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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/19/2012


Everything looks great! I especially like Wolfie and Tapa Bob. I can't wait to see how Hot Bob looks when fired.

danlovestikis posted on 10/20/2012


This is the link to the Ohana Infirmary. If you haven't looked before and want to be grossed out take a look. I have lots of surgery photos from past injuries posted. This morning I posted photos of what took up most of our Friday. My cat is missing the time she usually spends outdoors.

So with what little time I had yesterday I worked on the Wish List. A bowl for Psycho Tiki D and a 3D Flame Bob for Joanne. Here are the photos.

First I started glazing the outside of the Frankoma War God bowl.

Then I remembered that doing the inside first is the best way to work.

I paint the bowl upside down and right side up

So I can see small missed areas.

For Joanne's 3D Flame Bob I started with three layers of red under-glaze.

Next I added yellow to the flames.

Then I lit a match and found that flames are blue and yellow so I added a blue base.

The blue needed to be toned down so it was back to adding more red.

I've painted it with 2 layers of clear glaze and its drying.

Today we will open the kiln and inspect each piece to see what needs to be fixed!
Soon Beachbumz but remember Christmas is not in October and I'm expecting horrors in the kiln such as Wolf Man Bob!

Cheers, Wendy

Beachbumz posted on 10/20/2012

Waiting in suspense........ I can wait to that Wolfman, he's going to look great along with my bowl, I'm sending you lots of tiki mana now.. :wink:

Mele Kalikimaka!

hang10tiki posted on 10/20/2012

Sorry about the cat.
Give it a lil milk out of a tiki mug, that should help.

danlovestikis posted on 10/21/2012

Tiki Central was down in my area last night so I had to wait until this morning to share photos.

Beachbumz, it worked. I only had one tiny spot where the glaze crawled and none popped off. Four layers worked! Since this glaze is flat and shiny I'll just touch that spot out with black enamel and you'll not be able to tell. It will make its journey to Hawaii in a day or two, I'm so jealous!

hang10tiki she's getting tasty antibiotics twice a day. I'll just make a tiki face at her when she gets it.

Yesterday we had visitors. They came to pick up their Sacramento Ohana Crawl mugs.
anythonymaye brought us one of his original paintings. Thank you so much Anthony!

thequinn Tonya and Bill also picked up their mug and we had a fun visit.

All of the numbered mugs have sold out. I have some I pulled due to a very small glaze imperfection on the back if anyone is interested. $50 plus shipping.

Progress Report Wish List #3:

We opened the kiln. Top shelf.

Bottom shelf.

Hale Tiki suggested that we give up on the repairs for the Eric October bowl and just glaze over the area that had popped off. We did and now Dan will put it into his collection.

I really like the four new glazes that I've tested. I'll use them soon.

The four necklaces turned out. The yellow puffer is for ebTiki and the orange one is for HBTiki.

The purple Bob bowl had two areas where the glaze popped off. This happens when the bisqed clay shrinks some more as it cools.

I re-glazed this bowl and it will fire again. Hopefully it will be fixed.

I aged Alii Tiki's War God. I'm still not sure if this will fulfill his wish.

This one just can't be fixed. The glaze runs off and glues to my supports. It will just have to stay this way.

Dan claimed the brown one in the middle as a reward for sanding all the bottoms.

Wolf Man Bob came out just fine. It even looks like an old mug because I finally got some crazing in the glaze on the shirt. dartharnie shall I ship him and your crawl mug?

Beachbumz here's your bowl!

This photo shows the only tiny spot that didn't glaze.

Can you tell which spot? I'll bake him in the home oven tonight to set the enamel.

19tikichef62's Volcano Missionary's Downfall Woman Shrunken Head Bob is ready for enamel highlights. On this kiln load both this Bob and the purple bowl Bobs had the black run on the faces. I don't know why. I waited overnight for the black to dry but I did use a different clear glaze. It doesn't look good on the bowl Bobs so I'll paint white enamel over the faces. I kind of like it here. I'll take direction from 19.

The glaze from her hair also ran but it blends into the theme of her as one with the lava. Once I paint her details and do the tattoos on her and Bob it will work out.

22 photos that must be a record for me. I hope you enjoyed seeing the hits and misses. I always enjoy sharing with you. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-10-21 08:15 ]

VampiressRN posted on 10/21/2012

Wow Wow Wow...Wolfman is wicked!!!

