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Deadhead Rum

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Wayfarer posted on 04/28/2013

Sounds like a good rum to have, though I doubt it will ever show up in Bahrain. Wonder if I can just buy an empty bottle?

Hale Tiki posted on 04/28/2013

On 2013-04-28 09:08, Wayfarer wrote:
Sounds like a good rum to have, though I doubt it will ever show up in Bahrain. Wonder if I can just buy an empty bottle?

At least you have a Trader Vic's!

poutineki posted on 04/28/2013

On 2013-04-28 09:08, Wayfarer wrote:
Sounds like a good rum to have, though I doubt it will ever show up in Bahrain. Wonder if I can just buy an empty bottle?

I tried ordering a set of the cups that look like the bottle from the website... it said "we cannot ship to your location" (Canada) when I tried to check out. No booze or glass, just plastic cups. Maybe you'll have better luck.

Wayfarer posted on 04/30/2013

On 2013-04-28 09:45, Hale Tiki wrote:

On 2013-04-28 09:08, Wayfarer wrote:
Sounds like a good rum to have, though I doubt it will ever show up in Bahrain. Wonder if I can just buy an empty bottle?

At least you have a Trader Vic's!

But not a good one. Just kidding. Though of the three Trader Vic's I've been to, the others are Tokyo and Bangkok, it is the worst. The Mai Tais always taste kind of off, like they use too much lime.

I'll have to see if they ship the bottles here. I could use one in my collection of oddities.

swizzle posted on 05/04/2013

When i visited the U.S. last year i was fortunate enough to meet some great people and now have friends i can ask to send me stuff that i just cannot get my hands on. Although alcohol is not allowed to be shipped here from the U.S. this week i received an empty full sized bottle and two 50ml bottles, both full. One to keep and one to try. And i must say i was really not impressed.

As i only had 50ml to try i drank it neat and did not think much of it at all. It might work ok in a cocktail but neat it lacked flavour. It tasted better after a few sips but there was nothing there to write home about.

Also, whilst i still think the bottle is cool (although i'm not a huge fan of shrunken heads) it was disappointing to find that it is plastic shell covering a glass bottle. First impressions last and when you first see the bottle you think "That's cool", but after you have tried it and have one in your hands your perception changes quite a lot.

One other thing that i'm sure i have spoken about before here in the 'Drinks and Food' thread is that the price we in Australia pay for, not just rum but, all alcohol, is ridiculous. This rum, if it ever becomes available here, will most likely cost us at least $50 i would say. Sailor Jerry sells for $40 and The Kraken is $55 just as an example.

I'm glad that i have an empty bottle to put on my shelf which didn't really cost me much because if i actually had to pay full price for it i wouldn't be too impressed.

Hale Tiki posted on 05/04/2013

Swizzle. $55?!?!?!?!?! For Kraken?!

That's mighty unfortunate, sir. On the upside, all the Maori weapons you can handle!

lunavideogames posted on 05/07/2013

Yeah, $55 for Kraken? Don't do that Swizzle!

I just got a bottle of Deadhead rum this weekend. I thought it tasted decent at a first taste, but I tried Pumpkinface first and that kinda ruined my ability to judge it fairly. So i will try it again and post later.

The bottle is cool, but I don't need a flashy cover. The thing I did like about the bottle that hasn't been mentioned is it has a shot glass top! Now that is pretty cool and functional.

I do agree with bamalamalu about the name though.

Edit - I just saw the price - $39.99? I feel like a lot of that cost is in the bottle.

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-05-13 11:43 ]

Hale Tiki posted on 06/02/2013

Here's a recipe, I would appreciate feedback if anyone wants to try it out:

3 oz freshly squuezed pink grapefruit juice
2 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
1/2 oz agave nectar
3 oz deadhead rum
1 oz lemon hart 151
4 oz barritt's ginger beer
3 large dashes orange bitters

Put all ingredients into a large tiki mug. Mix using a swizzle. top with coarsely crushed ice.

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2013-06-02 16:14 ]

White Devil posted on 06/04/2013

corporate social responsibility grounds.

We're happy to come up north to administer any government bureaucrat ass-kickings that may be necessary.

corkyjon posted on 06/21/2013

I picked up a bottle at Liquorama while passing through Upland, California. The bottle is cool, and the rum is ok, not too complex, maybe it is more marketing than quality. I prefer sipping El Dorado or Barbancourt. When the bottle is empty, I'll use it for decorating or refill it with something else.

