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Wannahockaloogie Lounge formally Jungle Cruise yard....

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Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

hello all, Paul here, well we just got the news we got our new house!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a 1958 built bungalow with a huge yard, attached garage and 50s charm!!! should be moved into it by 30 days +. Im so excited, this will be my first home with a real yard!!!!

new name for the new space so hopefully its not already taken!!!!

so, none of the pix are letting me upload them,

Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

[ Edited by: Pele Paul 2014-02-28 16:31 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/01/2014

Congrats on the new home Pele!

hottiki posted on 03/01/2014

Congrats !!! How Lucky it was for you to land a two car Tiki room !!!!!

Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

lol I know!! that's what I was thinking too!!! Ive got a driveway to park my non-tiki autos!!! may have to buy a pre-fab 2 car garage for the backyard too, lol!!!!!!

thanks everyone too!!! :)

MadDogMike posted on 03/01/2014

Only in America do we pile our garages full of 50 year old made-in-Japan tiki mugs and park our $30,000 cars on the street :lol:

Congrats on the new space, have fun :D

hiltiki posted on 03/01/2014

Nice place, please post some more pictures.

Hakalugi posted on 03/01/2014

Nice name!

VampiressRN posted on 03/01/2014

Congratulations...looks like a great place. I am sure you will soon be plotting out the space for your jungle paradise. Have fun.

Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

On 2014-02-28 18:19, MadDogMike wrote:
Only in America do we pile our garages full of 50 year old made-in-Japan tiki mugs and park our $30,000 cars on the street :lol:

Congrats on the new space, have fun :D

OMG that is so so true!!! lol LMAO!!!!!!

yea photos coming as soon as I get the keys from the bank!!!

Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

Im so lucky my GF is a big 50s-60s fan too, gonna do the kitchen and house in total Atomic retro, found a cool 1959 Better homes and Gardens design book.....cant wait to take a pocket full of cash to Rosebowl!!!

muskrat posted on 03/01/2014

look forward to seeing what you do with the new space.

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Flying martini posted on 03/01/2014

Awesome! Congrats on the new home!
You guys are so lucky over in the States, so much cool retro available to you! So hard to find authentic, well looked after stuff in Australia.

But I'm having fun trying! :wink:

Flying Martini
Shaken, not stirred!

Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

On 2014-03-01 03:05, Flying martini wrote:
Awesome! Congrats on the new home!
You guys are so lucky over in the States, so much cool retro available to you! So hard to find authentic, well looked after stuff in Australia.

But I'm having fun trying! :wink:

Flying Martini
Shaken, not stirred!

Thanks VampiraRN and Flying Martini!,
We were lucky we found a home that was a time capsule and the owners did little to nothing to the home since they bought it; literaly !!! at first I hated the kitchen, because it looked like I was gonna bump into Alice and Mrs. Brady, but now Im loving the quaintness of it! Not to mention all the cool older and retro vynal tile too!! cant wait to move in and start posting pix!!!

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SoCal Savage posted on 03/01/2014

Congrats on the house. We're lucky that we still have some of these (mostly) untouched time capsule here in Southern Cali. You did such a great job on your Jungle Cruise yard that I didn't realize it was such a small space. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the new one.

Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

On 2014-03-01 12:09, SoCal Savage wrote:
Congrats on the house. We're lucky that we still have some of these (mostly) untouched time capsule here in Southern Cali. You did such a great job on your Jungle Cruise yard that I didn't realize it was such a small space. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the new one.

Thanks so much!! yea my patio here is something like 20 x 12 feet!! so I had to cram a bunch of crap into a small space! thank god the new place is huge!!! and I don't have an HOA to deal with and I can build up if I need to lol!!!
Everyone in the so cal area is invited to a house warming party once we get in and get settled and when it warms up lol!!! FREE DRINKS all around!!!!
thanks guys!!! I so love this forum and being able to share my love of tiki and the whole culture!!!


Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

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so here's the kitchen, at first the GF was like omg its ugly, but then she got onboard when I showed her all the retro ideas I had for it!!! Enough to make Carol Brady and Alice green with Envy!!!!!

And I've been pulling ideas out of a book and the web, gonna be a cross hybrid of Don Draper and Walt Disney !!!

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tikilongbeach posted on 03/01/2014

Congrats! I can't wait to see the transformation.

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tikilongbeach posted on 03/01/2014

Congrats! I can't wait to see the transformation.

Pele Paul posted on 03/01/2014

thanks again!!! yea Im so jazzed right now, I cant sleep and I feel lie a little kid waiting for xmas!!! I keep a notebook by the bed to jot down ideas at night when I cant sleep lol!!
and or spend my time looking on pintrist or on ebay!!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/01/2014

Well after fixing up & restoring an old 50s home (The Atomic Tiki Lounge)
I can offer some tips, don't be afraid to buy vintage furniture that
is not in the best shape & restore it yourself, if you don't mind the work, you can save a ton of money

you can easily refinish cabinet doors & by replacing the handles & door pulls with new modern hardware
can make a big difference for just a little work & money.

Don't go cheap on counters, they will get scratched up in no time.

You can see what I have done here:

VampiressRN posted on 03/02/2014

You are doing it right...planning ahead with pictures and adjusting how you want yours to look as helpful. I have my whole house done up in Power Point and it helped me to finalize my rooms.

