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mikehooker posted on 09/07/2014

Trader Vic Grog. Passion fruit is a little overpowering. Need to try again with homemade syrup or something better than Monin.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/07/2014

Too hot to work at making a real drink. Drinking Kirk and Sweeney neat,

AdOrAdam posted on 09/07/2014

*On 2014-09-06 18:48, mikehooker wrote:*Passion fruit is a little overpowering. Need to try again with homemade syrup or something better than Monin.

I have recently being using small cartons of passionfruit juice & adding sugar syrup to balance against the other citrus juices in the drinks

For example in Trade Vics grog I would use 1oz passionfruit juice & 1/2oz sugar syrup against the 1oz lemon juice.

Cheers! :)

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/10/2014

Crafted a couple of Rum Babalu’s for me and my better half (2 each). Almost as good as those made by Andrew at Tommy Bahama’s Newport Beach. Had a fair Mai Tai at the Elephant Bar (La Mirada). You gotta tell em to hold the grenadine.
Had a good and cold Sam Adam’s there.

thePorpoise posted on 09/11/2014

Moscow Mule, moi druzya, in me copper mug...

thePorpoise posted on 09/11/2014

On 2014-09-10 00:21, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Crafted a couple of Rum Babalu’s for me and my better half (2 each). Almost as good as those made by Andrew at Tommy Bahama’s Newport Beach.

okay, n'u'u is the batman of rum babalus, so i gave one a try. aint got no kirk and sweeney, sos i used Appleton Extra (which im guessing tastes dramatically different).

anyhow, really enjoying the appleton babalu. nice and smoky, reminds of a less bitter Jungle bird.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/11/2014

Hey Porp,
You’ve inspired me to try the Babalu wid Appleton. Not bad. I went on to try using Mt. Gay. I’m finding out that the brand of ginger beer used has more effect on the final product.
Mahalo and Cheers!

PiPhiRho posted on 09/11/2014

Mortlach 16 year old single malt. Very good.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/12/2014

my bruddah TikiVato and I had “Rum Barrels”with our wives.We finished the evening with Rum Babalu’s and a Longboard. Used Meyers Silver and Whaler’s rum for the “barrels"

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-09-12 00:33 ]

kkocka posted on 09/12/2014

Made my first Three Dots and a Dash last night...wow what a drink! That St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram is 2 for 2 in the drinks I've used it in.

thePorpoise posted on 09/13/2014

a tall cold can of Old Elephant Foot IPA

swizzle posted on 09/13/2014

Not right now, but last night. "The Dilemma". A drink I made off the cuff a couple of weeks ago that I'm really happy with and have made several times since.

2.5 Coruba rum
1.5 fresh ruby red grapefruit juice
1 pineapple juice
.5 cinnamon syrup
.5 grenadine
.5 passionfruit liqueur
.5 lavender liqueur
peychauds bitters.

AdOrAdam posted on 09/13/2014

On 2014-09-12 09:59, kkocka wrote:
Made my first Three Dots and a Dash last night...wow what a drink! That St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram is 2 for 2 in the drinks I've used it in.

Welcome to the party pal!

Pimento dram is a fave ingredient of mine :wink:

Taking inspiration from a Facebook post earlier this week, tonight me & the lady are drinking:

Mai Kai Vs DTB rum barrels :)

lunavideogames posted on 09/13/2014

Mai Tai

thePorpoise posted on 09/14/2014

pumpkin ales. bc its that time of year, and bc they go well with my Cherokee Chili.

lunavideogames posted on 09/14/2014

Up'ed my Negroni game a bit...

lunavideogames posted on 09/14/2014

Bloody Mary's with pickled peppers and pickles from my garden. 2 different kinds of my homemade hot sauce in it too.

lunavideogames posted on 09/14/2014

Made some Painkillers and now I am drinking a Pacifico.

lunavideogames posted on 09/15/2014

Made some Jungle Birds. Turns out I had Campari weeks earlier, but couldn't find it. Now I have 2 bottles so I am on a Campari kick.

kkocka posted on 09/15/2014

Had an easy-to-make Corn 'n Oil last night, it had been awhile since I last had one and forgot about my Black Strap!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/15/2014

On 2014-09-15 10:07, kkocka wrote:
Had an easy-to-make Corn 'n Oil last night, it had been awhile since I last had one and forgot about my Black Strap!

whadda lousy name for a drink that the ingredients hint might be delish.
Is the recipe below close to what you make? Found many recipes online and this one sounds good

Corn ‘n Oil:


2 oz. blackstrap rum (preferably Cruzan)
1/2 oz. John D. Taylor’s Velvet Falernum (or substitute falernum syrup)
1/3 oz. fresh lime juice
2-3 dashes Angostura bitters
Lime shell or wedge for garnish