The best part of the visit to Liquorama was the music- Pandora was playing Cool Surfin' by The Looney Tunes, which is the best surf music I've heard, from a Dutch band! Bought the CD from the Netherlands, only $5 shipping. Highly recommended, but check it out on Spotify first.

TikiTacky posted on 06/21/2013

I like Kraken. DUCKS

Just bought a huge bottle of it for $24. Should last me years, since I don't drink much.

Hale Tiki posted on 06/23/2013

On 2013-06-21 09:42, TikiTacky wrote:
I like Kraken. DUCKS

Just bought a huge bottle of it for $24. Should last me years, since I don't drink much.


Naw, it's blackout juice. Tastes like shit by itself, makes a MEAN rum and Coke. No hate here.

croe67 posted on 07/05/2013

And, some more Fun & Games with Deadhead Rum at Ohana Luau at the Lake - SO AWESOME to have Deadhead as part of Ohana 2013!!!:

Ragbag Comics posted on 11/23/2013

Anybody have any luck finding Deadhead in IL, WI, IN, or IA?

We've had no luck finding it in Chicago. Our primary booze source is Binny's, and they don't stock it yet.
As a back-up, there's Foremost, but the two I've been to in the city don't know what I'm talking about.

We checked Wisconsin last weekend and no dice; headed downstate and to Iowa next weekend... hopefully we'll turn
somethin' up there.

My parents claim to have seen it in Florida, but the Deadhead website doesn't even list Florida as one
of the states its distributed in.

We're so... thirsty!


Longboard posted on 11/26/2013

Deadhead Rum is strictly for squares


swizzle posted on 05/17/2014

Just bumping this thread because a friend asked me if i knew who designed the bottle and i thought it might be mentioned here but it isn't. Does anybody know who did?

Also, back on page 4 i said that if this rum was ever to become available here i would have expected it to cost at least $50AUS. Well it IS now available and the cheapest liquor store in the country sells it for $68.90. Bargain. :lol:

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 05/17/2014

On 2014-05-16 19:30, swizzle wrote:
Just bumping this thread because a friend asked me if i knew who designed the bottle and i thought it might be mentioned here but it isn't. Does anybody know who did?

Also, back on page 4 i said that if this rum was ever to become available here i would have expected it to cost at least $50AUS. Well it IS now available and the cheapest liquor store in the country sells it for $68.90. Bargain. :lol:

Hey Robbie,
Save your bucks-imho it’s just awful. The bottle and associated swag that I have collected are very cool. I tasted it last year ( Joe had to open his bottle) and mine has sat on the Sharkbite backbar unopened ever since. You can sample some of mine come June or even drink it til you fall down if you like it ( the rum, nobody likes falling down). Lookin forward to your return!
David and CeCe

swizzle posted on 05/19/2014

Thanks David. I had a mini 50ml bottle sent to me which i was able to try and didn't think much of it myself. I would like to give it another try neat and also in a cocktail or two but i'm not willing to spend that much on it going by my last experience with it. There are plenty of other rums i can by for that price which are far better.
I'll definitely take you up on your offer of sampling some of yours or drinking it until i fall down.
I look forward to my return also. See you soon.

mikehooker posted on 10/09/2014

A friend got me a bottle several months back and since the night he brought it over and we drank some neat, it has sat uncorked. As a sipper there are better things in my bar to enjoy. As a base in a mixed drink I've yet to experiment. Curious if anyone has come up with a good cocktail using it.

lunavideogames posted on 10/09/2014

I had the same results Mike. I like the way that they support the tiki scene and I know some good mixologists that have made drinks from it though.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 10/16/2014

I have a bottle and use it as I would a utilitarian gold aged rum, such as Barcardi 8 or The Real McCoy. It's probably closer in quality to Bacardi, but still useful in cocktails that call for gold rum.

Also, here are three recipes featuring Deadhead from a cocktail contest we held a few years ago at The Hukilau. I like the winner a lot.

The official blog of The Hukilau

Featuring The Mai-Kai Cocktail Guide

[ Edited by: Hurricane Hayward 2014-10-16 00:06 ]

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