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Recipe: Possible Anniversary drink recipe

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PineappleWhip posted on 12/12/2019

I was enjoying reading some recipes on this thread and noticing some amazing recipes from Hamo. I got a few people together and we taste tested an idea I had. Below is my attempt at an anniversary recipe:

Inspired by Smuggler’s Cove 2070 Swizzle, the 2020 Swizzle owes it’s name in a similar fashion to the rums it contains:
Mount Gay XO Est. 1703
Lemon Hart 151
Hamilton 151
El Dorado 15

2020 Swizzle

1/2 oz - Mount Gay XO Est. 1703
1/2 oz - Lemon Hart 151
1/2 oz - Hamilton 151
1/2 oz - El Dorado 15
1 oz - Real Ingredients Pineapple (Re`al)
3/4 oz - Trader Vic’s Macadamia Nut Liqueur
1/2 oz - Fresh Lime Juice
6 drops - St. George Absinthe Verte
3 dashes - Angostura Aromatic Bitters

Fill Collins or Zombie Glass half way with ice. Pour ingredients into glass above. Swizzzle with Le Bois Lele or barspoon to mix and lightly frost the glass, fill the glass with ice. Dust with freshly grated nutmeg, garnish with a half lime and mint sprig.

I uploaded a picture, thanks for the reminder LaraColada, sorry it took so long to add
I even put a little bit of flames in it :wink:

[ Edited by: PineappleWhip 2019-12-11 22:49 ]

[ Edited by: PineappleWhip 2019-12-17 10:32 ]

[ Edited by: PineappleWhip 2019-12-18 15:16 ]

LaraColada posted on 12/12/2019

I can only find the limes and the Angostura here :(.
But it can be a great idea to have a image of the drink so we can post it as a no matter where we are.
I will be tinkering to see what i can come with

mikehooker posted on 12/12/2019

Cool idea. Maybe we should have a contest. People submit recipes and then a panel of judges makes and rates each one and whichever scores highest overall becomes the official anniversary drink.

LaraColada posted on 12/12/2019

I like the idea!

Trader Tom posted on 12/13/2019

If you need judges, Kelly and I are down to help out.

Hamo posted on 12/13/2019

I'm liking this. Forgive my ignorance, but is this the Real Ingredients Pineapple?

LaraColada posted on 12/13/2019

On 2019-12-12 22:46, Hamo wrote:
I'm liking this. Forgive my ignorance, but is this the Real Ingredients Pineapple?

Yeah, That is.
I made my pineapple syrup with the husk of the pineapple. It taste quite nice

PineappleWhip posted on 12/13/2019

Yes, that’s the one that I used. I tried actual fresh squeezed Pineapple Juice, and everyone at the Taste and Adjust liked it better with the Real Ingredients Pineapple. I think it might have to do with the mouthfeel? It’s also something you can get on Amazon sent to your doorstep :)
I was trying to think of things that are relatively easy to find, and doesn’t require too much individual hand making.

bamalamalu posted on 12/13/2019

Hamilton 151 and Lemon Hart 151? Did you use one of the newer versions of Lemon Hart?

PineappleWhip posted on 12/13/2019

Hey bamalamalu,
It is a brand new bottle of Lemon Hart 151. To add the numbers to 2020....I needed to have 151 twice...so , I figured I would include both Lemon Hart and Hamilton, which have different flavor profiles. In researching different swizzle recipes, the total amount of rum in consistent with what I was reading....so that seemed to work also.

I am going to have some time this weekend. I'm going to make one, and take a picture, to edit into the original post? Or....I guess I add it later? I should have done it in the first post, but, didn't have a picture already.

Mele_Ipo posted on 12/14/2019

Aloha! Great idea to create a signature drink for the 20th anniversary. In a word, yummy. I can volunteer as a judge as well if needed. :) :drink: :music:

MadDogMike posted on 12/16/2019

That looks delicious!

tikiskip posted on 12/16/2019

For a TC drink you need more bitters.

And some flames, lots of flamin.

Maybe even some sour grapes.:lol:

PineappleWhip posted on 12/18/2019

I think a drink competition would be great!! Anybody want to create a Tiki Central Anniversary drink?

