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Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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MaiTaiMe posted on 04/03/2013

Hi, my name is Reagan and I live in Huntington Beach, CA. My mild hobby for tiki has turned into an obsession...so here I am. It first started five years ago when my boyfriend, now husband, first moved in together and built a tiki bar and we started collecting mugs and wall art. Since then we've moved into a house where we are in the process of converting the entire living room/dining area into a tiki paradise(I'll post pictures at some point). The funny thing was that just as our obsession was building steam my husband was laid off from his job of 20 years, spent a year unemployed and when he finally landed a job it was with Hawaiian Host(there LA factory)! We swear that the whole process was just meant to be and were no longer down in the dumps over him losing his original job. His new job means he gets to visit Hawaii frequently...and I try to tag along when I can!

We love a good Mai Tai...one that's not made with juice! And my husband is always trying to concoct new cocktails. We have two silly little chihuahuas that we spend most our time with while sipping on cocktails, listening to Exotica in our tropical paradise of a home.

I'm here to meet like minded people, find out about events and learn a thing or two about tiki!

tikilongbeach posted on 04/03/2013

Welcome, MaiTaiMe. There are quite a few tiki people in your area.
Be sure to check out the International Tiki Marketplace this Saturday at Don the Beachcomber to meet a lot of your neighbors.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/03/2013

Welcome MaiTaiMe,
Since you are local to Don the Beachcomber
we will be expecting you at Tiki Central Night on Mondays!


MaiTaiMe posted on 04/03/2013

On 2013-04-03 13:39, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Welcome MaiTaiMe,
Since you are local to Don the Beachcomber
we will be expecting you at Tiki Central Night on Mondays!


We frequent Don's often....guess I'll need to be adding Monday nights onto the calendar! We will be at the ITMP on Saturday and sticking around to listen to the awesome tunes of Ding Dong Devils...and enjoy a Mai Tai, of course! Hope to meet a few of you there!

[ Edited by: MaiTaiMe 2013-04-03 14:16 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 04/04/2013

Welcome to TC MaiTaiMe!

VampiressRN posted on 04/09/2013

A hearty welcome to all the new folks. You are lucky if you live in the LA area...lot's of action there with the Marketplace and Disneyland and the Tiki Bars. The rest of the world tries very hard to keep up, so you can find people everywhere to help you with your soon to be Tiki addiction.


((I hope I'm doing this right))

Hello Tiki Central People!
I'm Dina, from Los Angeles. I'm so happy to have found another wonderful internet time-suck to add to my Facebook, Instagram, personal blog, Etsy shops, Pinterest...blahbitty blab blah :)
Hehe, just kidding! Happy to be here!

LostIsland posted on 04/14/2013

Nice to meet you Dina! Glad to have you here! If there's ever anything I can help with, don't hesitate to ask.

Lindarby posted on 04/23/2013

Hello everyone my name is Linda and I too love all the wonderful finds and I could look at your collections (finds) all day. I am pretty new to this and only have a few things, but plan on searching out items on a regular basis. I look forward to sharing Tiki with you all.

hkntiki posted on 04/25/2013

Hello, I have been reading through this forum for a long time and finally signed up today. Tons of great information and inspiration here for my backyard project.

Hale Tiki posted on 04/25/2013

On 2013-04-25 09:04, hkntiki wrote:
Hello, I have been reading through this forum for a long time and finally signed up today. Tons of great information and inspiration here for my backyard project.


habu posted on 04/26/2013

Hey from SoCal.

Joined up and thought I'd say Hi... HI !!!!

Learned about the TO happening looking for SCOTS tickets and I'm hoping to get down to SD for the TO 2013. Day after my birfday, sounds like too good of a time to not go.


Tiki Love posted on 05/04/2013

hello everybody! new to tiki central and so happy to be here ... hope to meet everyone in my travels around California. Next stop, Sunset Beach for drinks at Don's with my lucky boyfriend. Until then, cheers!

maltnhops posted on 05/08/2013

Hi all,

Wally here from New Hampshire. As you can imagine, there's not too much of a Tiki scene here in New Hampshire. Thankfully, there's tikicentral.com.

I found this site while searching for a tiki necklace I received as a gift from my grandparents when I was a kid. I have no idea what happened to it, but I would like to find another one. I finally determined what it was. It was a Coco Joe's lava "Strong God" pendant like the one pictured in this post:

If anyone has any leads on one of these pendants, I would appreciate it. Mine was black with red eyes.


purldiver posted on 05/08/2013


This is Jessica hailing from Maine. As you can imagine, we do have island culture here, but it is more about snow than tiki! Fortunately, I am headed to Kauai and Molokai this year. Yay!!!