Your place is gonna be smokin'...take your time and get your own groove.

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NASH GRADY posted on 03/02/2014

congrats on the new pad! looking forward to seeing it transform.

Pele Paul posted on 03/03/2014

thanks Nash!!! looks like about 3 weeks we should be in our new home, god Im so over my old home, lol

VampiressRN posted on 03/03/2014
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SoCalTikiGal posted on 03/09/2014

What a gem you found--love all that original tile! Another great resource, of course, is retrorenovation.com--lots of tips there on working on midcentury homes. You have so many fun options to choose from when it comes to decorating, you're going to have a blast. Can't wait to see the final results. Congrats!

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littlegiles posted on 03/10/2014

Congrats on the vintage home! Can't wait to see what you do with the space. I just finished working on a midcentury ranch, but not nearly as cool as ATP. :)

Pele Paul posted on 03/12/2014

thanks everyone for the kind words and tips!! the GF just got to see it for the first time on sat! paced off the back yard and it appears to be about 85'x 100' with several fruit trees and plenty of room for mass Tiki infliction !!

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[ Edited by: Pele Paul 2014-03-11 17:29 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/12/2014

Keep us posted on the transformation and be sure to try to have fun! It's a lot of work but worth it in the end. And keep posting pictures!!!

Pele Paul posted on 03/12/2014

I forgot to mention the working wood burning fire place and gorgeous wood floors underneath the carpet, so I cant wait to pull em up and get to work on em' not to mention all the palm trees going in the backyard! And....................Tikis in the front yard!!!

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VampiressRN posted on 03/12/2014

Very nice...love the circular driveway and fireplace. You should have lots of fun Tikifying that place.

Pele Paul posted on 03/12/2014

On 2014-03-11 22:21, VampiressRN wrote:
Very nice...love the circular driveway and fireplace. You should have lots of fun Tikifying that place.

thanks so so much dear! you know, your always welcome anytime to come by, the GF and I would love to have ya stop by if your ever in this neck of the woods, and we will have a spare bedroom if anyone needs to crash! which also goes for everyone else here too! love to have a Riverside/IE Home bar crawl!!!!

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tiki mick posted on 03/12/2014

Dude, is that the house from the bad news bears?

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dig the circular driveway!

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tikilongbeach posted on 03/12/2014

Unless the kitchen cabinets are damaged I would keep them the nice natural color.

Pele Paul posted on 03/12/2014

On 2014-03-12 12:26, lucas vigor wrote:
Dude, is that the house from the bad news bears?

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dig the circular driveway!

lol I don't know, but it sure looks like it!! we are actually looking into a early 1960s era car to park in the driveway lol!!!

Pele Paul posted on 03/12/2014

On 2014-03-12 12:40, tikilongbeach wrote:
Unless the kitchen cabinets are damaged I would keep them the nice natural color.

Hello Lori, yea the cabinets are in great shape, just need some TLC and prob a good cleaning and some new stain maybe, we will see, right now, are plans are on hold due to my flakey buyer pulling out of the deal!!

VampiressRN posted on 03/13/2014

Hang in there Paul...real estate is a roller coaster for sure. I will head down to SoCal in another year or so and will certainly add you to the plans. :)

Pele Paul posted on 03/14/2014

Home update: well I got a stay of execution from my bank, even though my buyer flaked out and I don't even get his good faith deposit, complete BS ! So I am waging a one man war on him, since he lives in my complex, and have made a nasty banner saying what I think of him, but I have a new buyer and hopefully in 2 weeks I'll be in the new bad news bears home!!!

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jimsflies posted on 03/14/2014

Congrats on the house Paul! Looking forward to watching your re-no and tiki build!

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Malibu-tiki posted on 03/15/2014

Hey paul, I made it..... House looks great, lets get tikified!

Malibu Jamie

Pele Paul posted on 03/22/2014

On 2014-03-15 10:58, Malibu-tiki wrote:
Hey paul, I made it..... House looks great, lets get tikified!

Malibu Jamie

lol bout time you lurker!!!!!

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Malibu-tiki posted on 03/22/2014

I'm yet to get my first tiki yet but I've found some cool ones so will get some pictures up when I do. Also wanna get some of those cool tiki mugs!

Hey Paul make sure u keep in touch!

Pele Paul posted on 04/03/2014

Hey all, we are finally in our new place, took some quick pics of my new tiki space, cant wait to start unloading and setting up bamboo and my new structure!!! thanks all

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Pele Paul posted on 04/03/2014

moved a couple tikis to the back yard, and then started tikifying the bathroom too, kinda, lol

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littlegiles posted on 04/03/2014

I'm so glad you got the place! I was about to ask how things were going. Can't wait to see what you create in that big back yard.

  • Dale
Pele Paul posted on 04/03/2014

thanks Dale,
yea, we r still unpacking, and Ive got a ton of stuff in my storage which is about the size of a 2 car garage, got big plans for the yard, garage, side yard as well as the house......

Pele Paul posted on 04/03/2014

my new office is larger than my old office and has a door leading out to the garage. the office will be the new south pacific WWII US navy tiki room/office leading out to the jungle cruise garage/workspace, leading out to the back yard! cant wait, but where to start first.......

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hang10tiki posted on 04/04/2014

Have fun


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