Beachbumz posted on 10/21/2012

I Love It Wendy... It really came out Awesome!!! and no I couldn't tell were that skip was after you painted it.. That inside red lava glaze is perfect over that speckled black lava, So excited to have this one in my collection.. :wink:
That Wolfman came out Beautiful!! I mean Scary Beautiful..:) I really like the crazing effect too just adds to it all even more..

littlegiles posted on 10/21/2012

It's my favorite kind of update. I love a kiln opening and seeing all those amazing colors shining in there. Even if you had some glazing issues, the pieces are wonderful and it is always great to see them all.

Love the new glaze colors. They are going to make some amazing mugs!

  • Dale
MahaloTiki posted on 10/21/2012

Great work Wendy!

Love it when you open that KILN! Like Christmas all over again.

dartharnie posted on 10/22/2012
  1. Wolfie looks perfect. Can't wait until it is in hand so I can gush even more.
  2. Wonderful save on Dan's bowl. You tried 500 different things to fix that chip and kept with it. I think it turned out great.
  3. All these war gods are making me VERY Jealous I didn't order one...maybe next year.
hang10tiki posted on 10/22/2012

Very nice show

little lost tiki posted on 10/22/2012

so much great stuff coming out of that head and heart of yours!
That Purple baby is gonna SING after that second glaze !

anthonymaye posted on 10/22/2012

Thank you again for such a warm reception love the mug
now i just have to find a good spot for it... other than up to my lips.

MadDogMike posted on 10/22/2012

Wendy, so much color from the kiln - like lovin' from the oven! :D
I know the Eric October didn't turn out exactly like you wanted, but after 2 months I'm sure it feels good to be done messing with it! :lol:
The Wolfman turned out excellent! I've got some crackle glaze in the kiln now, we'll see what happens. Why is it that you use regular glaze and sometimes it crackles, then you intentionally use a crackle glaze and it won't craze?

Alii Tiki posted on 10/23/2012

On 2012-10-21 07:30, danlovestikis wrote:

I aged Alii Tiki's War God. I'm still not sure if this will fulfill his wish.

Looking old and crusty Wendy !!! I like it, can't wait to see you work your magic on my bowl next.

danlovestikis posted on 10/23/2012

Thank you all for the great notes.
VampiressRN I'm so glad everyone likes Wolf Man Bob.
Beachbumz your bowl has shipped. I love watching you work, thanks so much for watching us.
littlegiles, Mahalo Tiki, hang10tiki I love opening the kiln and seeing all the colors. Just a couple of days and it happens again.
dartharnie we will ship tomorrow!
anthonymaye its was terrific to meet you. See you again soon.
MadDogMike I am baffled as to why my glaze that should crack doesn't and the glaze that shouldn't does.

I took a flash photo of Wolf Man Bob.

I'm doing a couple of tests to find out if it's the clear glaze or the brand of black under-glaze that has begun to run when I do Bob faces. Oh No, I just realized that I didn't put them in the kiln when I fired last night. They are still sitting on the counter. Oh well!

To cover the runny eyes on the volcano Bob I've covered the face with four layers of glaze. While doing this I noticed some crazing on the woman so I've added clear glaze to her body and face to see if it will heal her.

Three Bob's. Pineapple, Smooth and Pac Man Key Bob's.

Back of Pac Man.

Drying outside before firing.

Top shelf of the kiln.

Bottom shelf.

The kiln started at 8 PM so it might not open until Thursday. It's still not done. I do slow ramps at 13 to 15 hours determined by the preheat. Last night it was 2 hours.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-10-23 08:33 ]

danlovestikis posted on 10/23/2012

I confess that I go back and re-read comments. I just did that and found that I'd missed one from little lost tiki one of my very favorite artists. Kenny, hug hug hug back to you. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-10-24 07:43 ]

MadDogMike posted on 10/24/2012

Wendy, who knows the secret life of glazes? But my crackle glaze turned out good. I opened the kiln a bit about 2 hours after firing finished, it was probably 1000-1200 in there still. Then I opened it completely after a couple more hours. The piece was very warm to touch, uncomfortable to hold for more than a couple of seconds (and I have pretty tough hands). I wiped it with a barely damp cloth and could hear the glaze pinging. Normally you hate to hear that sound but this time was different. Then I soaked it some ink and water for a while. It's got a nice spiderweb effect.

hang10tiki posted on 10/24/2012

Wendy- wolfman is sweeeeeeeeeeet

MDM- nice cracks :)

Hale Tiki posted on 10/24/2012

Love that skull, Mike.

danlovestikis posted on 10/24/2012

MDM very nice, love the skull. I'm afraid I'd have to have a whole load I wanted to crack. I'd love to have a small kiln one day.
hang10tiki thank you.
Hale Tiki MDM has done a great job of cracking us up and now he's cracking skulls.

