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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars

Homebar Bergen, Norway

Pages: 1 19 replies

13thfloor posted on 01/05/2016

Finally, after many years with different plans we got our tikibar! We live in a townhome from 1958. In the basement there were a 8m2 (80ft2) storeroom that have been destined to be a tikibar since we moved inn 3 years ago. After an intense building period this fall we moved in some time before christmas. It is small, but cozy. And has the most important things down: a working bar and a seating group.
As a long time lurker I must give a big thank you to all the amazing people on this site for sharing so much and giving such valuable advices, information and especially inspiration. If someone feel I have stolen their designs please be flattered:)
I apologize for the poor low light photos...

First a view of the bar area

Then a view from behind the bar towards the seating area

The corner with the peacock chair

Opposite corner where the entrance is

That is the outline of the room. Now for some details and different angels

This is above the coach

And an other Dough Horne

Then mugshelvs on both sides inside bar area

Carved record shelves

And some rum :drink:


Library :)

I have no idea why some of the images have landed on their side after their trip through cyberspace. Can anyone help me?

W8N2Surf posted on 01/05/2016

Great space, and yes it looks cozy which in a Norwegian winter I'm sure is a good thing. Nice Rum collection, I find it hard to make hard-core Tiki cocktails without a sink, but I'm sure you have some work around. I like your "library" shot, I have one of those too.

Glad you posted!

13thfloor posted on 01/05/2016

We have a sink, refrigerator for syrups and a freezer for ice in an room next-door :) So no problem making hard-core tikidrinks! Will post in the drink forum later. Cheers!

W8N2Surf posted on 01/05/2016

Ahh, I missed the sink. Great job!

tikilongbeach posted on 01/05/2016

It looks very nice. Congratulations on the great job!

BeerBuddha posted on 01/05/2016

That looks awesome! Great job!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/05/2016

Doug Horne in Norway! I know that will make the giant art slinger happy
It looks like you really paid attention to what goes into a proper Tiki Room
well done sir!

13thfloor posted on 01/05/2016

Thanks! This means a lot!
I hope Mr Horne will be happy with my crude frames as well :)

Thortiki posted on 01/05/2016

Looks ultra relaxing. Was very fortunate to visit your beautiful town of Bergen a number of years ago. Now with your bar you have Tiki meets the Fjords. (-:

13thfloor posted on 01/06/2016

Thanks Thortiki! It is very relaxing. And since the window is blocked it is a hideaway all day and night :)

8FT Tiki posted on 01/07/2016

Very nice. Congratulations. It's cool that the "Pearl of Wisdom" has become an essential decor piece for any tiki space no matter where in the world you live!

Pele Paul posted on 01/09/2016

what a fun space! and since you only have one month of summer there, it can be summer all year round in your bar! great job!!!

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/10/2016

Very nice build! Thanks for sharing your pictures.

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GROG posted on 01/10/2016

GROG like.

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bamalamalu posted on 01/10/2016

Thanks for sharing your pictures; the place looks great!

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VampiressRN posted on 01/21/2016

Wow...great job. It looks like a wonderful ambiance. Thanks for posting your pictures and CHEERS!!!

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MissClaireTiki posted on 01/22/2016

I love all the details in your place! You can tell it was planned well. Will you be adding anything else?

13thfloor posted on 01/23/2016

Thanks everyone!

The pearl of wisdom was a lucky Ebay winning. I have never seen any other in Norway. Most tiki stuff here are Thor Heyerdahl related :)
Further plans are mostly related to the ceiling. Will post pictures when that happens :) :drink:

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 01/24/2016

Nice home tiki bar.

GROG like.

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Egar posted on 02/02/2016


Pages: 1 19 replies