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ATP is Old, Angry & Ranting!

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Thanks Lucas! as long as I can practice my "Sinanju" on Tiki Central still....

Vamp, You are one of the good ones!

Funny thing is am I am not really angry (I still find it annoying, though) about
"The Predatory Profiteering mindset & discourteous nature of how these people conduct themselves
with complete disregard of the history and culture of those that they demand time & information from"

It is just my sense of humor really doesn't translate well to many people, whom I believe are lacking
a particular chromosome in their genetic makeup, Or may have been dropped as babies
or just spent to much time with a cell phone pressed to their heads.

But I am all for welcoming "Newbies" while providing them a safe & semi comfortable environment
as long as we can still browbeat them with Tiki & Mid Century Dogma until they cry......in joy, that is.......

Well said!!!

Kids were different in the old days....
In the 1960s we had this great game called Lawn Darts", The game consisted of these large metal darts
which you threw into the air

Kids in the 50s & 60s were schooled in the laws of "Natural Selection"
so when a kid was to slow to get out of the way of a descending Lawn Dart
and the dart got embedded into said kid.....It was funny!

I miss lawn darts & Natural Selection....

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-08-06 00:30 ]


On 2012-08-04 11:52, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Thanks Lucas! as long as I can practice my "Sinanju" on Tiki Central still....

Yes you can, you pale piece of a pig's ear! :)


I was the receiver of one of your barbs a while back regarding a link to the Disney Store that you couldn't open for some unknown reason. My first reply I sent back to you was filled with expletives with what you could do with yourself so I deleted it and sent something much more tame.
Since then I see your purpose on Tiki Central as more of an enforcer, like in hockey, which is a good thing.

tikilongbeach, I can assure you my directness in that thread was without malice
But I can understand your reaction, I went to "Diplomacy School"
but received low marks in subtlety, yet I did excel in "Cowboy Diplomacy"

Is anyone using the "Like" button......anyone?
Well it just goes to show you that people are to lazy to like something.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-08-17 02:32 ]

Why is it now considered rude,To say that you don't like something?

On 2012-08-17 02:31, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Is anyone using the "Like" button......anyone?

What's this obsession with liking & not liking? Apparently the "like" juice runs out somewhere between the left coast and North Georgia, cuz there, like, ain't no "like" button on this here computer.

I like you, ATP!

Maybe it's lucky Bilge has no "like" buttons!
Thanks for the Boston love BigK! did you make it out to Oasis this year?
Now I need to rest this rum soaked brain........

Big shout out to MadDogMike, KrisDrama!!!, All of the Ding Dong Devils, Crazy Al
Hiphipahula the Cocktail Queen, John-O (Mr. Moto), Jon Paul & Doctor Z "Get to the choppa!" Marie you Cocktail Goddess
Manual & Eric (Green Hornet & Kato) & MDMs "Jaws", The best costumes at Oasis!

Kate Flannery & Chris (Stay classy, you two!)+(The Lampshades were hilarious!) Sonny Moon & the Martini Kings sent me to the moon!
Getting to see the SD crew, Matt Reese, Eric the Red (Hey Buzzy even said hello!)
Now my brain stopped working......many more! must sleep first.

Tiki Oasis: The Good, The Bad & The Weird

I am completely exhausted today after Oasis (A good kind of dead?)
So what Jungle Ginger & I go to Oasis for is the party
The friends, music, drinks & general chaos

We don't do the symposiums or similar type of activities.
there are just to many parties to get to & friends to hang out with.

The Good:
Between the room parties & bands on stage which all seemed to happen simultaneously
we had to just pick & choose for the most part what to do.

For my money the best room parties were the "International Club" which brought the Fun Factor, Decor, Ambiance, Music & drinks
to a critical mass of a great time, Just a great job from the Ding Dong Devils, John-O & Kelly making sure everyone
was having a great time.

The Saturday Tonga Hut party was private, so many of you did not get to go, everyone behind the party, Amy, Ray, Marie, Jon Paul
did it right! since it was a private party they were able to keep the vibe & fun to a manageable level, which was why so many
other room parties were hard to deal with at Oasis.