By the way....kick_the_reverb...did send me his newest version of his Tiki Central Official Drink Competition Gold Medal winning drink the Reverb Crash. I will ask him if he wants to post it.

[ Edited by: PineappleWhip 2019-12-18 15:17 ]

LaraColada posted on 12/18/2019

I think it should be simple enough so everyone can make it at home but Tiki enough to have it punch

Mele_Ipo posted on 12/18/2019

Aloha! The swizzle 2020 preview looks amazing with the cool swizzle sticks and coaster. Good job Pineapple Whip! I'm really pumped about this celebration. Can't wait to taste test! :wink: :drink: Cheers

PineappleWhip posted on 12/19/2019

So, Mele Ipo contacted me to ask about the Pineapple Syrup from Re`al Ingredients. I figured I would reply here in case anybody else wanted the Amazon link. I found with a taste test that everyone enjoyed this better in the drink...but, also that this company is well known for the coconut syrup and they are a well known sponsor for Tiki events, and I thought it was great that I could have amazon ship it directly to my door :)


So, Thanks for the question Mele Ipo and above is the link to the amazon for a single bottle.

Cheers!! :drink:

Mele_Ipo posted on 12/19/2019

Aloha! Wow thanks for the link Pineapple Whip! So many flavors to choose as well. I have 3 in my cart & on the way to my house. I want to stock my liquor cabinet/buffet for cocktail experimentation. I'm really inspired by the recipes. :drink: :tiki: :wink: Cheers

Hamo posted on 12/20/2019

I’m torn about this Real Pineapple. For other recipes calling for pineapple syrup, I’ve used the substitute of half pineapple juice, half simple syrup (per Robert Hess’ suggestion), which Id be inclined to try in this case. Using a rich syrup might even help with the mouthfeel.

PineappleWhip posted on 12/20/2019

I was kinda torn about it also. I actually thought about making a tepache, which LaraColada just mentioned in her Jaguar recipe. I’d never heard of it before Marie King told us about it at a Rum-Ruhm Club, and it was amazing!!! The fermentation really pulls out the esters from the pineapple and gives it some fantastic flavor....along with a little extra alcohol :) ...I know...it’s a very tiny percent, but, still fun.

With that considered, and that timing is crazy right now during the holidays, I figured the Real Pina was a quick and easy. Plus, I’ve used their coconut syrup before and it’s great.

If I can find some time in the next week or so, I might try it with tepache and do a side by side comparison.

Thank you for posting all your recipes Hamo!!! I’m looking forward to trying them all. I will try to get everyone here together for a “Hamo Recipe Night”. We might have to leave the Hamo Blamo for a separate event :lol:

Hamo posted on 12/23/2019

Hamo Recipe Night, eh? Hmm, I just might have to make a return trip to CA for a guest appearance....

Thanks for mentioning tepache; I’ve never heard of it, but now I’m excited to try to make some, too.

LaraColada posted on 12/23/2019

On 2019-12-22 23:19, Hamo wrote:
Hamo Recipe Night, eh? Hmm, I just might have to make a return trip to CA for a guest appearance....

Thanks for mentioning tepache; I’ve never heard of it, but now I’m excited to try to make some, too.

Try it its amazing. I reccomend 1 pineapple husk, 50oz of water, 100gr of molasses and 50gr of demerara sugar.
We also make fermented drinks (chichas) with corn, grapes and cassava here.

PineappleWhip posted on 12/25/2019

Marie from Tonga Hut used piloncillo cones like the ones on this link:


She said that this is the sugar that is used mostly in Mexico for their tepache, and gives a very distinct flavor. I’m hoping to get some, just to play with in different recipes.

I’m going to try making a tepache one of these days, whenever i get some free time...lol

Thanks for your recommendations. I will be trying that also. :)

TheBigT posted on 12/26/2019

On 2019-12-16 10:22, tikiskip wrote:
For a TC drink you need more bitters.

And some flames, lots of flamin.