I am also reorganizing my domestic set up, so I might be selling some cool tiki goodness.


[ Edited by: purldiver 2013-05-08 05:19 ]

Hale Tiki posted on 05/08/2013


tikilongbeach posted on 05/09/2013

On 2013-05-04 00:00, Tiki Love wrote:
hello everybody! new to tiki central and so happy to be here ... hope to meet everyone in my travels around California. Next stop, Sunset Beach for drinks at Don's with my lucky boyfriend. Until then, cheers!

There are a lot of us on here from the area around Long Beach. On Monday evenings there is a group that meets up at Don's for drinks.

Track 16 posted on 05/10/2013

Aloha! Glad to be here at Tiki Central...
We just posted our first on-line exhibition:
We have entered the modern age. Thanks to the Expo line taking our Santa Monica gallery by Eminent Domain, we now have a warehouse/showroom space in Culver City -- and we're open for business, both ONLINE and by appointment.
Much respect to all you Tiki lovers!

Bobbywan posted on 05/11/2013

Hello everyone :)

I'm from the Portland, OR area and I'm fairly new to the Tiki culture. My first real introduction into the culture started when I last went to Disneyland a year ago and visited Trader Sam's. Loved it!! I also recently visited Hale Pele here in the Portland area and was VERY impressed!!!

Thanks everyone!!


AceExplorer posted on 05/11/2013

Welcome, Bobby, you have had a very nice way to get introduced to tiki, and you're fortunate to live in Portland with Hale Pele. Take a good look around here - there's lots of good stuff in Tiki Central!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/11/2013

On 2013-05-08 05:17, purldiver wrote:

This is Jessica hailing from Maine. As you can imagine, we do have island culture here, but it is more about snow than tiki! Fortunately, I am headed to Kauai and Molokai this year. Yay!!!

I am also reorganizing my domestic set up, so I might be selling some cool tiki goodness.


[ Edited by: purldiver 2013-05-08 05:19 ]

Be sure to check out TIKI INIKI on Kauai July 2013

Aloha! BB

cpalm42 posted on 05/12/2013

hey everyone my name is Chris, new member. i hope i can get some help, i have come across alot of old records trying to figure out what i have. Bunch of Eddie Lund, one especially i cant find any info on. "lets dance Tahitian" Eddie Lund and his Tahitians on viking records from New Zealand.

Bobbywan posted on 05/12/2013

Thank you AceExplorer :)

~ Bobby

[ Edited by: Bobbywan 2013-05-12 00:09 ]

Primitiva posted on 05/12/2013

Aloha everyone,

I've been a tikiphile for over 20 years and finally decided to join you if you don't mind. My hubby, tikitonga, has been on this forum for ten years and I've been reading over his shoulder all this time. Time to grow up and get my own account since we're heading to Tiki Caliente next weekend. Really looking forward to it!


[ Edited by: Primitiva 2013-05-12 16:01 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 05/12/2013

A nice name choice, with a lot of history in Tikidom :)


Primitiva posted on 05/12/2013

Thanks! Love the video too. I'm just glad (and surprised) the name hadn't been taken. Hope to serve it well.

TheKiltedFez posted on 05/13/2013

Long time reader, first time poster. Yay!

TheKiltedFez posted on 05/13/2013

Long time reader, first time poster. Yay!

Froski posted on 05/13/2013

Hi, I'm Froski. I've been checking in here from time to time for artistic inspiration and the artists and personalities on this forum never fail to deliver

MaukaHale posted on 05/14/2013

On 2013-05-12 13:46, bigbrotiki wrote:
A nice name choice, with a lot of history in Tikidom :)


Nice video. It has given me an idea for something tiki down the road.

K9RADIOTIKI posted on 05/16/2013

Welcome! I am also from the seacoast area of New Hampshire! Would be nice to get a NH group together. I believe Ganitetiki is also from NH.

Checkers&Pogo posted on 05/17/2013

Greetings! I just discovered this great community while looking for old pictures of Ala Moana shopping center. I spent a lot of my youth in the 60's, 70's, and early 80's in Honolulu, but live in Wisconsin now. It's great to find others that remember things that I loved that are gone now. Not to say that there isn't a lot to love now; Hawaii is eternal! I found what I was looking for, by the way, and other things I had forgotten. Thanks for being here!

