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The Wrecked Wench

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Bearded Bastard posted on 09/13/2012

This is a chronicle of my home bar, The Wrecked Wench, located in Winnetka, CA
So far, The Wrecked Wench consists of a small inside bar and a larger outside bar on the patio.

The Inside Bar:

The construction of the outside bar:

I decided I wanted to wood burn some pirate ships into the top of the bar.

The finished ships

The bar wouldn't be complete without some awesome masks by Kirby!

I was very excited to add these custom chunk lights from Mandy and Nelsons Tiki Hut!

I am always working on adding more, so there will be more pics to come!
Thanks for checking it out!

arriano posted on 09/13/2012

WOW!! This all looks fantastic. Great work all around.

Monkeyman posted on 09/13/2012

What a great story telling set of photos...

I love the journey (the process). Nice work.

Q-tiki posted on 09/13/2012

This is a REALLY nice bar! I mean, THESE are really nice BARS!!!

I especially like the barrel shelf inside and, of course, the Wrecked Wench herself! :)

Thanks for posting. Very well done.

Slacks Ferret posted on 09/13/2012

Some lovely personal touches. Very well done! Mahalo for sharing!

Big Kahuna posted on 09/13/2012

Wow! I'm impressed. I like the mix of Pirate/Nautical/Tiki. You really made it work.

qh tiki posted on 09/13/2012

Nice work...... the burned ships, free hand or stencil? Nice bar top touch.

PolynesianPop posted on 09/13/2012

Awesome pics BB! What's great about the Wrecked Wench is that every room is themed. Here's a couple more pics from my last visit:

Inside Bar

Pirate themed Bedroom

Haunted Mansion themed Dining Room

And part of the Star Wars Room

Last but not least, a Rumpus Room field trip to the Wrecked Wench! Photo by Tonga Tom.

Big Kahuna posted on 09/13/2012

Unbelievable! I'm blown away. In New England, hanging a metal star on the front of your house is considered creative decorating!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/13/2012

Nice job. Bearded One...

TikiB posted on 09/13/2012

I like what you have done. Keep the pictures coming!

Bearded Bastard posted on 09/13/2012

Thanks all for the kind words!

And thanks PolyPop for the additional photos!

On 2012-09-13 09:38, qh tiki wrote:
Nice work...... the burned ships, free hand or stencil? Nice bar top touch.

qh tiki, I used carbon paper to transfer my line drawings of the pirate ships to the bar top. It was my first real attempt at wood burning, so I am happy with how they came out.

JOHN-O posted on 09/13/2012

Fantastic !! :) One thing however...

I think it's acceptable creative license to mix Tiki with Nautical and/or Pirate. There is one pop cultural "no no" that I did notice. You have a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man inside the Star Wars room !!

I expect this grave thematic error to be corrected before my upcoming visit.

Bora Boris posted on 09/13/2012

Mr Stay Puft was Done by Industrial Light and Magic so he's Star Wars friendly + he's a Sailor so he's welcome in other parts of the house. He can stay! :evil:

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/13/2012

I look forward to feasting on his delicious insides!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/13/2012

Great build and really nice photos! Thanks for sharing.

littlegiles posted on 09/13/2012

WOW...just WOW! So many fun touches that I can't even begin to pick and choose favorites. At the top of the list is the burned pirate ships on the bar top. Great idea and one that deserves to be stolen (I mean, borrowed).

  • Dale
bamboo stu posted on 09/14/2012

Wow...why stop at one room? It's like living in a theme park! Seriously awesome.

komohana posted on 09/14/2012

yarrr! she's a sultry wench and no mistake.

forgotten tikiman posted on 09/14/2012

Very cool :D. You mixed all three themes very well. Great job.

VampiressRN posted on 09/14/2012

Posted: Today; 08:34 am....WHAT!!!

I can't believe you have been keeping this wonderful place all to yourself and friends and are just now posting all that awesomeness!!!

