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Wannahockaloogie Lounge formally Jungle Cruise yard....

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spent the week working in the garage since its been cooler, funny how I spent all last week working on the yard and the tiki structure, I guess its my A.D.D.

got some paint on the white wall, and covered one wall with old lumber to give it the jungle cruise look......

Looking sweet! That boat loading sign is awesome!


On 2014-04-25 13:11, jimsflies wrote:
Looking sweet! That boat loading sign is awesome!

thanks!! I'll make one for ya if ya like!


here are a few im planning on painting soon......


found these which will be reproduced and or painted on the wall in the jungle cruise lounge

Paul, you have really gotten a lot done. Good work! The posters will be cool painted on the walls. The old wood is a fun touch on the garage wall.

  • Dale

thanks Dale,
yea Im surprised how well it came out too, and to think the GF wanted me to throw it out before we moved! lol
now Ive got to find some more old fence material to continue the wall....

now to finish the door, Im not happy with the faux painting on it. maybe some bamboo or rattan


Love your progress pictures.


thanks so much, still trying to lay it all out, hoping to put up a fence outside the boat loading door, which leads to the backyard, Ive been busy buying up bamboo fencing and such. the side yard is open, need to move the gate back about 20 feet which will give me a long corridor leading to the back yard and tiki hut. this will have a wood plank walk way, with a palm thatch cover, and hopefully a large ADVENTURELAND arc !!

[ Edited by: Pele Paul 2014-04-26 16:56 ]

Pretty cool mix of materials & concepts. I'm digging it!

On 2014-04-25 14:43, Pele Paul wrote:
found these which will be reproduced and or painted on the wall in the jungle cruise lounge

Hey Paul, that first one is the one I have for you!

Your re-use of materials is great and those posters are fabulous.

It's coming along really great. I often look to your posts for inspiration.
Here's a project I just finished which was inspired by seeing all your crates at your last place.
I had a styrofoam shipping cooler that I decided to build a crate around and throw some Jungle Cruise jokes on it.


[ Edited by: retrolane 2014-04-28 12:36 ]

[ Edited by: retrolane 2014-04-28 12:37 ]


wow Erick, I love it!!!! Im gonna copy that for sure!!! glad you like the way my area is coming along, as well as that you get inspiration from my build!!! Ive got more pix coming, been busy this weekend building and moving stuff around


here are a few new pix from over the weekend, had a chance to pic up a few things at the market place, as well as I picked up 2 nice swords at a local militaria show, one for the garage and one, a Japanese NCO sword for the Pacific room.......

Just such delightful clutter....I love viewing your pictures.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2014-04-28 19:10 ]


On 2014-04-28 19:08, VampiressRN wrote:
Just such delightful clutter....I love viewing your pictures.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2014-04-28 19:10 ]

thanks so so much dear!!!! that means a lot to me!!!

I have to agree...the clutter is delightful! Are these recent pics from your garage area or have you started on your building in the backyard. Sorry, must have missed the location. Regardless of location, it is really looking good.

  • Dale

On 2014-04-29 10:22, littlegiles wrote:
I have to agree...the clutter is delightful! Are these recent pics from your garage area or have you started on your building in the backyard. Sorry, must have missed the location. Regardless of location, it is really looking good.

  • Dale

Hey Dale, this is the garage, even though I spent a ton of money building the tiki hut in the yard, I'm still in the planning stage on the interior material and some of the design, not to mention, I need lots of matting, which means I have to drive down to OA which is about 70 miles, so until then, I've been using material that I had laying around to start in the garage. Right now we are having a bit of a windy day, so most of my thatch has blown off, which means I need to do a better job of securing it next time! thanks for the kind comments Dale : )

It's looking awesome, I'm starting to recognize a lot of the stuff from your old space!

Can't wait to see what you do with that hut.


thanks SoCal Savage!! yea, im lucky Ive got the items I had in my house, now in the garage, along with some new projects, a couple new barrels, crates and such, and a storage unit full of stuff that wouldn't fit in the old yard! thank god for cheap property out here!!!

I was able to pick up an inexpensive old Imperial German Naval sword on sunday for the space...


made a copy of one of my favorite signs inside Trader Sam's,

Trader Sam's sign

My copy.....

Thanks for clearning up my foggy head. LOL

New sword is a nice addition and the sign is really fun. Maybe one day I'll make out to West Coast and see Trader Sams in person.

Sorry to hear about you losing your thatch off your building. Hope you find a way to keep it on there.

  • Dale

On 2014-04-30 05:37, littlegiles wrote:
Thanks for clearning up my foggy head. LOL

New sword is a nice addition and the sign is really fun. Maybe one day I'll make out to West Coast and see Trader Sams in person.

Sorry to hear about you losing your thatch off your building. Hope you find a way to keep it on there.