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Woodtiki posted on 05/21/2013

Hi everyone, just joined here! Been into tiki for a few years, but my interest is really growing, and just getting started in my mug collection. I'm an artist, just got back from Maui, and so inspired by tiki now, working on lots of new paintings and sculptures! Glad to 'meet' you all and look forward to reading more!

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MadDogMike posted on 05/21/2013

Welcome WoodTiki, always room for more artists. Be sure to start a thread in the "Other Crafts" section to show us your work.

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rubinspomade posted on 05/21/2013

Hello all! Los Angeles based fan of all things Tiki. Great to meet everybody!

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MidMod Vintage posted on 05/21/2013

Hey all!

I started coming here to research tiki mugs I've had for sale in my vintage shop. Funny thing, after all the research I've done. I'm hooked! SO much so, I pulled the ones for sale in my shop and added them to my new collection. I have to admit, I've sold quite a few tiki mugs in my shop, and now I regret it! But, here's to the future hunt!

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Wichita Lime Man posted on 05/21/2013

Hello everyone!

I came here looking for an authentic Mai Tai recipe and was hooked immediately. I'm a child of the '50s and have always been drawn to all things Tiki - one of my earliest memories is watching Adventures in Paradise with my folks. Thanks to all of you for preserving and celebrating the culture and lifestyle!

We'll be at the Hukilau in a couple of weeks, hoping to meet you there!

Hale Tiki posted on 05/21/2013

If you're there Friday morning, I'll be the chap working the registration desk from 9AM-1PM.

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Woodtiki posted on 05/22/2013

Thanks MadDog! I'll get around to posting some of my art soon. Busy with shows (which is good... but not enough time to create!).

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Hawaiian Shirts posted on 05/25/2013


I am Robert from Tucson, tiki enthusiast, collector of all things Hawaiian. Looking forward to the groove of Tiki Central!

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Vintage Hawaiian Shirts

[ Edited by: Hawaiian Shirts 2013-05-25 07:30 ]

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malekula marauder posted on 05/29/2013

Hey all,

Just joined this site on the recommendation of a friend and fellow tiki enthusiast. Ever since I visited our little tiki bar out here in Vegas, I've fallen in love with the art, music, and drinks associated with the tiki lifestyle. I look forward to mingling with you all in tiki central land.


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tonkinam posted on 05/29/2013

Hi There,

I am Peter Le new member here From Saigon ( VietNam) I have been living in San Francisco for 26 years ,, i Travel a lot in the past ( SOOO many times In Hawaii). I don't know why took my too long to become member here ..? well it is NEVER too late..:) By the way I really enjoy People At Tiki Central , Thank you very much for posting great pictures and articles And help me to learning about Tiki Couture..History//.Art music.


I would like to share some home make video about my place. Right here i would like to say Thank you to Roger and Wendy Cevola for Great Art work Tiki lamps design. Please click to the link bellow :


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And another link:


[ Edited by: tonkinam 2013-05-29 09:22 ]

[ Edited by: tonkinam 2013-06-02 10:33 ]

[ Edited by: tonkinam 2013-06-02 10:41 ]

[ Edited by: tonkinam 2013-06-02 10:42 ]

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[ Edited by: tonkinam 2013-06-02 11:04 ]

[ Edited by: tonkinam 2013-06-02 11:07 ]

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Dollsnatch posted on 05/30/2013


I'm Donna and I am so excited to join this forum and see what's inside. I just love all things Tiki, tropical, kitsch etc...it makes me SO HAPPY! :D :D :D

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TikiTacky posted on 05/30/2013

Hi, Donna! Welcome to tiki town. :)

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TU posted on 05/30/2013


Thanks for letting me join. I visit the forums almost daily to check out the new art and tiki bars. I live in Colorado, pretty much as far away from beaches and palm trees as you can get.


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skygroove posted on 06/04/2013

Haloa, I'm skygroove and I've just joined the forum. I'm a Tiki enthusiast and built my own bar in he backyard.

Hale Tiki posted on 06/04/2013

On 2013-05-29 09:17, tonkinam wrote:

Dig the shirt, man!

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Localpinup posted on 06/06/2013

Hello, I figured I'd say hi to all the other tiki freaks out there like me! Anywhere i can find a tiki or tiki related stuff I'm there! :)

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