Yesterday was another day of glazing. 3 layers each meant this is what I was able to do in 7 hours.

I had one more War God statue to do and I want to see if I can make another old one.

These are the little cups that Psycho Tiki D rescued and I've taken from clay to glaze. I started with 11 and 5 didn't make it this far.

When making these Frankoma Bowls the challenge is glazing behind the tikis. It works best to pour in the glaze.

I let it drain out and use a brush to reach what I can to smooth it.

This is a new glaze color in mottled green.

The last bowl I glazed will be orange inside and on the Bob faces. The bowl will be an off dark beige with orange spots. This is also a new glaze.

Opening the kiln with new glazes is super fun. I need to glaze enough for one more shelf. The load in the kiln now will open in the morning and then I'll get another going.

Soon I'll be back to the rest of the Wish List that is still in the clay stage. That means the Jaguar bowl, Scuba diver Bob, Christmas Santa Bob, Flamingo Bob...I'll have to go through the binder to see what else. Thank you all for keeping me so busy. I'm having a blast. Cheers, Wendy

Alii Tiki posted on 10/25/2012

On 2012-10-24 07:57, danlovestikis wrote:
I had one more War God statue to do and I want to see if I can make another old one.

Now I'm hooked !!! Looking forward to seeing what you do to this one Wendy.
MAhalo for all the pictures.

TikiAno posted on 10/25/2012


Excited to see the "Jungle Gem" Bob- which glaze did you use? I fired a piece to Cone 6 with it (a bit too high) and didn't get as cool a look as I had hoped. The Wolfman is amazingly amazing. :)

TikiAno posted on 10/25/2012


Excited to see the "Jungle Gem" Bob- which glaze did you use? I fired a piece to Cone 6 with it (a bit too high) and didn't get as cool a look as I had hoped. The Wolfman is amazingly amazing. :)

hang10tiki posted on 10/25/2012

Wendy n Dan = Livin da dream

Hale Tiki posted on 10/25/2012

Rescued? Do tell.

Also, I have an original Duncan mold for those, unused, that I'm about to run a bunch of tin silicone positives of, which will destroy the mold for ceramic use, but will produce a large number of positives to make new molds from.

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2012-10-25 03:59 ]

dartharnie posted on 10/25/2012

I'm almost beginning to look forward to the new glazes as much as I am new wish list carves. You display so much creativity from beginning to end. When do you open the kiln again? :)

[ Edited by: dartharnie 2012-10-25 07:55 ]

danlovestikis posted on 10/25/2012

Hi Friends, I was so honored to be on the cool and current list this morning. I needed a cheer up. We are heading to a funeral this morning.

I will have photos way later today. We opened the kiln and overall I'm very excited by what I saw with the glazes.

TikiAno I only use o6 glazes, your 6 is 10 times hotter. The highest I've gone is 05.

hang10tiki we are living the dream. I wish Dan would stop asking for everything that comes out of the kiln.

Hale Tiki these were a rescue of fragile clay in a box in a garage sale. By the time PTD got 12 to us one was broken. As I tried to sand them a couple more broke then in the kiln 3 more perished.

dartharnie me too!

See you later, Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/25/2012

On 2012-10-21 07:30, danlovestikis wrote:

The Bob bowl had two areas where the glaze popped off. This happens when the bisqed clay shrinks some more as it cools.

I re-glazed this bowl and it will fire again. Hopefully it will be fixed.

Wendy, this is my favorite glaze so far! I love all the new multicolored ones though....

danlovestikis posted on 10/26/2012

Hi LoriLovesTiki, sometimes a bowl just won't co-operate. The last time I had a bowl where the glaze kept popping off if was a purple Bob. One day it slipped off the hood of my car and crashed on the ground. Once again I am working on another purple Bob bowl and for the second time glaze has popped off. I am cursed with purple Bob bowl failures.
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I'm going to keep trying until this bowl cracks or crashes! I like this glaze too.

The kiln came open and I found hits and misses. This is the second miss for Professor G's spotted War God statue. Some day I may get this right.
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Under-glaze is not supposed to move. I am now convinced that the clear glaze is to fault. I had some Bob mouths and eyes move too.
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Sorry Professor G.

