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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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hang10tiki posted on 04/05/2013

danlovestikis posted on 04/05/2013

lunavideogames we made it to Sam's and Downtown Disneyland. Walking around and parking was free. Trader Sam's is really a cute place. They played a sinking ship movie for us. I even took a photo in the bathroom because I liked the light fixtures, tikis of course. We had dinner at the Rain Forest Cafe which was even larger and more fancy than the one in Las Vegas and in San Francisco. Even though we had just eaten Dan and I had trouble resisting all the food for sale during the walk in Downtown Disney. We resisted jalapeno pretzel hot dogs, crepes, cotton candy, Haggen Daze ice cream and a whole candy shop. We left empty handed but dinner at the Rain Forest was in the end enough.

See you tomorrow at Marketplace!

littlegiles you are too funny. I'm not giving up that room to Dan!

hang10tiki I'm so surprised that you can find so many photos of us to play with. I know they must be in these 202 pages but I don't know where. One day I'm going to do an index page. Thank you for keeping the /Dan and Wendy/hang10tiki show going for all of us to enjoy...we sure are. U Da Best.

Today we are going to start out by going to see HB Tiki, Margee and Chippy. Then on to the ocean for a walk.

Thank you for the visit here, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 04/05/2013


LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/05/2013

Hang10tiki - thanks for keeping us all entertained!

Wendy & Dan, have a great time at the Marketplace. I'm hoping to get to Disneyland next year and to Trader Sam's of course.

GROG posted on 04/05/2013

Dan and Wendy,

Why aren't you over here glazing GROG mugs while you're in the L.A. area?

little lost tiki posted on 04/06/2013

Wendy's in TOWN!
Gonna be a real Huggy day tomorrow at Don's!
Lookin forward to seein your smilin face!

hang10tiki posted on 04/06/2013

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 04/06/2013

I LOVE the Wendy & Dan Show, it continues even when they aren't even in town!

hang10tiki posted on 04/06/2013

danlovestikis posted on 04/06/2013

LoriLovesTiki hang10tiki is such an artist. I love all the work he has done here. I owe him a big thank you. Also to all of you who stopped by while we have been gone.

GROG thanks for the kiss but I missed not having a visit too!

little lost tiki where were you? You are a tease. I missed my Kinny hug. I did get 100's of others.

Kele I'm very happy to have hang10tiki cover for us. He's a sweetheart.

hang10tiki Dan and I have come here each day and laughed and laughed and had the best time seeing what you've come up with. Very cleaver. Thank you very much. Dan wants them all printed for hanging, so now I know where your TC name came from.

We leave for home in the morning. Dan found a few must haves for the collection. I left behind a few mugs in good hands too.

I hope to be back here by Monday after we have rested up and I've uploaded my photos to share.

Cheers everyone, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 04/07/2013

hang10tiki posted on 04/07/2013

danlovestikis posted on 04/08/2013

Oh no, I love Dan but my favorite may be the last one with the gallery of my severed head specials.
hang10tiki you made our trip so much fun. Photos and more words tomorrow. Hugs, Wendy

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 04/08/2013

hang10tiki, that last was is AMAZING!

VampiressRN posted on 04/08/2013

LOL...great photos!!! Everyone loves the Wendy & Dan show.

Chippy posted on 04/08/2013

I am finally settling in from my full tiki weekend. Thank you so much Wendy and Dan.

Chippy Bob is on full display. Mrs Chippy and the Chipletes love him as much as I do. He made an appearance at the International Tiki Marketplace and was a huge hit. So many people were so happy to see it in person. There are so many people who watched it come to life and I was very happy to show it off.

As soon as I can learn to post pictures here from my phone, I will.

Thanks again Wendy. You are a wonderful artist.

Holler Waller posted on 04/08/2013

Love that gallery of Special Severed Heads by our Noted Tiki Artist

hang10tiki posted on 04/08/2013

We now return to THE regularly scheduled program.....


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-04-08 07:54 ]

GROG posted on 04/08/2013

Some inspired Photoshopping going on there Hanging10.

danlovestikis posted on 04/08/2013

WaikikianMoeKele hang10tiki and GROG are masters in this art form.

VampiressRN and we all love you!

Chippy all your posts and photos on facebook are filling my wishes.

Holler Waller I like being called your "noted tiki artist".

hang10tiki all your creations are such fun and they amaze us. So today we have sent you Amazing Bob as a thank you for keeping the Dan and Wendy show going while we have been gone. He's my favorite and sending him to you gives me a lot of joy as did the photos that you shopped.