The Martini Kings & Sonny Moon set the mood perfectly, Everyone was dressed to kill :wink: Marie made sure the drinks were plentiful
& tasty, The posters of all the Tonga Hut regulars recreating classic spy shows that decorated the room were outstanding!!!
The best costumes at Oasis, Manual & Eric's "Green Hornet & Kato" & MadDogMike's "Jaws" were perfect! Marina in a sublime
70s blaxploitation outfit complete with Afro.

Strangely some of the most fun I had was with Jon Paul & Doctor Z throwing out one liners from every Schwarzenegger movie
we could think of while excluding the obvious Terminator quotes.

THANKS! MadDogMike for the great Gun mug!

Some other parties we dropped in to, The Creepy Creeps, Los Sea Finks, Jason Lee & The Swank Bastards sounded great!
but it was so damn hot & crowded in the rooms we could not stay long.

To be continued.......

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-08-20 17:09 ]

"Manual & Eric (Green Hornet & Kato)"

I didn't know that's who I almost stepped on while wearing those stilts! :lol:

Tiki Oasis: The Good....continued

If you saw Crazy Al in a white bikini with a divers knife on his hip, you were not to drunk.
And if you saw Crazy Al embracing last years "Latin" theme, you were still doing OK.
Funnest damn moment at TO 2012!

late Saturday night we ended up at the Frankie's room after their party had ended, but members
of the Hula Girls, Untouchables,Ding Dong Devils & The Swank Bastards were still hanging so I brought up some Blood Orange Mai Tai's
and we kept on going into the wee hours of the morning, Zandora gifted Nancy with a Hula Hoop!

I don't think there was one negative incident this year, nor did I see many stupid drunks
every one did a great job of maintaining & therefore keeping the fun going for everyone.

Lots of great music this year, so much I missed some of it, but the Martini Kings & Sonny Moon just nail it.
I thought "The Lampshades" where hilarious & get better every time I see them.

For the most part it looked like everything went exceptionally smooth.

So what about the "Bad" you ask......after all look what thread you are in.

  1. The Heat & Humidity really sucked, You mix it with alcohol & you have a real party killer
    I think everyone did an admiral job of keeping the party going! because it was a sauna in most of the rooms
    add to that I was wearing a suit or tuxedo every night.

  2. No ice anywhere! really need an ice truck or something, I understand having to get 200 pounds of ice for a room party
    but no ice for a cold drink anywhere in the whole hotel, I hit every ice machine in the hotel on every floor
    including the secret ones, No ice man!

3.The general atmosphere of the event was lacking in one crucial way, no burlesque dancers!
I know a couple of room parties had them & the show in the ballroom, but making Tiki Oasis
"kid" friendly is making it less "Adult" friendly & is changing the overall tone of the event
Why can't adults have just one thing for themselves these days!

Also I find it extremely odd of an event that is kid friendly with all the cocktails flowing
I don't think you should have both, it really is a contradiction.

4.The food sucks at the Crown Plaza, really should get some food trucks after hours also.

5.James Teitelbaum was a jerk to me......I don't know if he was drunk or just lacks manners
I don't know him, But I was talking to some friends when he did the classic "Cock Block Maneuver"
of stepping in front of you & pushing you away from the group, not cool James, I choose not to say anything as I was
having a great time & did not want to disrespect my hosts, aren't you proud of me?

  1. I say or comment on all sorts of things on TC, So I am going to rub some of you the wrong way
    I put myself out there & because I do I am going to get some blowback, some of you don't like me because of what I say sometimes
    or don't like my sense of humor, That is all cool! after all I am making myself a target & better be able to handle it
    when some body throws darts at me, it is only fair after all.

But when Sandra Dee is overheard in public at Tiki Oasis talking shit that includes Nancy (Jungle Ginger)
you are truly showing your colors Liz, You can say what ever you like about me, I have given you reason to
but Nancy has never said nor treated you in a negative manner ever!
She has only been friendly & attempted to chat with you in the past only to be snubbed by you.

Anyone who has ever met or talked to Nancy knows her to be an incredibly nice & positive person
whom never, ever says anything negative about anyone for any reason & that is the kind of person she is
my own friends ask how did I end up with such a nice girl, so leave her out of your hate trip
you are not worthy of her.....

Next up the Weird........

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-08-20 16:37 ]

Very sad,
sorry to hear that ATP,

Nancy is the best.