I LOVE IT...and right in time to celebrate "Talk Like A Pirate" day on September 19th. Just full of fun and great blending. Yo ho Yo ho....

Kiwi Steve posted on 09/14/2012

Holy Moly!!!!!!!! I don't want to post photos of my meager attempt anymore... : (
This gives me inspiration though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heylownine posted on 09/14/2012

I love the look of the outside bar - and it seems so spacious too!

Well done you Bastard!


Wayfarer posted on 09/15/2012

Those bars are amazing, how did you find that stuff?

ErkNoLikeFire posted on 09/17/2012


Bearded Bastard posted on 09/17/2012

On 2012-09-15 13:37, Wayfarer wrote:
Those bars are amazing, how did you find that stuff?

Thanks! Ive just been gathering things here and there for a long time now. I am just happy that it is finally all starting to come together.

White Devil posted on 09/17/2012

I'm especially fond of the sea turtle & the open barrel shelf. Nice going, Bastard!

hang10tiki posted on 09/17/2012

Me lik-E big time

Hiphipahula posted on 09/18/2012

More than amazing Jake, over and beyond craftsmanship mitered and finished. All of you did a beautiful job. I'm no good with words I'll just rave to you about you in person ok?:)

JOHN-O posted on 09/24/2012

:right: :right: :right:

JOHN-O posted on 09/24/2012

Tiki + Pirate + Star Wars + Haunted Mansion = I don't know what....

But I like it !!!

Forry's AckerMansion might be ancient history but we have the Wrecked Wench to enjoy. :)

Thanks Bearded Bastard !!!

Bearded Bastard posted on 09/24/2012

On 2012-09-23 19:09, JOHN-O wrote:
Tiki + Pirate + Star Wars + Haunted Mansion = I don't know what....

But I like it !!!

Forry's AckerMansion might be ancient history but we have the Wrecked Wench to enjoy. :)

Thanks Bearded Bastard !!!

Thanks John-O! I'm glad you could stop by.

Bearded Bastard posted on 09/24/2012

A few pics from the last shindig at the Wrecked Wench.

Thanks to Joe Banks for the great photos!

PolynesianPop posted on 09/27/2012

Here's a couple more pics from the "Break In" party:

We had a GREAT time! Thanks for having us over :)

heylownine posted on 09/28/2012

And a few more "3rd party" photos of The Wrecked Wench and associated goings-ons.


Bearded Bastard posted on 09/28/2012

Thanks for the great pics guys!

Dagg posted on 09/28/2012

Awesome space you got there! diggin it :)

Monkeyman posted on 09/29/2012

Nicely done. Great mix of spaces.

All different themes and genres.


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tiki eye posted on 09/30/2012

Digging all this, way cool place ya got.

VampiressRN posted on 09/30/2012

Looks like fun fun fun. Great atmosphere for throwing back a drink.

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TorchGuy posted on 10/22/2012

That has to be one of the coolest themed homes I've ever seen. I can feel the vibe of that rockin' party right through the computer screen!

That brick wall with the life preserver on it is just begging for one of those fake electric fireplaces with the metal hood; hang a small tiki or mask on the middle of the hood and shine that spotlight on it with a red bulb.

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Thruliquidspace posted on 11/15/2012

Great gob! I have the Davis redhead painting hanging in my tv room. I like your take on it. Nice to see a local on tikiroom. I'm in reseda and still trying to perfect my jungle cruise backyard. Hahaha. Nice work!

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tiki mick posted on 11/15/2012

On 2012-11-14 19:21, Thruliquidspace wrote:
still trying to perfect my jungle cruise backyard.

Do you have any pics? Can you start a thread? I am a major Disney FREAK.

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Cenvalycali posted on 03/21/2013

Wow, Your outside bar is GORGEOUS!!!! To die for my friend. Can you share the dimensions of your bar with us? WOW!

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