Maybe even some sour grapes.:lol:


Wow, no one noticed this golden nugget?! Nice one skip. I vote we add some grapes (sour or otherwise) to the recipe. :lol:

LaraColada posted on 12/26/2019

On 2019-12-25 14:04, PineappleWhip wrote:
Marie from Tonga Hut used piloncillo cones like the ones on this link:


She said that this is the sugar that is used mostly in Mexico for their tepache, and gives a very distinct flavor. I’m hoping to get some, just to play with in different recipes.

I’m going to try making a tepache one of these days, whenever i get some free time...lol

Thanks for your recommendations. I will be trying that also. :)

Yeah that the one we use here. Except we call it Chancaca.
I'm going to try to make one with the coffee leftovers grounded beans and orange Peels.
I'll post the results.

tikiskip posted on 12/26/2019

Yeah Big T I think that hit too close to home.

But we could have like three TC drinks.

The old Fashioned, Not a lot in it still good though with lots of surprises, never know what this one will bring.

The Flamin TC, This one has a kick and you never know what you will get with this one, still there is a lot to it and that makes it fun for some.
Others say they don't like the flames on this drink but strangely there are TONS of people that come back for this one day after day.
Oddly the higher the flames the MORE people come for this drink.

Lastly the PC TC, Not much to it, same ingredients over and over, but there is a few that LOVE those same ingredients and are very loyal to them.
This drink could be made better and it is a tough sell these days.
Drink Comes in a Tiki Bob mug.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2019-12-26 07:59 ]

PineappleWhip posted on 12/26/2019

On 2019-12-25 19:10, TheBigT wrote:

On 2019-12-16 10:22, tikiskip wrote:
For a TC drink you need more bitters.

And some flames, lots of flamin.

Maybe even some sour grapes.:lol:


Wow, no one noticed this golden nugget?! Nice one skip. I vote we add some grapes (sour or otherwise) to the recipe. :lol:

Totally hilarious tikiskip!! :lol: Possibly some grape juice concentrate as a float....add a little color to the top!!


Should I try to add some to see how it tastes?

Actually I wish I could hit the quote button on tikiskip last one also !!! You know.... I tried adding a little bit of fire with the Grider Co tiki torch swizzle. Doesn’t show too well though.

So, I actually think it would be great to see some other drink recipes, the Anniversary is comin up soon. It would be great to see some people develop some recipes!!

Happy Anniversary Tiki Central !!!

LaraColada posted on 12/26/2019

On 2019-12-26 11:41, PineappleWhip wrote:

On 2019-12-25 19:10, TheBigT wrote:

On 2019-12-16 10:22, tikiskip wrote:
For a TC drink you need more bitters.

And some flames, lots of flamin.

Maybe even some sour grapes.:lol:

Ill try to make something, but It will be something I WILL make you all when you come to Peru

Wow, no one noticed this golden nugget?! Nice one skip. I vote we add some grapes (sour or otherwise) to the recipe. :lol:

Totally hilarious tikiskip!! :lol: Possibly some grape juice concentrate as a float....add a little color to the top!!


Should I try to add some to see how it tastes?

Actually I wish I could hit the quote button on tikiskip last one also !!! You know.... I tried adding a little bit of fire with the Grider Co tiki torch swizzle. Doesn’t show too well though.

So, I actually think it would be great to see some other drink recipes, the Anniversary is comin up soon. It would be great to see some people develop some recipes!!

Happy Anniversary Tiki Central !!!

tikiskip posted on 12/26/2019

Boy that's more like Déjà vu, Vu, Vu than a quote.

That Grider Co tiki torch swizzle is so cool.

Was having a bit of fun with Metaphor TC drink ideas.

PineappleWhip posted on 12/26/2019

I got a laugh from it. :lol: I’m hooked on the quote button now....lol. It’s very useful.

Hamo posted on 12/27/2019

On 2019-12-26 11:41, PineappleWhip wrote:
So, I actually think it would be great to see some other drink recipes, the Anniversary is comin up soon. It would be great to see some people develop some recipes!!

Hmm, then maybe I'll start brainstorming something. Spoiler alert: It will probably include bitters and fire.

Hamo posted on 12/29/2019

Okay, here's something to try, a Corn n' Oil variation using Plantation XO 20th Anniversary. The specific ingredients I used are included in parentheses.

