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What's the name of your home tiki bar or tiki space?

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On 2004-01-27 22:50, bongofury wrote:
Ours will be "The Rincon Room" due to the proximity of that surfing area and we like the name.....TikiTony did the fine artwork and Gecko is working on the sign.....

On 2004-01-23 11:48, tikitanked wrote:
The bar is still yet unnamed. working title is the iguana isle, though that name is not really doin it for me. [ Edited by: tikitanked on 2004-01-23 11:51 ]

What about the Tree Chicken Ranch? It might work with the Burley-Q portion of your lounge, but it might be too western flavored. The Arawak & Carib word for Iguana is "iwana," so you could call it the Iwana Mai Tai Room. You could put a Fresnel lens on the front of Lester's terrarium & call it Monster Island, Home of Lestzilla. "Lekela" is Lester in Hawaiian, so you could call it the Lekela Isle Lounge.

SES posted on Wed, Jan 28, 2004 9:30 AM

ooh... don't have a space finished yet to name but it will most definitely be "Pele's Pleasure Palace"

The Ugh House bar never had a name othe than the blanket name of "UGH House" named after the orignal owners and builders of this custom 50's beauty, the Baugh family.
Over the years the "B.A" feel off the welded sign out front leaving the word "UGH".
Now the bar should be more appropraitely named something like "going, going, gone!"

Dr. Freelance, thanks for the suggestions, some of them cracked me up. Been doing some thinking about it. lesterzilla would be great. i was looking at the Omao Wahine Hale (symbols on omao could not be properly shown here) which means the green ladies house. like the sound of it. i need to double check that the words are placed correctly for hawaiian to show possesion. will pass it by the ms. Freddie, what do you think?

lester says aloha

Aloha kaua

[ Edited by: tikitanked on 2004-01-28 14:18 ]


I haven't thought of a name for the hallway yet!

Because it is the first thing you see when you open the door, think it should hint at or about 'entering' or 'welcoming' - or maybe even a 'passageway' or 'portal'.

I'll have to mull it over for a while!

SES posted on Thu, Jan 29, 2004 3:47 AM

On 2004-01-28 14:46, tikifish wrote:
I haven't thought of a name for the hallway yet!

Because it is the first thing you see when you open the door, think it should hint at or about 'entering' or 'welcoming' - or maybe even a 'passageway' or 'portal'.

I'll have to mull it over for a while!

Wormhole Wahi?


Ours is the Tabu Tiki Lounge. Not the most original name, I know, but we are stuck with it. My parents gave us a neon sign with our logo as a wedding gift. We just put a slide show on shutterfly here–

This is how it currently looks, but it's a work in progress. We are constantly adding stuff and changing things and trying to improve it. We still have to wire a lot of the lamps in the ceiling and do some more detail work. Sometimes it seems like we will never be done.


boutiki, thats heaven. i think my tiki bar might be the toilet in comparison. hope to make it to chicago to see it in person one day.
would love to be able to display my mugs like that, but livin in california its not an option. have to seetle for display cases with doors, not nearly as lovely.


Oh my gosh, Boutiki. Boy am I glad to see where the money I spent on your book is going! I can't imagine a finer cause. That room makes me green... GREEN... with envy. I'd get nothing done if I could just lounge there. Short of having live palms trees to lie under and water lapping up to my feet, I think that looks like a perfect piece of paradise. Please say I can come over next time I'm in Chicago? (No idea when that will be, so it's not a huge commitment on your part!)

[email protected]

[ Edited by: Reever on 2004-01-29 14:43 ]


The name for my tiki bar "The Pi-Yi Grotto" came about 3 months after my wife and I moved into our new (previously owned) home. We were a happy couple with three dogs, a slightly larger mortgage and two new cars - I was buying the supplies (matting, thatch, liquor, mugs, etc.) and was about to embark on building my home tiki bar, I spent many a night dreaming of my faux paradise - life was good. But 3 months and a positive EPT test later that was about to change. Suddenly the tiki bar would have to take a backseat to building the baby arsenal. To make a long story shorter I started referring to the baby, whose sex we had not cared to determine, Pi-Yi. So in honor of our soon-to-be son I named the bar after him. Originally it was the Pi-Yi Lanai but I didn't get a lanai vibe from the windowless room in the basement so it was then changed to the Pi-Yi Grotto which for me always had an exotic sensuality thanks to Hugh Heffner.

I have to post updated pics - the other photos located elsewhere on Tiki Central are when the bar was in the early stages of completion and are pretty lame...ah what the hell here is my favorite of the old pics...


