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Tiki torches and new paintings

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anthonymaye posted on 09/08/2012

No this has nothing to do with Vegas other than... well yeah no nothing to do with vegas!?!
But my random art work and tiki thinkings, will be shared and i hope to inspire some one
as everyone on this site dose to me on a regular basis. I cant say thank you enough to everyone on
here for the inspiration.

Just got the bowl that BBMoondog painted and it already has a spot next to Doug Horne and MoJo
and a few of my paintings i recently finished.

Anthony Maye

[ Edited by: anthonymaye 2012-09-08 17:02 ]

[ Edited by: anthonymaye 2012-12-06 22:35 ]

[ Edited by: anthonymaye 2013-03-17 20:57 ]

[ Edited by: anthonymaye 2014-05-07 20:50 ]

MadDogMike posted on 09/09/2012

Anthony glad to see that you've started a thread for your art, we're looking forward to seeing lots more of it. bbmoondog's bowl looks great on your wall, don't forget to post pictures of your awesome "Sons of Pele" helmet here on this thread too.

The great thing about inspiration is that it flows in all directions

danlovestikis posted on 09/09/2012

It won't be long until we meet. Mahalo Tiki was just talking about your fine artwork today as we glazed mugs. Keep it up. Wendy

anthonymaye posted on 09/09/2012

Wendy thank you you are a constant inspiration, and really
cant wait for the crawl we'er a young tiki couple but our
collection is growing by the day.
Mike Thanks again for the swap opportunity that was a blast
and i am working on getting a bunch of pics together for this post

as per request of maddogmike here is the hemet that now
dawns the head of bbmoondog.

and a sneak peek of what im working on now a longboard
with a carbon fiber tiki, it's still a way from being done.

little lost tiki posted on 09/09/2012

it's about time you started a regular post of your work and process!
Now GIT Bizz-AY! :)

anthonymaye posted on 09/10/2012

Well i did a little more to the longboard today and noticed
i had a old pic of the helmet up so here are a few
new and old pictures.

Just a little more like i had said but its a start

and here is a pic of the helmet finished

and this is one of my favorites hear no, see no, speak no
or doo doo heads as my kids called it :)

VampiressRN posted on 09/10/2012

LOOKING FABULOUS...you do nice work. Will be proud to have one of your masterpieces in my lounge in the future.

MahaloTiki posted on 09/10/2012

Glad to see you posting up your art!

It definitely deserves to be seen by the TIKI public.

I would be interested in buying a piece if you get around to selling something.

anthonymaye posted on 09/13/2012

Nelson I am sure i will sell some sooner or later but maybe a trade for a mug might work for the shrunken head?

Vamp thank you for the praise im happy to post... but ya know we are all are own worst critic so as much as
i like painting i don't often like what i do :)

But none the less i did finish the long board OR as Da Vinci said "art is never finished... Only abandoned"

And here is another painting finished a while back I call it "Tiki with glasses"

danlovestikis posted on 10/10/2012

Tiki's with glasses is too funny. I get so busy that I forget to check up on the work of other artists. I'm glad I scrolled down to find your newest posts. I love tikis with flames and shrunken heads too. See you in a few days, Wendy

anthonymaye posted on 11/12/2012

well here are a few more from the way back machine.

This was a hear no, see no, speak no. for my mother in law

I really like this pic the munny tiki kinda creepy

The surf board i painted for the tiki mobile

The tiki mobile. "To Frankies!"... whats this work you speak of?

Paint booth doodles.

Tiki dreaming. acrylic on paper

Tiki with pen on paper

The twins. monochromatic acrylic on paper

anthonymaye posted on 11/12/2012

And now for what i have done lately...

The idea well it got away from me but it started as a tiki

Fish in progress

sorry for the side ways angle but i like how the blowfish looks lit up in this one

fish heads, fish heads, rollie pollie fish heads

bounce on the top of them
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here fishy fishy
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a better shot of them together.
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Pink tiki on green. now at Danlovestikis pad,
Thank you Wendy and Dan for such a wonderful reception.
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Tiki on green #2. now in Las Vegas at Mike Hills house.
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Shrunken head i phone case still looking for a home.
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Thank you again for the mug Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 11/12/2012

Wow its fun for me to be enjoying a thread and then at the bottom to find one of my mugs. I can see your gift painting from where I sit typing. Thank you very much too. I really like your technique on the jelly fish. Wonderful art. I can't wait to see Nelson's store open and your art displayed there. Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 11/12/2012

Anthony, I like your interpretation of the "Hear no..." Looks like you are doing some practice for the Sea Creatures of the South Pacific Art Swap.

anthonymaye posted on 11/12/2012

I cant wait for the Mahlo Tiki opening also and i am glad you like it. Thank you wendy
Mike thank you that one was a lot of fun trying to make it work in such limited space.

