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rvictor's tiki lab

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Been awhile since I've checked out the creating tiki section..
Wow! Really great stuff!! Loving it all especially that Moai.. ?


Beachbumz - Wow. Coming from you, that is huge. Huge fan...thanks.

Tikiskip - The molds are dry now and I am going to give casting them a shot...I'll keep you posted.


Just stopping for a moment to post a photo of the latest project for TikiSkip...it's a prototype of my Kahiki Moai Planter Feet. The idea of doing tiki planter feet came from skip, doing the Kahiki Moai just seemed like a good idea given who it was for...and there may be other interest in it. One casting down, three to go. Using high fire clay slip so Im hoping that I am going to do this right. Mahalo for looking.

This is going to be great. I'm looking forward to seeing it finished. Wendy


These are looking great!
Check your PMs mesage sent.

I will work on your light today.
Globe is tied.
Work on cork next.


Made some headway.
Need to bend rattan for ribs next.
Rattan will take some time to dry but should be able to finish soon.

This is the clasic Skip float.
The first Skip float I made was smaller than this one.

Going to try and send that thing to you before T giving.


Skip - That is totally awesome. Very nice. You sir are a true master of the tiki lamp.

I have two cast and cleaned up now. I'll take a third out of the mold tonight. I'm going to make 5 of them just in case there are problems during firing.


Almost done with light.
will send pic later.

PM sent too.


All right Vic man.
you need to tell me if you want it to be like this
or to have a full cage, that is to say two more rattan
rings that run horizontal.
Here it is....

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-11-26 08:47 ]



Skip - That looks great! Amazing work my friend. The wife said she likes it as-is. I like everything you do, so I will let you determine if you think it needs something else or not.

Status on the tiki planter feet...ran out of the high fire slip on my last casting...should be done with making the feet this weekend and aim to be ready to fire on Wednesday of next week. Making one extra just in case the kiln gods get sideways on me. Here is a photo of the progress as of today...I was gong to use a lava slate glaze for the moai and base, and a rusty red for the hats...Still working to have these done in time for X-Mas.

Happy Thanksgiving

I was gong to use a lava slate glaze for the moai and base, and a rusty red for the hats.

Sounds good, and they look great!
Did not send anything yet will let you know when I do send.


Ok Vic this is your light.

Did not put extra ribs your wife is right, but did add chain.
Chain about 24 inches, let me know if this is a good length.
I can add more chain, and you can shorten the chain as well.
Or the whole thing comes off, the chain that is.

Hope you like let me know.....

Lookin good guys



Skip-man that looks primo to me...you are the best tiki lamp maker ever! Your planter feet went in for firing. It sounds like I will have to fire them three times if you want them to be usable outdoors. That means It could be three weeks.

Hang10-Mahalo brother. I'll send you a pm on the upcoming Vegas trip dates.

Sounds great



Looks good Hang10.

And take yer time Vicman, It's Christmas and everything is pushed back.
If not done Xmas, will be a Birthday present.

I'm just excited to see em and show you the many uses for these things.

Get ready to make more of these!


Skip - Still going to do my best. Everyone needs deadlines to work against or else we can tend to be unproductive. There are a lot of other responsibilities that pull me away from art, but I need to make the time and these assignments keep me moving forward.

They should have been bisque fired (cone 04) last week. I will put them in for high firing (I think were going to cone 3) tonight. The first firing is to burn the organics out of the clay. The second one is to improve the strength and ability to resist stresses in the final ceramic product. It should help with durability and ability to withstand the weight of the contents of a planter.

[ Edited by: RVICTOR 2015-12-09 07:59 ]


Skip - The moai looked good after bisque firing. No cracking or spalling that I could see. Next step is high fire. I should get them back next Wednesday. About two weeks after that I will have the final fired pieces back (Dec. 30th) if all goes well.


They look like Moai dogs.


Skip - drats...they didn't get them fired but they will go in tomorrow. I am planning on glazing them on the 23rd and putting them in on the same day. Still on track for the 30th unless there is another hiccup.

Hang10 - sent you a PM about Vegas meet and greet on the 22nd. Maybe the Golden Tiki first? Looking forward to finally getting to meet you.


Hang10- thanks for a great evening full of aloha and good times. Great finally getting to meet you. Vegas tiki contingent really represented! Good times brother!

Cheers to you Bruddah
Great to meet u and da Wahine
Thanks for the Kool mug and pendants
You rock


First I want to give a Happy New Years shout out to the tiki tribe. It's been a fun year packed with a lot of firsts, like my first tiki convention (Tiki Kon) and my first official tiki mug (Taki Tiki, Edmonds, WA). But I think I will look most fondly on getting to know, and in some cases, getting to meet some of the tiki ohana from around the nation.