Fill a lowball or old-fashioned glass with crushed ice. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until well chilled. Add the lime garnish and serve.

kkocka posted on 09/16/2014

Yeah that's the exact recipe I used last night, slightly extra from the first recipe I ever used which comes from Blair Reynolds' blog:

1.5 oz black strap
.5 falernum
.25 - .33 lime juice

I had a hankerin' for the bitters so I used your above recipe to the full extent.

thePorpoise posted on 09/16/2014

three dots and a dash. tastee

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/16/2014

On 2014-09-15 20:22, kkocka wrote:
Yeah that's the exact recipe I used last night, slightly extra from the first recipe I ever used which comes from Blair Reynolds' blog:

1.5 oz black strap
.5 falernum
.25 - .33 lime juice

I had a hankerin' for the bitters so I used your above recipe to the full extent.


Hurricane Hayward posted on 09/16/2014

After unraveling the history of another lost Mai-Kai cocktail, I enjoyed a Puka-Puka Punch from "Potions of the Caribbean" last night ...

Featuring Rhum Clement V.S.O.P., Cruzan Single Barrel, fresh lime and homemade falernum, sugar and passion fruit syrups. Not entirely happy with the Cruzan. Might be interesting to try Smith & Cross next time. Served in a 2003 Tiki Farm mug by Crazy Al, garnished with star fruit and Tales of the Cocktail spear.

The Puka-Puka Punch, a Don the Beachcomber drink from the 1930s, inspired The Mai-Kai's Last Rites, which appeared on the menu from 1956 into the 1980s, when it was retired. The Last Rites has been resurrected in recent years for special events. The full story and recipes are posted here:

happy buddha posted on 09/16/2014

Just made Hurricane's Last Rites. Very simple & refreshing. A nice before-dinner cocktail. Thanks Hurricane!

bamalamalu posted on 09/17/2014

Wow, I have to agree that the ingredients of the Corn ‘n Oil sound much, much better than the name implies.

Lazy as usual, enjoying some (original) Zaya.

thePorpoise posted on 09/17/2014

El Dorado 21-yr-old, with a dash or two of spring water.

tastes like a cocktail...

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/17/2014

Had an Aviation cocktail in this 90 degree heat (10 PM). Felt real giddy so I had to gulp down a Rum Babalu and jump into the pool.

AdOrAdam posted on 09/17/2014

On 2014-09-14 19:09, lunavideogames wrote:
Made some Jungle Birds....I am on a Campari kick...

I love the Jungle Bird Luna! What dark rum are you using?

What else with Campari are you drinking?

*On 2014-09-16 21:20, thePorpoise wrote:*El Dorado 21-yr-old...

How is the El Dorado 21 thePorpoise? Have you got a 12 /15 year comparison in the works?

I had one tiny lime that yielded 3/4 oz of juice... so I'm having a Mai Tai :)

lunavideogames posted on 09/18/2014

AdorAdam - I used Coruba dark and Cruzan Black Strap in my Jungle Birds. I also have been making Negronis with the Campari. That is about it. When I was in Mexico earlier this year, there was a bottle of Campari. I made some drinks with Campari and Mezcal, but only a couple of us liked them.

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elnova posted on 09/18/2014

a molokai mule in its original mug. made with cruzan light. el dorado 5 and the only thing i had available remy martin vsop. cheers

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thePorpoise posted on 09/18/2014

On 2014-09-17 13:30, AdOrAdam wrote:

How is the El Dorado 21 thePorpoise? Have you got a 12 /15 year comparison in the works?

it's fantastic, i've sipped it w/splash of water. tastes like a manhattan and a maitai blended together.

dont have any 12/15 on hand, but maybe i'll compare it with Appleton Estate 21....

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/18/2014

Classic Trader Vic's Mai Tai with a Lemon Hart 151 float & an Old Fashioned

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mikehooker posted on 09/19/2014

I'd like to try a LH151 float in my next Mai Tai. Approximately how much do you pour to heighten and not destroy the flavor profile of the drink?

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Sunny&Rummy posted on 09/19/2014

On 2014-09-18 20:54, mikehooker wrote:
I'd like to try a LH151 float in my next Mai Tai. Approximately how much do you pour to heighten and not destroy the flavor profile of the drink?

I use 1/4-1/2 oz.

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AdOrAdam posted on 09/19/2014

Went to Tiki Pop in Paris today - good exhibition!

Enjoying a beer & the view from the hotel room:

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thePorpoise posted on 09/21/2014

its Oktoberfest, meine freunde...

been pounding the HofBrau, Spaten, Hacker-Pschorr, und Paulaner...

(cant get real lowenbrau, or the augustiner oktoberfest here)

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Sunny&Rummy posted on 09/21/2014

So jealous Ad! The Porpoise, Ein Prosit!