Vanuatu Sands

Cinnamon stick
1/4 oz 151-proof Demerara rum (Hamilton 151)
2 oz Plantation XO 20th Anniversary rum
1/2 oz falernum (John D. Taylor)
1/4 oz nutmeg syrup (Minimalist Tiki recipe)
1 dash Angostura bitters
1 dash orange bitters (Regan’s)
1 piece lemon peel

Briefly soak the cinnamon stick in the 151-proof rum. Remove the cinnamon stick to a fire-safe surface, ignite it, and invert a chilled old-fashioned glass over it to smother the flame and capture the smoke.

Stir both rums, falernum, nutmeg syrup, bitters, and lemon peel with ice. Strain over ice into the prepared old-fashioned glass.

*Edited to include the drink name

[ Edited by: Hamo 2020-01-30 19:00 ]

PineappleWhip posted on 12/29/2019

Hamo !! That’s awesome !! And....as promised.....you have bitters and fire !! I have all that except the Regan bitters. I will try to search for it. It sounds great.

Mele_Ipo posted on 12/31/2019

Aloha! Hamo that sounds so yummy. You made a nutmeg syrup! I love you use large ice cubes to maintain the drink's potency. Reminds me of a smoked old fashion, which I love! I can't wait to try this one. :tiki: :drink: :)
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

[ Edited by: Mele_Ipo 2019-12-31 09:45 ]

Hamo posted on 01/10/2020

Thanks, Mele_Ipo; a smoked Old Fashioned was also an inspiration. I happened to have my first one out at dinner tonight, and I enjoyed everything about it but the price....

PineappleWhip posted on 01/27/2020

I finally got a chance to try your yet to be named Anniversary recipe. That was delicious!!

I added a bit more fire, by lighting one of MadDogMike's supercool Fire Skulls!!! I love how his eyes are glowing. I think more of the skull would have glowed, except he kinda slipped into the drink. (sigh)

I loved the cinnamon smoke!! ....very nice touch.

It would be great to have a few more recipe submissions and then maybe have a tasting?? Anybody else want to suggest a recipe?

Trader Tom had mentioned he and Kelly could judge.

Hamo posted on 01/29/2020

Well, I looked over my running list of potential drink names but none seems appropriate, so I turned to the Tiki Bar Name Generator and after a few clicks, came up with a random one that I kinda like: Vanuatu Sands. How about that?

Hamo posted on 01/29/2020

Oh, by the way, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and Mike's flaming skull looks amazing.

PineappleWhip posted on 01/29/2020

I just looked up Vanuatu....and it is a beautiful place. Now I want to go travel there.

OK, so, thanks for the recipe for Vanuatu Sands. It is a delicious drink, and good sipping drink, and yes, definitely needs a large singular ice cube to keep from diluting it too quickly, although makes it slightly difficult to balance the Mad Dog Fire Skull, which I do realize is not part of your original garnish, but, I wanted an excuse to light something on fire :lol:

mikehooker posted on 01/30/2020

How was the original Tiki Central drink contest put together and how many submissions were there? Seems like it would be a great idea to do another one. Maybe come up with some guidelines and a list of things to base the grading on (balance, presentation, creativity, to name a few). I'd be down to come up with something.

Hamo posted on 01/31/2020

Here's where Hanford documented the original contest:


Sixteen recipes rated on taste, tikiness, ease of creation, and creativity.

PineappleWhip posted on 02/02/2020

Aloha TC’s :)

That is great to post the Official drink contest page.!!! I also found the following about a week ago...just haven’t had the time to post it.

Tiki Central’s Official Drink contest: Deadline over!

It is a great compilation of everyone’s drink recipe submissions. There’s even one in there commenting on having some sour grapes as a joke......looks like tikiskip was totally in step with the drink contest vibe !!!! This is the first time I’ve tried to use a fancy shmansy URL code thing.....I hope it works!!

It would be great if you wanted to create something......but, I think the idea of creating some rules is a good point. It seems that was the same direction that martiki and Hanford were discussing the first time around.