GROG it was great to see you, come to Caliente and we'll have a real visit.

Photos from our trip.

Downtown Disney

Inside Trader Sam's.

Inside the Rainforest Café.

Outside a Lego store notice the tiki face on the green hulk?

At HB Tiki's home. We love his tiki room. He has so many treasures.

Chippy got his mug. I was super pleased that he was so happy.

We made it to one mall and there were tikis but Dan had them so we just had fun looking.

April 6th, 2013 International Marketplace at Don the Beachcomber's, Huntington Beach, California. The place to be.
This is in the side room. There were two huge rooms of venders.

I did all my tiki for money exchanges in the parking lot.
Dawee Tiki and Moai Mike picked up their severed heads.

Money is fun to collect.

Dan and Sven hamming it up with Bosko.

We had lunch there with our friends Joanne and Jama.

Tiki Tony's booth inside the main room.

lunarvideogames picked up Mrs. Pac Man for his wife.

Chippy used his new mug during the sale and I had the fun of watching.

Dawn Frazier signing autographs of Tiki Magazine with GROG watching.

Dan's haul from the trip. I got one of Dawn's prints and an Eric October plate but Dan can't see them yet.

We are resting from the long drive yesterday but soon I'll be back to work. Many hugs friends, Wendy and Dan

PS Big Kahuna I got your message, hello back at ya

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-04-08 11:42 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-04-08 11:56 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/08/2013

U didn't have to send me anything
It was a pleasure to keep your posts active

But who could say no to a Wendy and Dan-o Bob... :wink:
Thank you

U 2 are amazing great friends
And I'm glad you had fun
Thanks for all the photos

C u soon at Caliente

Jon. :)

Hale Tiki posted on 04/08/2013

You guys are the best. Thank you for the photos. Although I wish I could have been there, it's nice to see photos of what was missed!

zerostreet posted on 04/08/2013

Awesome pics Wendy! Thanks for posting!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/09/2013

I always enjoy your event recap photos. Thanks for sharing! For those of us who can't attend it's a little like being there.

danlovestikis posted on 04/09/2013

hang10tiki every day we looked forward to see what you had created, now we will look forward to a visit at Caliente. Fun times ahead.

Hale Tiki I always wish that everyone could be at every event. There is such a family reunion feel to these gatherings. As little lost tiki said it is a hug fest.

zerostreet photos are easy when the trip has so much to offer. You are welcome. We saw HB Tikis special zerostreet mug while we were there.

LoriLovesTiki I always look at event photos and feel the same way. It's fun to seeing people enjoying themselves.

Progress Report:

The best thing we did yesterday was to rest. We visited with family and caught up on TV. I did work for a couple of hours on the Sacramento Crawl mug. It is slow going with super hard clay but even so I enjoy doing it.

I started by adding a ring of clay and then attaching and smooting it.

Then I added clay to start to make the shape match the photo of the tiki.

Smoothing and adding more clay the knees start to form.

I added my name to the bottom of the mug. I've left space to write Sac Ohana Crawl and c 2013 on the bottom along with the number of the mug.

Here's a few more photos from our trip.

Far too large to fit in our car so we just brought home a photo.

We bought Sven's new CD and played it on the way home. Dan was so happy that the Hawaiian Eye theme song in a different version was included. It's a great CD.

My best overview of the large room, just think there were two rooms filled with venders and the restaurant and two bars. A huge event with lots of fun places to visit.

Of course I had to share my sweetheart playing a drum. He was giving a vendor a bathroom break. What a guy.

Now its time to get to work. Thank you for the visit, Wendy

ebtiki posted on 04/09/2013

Great photos, Wendy - thanks for sharing them!!

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lunavideogames posted on 04/09/2013
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Atomicchick posted on 04/09/2013

Hi Wendy,

Thank you for the gift....sorry the Pac Man Bob was giving you so much grief :-/ I can't wait to see you and Dan at Caliente! Eeeeee always a good time!

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littlegiles posted on 04/10/2013

thanks Wendy for the pics. Looks like you all had a great time! Maybe one day I'll make it out to the west coast for a visit.

Fun progress on the mug. Who would think we would get excited over seeing some Tiki knees. HAHA


hang10tiki posted on 04/10/2013

Dan-o sure looks happy playing those drums


[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-04-09 21:41 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/10/2013

ebtiki thanks eb I really enjoy sharing.

lunavideogames I love seeing my things on eBay. I don't mind re-sales at all. Moai Mike bought two so he could sell one. Dawee Tiki bought 3 so maybe he'll put one up in the future. Dan buys and sells as he fine tunes his collection. Gecko is selling,
my sculpts his glazing, items on and off on eBay its all fun.