  • Dale

Yea Dale, Trader Sam's is a really fun place! love going and getting ideas as well as just enjoying the atmosphere and the drinks!
I was able to find all my thatch, luckily it was only blown off and into my yard not my neighbors yard!
you should come out to the west coast, we only have two seasons; Summer and January !!

took some time to paint up one of my crates in typical OA style..

and found one of my old German navy cigarette cases


Hey Dale, here are a few pics of Trader Sam's that I've used for inspiration....

my next sign, taken from a photo in the Pacific during WWII...

Love the Falling Coconuts sign. LOL

  • Dale

had a few days off due to a horrible tooth ache, finally saw the dentist today and was able to spend a little time in the garage Jungle Cruise area; of course, the best part is this is my view out my front door and my open garage!

found this old pump at a local antique store for next to nothing on sunday....

made this sign based on a pic in the Indiana Jones ride

How do you keep everything in the perfect combination of clean/unkempt. Your stuff is amazing.



On 2014-05-05 19:38, stormrider wrote:
How do you keep everything in the perfect combination of clean/unkempt. Your stuff is amazing.


lol Thanks Storm, that's easy, all my lumber, windows and most ammo boxes were kept outside, so they all have a natural patina to them, I give them a light brushing off and presto ! as for the items on the walls, they usually never go out side anymore, well, at least till I out build the garage and move into the side yard. that's whats so great about my new place, lots of room to expand!!!
Funny thing is I still havnt done anything to the new tiki hut, still have too many ideas and don't wanna do it twice lol
thanks again for your kind words!

had a chance to convert an old ammo box into a makeshift field desk, after a little paint, some sanding and instant period field desk!

[ Edited by: Pele Paul 2014-05-06 07:28 ]


What's up with the zebra pics?


On 2014-05-06 08:32, jimsflies wrote:
What's up with the zebra pics?

The zebras are outside my front door which ties in with the jungle cruise theme

Ok, I just have to know....why do you have zebras outside your front door? I love it, and for some reason I'm not terribly surprised you have zebras for a view (not sure why I'm not surprised). Near me I have a small farm with sheep and was shocked to see a Llama running around with them one day. HAHA

  • Dale

On 2014-05-12 10:25, littlegiles wrote:
Ok, I just have to know....why do you have zebras outside your front door? I love it, and for some reason I'm not terribly surprised you have zebras for a view (not sure why I'm not surprised). Near me I have a small farm with sheep and was shocked to see a Llama running around with them one day. HAHA

  • Dale

Thanks Dale,
Yea across from me is a large estate where the father had every type of African animal imaginable at one time; zebras, Emu's, lions, giraffes, and more! but sadly after he passed away, his sons decided it was too costly to continue the upkeep of the animals, and now all we have are the Zebras and bison. in fact, that was one of the selling points for buying the house was the view and the animals! plus it ties in nicely with the house/yard/garage!


Room's looking great, getting nice and layered. I can't believe you kept those Zebra's secret til now!


thanks so much!
I was lucky with the high winds we had, I was able to find a load of lumber from numerous fences to add to the jungle cruise area!
cant wait to get started.......


well, after stockpiling tons of old reclaimed wood, Im ready to start putting it up on the wall of the tiki bar!!!

I think the view out front is great! Can't wait to see the new, old wood put to good use.

  • Dale

after a few hours outside, its starting to get pretty hot, so time for a break....

Nice to see your glamorous assistant helping out!


what are you doing in your home bar right now?? oh nothing.........just hanging out my front door getting pix of my zebras and Ostriches, doesn't everybody have these in their yard?

Great view!!!! And your place keeps getting better and better.

Ha nice view lol have you done much to the place lately? You've been a bit quiet....

On 2014-05-25 20:26, VampiressRN wrote:
Great view!!!! And your place keeps getting better and better.

Thanks soooo much dear! Ive got new pics going up today!


hula girl going out to hut soon!!!


its been cool enough in the mornings to get some painting and cleaning done outside. now to take care of the biting flies!!!!! anyone else have this problem?

figured I better get started painting and making the shed look more tiki!! if I have one more person asking if I sell ammo, dry goods or rock candy out of my old west store front Im gonna scream!!!! lol

started painting the outside doors a nice light blue, with a blue green trim...

started to put a little thatch on the smaller shed too, just need some more rattan to go with it

finally after 5 years put this my fav tiki back together with some screws, now he's standing on his own

[ Edited by: Pele Paul 2014-06-03 09:17 ]


Fun project and a good start all over again. You can never have enough tikis...


On 2014-06-03 18:27, hiltiki wrote:
Fun project and a good start all over again. You can never have enough tikis...

amen to that!!! thank god Jason of Smokin' Tiki's isn't too far away! I just got the 8 footer from him last month!! always need more now that Ive got more room!!! lol

Things are really shaping up? When do your stocks of candy in barrels come in? Just teasing. :wink:

What are the plans for the doors? I know at one point that was a topic for discussion. Notice that you have your poor tiki tied to the post. Have you considered setting him down in the ground so he doesn't but up against the roof? Just a thought.

Keep up the great work and keep us posted. We are nosey. :)

  • Dale

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