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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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hang10tiki posted on 09/03/2013

It's getting clear now

hang10tiki posted on 09/03/2013

hang10tiki posted on 09/03/2013

Never mind

hang10tiki posted on 09/03/2013


hang10tiki posted on 09/03/2013

danlovestikis posted on 09/03/2013

WaikikianMoeKele just up ahead your mind will have its answer.

lunavideogames every step ahead makes for a very happy day, thank you.

Professor G I hope you got some sleep last night. There is too much lifting. That's why I got so tired I started pouring the glaze on the table. How's the Blue Bob Group going? Are you having conventions yet?

You two are amazing.

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Ain't it always the case....It always rains right after washing the garage?!?!?

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GROG posted on Tue, Sep 3, 2013 2:42 PM

You didn't show the previous photo where his toupe was slipping down the side of his head.

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Oh Grog, too funny!! Now the truth is slowly coming out. See, she didn't show us how the Toupee actually got wet. I found the surveillance footage.

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  • Dale
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Over time I have learned to look at the Dan n Wendy updates before I start my morning coffee.
Again I am glad, otherwise I'm sure I would have spit it out laughing.
Good 1 guys

Coffee time

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Good one Littlegiles! Haha!

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The Dan and Wendy show always entertains, as do all the photoshopped replies!

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dartharnie or when you put out the molds to dry!

GROG I sure would love to see him completely without the toupee. Maybe in a photo with you and hang10tiki. Three lovable guys without hair.

littlegiles so that's how the Nile river started in our Egyptian room, well done.

hang10tiki I treasure all the work you each put into these photoshopped photos. No spitting on the table.

lunavideogames I agree.

LoriLovesTiki thank you from us and the photoshop guys.


Back in 2011 I made this decanter for the Sacramento Crawl. When the crawl ended I destroyed 5 pieces of the 6 piece mold saving only the front slab.

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My intention was to someday make a whole bunch of Tiki Bob necklaces. Right now the time is right. So I've begun to make a few. Here's how I do it.

Close up of the Tiki Bob on the front mold piece I saved.
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All four of them in a row.
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I propped them up so that Bob was flat and would fill up.
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Pouring slowly to prevent air bubbles and to make sure it didn't run out and onto the floor.
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Close! I filled them up.
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An hour later after the mold had absorbed water I went and added more slip to the back. Since the clay was still wet in the center this worked.
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First one out.
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All four out of the molds.
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A good start.
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I put them in a plastic bag with a wet paper towel so they would be ready when I was ready to clean them up.
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I removed the excess clay with a spike/needle.
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These are the tools that work well for cutting off clay and making the holes for chord.
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I carved my name and copy-write into the back.
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I did one to hang with Bob on his back.
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Four done and ready to dry slowly.
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Set number two poured.
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Tomorrow the Crawl mugs return. Cheers, Wendy

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Love em

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Wow, Wendy, great idea - I love 'em!

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hang10tiki and ebTiki Bob is so happy you love him, me too.

This will be the last post until we return from Marketplace at Don the Beachcomber's so I'm posting lots of photos of the Crawl mug.

It was time to spray the last of the mugs so to make space on the shelf I put the first load into the kiln and turned it on.
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Dan set up for me and started bringing out the mugs from the kitchen.
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This time I started earlier so the sun couldn't reach me. We thought I should be further away from the shed.
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On the very first one I could see the glaze accumulating on the patio floor.
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One done and not too much on the shed.
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Work work work.
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My tiki army.
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The floor gets redder and the shed begins to show some color.
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I'm all done.
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Dan begins the clean up.
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Being further from the shed meant more flew through the air and landed behind the shed where we store our "green waste" garbage cans.
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Dan hosed down the cans, patio and shed.
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All the mugs have been sprayed and now I'll just fire one load after the next. I'm not going to like paying my electric bill. The square tapa mug is by MP. He gave it to us with a discount because the glaze wasn't perfect. I decided to try another experiment, I hope it works because Dan's a big fan of MP's mugs.
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I enjoy posting here and reading your comments so much that leaving is difficult. I do know that I'll run into some of you at Marketplace and that helps.
While we are gone please feel free to post here and to have fun. I'll be watching from our hotel's computer.

Until we meet again, cheers, Wendy and Dan

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-05 11:35 ]

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The army of mugs look cool
Have a safe trip

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That's a great looking bunch of mugs ready to be fired!

Have a safe trip. Looking forward to more fun pics with Dan & Wendy!