Atomicchick we are looking forward to seeing you. We all watched for you at Don's. I have the two packed to bring. So far those mugs are traveling as much as the pants that were in a movie.

littlegiles we all have tiki contacts where ever we go because of Tiki Central. All you have to do is pack put your trip on the events page and people will line up to entertain you. Just ask Swizzle.

So how do you feel about bellies and arms?

hang10tiki put Dan in a room with tikis and he's joyful. Your box went in the mail yesterday. 8 working days to arrive. Begin at START, don't lift your finger up, keep working the maze until you get to END. Good Luck. Thank you so much for all your posts. We smile all the time.

The sculpt I did for Roge has now been molded and has gone into production. It can be bought from him as a stand alone statue or as part of a tiki lamp. This is his Etsy sight. He also sells on eBay.


You can see the size differences between my past sculpt and the new one.
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I put them back to back for fun.
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He will customize lamps and statues to the colors of your choice.

Progress Report on the Sacramento Crawl mug.

I did the belly and started on the arms and hands.
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Here I built up the arms. It's all slow going but in the end this Romo 3 clay casts really well.
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Today I'll get back to glazing the severed heads. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-04-10 09:14 ]

Chippy posted on 04/10/2013

Great pics of Dan at the Long Beach Antique Mall II. I love that old Tiki they have hanging out in the back. Glad to hear you guys made it home safe and you are back to work. (Making Tiki that is....)

hang10tiki posted on 04/10/2013

Back to back MOAIs

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lunavideogames posted on 04/10/2013

Yeah, Sorry Wendy. I didn't mean to sound like I was tattling on him for putting it on ebay. I just wanted you to see it, since you only sell on this thread, I thought you might miss it. I buy stuff and sell it for more everyday, and I am sure most of us do. I am interested to see how much it might go for. I personally have never sold a mug, but at some point I will have to get rid of some that I do not like as much so that I have room for new ones.

If you ever wanted to sell on ebay or make your own website, I would be glad to help you out. Just let me know. I have been selling on ebay since it first opened.

I received a lot of compliments on my Ms Pac-Man mug! I decided to drink out of it at the Tiki Marketplace. Even met a few people because of that. I like to use mugs as mugs, even if I don't use them all a lot. I feel like they should be used for the purpose that they were made. But I was being EXTRA CAREFUL with it and I found myself making sure I had a good grip and wasn't going to bump into anything. But, I don't know if I will be able to bring myself to drink out of the severed head. I just don't want anything to happen to it. Thanks again for the great mugs! :)

Did Dan's mugs survive your trip?

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littlegiles posted on 04/11/2013

I love the back to back Moai. The casts look great. Probably make for a beautiful light.

I asked how I felt about Bellies and arms? Well they make me giggle, but I tell you what, it's the butts that make me nuts! LOL sorry, couldn't resist.


VampiressRN posted on 04/11/2013

Thanks for the great pictures Wendy...you two are STARS!!!! I have my Roge lamp hanging but not plugged in yet...I am dying to see it it up.

Hang10....when can we start my private Photoshop lessons...really?

danlovestikis posted on 04/11/2013

Chippy I just saw the photo of Chippy and Mrs.PacMan on facebook. Are you friends with lunarvideogames? It's always good to get back home. We miss our cat when we are away.

hang10tiki he did really well with the Moai. Now I need to save up for one more chunk lamp with this cast.

lunavideogames once in Hawaii I wrapped a Kon Tiki mug for Dan. It rolled and broke in the trunk. Ever since he does his own packing and does a good job. HB Tiki gave him a divider box too. All the mugs made it here and they have been worked into the collection. He loves tiki arranging.

I enjoying watching new sales of my art so keep letting me know if you see something come up. Moai Mike is a sweetheart. I'm never upset when something goes. We have a few friends mugs that Dan plans to sell soon.

I like seeing my mugs used at parties and events. Matt the Cat is picking up his look a like mug today. I better get a photo.

littlegiles Dale, thank you. I have no photos of the back of the tiki. I think I need to add a rear end so that the back isn't boring. I know the women like it when I do this.

VampiressRN I'll like to see it hung too. It's been a blast working with Roge. We enjoy being in a show and then reading our reviews. I'm a ham, well Dan is too. We are a well matched set.