The quote function didn’t work (I think) because the topic is locked but, here’s from that post...reposted here from Hanford in 2003

Posted: 2003-03-19 10:05 pm Permalink

Thanks Futura Girl for reminding me, here's the offical rules:

By submitting a drink recipe you are giving Tiki Central and its members the right to reproduce the recipe and drink it.
The drink has to be original. Don’t submit a drink recipe without changing something. Since there’s hundreds of thousands of drinks out there, some in books, some not, “Original” well be defined by our mixologist TheJab, but you can guarantee that if it’s a standard drink, it’s not going to win.
In order to not stifle creativity: all drinks that fit 1 and 2 will be considered. However, these are the qualities we will be judging them on:
a. Taste– How good is the flavor?
b. Tikiness – does it taste like a Tiki drink? This means Rums and tropical flavors may win out over other types of drinks.
c. Ease of creation - This means finding the ingredients, preparing the drink. If your drink uses some special garnish or has a preferred mug, that does not count towards ease of creation. Only things that affect taste affect this rating. So, fruit squeezed into the drink affects it, but garnish does not.
d. Creativity - Not just in the ingredients, but it the recipe. In the name. In the delivery.
There may be more than one winner, there may be none.
Hanford Lemoore reserves the right to modify the rules and deadlines at any time.

If you want you recipe to be a secret, send it to [email protected] and it'll be safe with me. If you’d like to post an entry here, feel free. James gets a special prize whether he wins or not for posting already.

Mahalo and good luck!


After settling on some rules (or could just adopt the previous ones), then we just need to find a place.....Trader Tom and HipHipaHula already offered to be judges....I think a few more judges would be appropriate. I know Kelly Merrill has done a few judging gigs, and he’s in the area. Possibly we can find a few more judges in the area?

We could beg and plead Tonga Hut for their facility....they were exceedingly nice to offer their space for the TC20 party control center....and I think everyone had a great time.

What does everyone think?

Hamo posted on 02/17/2020

So, I'm formulating another recipe idea, but I need to procure the key ingredient and do some testing before I can say any more....

Hamo posted on 02/17/2020

Say, now that I see those criteria for the first TC drink contest again, I wonder what "ease of creation" was doing there--tiki drinks are notoriously complicated!

PineappleWhip posted on 02/17/2020

Hey Hamo,
Yeah, when I found the other thread for the drink competition....and read thru that (see below).....

Tiki Central’s Official Drink contest: Deadline over!

....I remember reading how part of the intent, was that this drink could be something everyone could easily enjoy, as an official Tiki Central drink.

There were a few comments about the "ease of creation" being something that people can relatively easily make, without taking things to an extreme. Hanford made a point that he was afraid of people doing something like

On 2003-03-17 15:09, hanford_lemoore wrote:

One thought that comes to me right away:
Almost all good tropical drinks have either fresh lime or fresh lemon juice in them.

Yeah, that's cool. I am worried more about instructions like: "Take a coconut and break it open... pour the juice into a glass then lightly toast the rind in a toaster oven, then scrape the rind into a blender..."


I was kind of going toward this thought, when I did my recipe. You could take this to the extreme, and have so many complicated processes involved to get the drink made, that it could be overwhelming for the judges to prepare...if there were as many drinks as there was last time...AND...they were all that complicated.

Also, I understand to a degree....that there are TONS of really delicious drinks that have been made over the course of history that are relatively simple. One big difference of course, is I think in antiquity there was more hand fresh squeezed juices, and more handmade syrups......where now, there are more pre-made options? (maybe??)

Although, with that being said....things are different now, then when the contest was done in 2003. If everyone wanted to do an TC20 Anniversary Drink Contest, we (as a community) could develop the rules that we all agree upon......and they could be totally different, then they were....and could have as complicated ...or.. as simple ingredients as was decided.

One thing I have noticed....is that there haven't been many people chatting on this thread. As much fun as I think it would be to have more people post on this thread, and I would be more than happy to help contact folks, organize, write emails, whatever I could do to help it move along....i don't see this thread gaining too much traction.

I have made your Vanuatu Sands a few times now Hamo, and its very good. It's a nice smoked old fashioned. I do have to say the first time I made it was with crushed ice, and it diluted it way too quickly. But, when you make it with one large ice cube, it is definitely better :) You ever get a chance to make a 2020 Swizzle??