I almost forgot. Here's the first shelf when I opened the kiln
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and the bottom shelf.
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The next small problem I encountered is a couple of small glaze skips inside the War God bowl I've made for Psycho Tiki D. I'll sand clean and re-glaze these. This is a minor problem that is easy to take care of.
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Oh shoot I just remembered another problem. 10tikichef62 super hard VolcanoMissionary'sDownfallShrunkenHeadBob didn't come out as hoped for after repairs. I've found out that the rocky glaze is eaten up by existing shiny glaze. So trying to cover the face didn't work out. I've gotten way too much glaze on this one. So 19 I'm going to just use cold paint to finish it up and you may decide if you still would like to own it. So I'll get to work on that part soon.
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Ok some of the tikis did come out just fine. Here they are...
For ebTiki I did a Tiki Central Tapa Bob, a Sheet Metal Bob and a Small Ring Coconut Bob. No problems they all turned out just fine.
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In those photos you can also see a test I did of the Sacramento Crawl mug in tapa.
Dan has grabbed it as his own.
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Two flame Bob's one flat and one in 3D for Joanne.
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These are the three whose faces I need to paint eyes and mouth on.
A smooth Bob, PacMan Bob for SM Bacon and Pineapple Tall Bob whose pineapple must be cold painted too.
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Thanks for stopping by and for your votes. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-10-25 17:31 ]

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Professor G posted on 10/26/2012

Dang. I blame my faulty wish. We must ponder this, Wendy. Once again, it's actually kind of cool-looking in places. This is still the happiest thread on TC and and the wish will, in time, come true (maybe the splendour of it would be too great for me to handle at this time, so fate wishes me to wait).

It's always fun,


P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3ccc2ecdcd9db03c8a791c2400782995?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Philot posted on 10/26/2012

I really like that psychedelic fruity pebbles glaze on the inside of the purple bowl. You're really coming up with some killer glazes lately. I hope they start cooperating more!

danlovestikis posted on 10/26/2012

Hi Professor G, thank you for waiting while I catch up on other Wish List projects.

Philot you are the person who posted closest to my 250,000 view mark. When I finish you Mayan Temple Jaguar bowl I'll include a prize for you.

Thank you everyone. We have chores today so I'll have to run now and post later.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/26/2012

You guys don't have time for chores.
The show must go on...
More, more, we need more....


P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3ccc2ecdcd9db03c8a791c2400782995?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Philot posted on 10/27/2012

These are the three whose faces I need to paint eyes and mouth on.
A smooth Bob, PacMan Bob for SM Bacon and Pineapple Tall Bob whose pineapple must be cold painted too.
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Wendy, you've done a couple of Pacman Bobs. Are there glazes that fluoresce under a black light?

danlovestikis posted on 10/27/2012

hang10tiki I got right back to tiki work yesterday. Those chores can just wait!
philot I haven't seen any glow in the dark glazes. They have some that are called Neon's but they are just closer to primary colors than other glazes. I use them often. It would be so cool to have some glow.

Progress Report on the Wish List:

As of yesterday I've glazed everything that had been made and fired for the Wish List. Next we will be back to casting and I'll be back to working clay. It's time to jump on those Jaguars.

Here's yesterday.

It was time to glaze Alii Tiki's Small Tiki Frankoma Bowl. Since the tikis and the bowl are different colors I used a squeeze bottle to try to keep the colors separate. It's not perfect because these tikis are so close to the bowl but I did my best.
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I tried to direct the flow of Grey Spice glaze to just the tiki.
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After the glaze became solid I turned it over and did it again. This was repeated back and forth to get the 3 layers on the tikis.
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I painted the Alligator glaze on the outside of the bowl 3 times and used the squeeze bottle to direct the glaze onto the bowl.
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The inside has Firecracker on the bottom of the bowl and at the top. In between these two layers is Wildfire. I recently found that some glazes do not blend as they melt so I've done some blending of these two colors with a brush.
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After the inside was done 3 times I added the Alligator glaze to the top rim. It takes a very long time to glaze so I watched my guilty pleasure The Housewives of New Jersey. They argued through 5 episodes! Dan's so glad to disappear into his tiki man cave when I put this trash on.
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I put everything out into the back yard to dry.
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Winter is coming and soon I'll be using fans to dry molds and glazed tikis.

Working to have the kiln be fuller I glazed 4 SuperCarved Small Bobs.
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I'm almost ready to stop glazing the bottoms. It makes a lot more work because the spikes make sharp areas that then need to be sanded.
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Here Dan's fine tuning the bottom of ebTiki's TC Tapa Bob.
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I had Dan grind off as much glaze as he could from the top of Purple Bob.
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Then this time I added more of the Floral glaze to the tops of the tikis and bowl. Maybe this time it will come out just fine.
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It was time to put all the glazes and glaze tests back in the shed.
Modern Art for the ceramicist.
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I put all the glazes on trays to haul back to the kiln shed.
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Top Shelf.
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Bottom shelf.
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The kiln will open sometime Sunday.