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2004-01-29 17:36 ]

[ Edited by: johntiki 2006-03-02 06:54 ]

Just so everyone knows, the Boutiki photos are great but they do not do this Polynesian Paradise justice! This place is hard to leave once you have been there. This is the type of exotic feel we need here in Chicago, especially with our lovely winters here(20 below with the wind chill tonight). We hope that some day the BambooLodge may reach the same legendary status as the Tabu Tiki Lounge. Duke and Amy you are our inspiration.
Dave & Coalbe

On 2004-01-27 22:50, bongofury wrote:
Ours will be "The Rincon Room" due to the proximity of that surfing area and we like the name.....TikiTony did the fine artwork and Gecko is working on the sign.....

That is a good looking design! Nice work T-Tony. Gecko, keep us posted on the progress. Finished pics always appreciated. I am sure everybody wants to see the final results!

I can be found at my personal paradise:



-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-01-29 21:38 ]

Ours is called the West Long Lounge, which is a play on the name of our town, West Long Branch. It doesn’t mean anything – I just like the alliteration. The bar area’s not exclusively tiki, but mostly is & is becoming more so little by little. These pics are kinda old. The bar area now has more furniture, tiki stuff, & a bit more artwork, but I think you'll get the idea. Anyway, here are some pics:

The bar is not really tiki. It’s in the center of the house,which along w/ the bar was made in 1970. The front of the bar is made from an old Mahogany door that was carved in Puerto Rico.

The countertops are yellow Formica.

Here’s the view from the breezeway:

Standing at the bar, you see our fireplace, which I think looks like a giant tiki.

More pics:

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-05-11 06:44 ]


Tiki Chris, thanks for the photos, it's always fun to have a peek at other Tiki rooms in progress.

In the first photo, that item with the little faces stacked on on top of the other, do you know what it is? Is it new or vintage? I've never seen anything quite like it.

"Trader's Jungle Outpost"

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader 2006-02-05 07:48 ]

On 2004-05-11 07:29, kctiki wrote:
In the first photo, that item with the little faces stacked on on top of the other, do you know what it is? Is it new or vintage? I've never seen anything quite like it.

glad you like my pics. the item you're talking about is a totem by tim biskup. he's great (& contemporary). here's more info:



I'll give this a shot. My husband and I just built this bar a week ago and added the shelves over the windows this past weekend. Our main bar, in the living room, was the original Velveteen Lounge, but our whole house has become the Velveteen Lounge, so I guess the tiki room (which is our enclosed porch) will be the VL Tiki Annex. We've only just started, but we're having so much fun building our tiki space, especially after years of living in tiny, cramped city apartments. I hope I'm doing this correctly on the coding.

CUTE ROOM velveteenlounge,
It's coming along GREAT!
Have fun with it, I know you will :)

Thanks, Tikiwahine! It's nice to be able to share it with people who get it!


On 2004-05-11 09:14, Tiki Chris wrote:

the item you're talking about is a totem by tim biskup. he's great (& contemporary).

Ah! I would have bet it was vintage. Thanks for the links. Fabulous stuff.


we're working on our basement room, and still thinking about names. the one i like is The Bark-a-Lounge. my lovely husband doesnt think thats tiki enough.

dogbytes, get some fabulous tropical bark cloth and he'll soon change his mind! :)

I like the name!

On 2004-01-23 13:26, Kailuageoff wrote:
The Honolulu Lounge -- but mostly we just call it "the tiki room".

The only thing about having a space this big is it really peeves me when we get out the good silver and our guests don't show up...
Also, it's a bitch to vacum this mutha.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2004-01-23 14:06 ]

Ummmmmmmmmm. Errr. Hmmmm?
Tiki Gardener

For the past three years, I've been living in Martiki Manor.


UtopianDreem & I have a 8x12 enclosed patio room we like to call the Lazy Bird Lounge because my parrot & i like to naps in there on the weekends.

I think this is what you were looking for:

Just for the record:
"The Huki Lounge"


[ Edited by: Tiki-Toa on 2004-07-27 07:25 ]

Hey Tikiwahine, are you like the official historian or something?
Whats the old saying? You can't step into the same stream twice?
Or even better when I ask someone "have you heard this before? Yeah? Well it's worth repeating"

:tiki: So many cool interpretations of tiki! Great names and pictures! My Hulaville is a work in progress but a labor of true luv. Here's what some of it looks like tonight. Lots of work left to be done, I have BIG plans for a lava wall behind the bar and turning my bay window into a little sofa type thing with barkcloth that matches the sofa in the room. Still lost about what to do with my ceiling. Need more bamboo,lauhala matting and thatching, thatching, thatching! I'm working on the lighting issues. Notice I have painted the walls green as a homage to my Tiki Central! Don't laugh!!!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-07-27 00:57 ]

our home tiki area is called The Rongorongo Room



Cool space,Dawntiki! Did your mug shelf come from "Pad Parties"? I've seen that design,and think it's great.