So, hopefully, there are more people interested in submitting a recipe, I think at a minimum 5 or 6 recipes, so that the eventual judges could have enough different choices to judge....but, I suppose all there really had to be was 3, for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd......right?

mikehooker posted on 02/17/2020

I think perhaps if a new thread is created for "Tiki Central 20th Anniversary Drink Contest," you might get more people engaged. Or perhaps not. Maybe no one cares. But I think once we come up with an official set of rules and criteria, determine the judges, a location, a submission deadline, etc, a fresh thread that clearly states all the guidelines at the top of the page could get more traction.

Below is my idea for a judging criteria. Figure maybe each category is judged between 1-10 and whoever scores highest overall wins.

A. Balance - Do all elements of the drink come together in perfect harmony? Is it tropical, but not cloyingly sweet? Is it too bitter? Too boozy? Is the sum better than of all its parts, or are some of the ingredients battling for dominance or getting lost in the shuffle?

B. Flavor - Is it approachable? Does it have mass appeal that will stand the test of time (in case it's 17 more years til there's another drink contest)? Would it seem at home on Smuggler's menu? Or for that matter, would you pay $12 for this at your local tiki bar, more than once?

(Arguably, A & B could be one category)

C. Presentation - Is the garnish fun and inviting without being obnoxious, too over the top, complicated, or - dare I say it - dangerous?! Is the color of the drink appealing and look great in glassware or does it need to be served in a tiki mug?

D. Creativity - Is this just a riff on a classic or was careful thought put into the overall creation of the drink... The name, the ingredients, the garnish, etc?

I don't know if I care for an "ease of creation" type grading. Would Don's original Zombie be eliminated from a contest because it has a dozen ingredients, even if they mesh perfectly together? With the current iteration of the Reverb Crash there are several unusual measurements used (1 1/4 oz?), but it was still the drink for all the anniversary parties. I think more important is that all the ingredients, especially rums and mixers, should be readily available products. If many states can't get distribution of Doctor Bird, it probably shouldn't be used in a drink contest.

That said, I make all my own syrups, and they don't necessarily taste like the ones you make, or the commercially available versions. So if someone uses a homemade syrup, they should also include the exact recipes for it, so the drink the judges (and future generations of home bar tenders) make resembles the one created by the contestant.

I welcome feedback and criticism.

Hamo posted on 02/19/2020

I was actually thinking about the Zombie in relation to "ease of creation." Perhaps "ease of replication" is a more accurate way to describe what Hanford was getting at in the original contest. And I agree that we've definitely come a long way in 17 years regarding ease of acquiring or replicating ingredients, so perhaps that isn't an essential criterion now anyway.

I like Mike's criteria, and agree that "Balance" and "Flavor" (and maybe Hanford's "Taste") could be combined into one.

I too wonder how many people might participate. It appears that we have at least three, and if I think about other members who tend to post recipes here, Hurricane Hayward and kevincrossman could be potential participants. That being said, we might want to decide whether one member could submit more than one recipe. We might also consider whether the recipe must be specifically created for the contest or if it could just be an original recipe.

Hamo posted on 02/19/2020

On 2020-02-17 09:28, PineappleWhip wrote:
I have made your Vanuatu Sands a few times now Hamo, and its very good. It's a nice smoked old fashioned. I do have to say the first time I made it was with crushed ice, and it diluted it way too quickly. But, when you make it with one large ice cube, it is definitely better :) You ever get a chance to make a 2020 Swizzle??

I made my drink again the other day and wondered if it was a bit too sweet, so I might reduce the falernum and see what I think. Or maybe crushed ice would do the trick--I never tested that. I also need to work on an improved way to smoke the cinnamon.

As for the 2020 Swizzle, I haven't tried it yet, because I have none of the ingredients except the Hamilton (well, that's not technically true--I do have a bottle of yellow label Lemon Hart that I've never opened), and they're not easy to come by up here in the mountains, which I realize is contrary to my assertion above that it's easier to acquire ingredients these days.

Pages: 1 2 52 replies