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The meaning of your USERname

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On 2003-12-19 12:56, ikitnrev wrote:

If you see me in person, you can just call me Vern .... you know what I mean?

Vern (nrev)

vern, i'm glad you broke the "ernest p. worrell quote" thing. i'm sure it was very annoying for you to hear back in the day, and the fact that you said it seems pretty cool.



Manic Cat
It's my alter-ego cartoon character. One of these days I'm gonna post some pics of this kitty! The sad, sad story is that when I was 20, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression). I am completely nuts, obviously! Manic Cat is the world's first manic-depressed cartoon character. And I'm still the crazy cat that likes to rip sh*t up!

Wow this is a great thread! I often wonder about the meaning of alot of names. I'm not quit sure were I got my name. One day I said "flounder is my least hated favorite fish" I have no idea why I said it or what the hell it meant, but I kept saying it for years. I also say eat beans quite often. I think I may be slightly retarded or have OCD, but I'm not sure. I'm down with OCD.

Flounder, it's the other flat fish.

On 2003-12-19 13:25, FLOUNDERart wrote:
One day I said "flounder is my least hated favorite fish" I have no idea why I said it or what the hell it meant, but I kept saying it for years.

Flounder, that quote is from Roger Waters "Radio KAOS," no? okay, I took the bait. i figured your pescine moniker was from some random dadaist source. that, or Animal House.


"The jab" is my DJ name and was given to me by Peter English (aka Peter Verbuge) back in the early 80s for a "Battle of the DJs" at the International Blend club (later the King's Road Cafe) in San Diego.

He called me "the jab" because when I danced I sometimes made jabbing motions with my hands like a boxer (I was very mod in those days).

Later in the mid-1980s Peter opened the infamous Pink Panther bar in San Diego, thus ending a very dry period in San Diego nightlife. I heard he moved to Seattle around the start of the big Subpop music scene up there in the late 80s and I have not seen him since.

I started using "the jab" online when I first joined the modslist discussion group in the early 90s (I think some current TC members may have been in that group).


"Tiki-bot" was derived from "Artbot". What the hell's an Artbot? I don't know, but in '96 I needed a name for my 3D art & animation business. I wanted it to be short, distictive and easy to remember.

At that time, "bots" were all the rage on the web: search-bots, seek-bots, kill-bots, etc., so I figured why not "Artbot". It sounds weird at first, but I bet "Microsoft" sounded foreign to people when it was founded.

"Tiki-bot" is the logical extension of that name, but with a hyphen so people know to separate the words. I really like it, though, because I love space/sci-fi stuff and tiki!

I'm a geek, so I have both domain names:

I just recently joined, and didn't put a whole lot of thought into my name.

I went to berkeley, so I intersperse oski in my usernames. oski_rules_the_tree is my email at yahoo, a reference to how much I hate stanford.

I kind of like the way the word sounds. oski. tiki-oski.

Not brilliant, but i like it.

The origins of my hallowed name are whispered by the tradewinds that rustle the palm fronds of exotic shores across the south seas ...

Nah, I was just SO excited back when I happened upon the old Yahoo club that I immediately started posting as 'Tiki Chris,' planning to change to something more creative. I've since thought of some much better names than 'Tiki Chris' & considered changing several times, but I figured it'd just confuse matters.

Great Thread,
Tiki Chris/Chris/TC

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-19 14:42 ]

Wow...this is great...please keep them comming...

I already know the story behind Paranoid123, but he should share with the others. Come on Paranoid123, let us have it.

On 2003-12-19 14:49, The Monitors wrote:

I already know the story behind Paranoid123, but he should share with the others. Come on Paranoid123, let us have it.

Me? Really, it's not at all that interesting. It was all because I was trying to register on eBay so I can bid on something. I was getting frustrated with all the personal questions that it was asking for (Credit Card number, addresses, pet's names, etc), but I still really wanted to bid, so I wanted "paranoid" or "paranoia" as a passive agreessive attempt to protest. But of course, both those names were probably taken years ago. So I used the old AOL throwback method of appending it with some numbers, and hence my stupid name.

Anyway, I decided to use it for most of the boards that I frequent, just so I don't have to remember all the usernames. It's bad enough that I have like 30 passwords to remember at work.

See? Not that interesting at all!


On 2003-12-19 07:25, Feelin' Zombified wrote:
:music: "Now I'm Feelin' Zom-bee-fied" :music:
:music: "Now I'm Feelin' Zom-bee-fied" :music:

I always wondered if you were an Alien Sex Fiend!