Thank you for stopping by, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 10/27/2012

That was a big day
Thanx for all the great pics


Alii Tiki posted on 10/27/2012

On 2012-10-27 08:38, danlovestikis wrote:

It was time to glaze Alii Tiki's Small Tiki Frankoma Bowl. Since the tikis and the bowl are different colors I used a squeeze bottle to try to keep the colors separate. It's not perfect because these tikis are so close to the bowl but I did my best.

The inside has Firecracker on the bottom of the bowl and at the top. In between these two layers is Wildfire. I recently found that some glazes do not blend as they melt so I've done some blending of these two colors with a brush.

After the inside was done 3 times I added the Alligator glaze to the top rim. It takes a very long time to glaze so I watched my guilty pleasure The Housewives of New Jersey. They argued through 5 episodes! Dan's so glad to disappear into his tiki man cave when I put this trash on.

WOW !!! Wendy, fantastic work as always.
Is that a brush or a syringe head on that bottle?
I'm loving how you're forcing the blending of the 2 glazes inside the bowl, I'm so very excited to see the results when the kiln is opened.
It seems as if I'm enabling your guilty pleasure for trash TV via my guilty pleasure of Tiki art.

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Professor G posted on 10/28/2012

Great show today, Dan & Wendy. It had it all: tension, comedy, New Jersey housewives yelling at one another, glaze . . . who could ask for better entertainment?

MadDogMike posted on 10/28/2012

So much good stuff Wendy - the vivid colors of the PacMan, the metallic sheet metal, the pineapple...

danlovestikis posted on 10/28/2012

hang10tiki it's a really fun day when I move on to another phase.
Alii Tiki the bottle is like a syringe with a blunt tip. I hope the colors stayed separate. After college the first thing I did was subscribe to Enquirer Magazine but I can't read and create at the same time so now its those mean housewives.
Professor G thank you I'll try to keep it going with some comedy, oh I have a mopper in the family so it should be easy!
MadDogMike today the photos are just better photos of what I've shown already. They are better because you gave me the photographic studio. I love it Mike thank you again.

Progress Report:

Tomorrow I'll have photos of the latest kiln fire. Today I want to share how I looked yesterday at a party and better photos of the last kiln fire.
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19TikiChef62's TAll VOLCANO MISSONARY'S DOWNFALL SHRUNKEN HEAD soon to be tattooed Bob.
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The ebTiki collection.
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Dan's I work hard now reward me with this test crawl mug.
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The second Professor G failed to keep the spots in place mug!
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PacManBob Dan's Pineapple Bob and Joanne's Hot Bob.
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Now its time to get to work, cheers, Wendy

To view all completed works on one page go to this Tiki Gallery Link.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-10-28 07:29 ]

hang10tiki posted on 10/28/2012

Great colors as always

Those eyes r freekin me out...

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2012-10-28 20:09 ]

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tigertail777 posted on 10/28/2012

Pacman Bob, Pineapple Bob, and Wolfman Bob are really AWESOME. Well honestly everything is as usual. Condolences on the funeral. I have the tiger Bob necklace hanging in my art space now, I will try and get some pics for you next time I get down there. Thanks for sending the leather cord. :)

MadDogMike posted on 10/28/2012

Wendy, you look like the quintessential artist! :D

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Professor G posted on 10/28/2012

On 2012-10-28 07:26, danlovestikis wrote:

The second Professor G failed to keep the spots in place mug!
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Actually, other than the blue drips on the teeth and the bleeding eyes, it looks pretty dang great. The glaring blue eyes and big white chompers are scary in a good way.

E Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a9872472a5f9b86ecd7b5d2d625fbb73?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
ebtiki posted on 10/28/2012

Where's the "LIKE" button?

dartharnie posted on 10/28/2012

On 2012-10-28 09:55, Professor G wrote:

On 2012-10-28 07:26, danlovestikis wrote:

The second Professor G failed to keep the spots in place mug!
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/508d3e8b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=51774e88b01dfc5dcc23be8c1ac784e3

Actually, other than the blue drips on the teeth and the bleeding eyes, it looks pretty dang great. The glaring blue eyes and big white chompers are scary in a good way.

I agree and would add...

If this was in red on white, the bleeding eyes and bloody teeth would look fantastic. Might be worth a try? (maybe)

LoriLovesTiki posted on 10/28/2012

It's Sunday!!!!!!

I want to see the bowls!

Love the pineapple Bob. Cute costume too. I'm going to be "rained in" the next two days or so due to the hurricane coming up the East Coast so keep on posting. You know I'm going to be stalking this thread. Like Big Kahuna my flight got cancelled....

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