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Please help Identify! Is this Witco?

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I am trying to find out if these 2 pieces are Witco. If not what are they? Any ideas.

[ Edited by: Rswens 2014-05-23 11:56 ]



Probably Witco.

Any chance you could get a picture of the back side? Or tell us if there are any identifying marks on the back, on the hanger bit.... A lot of the Witco stuff was 'mass produced' so very little of their stuff is signed, but there are still sometimes stock numbers or other marks that could help nail it down to a certainty.

And Aloha! by the way. Welcome to Tiki Central.

Those are Witco.


So these are Witco. Do we know what they are called? Are they worth more then the $40.00 I paid for them?


Does anyone know the value of these pieces?



It's non-tiki Witco. King and Queen, chess motif 70s stuff..

You probably won't unload it here if you're trying to sell it. Hard to put a number on it, but I'd say quite a bit lower than tiki Witco, but higher than your average chess piece wall hanging...


Thanks for the reply. Wasn't trying to move it, just making sure was a good deal.

On 2014-05-27 11:03, Rswens wrote:
Thanks for the reply. Wasn't trying to move it, just making sure was a good deal.


WTF! yes, those are the same exact Photos posted here & priced at $299?

Rswens/shopstoragewarriors you could at least be honest about asking for help here
someone would have advised you still, but now you have spent all of our goodwill
Bloody mercenary profiteers, well I say, good day sir!!! I said good day!


Personally i think it's about time that any member who asks "Is this Witco" and has less than X amount of posts should either be completely ignored or the moderators should remove the post. It's unbelievable how many times this happens, people claiming to only want to know the value of the piece 'out of interest' and then trying to sell them at a huge mark-up.

You guys are probably right. I remember when I first started collecting Witco, I had a million questions, and this board was such a great resource. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. But it seems like a lot do just end up being flippers...

Oh well good luck getting 300 bones for those lame pieces anyway..

On 2014-05-27 17:50, swizzle wrote:
Personally i think it's about time that any member who asks "Is this Witco" and has less than X amount of posts should either be completely ignored or the moderators should remove the post. It's unbelievable how many times this happens, people claiming to only want to know the value of the piece 'out of interest' and then trying to sell them at a huge mark-up.

Swizzle, I agree 100%, and I'm sure every other member feels the same way. The only modification I would make is if the question is: "Is this fill-in-the-blank, and how much is it worth?" We all can do this, no moderator intervention needed to ignore a post. We all just need to do it...I'm in!

So if I go back to being blunt with these types of profiteers, you guys will not jump all over me?

Yes I have been nice & helpful to folks around here for awhile, yet I usually can tell from these types of posts
what their true intentions are.

Of course the most obvious clue is when they ask the objects value within a few questions
Second if they have not taken the time to use the "introduction thread" it is possible they don't plan on
sticking around, after they get what they came here for.

I think it can be a fine line, ATP. Because imho we also don't want to chase away everyone who potentially could bring cool & interesting finds to the site.
..plus we would get first crack at it :)

You know Punkster the people who replied don't seem to be flipping out about this person being another profiteer. I suspect they may have thought that that was the case when they replied, as I did. So screw him(?) we gave him enough rope and he hung himself. If you think it's just another person out for profit don't bother to give them an answer, if someone chooses to give them an answer, accept that it's their choice and I suspect their own senses are as good as yours.

aloha, tikicoma

Dear sir or madam,

I have been reading on this board for many years but this is my first post. I recently inherited this piece and am curious whether it is Watco and if so what a fair price might be on eba...I mean for insurance purposes? Thank you.

GROG posted on Wed, May 28, 2014 12:07 AM

TikiTacky is the new Woofmutt. The only difference is that woofy would have started a new thread in bilge with the exact same thing TikiTacky posted.

Until the posting rules defines that its not cool to ask for info and value strictly for profit, then technically they aren't in the wrong doing so. They probably don't read the rules anyway, but at least it would be covered.

also, I suppose the the guy could of been considering buy this off ebay and used the ebay auction images to ask (I didn't check the dates to see the timeline, so maybe not)

Yes ignoring them would work, but a stock cut and paste answer that everyone could agree to use would be much more polite...

"We here at Tiki Central tend to not give out information or value on items to new members. Please use the introduction thread to tell us about yourself first. Once you are established over a period of time, you'll find people that are willing to discuss this topic with you."

or something of the like.....

one could be made along the same lines for the topic of new people posting stuff that isn't considered tiki....

Maybe it would save a newbie with good intentions rather than run him off... which we've all seen happen.

Then again, a stock cut and paste polite answer would rob certain people the chance of being keyboard tough guys and self proclaimed a-holes, and what would they do then?

This sounds like a good idea to me.....

GROG posted on Wed, May 28, 2014 1:53 AM

On 2014-05-28 00:56, ErichTroudt wrote:
I suppose the the guy could of been considering buy this off ebay

Could have or could've----not could of.-----The Spelling Police.


Although he may not believe me i agree with ATP the majority of the time, it's just how he goes about things i don't agree with, but on this one i'm with him 100%, that sounds like a good idea to me too ErichTroudt.

Maybe a new thread could be started to discuss what "stock cut and paste answer" could be used that everyone could vote on to decide a winner, although i think the one you wrote in your post pretty much nailed it. Possibly it could also mention the reasons as to why.


I always kind of took it for granted that if a first time poster is saying "hey I found this tiki
thing and was just wondering what it's worth" That this is a person just wanting to flip said item
and make a quick buck.