On 2003-12-19 10:27, snarkoutgirl wrote:
You can tell my mind is in the gutter- I always read bongofury as "bong of fury"!

Me too!

The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death.

I think that should be a band name.
I want to read this book.
For some reason this title is cracking me up.
Avocado of Death?
Must be a California thing.

On 2003-12-19 16:38, tikibars wrote:

The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death.

I think that should be a band name.
I want to read this book.
For some reason this title is cracking me up.
Avocado of Death?
Must be a California thing.

It's quite a funny book! Daniel Pinkwater reads a litle like Kurt Vonnegut or Douglas Adams, but with fat kids. I think the Avocado of Death was the weapon created by an evil mastermind... I have to go read it again. It's out of print by itself, but you can still buy it in the form of the book 5 Novels, which also includes 4 other geat books of his.

I love daniel pinkwater's books & used to have a bunch of them but i can't find them anywhere so i think i must have got rid of them during a move or something. i've been combing the thrift stores for anything by dp but with no luck alas.

A friend in grade school called me Tarzan once and it stuck. Since it's patented I figured I would try to come up with an offshoot and JungleTrader was born (clouds part, angels sing, and the sun shines on a baby boy). Besides it would be cool to live in a treehouse on a tropical island and trade in the jungle. Even now as I walk thru the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse at Disneyland I fantasize about being a dark-skinned loin cloth wearin' ape man swingin' thru the trees saving many a damsel in distress....................or just my monkey.
(sigh) I'm just a balding old white guy sitting at a computer.

My name is Kimo and I got the primo, man. Only da kine, brah.

Besides that I also have a serious Primo Beer fetish that originated during summer vacations to Oahu. As a kid, Hawaii almost bored me and I spent a lot of time tracking down various Primo give away items. My most prized piece of Primo paraphernalia was a macrome hat of beer cans. This was and is my holy grail.

Sometime in my teen years this hat was carelessly tossed out with my full set of Star Wars action figures and GI Joe Dolls.

One day I will be reunited with my beloved Primo Beer can hat and then, ONLY THEN will I rest.

My name is Kimo and I got the primo, man. Only da kine, brah.


This is a great topic - my name is self explanatory and boring but it's better than the name I had on Yahoo - Johnknottjr...

I'm taking the 5th.

Just kidding, actually 'Bong' is the Sanskrit word for one who shines in the mantra of the holy carved wooden one...


Alright, here is the short version of a veeeeeery long story.

My first name is Tim, my wife's name is Kim and my dog is a Pug... smash them all together and you get...


Thank you, come again.

It's all so simple . . .

My name is Steve,
I like Tiki.
Need I say more?


'Ona is the Hawaiian word for drunk. We have a Tiki bar in our back yard named the 'Ona Tiki Lounge.
No - we are not the Ona Tiki mug people. We had our Tiki bar named long before they began their web site, but wish them lots of luck.

'Ona Tiki is a frame of mind and we find ourselves there often.


SES posted on Sat, Dec 20, 2003 6:19 AM

[ Edited by: susane on 2004-01-20 09:09 ]

About 12 years ago, I bought a string of Moai outdoor lights, and the family started calling them tiki head lights. When I got an extra e mail account, I added the dot in between to keep up with the dot com craze. It was just natural to keep that as my Tiki Central name, although I also considered MC 900ft Moai, and Lord Bunga. I may re-register and use those names someday.

I've always had a fascination for climbing on things. I built several tree houses as a kid and loved just hanging around in the highest branches I could find. That love of climbing trees turned into rocks when I was 10 years old.

Once I was able to drive a car, my transportation woes were solved and I travelled to Yosemite (CA), Smith Rock (OR), Red Rocks (NV), Joshua Tree(CA), Idylwild (CA), Grand Canyon, and all over San Diego County. One of the longest routes I did was 1300 feet high and took me more that 5 hours. That was a good day.

Sometime within my active climbing years a freind of mine asked me "what are you some kinda monkey...man"?


I'd like to say mine is actually a clever acronym (Able-to Quickly Use A Rum Jigger?), but I can't. It was created in an uninspired moment as an online username a long time ago, and I've managed to maintain that low level of creativity to this day! Aqua because I like water (for drinking, swimming, surfing, and jacuzzi-ing), and initials RJ. No zodiac thing like Aquarius Jensen either.