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Mai Tai Throwdown tonight. Finally got my hands on some B.G. Reynolds' orgeat thanks to a recent trip to the Chicago homestead. Tonight was the first chance to try a head-to-head Mai Tai tasting comparing Blair's product with the homespun vetsion.

By a nose, the wife and I give the nod to Blair. Time to tell all my Chicago friends and family that the price of coming down to visit me in the Sunshine State is a bottle of Reynolds' orgeat!

I also picked up a bottle of the B.G. hibiscus grenadine and am looking forward to giving that a spin.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 09/21/2014

I never thought I'd have the opportunity to enjoy both a Trader Vic drink and a Tiki Ti drink at The Mai-Kai. Tonight was such an occasion, an event featuring a flight of cocktails from "Beachbum Berry’s Potions of the Caribbean" ...

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Virgin Island Kula, by Ray Buhen of the Tiki-Ti in Los Angeles.

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Myrtle Bank Punch, by Trader Vic. Originally made at the Myrtle Bank Hotel in Kingston, Jamaica.

Also on the menu: The Queen's Park Hotel Super Cocktail from the Queen's Park Hotel, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.
To round out the evening, I mixed in The Mai-Kai's Floridita Daiquiri, Deep Sea Diver and Samoan Grog.

A few more photos are posted here:

Story and more photos coming soon:

Okole maluna!

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howlinowl posted on 09/21/2014

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On the left, in the Michelob fluted glass is a Virgin Sour, recipe from the defunct Honolulu Restaurant in Alexandria VA. Got the recipe from a Maryland/VA tiki forum somewhere a long time ago.

On the right, a Lemondrop Vodka martini sans sugar rim.

My seven year old daughter cheesing "today's term is 'Photo-bombing' I believe" both photos.


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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/21/2014

On 2014-09-18 20:54, mikehooker wrote:
I'd like to try a LH151 float in my next Mai Tai. Approximately how much do you pour to heighten and not destroy the flavor profile of the drink?

I literally just add a splash (a quick pour from a bottle with a liquor spout) of Lemon Hart, it looks like more in the picture
but yes, you don't want to overshadow the flavor profile, so be careful with how much, 1/4 oz. sounds about right.

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-09-21 16:53 ]

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/22/2014

Tanks to the Hurricane’s (Hayward) tip a month ago my wife and I are enjoying Rum barrels using Meyers silver. Very tasty!
Mahalo Hurc.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 09/24/2014

On 2014-09-21 22:32, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Tanks to the Hurricane’s (Hayward) tip a month ago my wife and I are enjoying Rum barrels using Meyers silver. Very tasty!
Mahalo Hurc.

I don't remember that tip, but I'm glad I could be of service!

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/24/2014

On 2014-09-24 00:35, Hurricane Hayward wrote:

On 2014-09-21 22:32, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Tanks to the Hurricane’s (Hayward) tip a month ago my wife and I are enjoying Rum barrels using Meyers silver. Very tasty!
Mahalo Hurc.

I don't remember that tip, but I'm glad I could be of service!

nui 'umi 'umi
Tiki Socialite

Joined: Feb 21, 2011
Posts: 1078
From: La Mirada Atoll
Posted: 2014-08-23 12:48 am Permalink

Got a bottle of white Meyer’s at T O. What’s a good cocktail to use it in?

Hurricane Hayward
Grand Member (6 years)

Joined: Jun 07, 2008
Posts: 631
From: 16 miles from The Mai-Kai
Posted: 2014-08-23 11:36 pm Permalink

There aren't many drinks that specifically call for a Jamaican white, but I'm sure it's perfectly fine in a Rum Barrel along with a Jamaican dark:
Great tip, mucho mahaloz!

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tikicoma posted on 09/25/2014

Porpoise, Spaten Octoberfest is a favorite and Hofbrau Original is very tasty. But I just drank about 35 beers (about 5 caught my attention) so my feeling about beer right now is, blarf. Especially Belgians, which are the ones I'm burping and they aren't my favorite yeast strain. Blarf.

aloha, tikicoma

p.s, should have said sampled 35 beers (work related) I'm not crazy enough to drink that many pints, but still more than enough.

[ Edited by: tikicoma 2014-09-24 22:25 ]

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AdOrAdam posted on 09/25/2014

On 2014-09-24 21:33, tikicoma wrote:
Sampled 35 beers (work related) I'm not crazy enough to drink that many pints, but still more than enough

35 'work related' beers? I'm always up for new things, even samples, that sounds fun :)

Starting the weekend early (no reason except I started a grapefruit):

Navy Grog (with Bushmills instead of rum) - suprisingly good!

Ancient Mariner - not as good a Navy Grog but still ok :)

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/26/2014

Couple of rum barrels and a rum and coke.

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