The Weird at Tiki Oasis....
Now this is not a bad thing, It just stood out as odd to me.

I saw alot of new faces this year, yet fewer old faces
I missed many of the people whom I have talked to over the years, Was attendance down this year for veteran TCers?

From my perspective most of the new crowd are younger (A very good thing)
but not as involved, They spent most of the time observing & not participating (Not such a good thing)
They did not dress up (Spy or Tiki attire) nor really engage with the ones who did
What's up with that?

I missed that visual of a sea of Tiki shirts & dresses from Oasis past.

I have observed that younger people today don't participate or engage much today for anything (except with those smart-phones)
was this the mindset of new attendees, or are we old people just that intimidating?

Maybe they were too sober.

On 2012-08-24 14:41, tikilongbeach wrote:
Maybe they were too sober.

Just maybe?

I missed meeting ATP & John O...maybe in the next life. Thanks for the overview ATP...it was a good read.

I must say...I was a busy this TO...I had previously spent a day and night in the ED with my Mom who was having leg pain and couldn't walk so she ended up in a Recovery Home for a week working hard to take physical therapy and get back to walking. Corona Contessa and I stayed a few nights out at Harrah's Rincon (not Tiki but totally enjoyable). I visited my Mom almost every day in Santee so did a lot of driving. Once I hit TC, I pretty much drove to Santee in the daytime and vegged at the hotel in the evening. So enjoyable to play cards at night with the San Diego ocean breeze wafting through the room and the bands kicking arse in the background. Happy to say my Mom was up on her feet and endured the 14 hour drive back to Sacramento (me in the UHaul and her in her car with Corona Contessa driving.) Met MDM and Hang10 and Robbie and a whole lot of other folks but no name tests please. Thank you Tikiwinebear for the wonderful puffer in a fishfloat, he is happily hanging from my rear view mirror.

Hugs Hugs to all!!! It was the best TO for me and I didn't even make it to one seminar, but it was relaxing.

I am really sorry to have missed you Vamp, Next time for sure!
I feel like we went to 2 room parties then Tiki Oasis was over, Like that.

I need a "Softee Cone" machine in my home!
one that makes half & half cones.

Is that so when yer hemorrhoids are flaring up,
you can sit on an ice cream cone for soothing relief?

why are you looking at me like that?
why are you shaking your head in disgust?
wait! put that bat down, wait! stop!


:P :P :P and a :drink:

I really enjoyed just reading your rants ATP.

One comment about your observations of the new people at Oasis. I went to Ohana at the Lake this year with my husband and it was hard to be a newbie. It's hard to jump right in so, for me, I was more of an observer.

I'd like to get to Oasis someday and I hope after getting to know some of you online at least by name, I'd do a better job of "jumping in" instead of being a watcher. (ok, that sounded a bit creepy)

Anyhow, I do enjoy you and haven't found you to be mean. I know I am not a tiki purist (yet) but learn a lot from this site every day and enjoy it a great deal!


LoriLovesTiki, I like to hear others opinions,So thanks for chiming in
I have not been to Ohana or any of the back east events, Sabu tells me its more about the room parties there.

I know many of us on TC come across as crotchety, angry people some here may not want to know
and I find it amazing when I meet new people (At Tiki Bars or events)who have read my posts on TC
and who are ether intimidated by me or formed the opinion that I am just a jerk.

I am usually the first person to invite them to meet any groups of Tiki Centralites
and share a drink with us, because for me that is what Tiki is all about, it is not about collecting
or knowing every closed Tiki bar from the past (Though I do collect Tiki Items, art & mugs etc. I try to learn
from Sven, Dusty & Sabu about the old places) it is the social factor that embodies what Tiki was all about.

As it was back in the old days, it was a place to escape & enjoy socially, friends, cocktails & let your hair down.
The way I look at it if you have the will to talk to strangers, they don't stay strangers long

Tiki Central Diplomacy School

On 2012-09-04 20:24, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
As it was back in the old days, it was a place to escape & enjoy socially,
friends, cocktails & let your hair down.

I'm all about this,
literally :wink:


Nothing to rant about lately?
or are the meds finally kicking in?