And just from my last post i got inspired to do some more so...
i grabbed my kids ukes off the wall and had at hope you enjoi !!
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a close up on the two
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and where they hang right by Mr. PNG :)

Anthony Maye

[ Edited by: anthonymaye 2012-11-18 14:09 ]

anthonymaye posted on 11/18/2012

Got some work done to the sea creature of the south pacific swap painting and a little done to the tattooed Jesus.
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pretty excited for this swap cant wait to see what will come of it.

anthonymaye posted on 12/07/2012

So the other night me and my son Lane had a boys night in and and i asked him what he wanted to do ...
besides play video games and he said make a tiki.
So i said lets do this grabbed some carving wax i had lying around and got him a file and said go at it.
So here he is with the tiki mounted to a canvass that he helped me stripe one proud little dude.
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And less climatic some of my recent debauchery with paint.
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My entry for the art swap.coming along
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I have a few of the trader dick mugs so defacing one seemed ok?
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and a brake master cylinder cover for a friends car i built and painted for him.

MadDogMike posted on 12/07/2012

Lane looks so proud, as well he should be! That cover looks sweet but doesn't brake fluid eat paint? (I know it's on the outside of the master cylinder but accidents are bound to happen) I'm curious what kind of theme he has going on his car that a koi would fit in?

anthonymaye posted on 12/07/2012

its a brown trout i got a little liberal with the fish

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hang10tiki posted on 12/07/2012

LANE- that looks way cool big man, keep it up n have fun

anthonymaye posted on 12/16/2012

i finished my painting last night,
Acrylic and enamel on montana spray paint
on a 12 x 12 canvas
"The humuhumunukunukuaapua'a's last night out."

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hang10tiki posted on 12/16/2012

Freekin way kool

danlovestikis posted on 12/21/2012

Tell Lane, GOOD JOB! He has a wonderful dad too. Wendy

anthonymaye posted on 12/24/2012

Thank you Hang10

and Lane says thank you for all the support.
Side note now his sister wants to make one :)

we are doing more art with lanes tiki he helped me make a mold and we cast a few
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Next is to frame them in bamboo and maybe sell a few
Now that my swap art is done I'm still in tiki mode so i started another one
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and while i was at it i did another phone case starting to get to
many time to get rid of them.
Hope every one has a :drink: Happy Holidays :drink:

anthonymaye posted on 03/17/2013

So I am trying something new little homage to
Doug Horne color pencil on black matt board.
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alot more to do but so far its kinda fun.

danlovestikis posted on 03/17/2013

I bet it will be great, Wendy

anthonymaye posted on 03/18/2013

Thank you wendy words of encouragement always appreciated
Been in a rut lately finding a million other things to do other than
art but had fun with this little doodle this weekend.
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Call it Jug Head or The red neck witch doctor's mug.

[ Edited by: anthonymaye 2013-03-17 21:02 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 03/18/2013

The new piece is looking sweet

Thanks again for "The humuhumunukunukuaapua'a's last night out."
It's an honor to have it hanging in our bar.


anthonymaye posted on 03/18/2013

thank you and really glad you like the last night out it was hard to let go of.
Mahalo hang10

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anthonymaye posted on 06/01/2013

A few pics of what i have been doing this semester it was a crazy one.

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Acrylic and enamel on canvas board the glass float and tiki torch go together , the skull was just in the way :)

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Enamel on mnt. spray paint 4" round wood thingy and yep one more shrunken head
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The skate deck skull shrunken head and tiki mask all enamel
on a faded flat clear to gloss clear with mini cooper blue met pearl paint.
this was a lot of fun.

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up close on the tiki

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MadDogMike posted on 06/01/2013

Looks great Anthony. That torch looks very interesting.