  • Dale
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hang10tiki thank you, we started at noon and six hours later the GPS said severe traffic ahead. So just one hour shy of LA we pulled off, had dinner and checked into a hotel. We are rested and ready for a fun and easy day.

littlegiles I've already taken one fun photo of Dan and I'll do my best at Marketplace to find some more that eveyone will enjoy.

Yesterday we came home to find that hang10tiki had done a photo montage of Dan and I and our wedding. He used photos that I've shared here in the past. We were so thrilled and emotions flowed to watch these.
Thank you so much hang10tiki. That was so dear.


Well friends no photos until we return. Thank you for still visiting and writing notes. I'll keep checking back. (: Wendy

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have a great time at the marketplace! Don't buy too much stuff. One day I'm getting out there and I'm bringing an empty suitcase with me. LOL

The Bob necklaces are so clever!

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Have fun this weekend! The mugs look great. I can't wait to see them all done. Here's to hoping this experiment goes better than the last. For Dan's sake! :)

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LoriLovesTiki it is really hard to destroy molds because they are so hard to make. It was 2011 when I thought of saving the fronts for those necklaces and it made it so much easier to dump the rest of the pieces. There are so many wonderful events on the Pacific coast. We have fallen in love with Tiki Kon in Portland, the Tiki Oasis, Tiki Caliente, for campers Mohave Oasis. The fun part of Marketplace is that it is in Don the Beachcomber's and it comes often. All of them are so much fun. Let us know if you ever come so we can meet up.


Today we went to Venice Beach which is so famous for muscle builders. It must happen on the weekend because we saw the equipment but no men. It was not a place to take a vacation. Once was enough.

Then we went on to Redondo Beach which is super nice and a great spot for a beachy vacation. We walked the pier and then dropped off a mug at a friends home while he was at work.

Now we are in long Beach and tomorrow is Marketplace. We will see so many friends that it will be a day of hugs and fun.

It will all end too soon. Cheers, Wendy

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Today was Marketplace and it was booming. Lot's to see and many people to hug. No mishaps so far. I'll have some fun photos to share when we get back. Right now we are waiting for Woo Hoo and Soccor Tiki to go to dinner. Oh, they are here.

I had the luck of running into tikilongbeach. I really enjoy meeting everyone who reads my thread. It was also fun meeting Mr. Aloha. I think my photos of him will be the best of our trip.

Today is 9/7 and GROG has his surgery on 9/11. If you have a chance wish him another get well soon.
God Bless you GROG.

Cheers, Wendy

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Mahalo! Mahalo for a Tiki-rrific Saturday Night. I was so much fun spending the evening with You & Dan Ontop of The World......Woohoo!

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[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2013-09-08 19:14 ]

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[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2013-09-08 19:13 ]

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Love the mugs and the Tiki Bob 'o' necks :wink: In a way it's a bit of a shame to lose the beautiful pattern behind Bob, but that would be one heavy necklace LOL. Have fun at the beach! :)

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WooHooWahine we appreciated you and Soccor driving to our hotel. We made it all the way home today and are resting.

tigertail777 I did make two wall plaques from that part of the mold. Dan has one and I don't remember where the second one went. It makes me smile to know you like the mug and necklaces. Thank you.


We are back from the Don the Beachcomber Marketplace. We had a lot of fun seeing everyone and Dan found a few tiki treasures to bring home. We also made it to the Long Beach Aquarium where we found a tiki painting and a tiki in the bushes. Tomorrow I'll download the photos to share.

Thank you for all your notes and visits while we were away tomorrow it's back to work.

Cheers, Wendy

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Glad u had a safe trip

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hang10tiki after hitting a huge plastic garbage can on the LA freeway we were very thankful to arrive home safely. Part of our bumper broke but we were fine. We didn't see where it went after I hit it because the freeway was full and moving fast. Even still it was a great trip.


Places we saw on our trip were Venice Beach, Redondo Beach, Long Beach, Don The Beachcomber's sale and the Long Beach Aquarium. The best part is always seeing our friends and making new ones. Here's our trip.