Some other pseudonyms over the years for my various geeky pastimes like college radio have been:
Slippery Fingers (some people actually called me this in high school)
Eddie Liberty
The Surfinator
Ward Alkire Jr. (long story, but see the photo)
Kapu Cabana



There’s a movie called “The Diabolical Doctor Z”, a science fiction novel called “Doctor Z” and even some guy who makes guitar amps named Dr. Z, but alas, the origins of my user name have nothing to do with them. The actual explanation is long and confusing (with a dramatic extended operatic mid-section), but I will pare it down as best I can:

For starters, I have a strong “Z” sound in my last name: Hrzina (pronounced ‘herZEEnuh’ – it’s Croatian).

For many moons, I used to play beach volleyball with a group of friends, one of whom, for some unknown reason, would always greet people by calling them ‘doctor’ when he arrived: “Hello, doctor”, “Greetings, doctor”, “Good to see you, doctor” and so on. Every body was a ‘doctor’, not just me, but naturally I became, ‘Doctor Hrzina’.

Some time later, on a camping trip with many of these same folks, I introduced some out-of-towners to the drink “Zima”. It had only been out on the west coast for a few months at this time and they’d never heard of it. After getting quite hammered on it, they thought it was absolutely wonderful, and somehow I became “Doctor Zima” (I have since left said drink behind in the ‘What the hell was I thinking?’ file…)

Eventually, it became shortened to “Doctor Z” by these same volleyball folks.

I’ve answered to it (as well as “Doc” and “Z”) for the better part of 12 years, so it was a natural choice for my TC name (as well as ‘iamdrz’ for my AOL and eBay screen names). I’ve tried to get my license plates personalized with it, but the DMV says it looks too much like “Doctor 2”, which somebody already has…

On a side note, as a teacher, having an unusual/difficult last name has made me simply “Mr. H” to my students; I often refer to Doctor Z as my evil twin in my classroom…

Chongolio came into existence up when I was trying to pick a user name for AOL way back in the days of the 28K modem. Chongo means monkey in spanish and I have always loved them critters. The "olio" added to the end was borrowed from the infamous Cornholio from the Beavis and Butthead show . It sounded good and it is fun to say.
Repeat after me.... Chongolio

On 2003-12-20 12:35, Doctor Z wrote:
Some time later, on a camping trip with many of these same folks, I introduced some out-of-towners to the drink “Zima”.... and somehow I became “Doctor Zima” (I have since left said drink behind in the ‘What the hell was I thinking?’ file…)

I actually like Zima. I like beer too.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

Ok...you can kick my ass now....

way back in the days of the 28K modem.

in this backwoods town i moved to.. i'm lucky to connect at that speed.

ALlot of TC people keep referring to me as Sam because of my screen name which I carried over from my Yahoo screen name, actually my name is Fred. Suicide Sam was a very old, little know cartoon character. He was a little bald kind of dumb looking guy with a missle-head tied to his head that used to run around trying to ram into people.

Kono posted on Sat, Dec 20, 2003 8:31 PM

I guess mine's pretty obvious. I like to tape Hawaii Five-O and watch it everyday when I get home from work. Kono's my favorite character. Guy cracks me up. Too bad right now we're getting the post-Kono Five-O episodes. I was gonna go by "Zulu As Kono" but a google search revealed that there's a Texas noise band that goes by that monicker. Don't know why that stopped me but it did.

On 2003-12-20 12:12, aquarj wrote:

Randy! There's a stop sign growing out of your HEAD!!

As for my name....my online name has been Cynner for about ten years. (My real name is Cynthia.) When the time came to set up an account on Yahoo, the names Cynner and Cynful were already taken, so I signed up as CynfulCynner. Tiki Central eventually moved from Yahoo Groups to its own web site, and my username went with it.

--cindy :D (smiling because my power's not out, unlike most of the rest of SF right now.)

On 2003-12-20 16:37, Chongolio wrote:
Chongo means monkey in spanish and I have always loved them critters. The "olio" added to the end was borrowed from the infamous Cornholio from the Beavis and Butthead show .

I need TIKI for my bung hole! :lol:

I had never heard Humuhumu's name explained before and had always wondered what the hell that meant. I now think she's the coolest chick on this planet. Perhaps the coolest on this one and several others, as a matter of fact.


I should also take the 5th. But back in the day divy was another word for weed around these parts. Not like I'm this smokester anymore these days but I've always stuck with that username...


On 2003-12-21 01:44, Traitor Vic wrote:
I had never heard Humuhumu's name explained before and had always wondered what the hell that meant. I now think she's the coolest chick on this planet. Perhaps the coolest on this one and several others, as a matter of fact.