"So if I go back to being blunt with these types of profiteers, you guys will not jump all over me?"
The person who comes here and wants to stay should be able to say "no really I like tiki and
was dumb enough to buy this I am still learning thanks for your help"

As well the guy who is coming here to make a buck should also know that he is just trying to
get info so he can make a quick buck and if he gets ripped for doing so should think "hey can't blame them for ripping me for trying to use them and their knowledge for my gain"

We don't want to lose new good tiki folk, But this guy was sneaky about his intent.

These Witco carvings would look good on the restroom doors of a Swiss Chalet restaurant.
Take them to Swiss Chalet Central they might want to buy them there.

On 2014-05-26 17:25, hottiki wrote:

I like how he notes in the description how the "Tiki Forum" looked at them and said they were Witco. However, he fails to state that the "Tiki Forum" also stated they were worth $40.00 and has them up for $300.00. There is a make offer button, if it wouldn't commit me to purchaseing, I'd be half tempted to offer the 40 bucks, stating that the "Tiki Forum" said so. I mean, if you're gonna state their Witco per the forum, then they're also worth $40 bucks per the forum.



I'll bite, I collect Witco and to me these are at the bottom of the desirability range. If I saw them in the thrift store for 40 I would hesitate buying them, but for 40 dollars well I'm a Witco whore so yeah I would buy them at that price. Any higher no way. I would say market value is 25-50 each including shipping. If someone offers you 80 bucks I'd say take it. At first I'm sure you were excited thinking you hit Witco Gold, but are bummed out now after realizing you have Khloe Kardashian(The Ugly One) instead of Kim. I feel kind of bad for you so I went ahead and gave you a sympathy best offer bid of 5 dollars.

On 2014-05-28 00:07, GROG wrote:
TikiTacky is the new Woofmutt. The only difference is that woofy would have started a new thread in bilge with the exact same thing TikiTacky posted.

Yay! Wait, is that a good thing? If I'm gonna be like someone, I want to be like someone COOL. Is Woofmutt COOL? If not, who is someone COOL I can be like?

On 2014-05-27 23:52, TikiTacky wrote:
Dear sir or madam,

I have been reading on this board for many years but this is my first post. I recently inherited this piece and am curious whether it is Watco and if so what a fair price might be on eba...I mean for insurance purposes? Thank you.

Do you have any better pictures? It could be watco, but its hard to be sure with just the one shot. As for a fair price? I am thinking a dollar and three ninety-eight for an average, but if you get the picture staged a bit better you could probably get a bit more.

Didn't mean to repeat myself.... stupid technology with stupid buttons.

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2014-05-28 08:57 ]


Can you odentify type of wood?

Man I wish I was on Swiss Chalet Central right now.

GROG posted on Wed, May 28, 2014 10:05 AM

Yay! Wait, is that a good thing? --------Not necessarily, but Woofmutt thinks so.

If I'm gonna be like someone, I want to be like someone COOL. Is Woofmutt COOL? --------Not necessarily, but Woofmutt thinks so.

If not, who is someone COOL I can be like? ----------Buzzy.

Y'know, if someone was just honest about it, and said, "Hey, before I list this on eBay, I want to make sure I understand its value. Can you help?" it would feel totally different, wouldn't it? My beef isn't so much about people drifting in & out quickly, or making money, it's the dishonesty about the intentions.

On 2014-05-28 08:56, Chip and Andy wrote:
Didn't mean to repeat myself.... stupid technology with stupid buttons.

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2014-05-28 08:57 ]

You're not using the Microsoft Neural Interface with brain embedded control chip?
if you already are, you might need to upgrade to the latest version firmware
wait a moment......damn...I am bleeding from the ears again.....

Can I coin the new term "Notco" meaning something that is not Witco.

Humuhumu, %100 agree, I think one person was honest & upfront about their intention to sell a item
last year, I was happy to give them answers to questions asked, but so many feel a need to lie
to our community, which is why I find it insulting most of the time.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-05-28 12:39 ]

On 2014-05-28 01:53, GROG wrote:
Could have or could've----not could of.-----The Spelling Police.

Technically this is a grammar mistake, not a spelling mistake. Since you claim to be the spelling police and not the grammar police I believe you're out of your jurisdiction.

[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:24 ]

[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:28 ]

Sorry Mids&Mods I did misread you and thought that you too were just price shopping too.
And if you, me, we buy an item and like it in our home and or tiki bar who cares what
others think.

Welcome to TC by the way!

[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:24 ]


Best Introduction I've ever seen.

Great introduction, Mids&Mods. Welcome to TC!


[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:25 ]

The only problem with what you suggest is the mercenary profiteers
rarely take the time to seek out the proper thread to post in
which is why they always start a new thread even though
we already have the threads that you are suggesting we start

so damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario.

Back to the original subject, the Witco is now 25% off!!! Or, you could make an offer.

Maybe $40 was the right number.


I like your style Mids&Mods...this whole thread and the previous "is this Witco" thread got me to thinking also. Someone should start a thread called "No it's NOT Witco" in which all the pictures posted on this board of "Notco" items can be loaded there so the inquisition can start in that thread and poster can self-select off the board early on.

Tiki Tacky, I have the matching piece to your Notco...we should now be able to make a killing on eBay!!!


[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:26 ]

Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea, Mid/Mods
have a good evening!

[ Edited by: Mids&Mods 2014-06-05 20:23 ]

So, is this Witco?

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