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Reverend Ray posted on 04/23/2013

Hello to everyone. After many many years of simply viewing this site I finally decided to post something. So here is my own Tiki room. This has been an on going project over the last 8 years or so. I unfortunately do not have progress pictures or before pictures but I do have a few of this when I was just starting so you can get a feel for how much this has changed over the years.....

Here is what i pretty much started out with years ago....

Here are pictures of how things look today.

There are of course a few things here and there that aren't exactly tiki, like my vintage cigarette machine, but I simply didn't have anywhere else to put it. I may find time one day to paint a tapa pattern on it so it fits in better. I know a lot of you transform a bonus room, garage, or basement, but this is my actual living room so some things such as the Tv just have to go in there somewhere.....As most of you know this kind of thing never ends. No matter how much space I fill up I always seem to be adding more....Over 60 different varieties of rum and counting....and i do need a bit more for the ceilings....But! the rum always seems to come first...haha...

lunavideogames posted on 04/23/2013

Welcome to Tiki Central!

Looks cool! You have a lot of cool items. I like the Disney drummer guy. I don't know where people find him, but he has always been my favorite!

Big Kahuna posted on 04/23/2013

Looks great! I love how Elvis finds his way into many of our Tiki lounges!

Tiki Tex posted on 04/24/2013

AlooooHA! Welcome to Tiki Central!

I like how far you've come, and as a tiki "room" (not bar, sadly) owner myself, I really like everything that you've accomplished.

I hope that you keep on adding to the room, it looks great.

Aloha, Tiki Tex

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hottiki posted on 04/24/2013

I see many a fine item about the place...floats, vintage Tikis, and the like...but the most appealing I think would have to be the sixty kinds of RUM ! You Sir, are well on your way !!!

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/24/2013

Welcome to Tiki Central, Rev Ray! Glad you decided to introduce yourself. :)

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littlegiles posted on 04/24/2013

Great looking space! Love the tropical/jungle feel of it. As an ex smoker I really like the vintage cig machine.

You did a really nice job of blending the vintage things with the modern items.

Keep us posted on changes and welcome to TC!


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Thurston Howell IV posted on 04/24/2013

Hi Rev. Ray, Your's is the kind of religious order that appeals to me. Love the items in your room and that big Easter Islandlike head on the back of the door is a beaut.

That vine growing along the ceiling might need a bit of a trim before it takes over the joint.

Great work.

Reverend Ray posted on 04/24/2013

Thanks for all the compliments. The big tiki drummer I actually ordered from the Disney website when they first released it. If i remember right it cost me about $175 bucks...Now I see them selling for $800. Wish I would have bought a pair when I had the chance. And i know I called it a "tikiroom" But it is definitely a bar also. I'll post more pics of the booze collection soon. the whole cabinet that the rum bottles are on is filled with liquor as well as the cabinet that the tiki drummer sits on. I probably have enough booze to stay consistently drunk for years to come....

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komohana posted on 04/24/2013

Very nice Reverend Ray!

Wow, your living room? Your spouse must be really somethin' else,
I can't seem to convince mine that the actual house needs some Tiki! :)

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tikilongbeach posted on 04/24/2013

Very nice place! You and I have several of the same pieces.

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Tele295 posted on 04/24/2013

Awesome! I wish I had a room like that

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VampiressRN posted on 04/24/2013

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your Tiki space...you have some wonderful treasures. Sometimes when something that is a challenge to obtain comes our way, it is meant to be...don't hit yourself over the head for the "should have bought this or that" as you will find things rotate around in the strangest ways and you just need to be in the right place at the right time with the right funds to make your Tiki dreams come true. Keep up the great work.

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Hale Tiki posted on 04/24/2013

Hey man. I did what I'm seein! I know the feeling, I have a vintage candy machine sitting in my kitchen, because there's really nowhere else to put it.

Glad you found the site. Where have you been for the last 8 years if not on here!?! You should head over to the introductions thread under General Tiki and tell us all about yourself!


Reverend Ray posted on 05/02/2013

here are a few better pics of the rum collection. Sadly, my Appleton 30 year is almost empty. May have to buy another bottle....
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More booze and spirits are stored in the cabinets
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and in my hidden bar in the living room....
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danlovestikis posted on 05/02/2013

Wow, I sure enjoyed your photos. You've made a place we all want to hang out in, good job, Wendy

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Q-tiki posted on 05/14/2013

Cudos on the space/room/bar! Looks like a great place to hang out and consume some of your collection.

Cheers and Aloha!

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Pele Paul posted on 05/14/2013

Love it!!!!!! Im also loving the Disney Tiki room drummer guy too

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