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Liquor.com's 11 best tiki bars

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Prikli Pear posted on 04/24/2017

This just popped up in my inbox, so I thought I'd share:

The Best Tiki Bars in the USA

Not sure how accurate it is, since I've never been to any of these, but there are some familiar names dotting the list. In my experience, lists of this nature succeed best at stirring controversy. :wink:

kkocka posted on 04/25/2017

"There are no matching venues. Try widening your filters."

Upon clicking your link. =\

DixonAlibi posted on 04/25/2017

The link worked yesterday when I clicked it; and now it appears that Liquor.com removed the whole write-up

Trader Tom posted on 04/26/2017

Yeah. I looked at it yesterday when Sven posted the same link on Facebook.

The one they included that made a few people twitch was Mother of Pearl in New York, which bills itself as a "Post Modern" Tiki Bar.

"Post Modern" in this case, I guess, means they decided to make their place a breezy white-washed resort type of atmosphere, right down to painting their Tiki barstools white!

Some of their drinks look interesting, though.

bigbrotiki posted on 04/27/2017

I called it hair salon decor.

uncle trav posted on 04/27/2017

On 2017-04-26 21:06, bigbrotiki wrote:
I called it hair salon decor.

You nailed it with that description Sven!

kkocka posted on 04/27/2017

On 2017-04-26 21:06, bigbrotiki wrote:
I called it hair salon decor.

Took the words right outta my mouth. Although, if you can get a manicure while sipping a navy grog...

Luckydesigns posted on 04/27/2017

A 'post-modern' tiki bar is idiotic and the antithesis to what tiki is supposed to look like.

AceExplorer posted on 04/27/2017

For what it's worth, in the past I've had some brief email exchanges with the editor of Liquor.com about errors and inaccuracies. He was friendly and polite, and appreciated feedback. But they mostly put out a "decent" product with some inaccuracies and silliness like the white-washed "tiki" bar.

Sometimes the pressure to publish content overtakes the interest and desire to publish quality material.

But the white-washed joint --- there's no excuse for putting that on the list.

I do read these articles and try to keep in mind that few journalists travel the country trying out tiki bars. So sometimes these things are an indication of the shallowness (or depth) of the writer's knowledge. It's a good thing that we chime in and make ourselves heard. We don't want our "real" tiki places taken for granted.

HopeChest posted on 04/27/2017

On 2017-04-27 12:29, AceExplorer wrote:

Sometimes the pressure to publish content overtakes the interest and desire to publish quality material.

I just got an email from them advertising a "The Best Long Lived Bars In The USA" article featuring an SF bar that was opened in 2009. I love Rickhouse but come on.

That white bar looks like something out of some bizarre movie dream sequence in heaven.

Or Got Rum? posted on 04/27/2017

On 2017-04-27 13:18, HopeChest wrote:

On 2017-04-27 12:29, AceExplorer wrote:

Sometimes the pressure to publish content overtakes the interest and desire to publish quality material.

I just got an email from them advertising a "The Best Long Lived Bars In The USA" article featuring an SF bar that was opened in 2009. I love Rickhouse but come on.

That white bar looks like something out of some bizarre movie dream sequence in heaven.

Or Liberace's House :)

finky099 posted on 04/29/2017

Mother of Pearl is supposed have a good cocktail program, but the interior reminds me of the Milk bar from A Clockwork Orange. Throw on a little of the Ludwig van and let's get drinking!

mike and marie posted on 05/03/2017

Glad, but not surprised, that Porco's is #4.

Prikli Pear posted on 05/03/2017

On 2017-04-29 13:31, finky099 wrote:
Mother of Pearl is supposed have a good cocktail program, but the interior reminds me of the Milk bar from A Clockwork Orange. Throw on a little of the Ludwig van and let's get drinking!

This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. A little laced milk and we're all up for some ultra-violence! Not terribly tiki, that, is it?

AceExplorer posted on 05/03/2017

On 2017-05-02 21:11, Prikli Pear wrote:
This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. A little laced milk and we're all up for some ultra-violence! Not terribly tiki, that, is it?

Watch out for violent acts done with tiki figures, lol!

(sorry, had to say it, it was just too easy...)

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