The Aloha Tiki Lounge is located in a loft apartment building a few blocks away from the heart of Nashville. It has 12 ft ceilings and floor to ceiling windows (perfect view of downtown skyline), stained concrete floors and beams, with all kinds of exposed pipes and an ac unit that lines the ceiling. Phunky and groovy!

It is a mix of modern and vintage furniture, tikis, hawaiiana, music, lounge, stainless steel, funky lighting and some other things to amuse myself and others. Right on!

It is constantly evolving with each good day of thrift/vintage shop hunting, it's rarely the same place twice and I dig that man. It is a modern tiki lounge with an old school vibe.

The rules are simple you can drink what ya want (beer, wine, mai tai's, jager bombs, patron, etc.),listen to whatever music you feel like at the time (reggae, rockabilly, hawaiian, swing, etc), and just go with the flow, its laid back and feels real good.

I need to break down and buy a digital camera! It has more character than the Star Wars bar.........


We are in the early phases of basement destruction/construction right now, but hope to be finished by September! The bar name? King Slod's Babu Room! When our daughter was a baby, she called breasts "babu" when she was thirtsy. The runner-up name was "King Slod's Sunken Palace."

Huge Magazine's Tiki Collection, Patterns, Pics and Links: http://www.hugemagazine.com/html/tiki.html

[ Edited by: kingslod on 2004-07-27 13:08 ]

On 2004-07-26 23:21, bananabobs wrote:
Hey Tikiwahine, are you like the official historian or something?
Whats the old saying? You can't step into the same stream twice?
Or even better when I ask someone "have you heard this before? Yeah? Well it's worth repeating"

bananabobs, I did NOT post that there.

Tiki Toa started a new thread about naming your tiki bar in the creating tiki area, that was my message to him letting him know about this thread. It was deleted and for some reason my post was moved here. Without me knowing.

I already posted about my home bar on the second page of this thread.

Sorry for any confusion! :)

I still haven't named my bar but I am leaning toward "THE BAMBOOZLED ROOM" nor something along those lines.


Mondo Tiki Bar.

Mine's the 'Lono Lounge' in homage to Hunter S Thompson who wrote the Tiki classic, 'The Curse of Lono'.

More about the book here:

Trader Woody

Unga's :)

Z-Bob's Shitkicker Corral



...oh, wait... wrong forum

Nothing Fancy.

The South Pacific Room

Easy and true to the theme

Luana Lounge.

We looked up the word "relax" in hawaiian and luana came up. It fits the feel we were going for perfectly. (will post pics soon)


[ Edited by: vwtikigirl on 2004-07-28 16:15 ]

And it shall be called the Lupa Lela Lounge

lupa lela: (literal translation)
Forget tired

an homage to the lupa lela club in Tembagapura (Irian Jaya, Indonesia) where I spent many a day playing pool while my parent's lived there.

Great thread! So many inspiring pics!

Still "working" on my basement bar. My latest name is "Akua 'o Lama".

We have a Poly-themed dining room (unnamed) with a home bar made from parts of a real sugarcane mill as well as an inherited mid-century Polynesian styled dining room suit.

Here's a cool link: http://www.hisurf.com/hawaiian/dictionary.html a good online reference.


[ Edited by Humuhumu to fix BBCode for the link ]

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2004-07-29 02:59 ]

Ours has a very original name... we call it the Tiki Bar. We are working on a better name but so far, nothing has been jumping out at us.


The home Tiki Bar has been demolished and its contents now live in many cardboard boxes. The space was too small for us (10x12') and the house is being remodeled so I thought it would be a good time to expand the Tiki Bar. My wife is getting her new living room so I get my new Tiki Bar room 24'x30'. Pictures will follow as soon as there is something to take a picture of.


I just finished the book Aku Aku which I totally liked. The librarian said, "Oh, thats a good one". I will go with the name the Orongo Room as my bar's name. Now I got the Orongo Munktiki mug to go with. I will post the mascot shortly.

My birthday is fast approaching and I got a sneak peak of one the new, one of a kind mugs, made by my parents. Wow are they awesome. They can't buy them in store where I live so they made them. Now my bar will house some of the best.

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