]

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-06-25 06:56 ]

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-07-18 04:20 ]

newB24 posted on 06/26/2011

Here we are back from vacation and spent some time in the bar just messing around waiting on material arrival.

Wife and I put all the puzzle pieces to the bar top down and drank a few cocktails.

I think it turned out pretty good. A buddy has my air compressor so need to get that back and will get it all nailed down.

Lots of wood filler to be used and lots of sanding to do but I am ultra excited at how it is turning out.

Funny how you just look around and imagine how it is all going to tie together....I got big plans for the white cabinet, going to get stripped down and redone!

newB24 posted on 06/26/2011

I think we may have a name for the bar, the boys 5 and 6, really want to name it the Wiki-Tiki Bar and Grill. It is not like Wikipedia, but like the Scooby Doo episode, pronounced 'weaki'

Not sure I have a choice...I think it is done...

Now to come up with a cool bar sign

newB24 posted on 07/12/2011

Well, got my shipment of material in yesterday, I think it took the slow boat over, but it is finally here and I am ready to start!

I'll add some photos after lunch...

  1. I need to paint the bar walls some color, seen people do the buttercream or green, need to decide that
  2. I need to pick some flooring for the room, anyone ever see or use Naturestone?
  3. I'm plan on leaving the walls blue and the ceiling white, not sure how much bleed through I will have
  4. Devil is in the details, trying to figure out how to trim out the room and make the foot rests for the bar
  5. Need to procure some rope for wrapping bamboo and supporting the 2.5" stuff and making my awning
  6. I managed to find some 6" long screws for installing the 4.5" bamboo to the ceiling
  7. Need to know how to deal with this soffit jog.
MadDogMike posted on 07/12/2011

I got no answers, just encouragement. It make me smile to see your enthusiasm, keep up the good work and post progress pics when you got'em.

newB24 posted on 07/12/2011

On 2011-07-12 09:02, MadDogMike wrote:
I got no answers, just encouragement. It make me smile to see your enthusiasm, keep up the good work and post progress pics when you got'em.

I know, I got problems but it makes the hours go by fast when you think about a million things at once!

newB24 posted on 07/12/2011

Shipment in the garage...took quite a beating coming over here, lots of bamboo got crushed, especially the 1/2 round stuff.

So here is the bar top installed, I have some of the patching complete, need to patch some more and then sand like h e l l!!!

Here is the 1/2 round bamboo on the top....I think daddy likey....

Jury is still out on the tortoise shell bamboo paneling...lots of color, which is what I think I wanted. Should be a good contrast to the lauhala.

The thatch for the awning....LOVE IT!

tikiskip posted on 07/13/2011

"So where am I now? Trying to procure the major materials, what a pain. Spent another hour at lunch calling around to craft and specialty wood stores trying to find something local, yeah right.."Did you say Thatch?" Yes I did, "I have no idea what you are talking about?!". Seems everything that is worth anything is in CALIFORNIA!"

Guess where I send 50% of the lights I make and sell to?
Yep California.
Looks like I live 1 hour away from you.
Most of the things you are looking for local like bamboo will only be found early in the season
like spring time.
Bamboo cracks so the stores don't buy much if any bamboo.
Those that do buy bamboo get a small amt so they don't get
stuck with a bunch of bamboo no body wants.
Plus not a big demand for bamboo here.
I get my bamboo from,You guessed it California.
Good luck!!!

newB24 posted on 07/13/2011

So in my hunt for materials I asked my brother if he knew of any sources, he says sure a guy he knows has some that he is looking to get rid of. $10 per roll. I say sure, get me 2 rolls, $20 won't hurt this budget.

Well he made the delivery today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, got 2 of these big boys.....now how to fit it into the design somewhere!

newB24 posted on 07/13/2011

On 2011-07-13 12:46, tikiskip wrote:
Guess where I send 50% of the lights I make and sell to?
Yep California.
Looks like I live 1 hour away from you.

OK, gotta know how much you charge for those lamps (like the netting and glass bulb ones) and which direction are you an hour away to (north south east or west)?

You can PM me if you like

newB24 posted on 07/18/2011

well I would say construction has officially started, the actual bar was just a pet project to wet the whistle.

I got the soffit all ready and completed...

Here is my inspiration for the project

Here are the tools: The sponge...not sure I am spongeworthy but I did my best...

I'm not an artist, but here is the stencils I made...

I painted the soffit "GOLD COIN".....

and used an "ESPRESSO" paint color for my stomping.....

I did all 3 sides of the soffit.

Well what do y'all think?

I'm pretty pleased.... good thing it is not supposed to look perfect!

I actually got the base molding stained and that will really kick construction into high gear but don't start the blender quite yet, opening night will be around Thanksgiving!

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-07-17 17:41 ]

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-07-17 17:57 ]

The Blue Kahuna posted on 07/18/2011

Wow . . . that's fantastic! I'll bet you are really pleased . . . I would be! Again, wow!

Trader Mitch posted on 07/19/2011

Nice work on the soffit, it looks great! The only thing I would add is a brownish glaze to give it a little "patina"
Thanks for sharing your progress with us. Keep those pics coming!

newB24 posted on 07/19/2011

On 2011-07-19 08:40, Trader Mitch wrote:
Nice work on the soffit, it looks great! The only thing I would add is a brownish glaze to give it a little "patina"
Thanks for sharing your progress with us. Keep those pics coming!

Interesting enough, I don't know all the tricks of the trade to get this to look just right, really appreciate the info and the time checking out my little build!

newB24 posted on 07/19/2011

After much head scratching and painstaking research, I have committed to a flooring system for the room. It is Naturestone. An epoxy based pebble flooring system.

*image taken from DIY.com user DIYBENNY

*image taken from Pebblestoneflooringsystems.com

Basically mix up a 2 part epoxy, mix in some pebbles and trowel it on about 1/2" thick. It is a porous material that hardens like concrete. Use a shop vac or carpet cleaner clean up spills and such.

YEP, you guessed it, I got the material on order and will be installing myself! A significant savings over having someone else do it....like 80% cheaper. Thank you Google search engine for finding the materials on line. Saved me over $1000 (well less my time but I work for free right!?)

Now, I have to get my electric run to the bar and start getting ready to install the floor...YIKES.

[ Edited by: newB24 2011-07-19 10:29 ]

littlegiles posted on 07/19/2011

Great work on the soffit and I can't wait to see what else you get done. Thanks for sharing all the "in progress" pics. The tortoise shell bamboo you purchased will be perfect I think and the bar top is looking great.

Chuck Tatum is Tiki posted on 07/19/2011

Would you not give a newborn child a name?
get to naming the Bar, it will help shape the style and look of the place.
:lol: :lol:

Pages: 1 2 3 4 147 replies