After a day of driving we reached our first hotel. Dan's falling asleep.
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Venice Beach was huge. The walk with the shops not near as nice as shown in the movies.
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On the pier at Redondo Beach Pier. A great place to visit with a beautiful beach.
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In the bar at Don's.
I delivered two of the Sacramento Crawl mugs on this trip. They have promised that after checking them out they would keep them in the box until after the crawl. Saving someone shipping always makes me feel good.
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This photo is for Kele.
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The Smokin' Menehunies in Don't dining room. I probably spelled that wrong.
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I traded a vintage tiki shirt for a vintage flowered Hawaiian shirt with Tiki Roots Rocka. Thank you much, I love the shirt that "fits".
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The main room.
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HB Tiki
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GO Tiki
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Can't beat these smiles.
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Christina and Buzzy.
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Side room at Don's.
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I found a good way to cool down at Don's.
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Sunset Mike
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Honu at the Long Beach Aquarium. We went on Saturday with around 20,000 other people. Try a weekday for your visit here.
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Dragon Fish.
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King Crab.
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It's always fun to run into tiki art.
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Even a Moai in the garden.
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A nautilus is a scary creature.
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Soccor Tiki, Woo Hoo Wahine, and Dan
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Dan, myself and Woo Hoo
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Sunset the night before we headed home.
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It is going to be 103 here today. I'm going into the garage to see if I can get some work done before it turns into a furnace. Thank you for viewing our trip, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-09 09:09 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/15c1e3a3f9bb4757c1a249a0c5d8c0d3?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Wendy, it was good to finally meet you and Dan. You're even nicer in person than online! I'm glad you both made it home safely.
If you haven't been yet, check out the Cabrillo Aquarium in neighboring San Pedro sometime. The Maritime Museum, Battleship Iowa and SS Lane Victory in San Pedro are also worth a visit if you like maritime history. For amazing ocean views the Fort MacArthur Museum and Point Fermin Lighthouse can't be beat.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Wendy, looks like a great trip- sorry I wasn't able to make it up there. I'll have to go visit Buzzy for some of that cash....

Garbage can on the freeway? Yikes. LA can get you at any time- so glad you guys were okay- sounds terrible.

Quote: "The Smokin' Menehunies in Don't dining room. I probably spelled that wrong."
Er, yes, I believe it's spelled 'Don's.' (heh heh).

Look forward to receiving the Crawl mug when it ships out....

David / Tiki Ano

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Thanks for showing us the pics


M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b9f394dc69a9134df062764ec9564ebf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I've seen the "arrow thru the head" gag before
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But never the "fish thru the head" gag :lol:
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Glad you had a great trip :D

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tikilongbeach Lori, thank you for the tip. You are very nice and I enjoyed meeting you. I do wish I'd gotten a photo.

TikiAno now that was funny. I'm going to leave it. Buzzy said he sold more at Marketplace in 5 hours than in the whole weekend at Oasis. It was good to see he and Christina.
I opened the kiln and there was the glaze test of your present. Thank you it's a fun color.
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hang10tiki you are very welcome.

MadDogMike you noticed. Here was our first photo and then we improved it with the fish in the head photo.
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I also took this photo of Jungle Ginger and Doug Horne. GROG tweaked it for all of us.
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Update on the Sacramento Crawl mug.

Opened the kiln, success!
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All these yet to do so I
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loaded the kiln again.
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So I loaded the kiln
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Success close up.
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So in went the last load.
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On the way into the house.
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It took a week to get them all fired but now I know they are ready for the crawl and we can go phew and wipe our brows.

All total we did 50 of these mugs in brown for the crawl. Dan required 9 in different colors for his work and they are in his collection. I have one for myself and
one AP for hang10tiki and 3 more left to glaze and sell in the future.

So for a total of 64 mugs it took 16 pints of paint. I saved the empties until the end so that I'd know. They are double sized mugs so a regular size mug would have taken half as much.
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Into recycle.
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It always feels great to get to this stage after so many days of labor. Soon I'll be onto new projects and challenges. Maybe as soon as tomorrow!

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-10 17:43 ]

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WOOHOO!! What a great lookin bunch of mugs!! Congrats on another, great, finished project.

I can't wait to see what is next out of your kiln of magic!

  • Dale
L Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ab192134c4577e4df629c7e713f796a1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Those mugs look great! I bet you feel like you have accomplished a big feat seeing how nicely they have turned out. Good job.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Yep, that's a lotta Crawl mugs! (And even more glaze!) Wendy, I now may have to call in Don't the Beachcomber (or perhaps will become part of the name of my new home bar (coming soon)). Glad Buzzy did great at the Marketplace, he definitely deserves it (and I always root for my home team (in SD).

Grog's photo is hysterical, too funny.

Glad the test tile came out well, though it does look pretty lonely on that kiln shelf.... I still don't know if that glaze has been released, I really liked using it but haven't seen it for sale yet (though I did stash a way a few of those sample bottles).

Mike, pretty awesome. I was waiting for Jon (or Grog, post-surgery) to go photoshop crazy on that one, but your approach is just as, if not more, funny. :)

H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/21154/649119ceb7046.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=200302534909fce323ced4bdc72e29c6

That's a great mug you guys.
When will we see a photo of the different colors of the Dan-o collection?
What's the NEXT project?