Progress Report:

It was time to really get going on the severed heads. So we hauled them out to the side yard again.
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At this point they each have one thick layer of glaze which was not enough.
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Dan would put one on the wheel for me and I would spray it and then he'd swap it out.
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I use may hand to block the glaze from entering the mug which has a glaze already coating it.
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I'm showing Dan waiting for the next task.
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We did each head three more times with them drying in the wind between.
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Dan cleaned up.
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I hauled them to the table by the back door and then back into the house. Drying glaze doesn't have an odor. See all the trays. We buy them whenever we see them in thrift stores. Having a bunch sure helps us out.
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Now its back to work. Cheers, Wendy

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TikiAno posted on 04/11/2013

Wendy, I love the back to back Moai showdown. I have one of the older resin Moai, love the new one you've created- may have to order a few. :) I'm excited to see more progress on the Sac Crawl mug- thanks once again for the step by steps....

Sorry I missed you guys (and everyone else) at Don's, looks like another great event. I, along w/ everyone else, was entertained by Jon's nonstop Photoshopping. Jon, I recommend switching to decaf. Just sayin'. :wink:

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lunavideogames posted on 04/11/2013

Yes, Chippy and I are friends. We bonded over our love for Wendy's amazing mugs. Your mugs have a cosmic way of bringing people together! :)

hang10tiki posted on 04/11/2013

The severed heads are coming along
They look great
So do these 3 guys

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littlegiles posted on 04/11/2013

On 2013-04-11 15:22, hang10tiki wrote:
The severed heads are coming along
They look great
So do these 3 guys

I was going to say the same thing. I don't remember seeing them before in pictures. Are those new additions to the humble abode?

All that glaze being applied can only mean one thing. Soon we will have another grand opening of the kiln so we can sit back and oooo and ahhhhh. :)


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Robb Hamel posted on 04/12/2013

That's some serious mass production! I appreciate the view of your nice yard, it's good to see the setting people do their creative stuff in.

hang10tiki posted on 04/12/2013

Well look what came in the mail today...
Amazing Bob
Wow, this Bob rocks, I wonder how many Mai-Tais it takes to fail the maze game :)
You two sure are great friends and I can't wait to see you (soon)...

Thanks again,

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The ever growing CEVOLA shelf...
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danlovestikis posted on 04/12/2013

TikiAno we missed you at Don's. It was a great event. hang10tikis taking a vacation from photo-shopping after an exhausting few days. He sure put on a fun show.

lunavideogames I like bringing people together through my art. Thank you.

hang10tiki one big step at a time on the heads. Those guys are guarding our yard.

littlegiles nope those guys have been here and there for years. Dan moves all his tikis often so they show up in new places. I rarely work with deadlines because there is a method to my madness. The glazing has stopped while I work to make some new items so I can fill the kiln for a bisque load. I do need a batch of the heads finished for Caliente but bisque first.

Robb Hamel I purposely showed the yard because Dan had just mowed and edged it. Thanks for mentioning it. I like seeing your workspace too. I just went to your web page to ogle all the fine art. I enjoy doing this often.

hang10tiki I'm so glad your photo-shopping reward arrived safely. You didn't say if you got through the maze on the first try, did Janelle try it? See you both soon.

Matt the Cat came to pick up his "look alike mug".
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Progress Report:

I caught Dan doing a Justin Beiber with his pants as he tiki arranges.
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Here's his finished work.
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I went to alpha to pick up more glaze for the severed heads. Those heads require a lot of glaze in 6 colors. While I was there I bought 4 new glazes. When I got home I saw I was running out of bisque fired glaze strips. I do a test of each new glaze. I need more things to fire so I made some for now and for the future.
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The folded up edge gives me a place to write the number that I can see when they are hanging on the wall.
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I need to make some more things for the bisque load so its off to the garage. Cheers, Wendy

GROG posted on 04/12/2013

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5038/5168779d.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=496938b07befcc7caef777df6b88a1f2

VampiressRN posted on 04/12/2013

Grog so curaaaazy!!!

Matt's in love with himself...LOL What a great mug...the Tiki one that is.

Jon...that is quite a nice Bob collection you got going there.

Wendy & Dan...you have done a fabulous job of helping us embrace the Bob. :)

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiAno posted on 04/12/2013

Jon, I love those pieces in Wendy and Dan's yard, too- especially the skinny Moai! (Wendy, who made them?) I love the aMAZEing Bob, that's a great gift- enjoy!

Wendy, please tell Dan that I'm continually impressed with the Tiki-takeover of the Cevola homestead- looks great!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 04/12/2013

Love the outdoor severed head display.

Dan's arrangement is perfect.

Grog's photoshopped pic is a bit scary. lol

The Wendy & Dan Show is back in production! YAYYYY!!!!


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