What do you got? :lol:

Well I do have this, I have been told to use more "emoticons"
because people don't know that I am joking, a lot of the time.

Well here is your fucking "emoticon" :)

This thread reminds me of a famous quote by a famous person in Major League Baseball who said something about 2 people being in a room and if they agreed with each other then one of them was not needed. I was hoping to have the exact quote and person when I posted this but I can't remember and I am unable to locate it anywhere other that I huge book I have of baseball quotes and I don't feel like going through the whole book to find it. It was probably Leo Durocher. Sounds like something he would say but I am not positive.

But if everybody agreed with everybody involved, any conversation or discussion would be pointless and boring. As long as nobody gets insulting or petty and anal, good discussion and conversation requires someone take a contrary position.

Excellent point "KB the 33rd"

You have pinpointed the exact reason why some "discussions"
about any subject here & elsewhere "particularly Facebook"
are completely disengaging & banal.

Though, I myself am guilty of playing the Contrarian.

So now I must completely disagree
for the very same reasons! :P

On 2012-09-11 11:55, bigtikidude wrote:
Nothing to rant about lately?
or are the meds finally kicking in?


Get a haircut Hippie! :D

I ain't no stinking Hippie,
I bathe, I hate Patchouli, and I don't smoke weed.


Your so right about Patchouli, I hate the smell of that crap!
Kind of like a mixture of soap & cat piss.

Ditto...down with Patchouli...totally a gag-fest!!!

I haven't had coffee in two days...now I have had Red Bulls but it is not the same and no coffee makes me kinda crankeeeee...I might start a fight with...

Why are so many men wearing girl pants?

I now share with you my latest "Photoshop" time waster...

You've got a point ATP. Every time I go to the mall I see at least one kid that makes me shake my head and say "was that a boy or a girl?"

All these pants look pretty tight to me.

Ya the Punks pulled off skinny jeans, but only if you were young & thin
the ones I am talking about are "skin tight & hip huggers" I am seeing them on older,out of shape guys
they just look ridiculous

Just as I would look ridiculous in bondage pants today :lol:

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2012-10-17 11:37 ]

Yes, I've seen some people rocking the muffin top in their skinny jeans.
The combo of skinny pants pulled down to show the boxers is a sign of the decline of civilization or that we're getting old.

That is another pet peeve, that low riding pants thing
with the underwear showing, I want to bitch slap everyone dressed that way
it just looks like they don't know how to dress themselves!

I call it the "Gangster Retard" look....

Note: I don't use the word "Retard" to describe a mentally handicapped person
I use it to describe a person whom should know better, has the capacity to know better
has been told so, yet still remains clueless.

Who would wear this if it was a T-Shirt?

only if you did too.

I would wear the shit of that T-Shirt!


Where, oh where are the verdant Freshmen?
Where, oh where are the verdant Freshmen?
Where, oh where are the verdant Freshmen?
Safe now in the soph'more class.
They've gone out from their mathematics,
They've gone out from their mathematics,
They've gone out from their mathematics,
Safe now in the soph'more class.

Where, oh where are the gay young Soph'mores?
Where, oh where are the gay young Soph'mores?
Where, oh where are the gay young Soph'mores?
Safe now in the junior class.
They've gone out from their English Lit,
They've gone out from their English Lit,
They've gone out from their English Lit,
Safe now in the junior class.

Where, oh where are the jolly Juniors,
Where, oh where are the jolly Juniors,
Where, oh where are the jolly Juniors,
Safe now in the senior class.
They've gone out from their James' psychology,
They've gone out from their James' psychology,
They've gone out from their James' psychology,
Safe now in the senior class.

Where, oh where are the grand old Seniors?
Where, oh where are the grand old Seniors?
Where, oh where are the grand old Seniors?
Safe now in the wide, wide world.
They've gone out from their Alma Mater,
They've gone out from their Alma Mater,
They've gone out from their Alma Mater,
Safe now in the wide, wide world.

Where, oh where are the staid alumnae?
Where, oh where are the staid alumnae?
Where, oh where are the staid alumnae?
Safe now in the arms of men.
They've gone out from their dreams and theories,
They've gone out from their dreams and theories,
They've gone out from their dreams and theories,
Safe now in the arms of men.


Pages: 1 2 3 131 replies