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Grog- hurry back

HT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5133a5466468235d4e1bc1335c25ddab?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Everything looks great! Hope all is well. :) Happy to see that you recycle too!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Jon, I agree. In honor of Grog feeling better soon, thought I'd post here, too (as well as the TC Infirmary)

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(hopefully not offensive to all, it's, um, "borrowed" from the interweb).

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Wendy! good to see you & Dan this last weekend.

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littlegiles thank you so much. I feel a bit of a rush when a huge project is finished. We have decided to try to finish before the summer starts next year. Oh oh, we better get going on it tomorrow!

lunavideogames I should repeat my note to littlegiles. I sure do like those comments.

TikiAno Buzzy would like that. We root for him too. GROG is a photoshop pro but I like all the photos each of you have done.

hang10tiki you will get to see Dan's crawl mug collection after the crawl has ended in October. Next up will be some Tiki Bob conversions and then the next wish list will open. I have to get some things done here. I'm trying to make some room for myself but everywhere there are tikis and more tikis. But that's a good thing, right?

TikiAno I will be thrilled when GROG feels up to visiting my thread again.

Atomic Tiki Punk you too. Did you see the funny photo of Doug with your wife?


Even when all the mugs are done there are more tasks to complete.

First I printed 55 photos of the mug so I can have a numbered and autographed one with each mug. Five extra for mistakes. I wrote 1/50, 2/50 etc. and Wendy Cevola on each one.
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Dan taped the bottoms of all the boxes and stacked them on the couch which is covered with a sheet.
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Then I wrote all the numbers on the boxes twice so I can find them easily when they are in my cars truck during the crawl. SCM = Sacramento Crawl mug.
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All done and in order so I can match the mug to the box.
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For Kele, she likes Dan's rear end. The mugs are everywhere.
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The army.
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The marines.
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The house is a tiki mess.
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Each mug is matched to it's card and held by a rubber band.
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Dan wrapped each mug and sealed it in it's box and taped it shut. Behind him is a table of things we are selling to Mahalo Tiki for his shop. On the couch are things I sold on eBay (we lost our shirts). Our cat is clawing our furniture so I have cloth over each end of the couches to keep her away from them.
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Now the mugs are really done. They are ready to go in the trunk of my car when the crawl is on and I sell them from there. I had one cancellation. So there is one mug left.
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It feels really good to be at this point so soon. The first crawl mug I made was started in August and finished just before the crawl started. Every year we have begun earlier and this one was done sooner than any of the years past.

Many happy days ahead. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-12 16:42 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8e2554124f0d1830625df8e10abad657?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Go mug #18! (I think that's the one I'm getting...?) :wink:

okay, another one for (Super) Grog:

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Wendy- love the ARMY pictures
Dan-o - watch out for paper cuts

Grog- get well soon and get back here

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You two need your own warehouse...love all the pictures...really looking forward to getting that crawl mug!!!

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/02fda1af943fa800b4526bf84202312a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

TikiAno it sure is fun to see the photos everyone comes up with. I hope GROG can log in soon.

hang10tiki Dan didn't get any paper cuts so I've sent him out to wash the cars while I work some clay. My photos were not so great and then the opportunity passed with them all in boxes. At the crawl a few will use them and that will be fun to photograph.

VampiressRN your Eric October Islander bowl is with them. I am cleaning out closets looking for space to call my own. As Dan watches I keep saying NOOOOOO this is not space for you. I'm glad you like the mug, I like the fact that you have single handed kept the crawl going. We are so grateful.


Here's what's up for today.

Roge is making suncatchers. He sent this one to us. We didn't have access to a window but it looked great just sitting here. It has my Moai in the middle. I put his information on Marketplace.
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This is his newest design.
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Dan hasn't found the most interesting man in the world for a while but he ran into this guy.
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We decided to take a break and to head to the California Gold Country.
About 20 miles from our home is the Rancho Seco decommissioned nuclear power plant. This shows the cooling towers. They say that the radioactive material from Japan's reactor will reach our shores in 2014 and will not be bothersome. Since these particle have half lives that are so long I don't believe them but I pray they are right.
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The town of Ione was still closed.
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The next town was Sutter Creek. Antique stores for tiki hunting. Oh Yeah!
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Dan found an Islander Stockton Sun God.
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I found this carved wood that was labeled African crucifix.
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I think it looks like tapa.
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I bought it so I could copy this pattern on the handle.
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Every store had albums in boxes for Dan to check out.
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Next we traveled on to Jackson.
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In one store there was a section of Hawaiian shirts, albums and tourist tikis.
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Dan found these albums.
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A good lunch and then back home.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-13 17:03 ]

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