Man, your standards are low!

I always figured it was reference to the humuhumunukunukuapuaa.

I didn't think she resembled: either of two triggerfishes, Rhinecanthus aculeatus or R. rectangulus, native to the outer reefs of Hawaii, the latter having a broad black band on the side and a black triangle at the beginning of the tail.

I didn't notice a nukunuku on her either.


hmm.. I wasn't feeling terribly imaginative and didn't feel like using my usual moniker: Priscilla, for this forum..
I guess it has connotations of leeteg, and smoky bar atmosphere.. well.. in my head anyway.. and I thought using Tiki in my name was um.. ((obvious? ducks and covers)) err.. what I MEAN to say is that it's already been done so well by so many already.. I couldn't compete grin

Humuhumu... since your move, what has happened to the items in your tiki bar? Did they follow you to CA to be reborn in a new location?

I also thought of the Humu Humu / Picasso Triggerfish, one of which swims in my 20 gallon reef... though was aware of the "sewing" term also... amazing how Hawaiian words have so many meanings...

Great thread! I'm new here. I made the obvious change from "black" to "slack" in my name because of the dual meaning of slack; (slack key guitar) and the wonderful relaxed feeling I get when I have a Mai Tai in hand. It also represents my love of surf/exotica music and vintage horror flicks.

Okole Maluna!

~Slack Key-reature

"Not Sober Atoll?"

That's funny!

Well, I was once run over by a janitor in an old station wagon, and I love fish, so tiki-riviera just seemed logical.

[ Edited by: tiki-riviera on 2003-12-22 22:35 ]

Larry Lava was the television Hawaiian spy on "The Flintstones." He was featured in the episode where they won a trip to go to Hawaii and be on a television show. Wilma and Betty were in love with him.


I picked my name because I am an angry , bitter man who hates humanity and everything living except three legged cats.
Now you all know--are you happy!?!? I am NOT!!!

By the way- "HAVE A NICE DAY" or ELSE!!

No Tiki relation. My wife's name is Bonnie aka BON BON. My name is Vic or Victor. It is all in caps because my work computer has info. with caps.....


My username came from my obsession for two different passions. "Mid-Century Modern" style and, of course, "Tiki" culture.

The first part is easy, "Mod" is short for Modern. "Mod" was also a term often used as slang in the 1960s to describe something that was "hip". I also like to think of "Mod" as a word implying that something has been updated for the present time.

The second part "Mana" is the Polynesian/Hawaiian/Maori word meaning "the power of the elemental forces of nature embodied in an object or person" (quote from Webster's). However, I first came to truly understand and appreciate the term Mana from reading "The Book Of Tiki". On pages 176-180 there is a passage that explains the origins of tiki mug collecting. This is my favorite part of The Book! Two quotes that particularly stand out are, "...the belief that the human head contained the largest share of Mana (or life power) led to the custom of headhunting, with the purpose of accumulating as much Mana as possible" and, "...contemporary tiki mug collectors can be likened to 20th-century headhunters, lining up their prizes like tribal relics on the skull rack". Awesome stuff...thanks Sven.

On the old Yahoo group my username was SolGrinder...but that's another story altogether.

ModMana :drink:


On 2003-12-22 15:33, mrsmiley wrote:
I picked my name because I am an angry , bitter man who hates humanity and everything living except three legged cats.

What's your take on two-legged cats?

Lake Surfer -- the Humuhumu Room will eventually make its way down to LA, but it was too wrenching emotionally to tackle it before I left Seattle. (The bar itself is bolted into the cement floor, so much of my work will not be able to join me, and some actual dismantling will have to take place. Too much to bear.) In addition, I've just moved to a tiki paradise where I can get my tiki fix in some of the best professional and home bars in the world -- quite simply, the need for my home bar is not quite so dire. I'm going to be in an apartment for the next couple of years; once I've saved up enough to buy a house again, I'll rebuild -- in a massive way. Until I'm able/ready to deal with the contents of the Humuhumu Room, the ex-Mr. Humuhumu will take very good care of it for me.

"In addition, I've just moved to a tiki paradise where I can get my tiki fix in some of the best professional and home bars in the world -- quite simply, the need for my home bar is not quite so dire."

Jealous! More reason to get my butt in gear and get the future Mrs. Lake and I the heck out of this Midwestern Wasteland to a place more inspiring to our futures... Best of luck in 2004 to you HumuHumu!

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