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danlovestikis posted on 06/01/2013

That was really interesting and well done. I'm looking forward to seeing your work at Mahalo Tiki's. Wendy

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anthonymaye posted on 06/04/2013

Hello everyone

well I read the thread on cannibals and have never heard of the bora-bora tikis
so i thought i would do my rendition of the the three.
After hunting the garage for a idea i found a canvass an old bowling pin primed it and got to doodling
and came up with this,
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a few minuets later

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and the pin with some pencil on it this will be one shot enamel on the pin.
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anthonymaye posted on 06/06/2013

Well i roughed in the color and had a few more ideas (they will come soon) but so far it
is going as planned.

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The Hunter
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The eater
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The ingestor

Enjoi and Mahalo

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danlovestikis posted on 06/06/2013

What a crack up to see the monkey's reacting to your bowling pin art! I bet it is a challenge to paint at an angle. What type paint are you using? Wendy

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anthonymaye posted on 06/06/2013

Wendy i am using One Shot enamel sign painters and yeah kind of a pain painting on the side of the pin

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anthonymaye posted on 06/06/2013

So i finally got around to mounting the turtle dish i got from lorilovestikis in the last art swap i had a cigar case and i was able to fit it in the box then i put a whole lot of holes in the lid to look like a shotgun blast and colored it accordingly and glued it together now the turtle dish is a lost artifact.
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And then i got back to work on the current swap project the three amigos.
I am about half way done with the piece i got some line work done today and more color
added the dividers between tikis and had a great time doing it. but this will be the last i
do to it for a bit as tomorrow i will be in the hospital with my lovely wife Kait,
as she brings baby Hudson in to the world. This will be number three for me and
i couldn't be any happier.

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The Hunter with line work
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The Eater with line work
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The Ingestor With line work
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The Bamboo divider close up

Hope you Enjoi and Mahalo

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anthonymaye posted on 06/09/2013

we are home with our little bundle of joy Hudson danger Maye was born june 8th 2013
7lb 10 oz baby boy and we are home now one more little one to paint tikis with.
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Our ohana just got a little bigger :)


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littlegiles posted on 06/10/2013


  • Dale
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hang10tiki posted on 06/10/2013

Awesome bruddah


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VampiressRN posted on 06/10/2013

Baby looks happy. Loving the pins and everything. :tiki:

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tigertail777 posted on 06/10/2013

What a cute little bundle of Aloha!

...oh and the pin looks pretty spiffy too! :)

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danlovestikis posted on 06/10/2013

What a beautiful boy. Wendy

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anthonymaye posted on 10/06/2013

a bunch of pictures of random art i have done lately and some not so lately

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4" shrunken head
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happy hunter
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crazy eyes
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Log its log... G.I. Log
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and last but not least another shrunken head.

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hang10tiki posted on 10/06/2013

Anthony- KOOL art as always.....


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anthonymaye posted on 10/06/2013

Thank you very much Hang10tiki

here are a few more just going thru a
bunch of picture trying to organize
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one of the mirrors i painted did a bunch but this was the olny tiki one
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old school project mono chromatic tikis
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another school project sharpie on paper

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anthonymaye posted on 10/06/2013

So i figured i would post all of the progress photos of the art swap
piece "Rods&TikiFinks" its a 16" x16" plank of wood with a primed 12"x12"
and at the end will be framed with bamboo pretty excited about it.
I have never done a rat fink and this is a Ed Roth piece i have hanging in my house
i love this one and was the cover to Rods and Rat finks a surf music LP. :)

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The primer didn't figure i should show me cutting the wood :)
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Blue for the base of the chrome
The whole thing will be painted with LIL Daddy Roth striping Enamels
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Lets get some woodie
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and the finks come to life ish
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A few more join the party
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A little yellow
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A little brown
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red for the mouths
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starting to add the water
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water and first back ground colors
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The back ground on the original was white and i wasn't having that
so i borrowed some thing from tikicenteral its background
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and the first round of black really makes it pop out.
well this is as far as i am for now but i cant stop working on this one
having to much fun.
Hope you enjoi

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danlovestikis posted on 10/06/2013

Terrific, perfect step by steps. I'm really enjoying how you set up your work. They came to life. Wendy

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