A few special shout outs...
Hang10-great getting to meet and spend time with you this Christmas. Had a great time.
TikiSkip - Thanks for being a killer trading partner. Look forward to more collaboration in the future.
Wendy - Thanks for all the guidance and collaboration. We should do it more often.
Henrick (aka Vantiki) - Thanks for the good times at Tiki Kon. I am hoping to make it down again this year, if only for fun.
Jason Alexander - It's been far too long since I made a trip down to T-town but we should be down in the next couple months I hope. I plan on coming bearing gifts. s
Rob@Shameful Tiki - Had a great time seeing the Shameful for the first time. It was great seeing Monica. Sorry I missed you but you were out doing the lords work getting a Shameful built in Toronto.
Paul, Niels and Barbara - Great meeting you all at Tiki Kon. Look forward to seeing you again this next year.
Brandon Powers - It was great getting to meet you at the Golden Tiki. You have a great thing going there. You should get Jason out there some time to guest bartend. I will send some shwag your way this year but it will probably take me 6 months to do it...yes, I'm just that slow.
Maui Rob - Thanks for hooking my friend Jared up in Maui. Got your trades ready, just let me know when your ready to go.
Notch - Thanks for taking on my King Ku request. Look forward to seeing your handiwork in my case.
Other Ohana - Thanks for the support and encouragement. I plan on keeping on this next year and learning more.

It's been a real fun and busy year and I have much to be thankful for.

Ok...now to the Kahiki Moai planter feet project results. Pretty happy in how they came out. They got a lot of comments from people that aren't even into tiki in my class. Skip, I think your instincts as an artist are right on!

Busy man
It was great to meet u 2
The Moai stands look awesome


These look great!
love to trade with tiki art type people.

"They got a lot of comments from people that aren't even into tiki in my class."
When people who are not tiki nutz say they really like one of my lights that's when I know it's a good one.
They even want to buy them without a tiki room to put them in, to me that's a bit odd.

Ok so I will send your light after the weekend, so Monday.
Will send email when I do ship it too.
Let me know if you need my address as well.

Can't wait to show you how many uses these things have.
So what would you charge for a set of these?

Great Job!!


Skip-Never thought about what I would charge for a set...it wasn't super easy to make them, so I doubt that it would be cost-effective. I would make more in trade though.


Well they came.
And they are COOL! Very cool.

This will make for a great presentation for wifes birthday cake will take photos.
Dam now I got to make a cake.

Going to take better pics but look what these can do....
Not just for planter feet friends.

I do want more Vicman don't brake that mold!

Good Job men. The Mai Kai Bowl is fine but I really want to see the cake. Wendy


Skip-ok...I won't break the mold. I'll work on another set but take my sweet time.

Wendy-thanks. I wish I had more time. I have so many ideas and no time to do them.


Wow Rvictor! Great work! Just went through this thread and love the mugs!


Thanks Kraken....I appreciate the encouragement


Tikiskips lamp came in on Wednesday...thought I would post a few photos of it hanging in the dining room next to the tiki mugs

He also sent a cool photo of the moai during construction.

Freekin awesome


"Good Job men. The Mai Kai Bowl is fine but I really want to see the cake. Wendy"

Ok Wendy here it is.
Chocolate glaze with pomegranate and strawberry reduction sauce.
Plus homemade pomegranate and strawberry ice cream.

My wife LOVED the Moai feet Vicman.

Just now checked out this thread- WOW!
Keep posting please.

I have to say WOW also. That's unique and fun and just so much fun. Thank you for sharing a great photo. That was a great idea and RVICTOR did a wonderful job for you. Wendy

Skip- that looks great
RV- where u be?


Hang10 - Studying. I've been taking a night class and it's taking up all my free time. It'll be over fairly soon.

Need an RV mug fix


Hey here are the feet on our planter.

Vic man where did you go?
I would like more of these for sure!

Hope things are well with you.

Strong Moai

RVICTOR where are uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?


Aloha tiki tribe,

Quick post of a few things tiki that I have worked on recently. I've been off of ceramics for several months now and have decided, after taking a long break, to change directions slightly. Going to focus on drawing and painting for a while. Still like ceramics...but it's unforgiving and my bad luck put me off of it for a while.

Only a few things to share...Painted this KC Hawaii resin tiki with acrylic paint...the highlights are florescent green, so they glow under black light. My idea was to make a set of these in different colors and then come up with a cool way of displaying them? We will see...

And I finally finished a prototype of an idea I had to make framed masks. I had this idea a while back and never focused and finished. We will see if I finish some others. Like the idea though...


It's so good that you are back to creating. It's so much fun. I don't go near black lights. At a party in the 60's I found out that my crowned teeth glow under those lights. I was a sensation and not in a good way!

The mask looks good framed. Keep on going, Wendy


Welcome back.

What da skipper said


Where you at Rvic?
Any up dates to post?

What da skipper said!!!

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