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Should Tiki Central be "Politically Correct" ?

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/12/2023

As I am the author of this thread, from 13 years ago, The subject matter is "was" How does Political Correctness apply to and affect "Tiki Culture"

In context of the time is was brought up it, referred to Political Correctness as social mores and how they may have been in conflict with our "Tiki Culture" The thread was never intended to discuss general Politics or Conspiracy theories, which as a rule is not allowed on Tiki Central, That is what the other 98 percent of the internet is for, so you have literally any other place to discuss your "Feelings"

As to whom or what decides what is "Disinformation" & "Misinformation" well that falls to who or what can easily be proven false with the use of facts and not "Feelings" as I was able to show on all your previous posts in my other thread asking what people did during the Pandemic, which itself was not intended as a discussion on the Pandemic itself.

TIKGIKI, why do you always return to the same topics on Conspiracy and Politics, when the main reason for Tiki Central is to discuss the world of "Tiki", in all it's mindless glory and minutia add infinitum.

As I said before you pretty much have the rest of the internet for talk of conspiracies and how you feel about things, so they must be true, places to indulge in those topics, so why bring it here?

[ Edited by Atomic Tiki Punk on 2023-03-11 17:03:34 ]

[ Edited by Atomic Tiki Punk on 2023-03-11 17:04:30 ]

[ Edited by Atomic Tiki Punk on 2023-03-11 17:07:16 ]

[ Edited by Atomic Tiki Punk on 2023-03-11 17:08:01 ]

I see. Well purely for clarification of the above rule, I wish to most respectfully ask who decides just exactly what constitutes "misinformation" and how is this done? What are the defining criteria applied?

As the current and only active admin of the site I'm the one who enforces the rules. I shouldn't even have to make the call on what's 'misinformation' because there's a no politics rule.

There can be many varied and conflicting opinions and views on every subject, even in Tiki. Some we may personally agree with, others not at all. But they are all opinions, and thus entitled to be held.

If there's a discussion about tiki with different views that's fine as long as the discussion is respectful. Your posts that have been hidden have nothing to do with Tiki and add no value to the forum.

Could somebody please tell me is there a "right" ...or an "officially approved" PC one to hold and conform to here on TC? Any others straying from that are then labelled "misinformation" and "hidden"? (Or being a "dick"?) Is that how it works?

Just don't post about politics, or politically charged subjects.

Knowing the parameters and just how they are determined would be of great assistance in avoiding causing inadvertent offence when making any posts to Bilge.

Here's a guide. If it's not tiki related don't post it. If it's a controversial tiki opinion (eg cultural appropriation), word it respectfully and invite feedback. I'm ok with these types of discussions if they remain civil.

In Blige post about lawn care, home renos, the latest sportsball match, non tiki art, the latest episode of "The Last of Us", who was a better batman actor, anything that doesn't break the rules.

tikiskip posted on 03/13/2023

Well, I also think that TC should be a place where political correctness is observed. When the heck did a thread about Electric cars start to fall under that political correctness guideline?

Tikigiki did go too far, and I guess I could have PMed him and said to not post the mems he was posting.

"TIKIGIKI your posts were hidden because they broke the rules on discussing politics" Ok I get that but why lock the whole damn thread?

AND you made a whole new way that you could remove posts just for that thread I think, then that was not enough you locked it with no "hey keep this thread PC warning" or whatever the problems were.

So, if I post a bunch of non-PC stuff on a thread, you're going to lock that thread because of what I posted on some other guy's thread?

The most likely thing is you did not like any bad talk about Electric cars you wanted to kill that thread and that's how you did it.

The problem with rules these days is they are not applied fairly by the people that do the applications of the rules.

There was a mug made here by a mug maker a few years ago that was totally political, and I said something about it and very quietly behind the scenes it was delt with I took my post down she took her post down it was over no locking of anything and that was ok by me.

BUT she was a tiki insider not one of the plebes here on TC.

THAT'S where it goes wrong the "rules for Thee but not for me" application of the rules.

I give more to TC than I get from it these days for sure and it has been hard not to add some items that I thought were pretty good stuff and one small tidbit about the Kahiki.

I should get more respect than a no heads up locking of one of the reasons I come to TC anymore is the Electric cars thread and It was not all bad stuff said about those cars.

I don't understand why people are so afraid of facts coming out if they are not true debunk them you did that on that thread leevigraham.

I learned a lot from that thread so at least I got that.

FACT is tiki itself IS religious AND political they were religious idols in Hawaii long ago, plus some Hawaii people today don't want you putting them up as decor. AND political when they tried to link the tiki torch to tiki, plus when the missionaries went and took down burned their idols.

So, lock the whole damn thing if you want to be so lose with the interpretation of the rules.

Too bad I kinda thought I liked you too.

Heck Phineas Foggcutter gets more replies than my stuff does anyway.

TC yer losing too many people and it's getting kinda bleak in here.

When the heck did a thread about Electric cars start to fall under that political correctness guideline?

As I posted in my last post in that thread:

I'm locking this thread. TC isn't a place for politics or misinformation and this thread is starting to include both.

AND you made a whole new way that you could remove posts just for that thread

I added a way to hide posts across all threads, the content is still there if it needs to be reviewed in future.

So, if I post a bunch of non-PC stuff on a thread, you're going to lock that thread because of what I posted on some other guy's thread?

Maybe… but I'll probably first give you a warning, then hide your posts and possibly implement a temporary ban.

The most likely thing is you did not like any bad talk about Electric cars you wanted to kill that thread and that's how you did it.

There was lots of misinformation in the thread, manipulated photos and heavily politically charged content which breaks the forum rules. That thread provides no value in the context of a tiki forum and probably should be deleted.

The problem with rules these days is they are not applied fairly by the people that do the applications of the rules.

Rules are applied on a case by case basis. That's actually covered by rule 13.

There was a mug made here by a mug maker a few years ago that was totally political, and I said something about it and very quietly behind the scenes it was delt with I took my post down she took her post down it was over no locking of anything and that was ok by me.

Glad it was handled well.

BUT she was a tiki insider not one of the plebes here on TC.

Not sure who you're referring to as plebes but be aware name calling breaks rule 2 and trolling breaks rule 4.

I should get more respect than a no heads up locking of one of the reasons I come to TC anymore is the Electric cars thread and It was not all bad stuff said about those cars. I don't understand why people are so afraid of facts coming out if they are not true debunk them you did that on that thread leevigraham. I learned a lot from that thread so at least I got that.

Feel free to keep posting about electric cars on Facebook or other platforms.

FACT is tiki itself IS religious AND political they were religious idols in Hawaii long ago, plus some Hawaii people today don't want you putting them up as decor. AND political when they tried to link the tiki torch to tiki, plus when the missionaries went and took down burned their idols.

Agreed. This is where we do allow open discussion if it's polite as it pertains to tiki. If such discussions go off the rails and start breaking rules I'll hide them or lock them.

Too bad I kinda thought I liked you too.

Seems like I've hurt your feelings somehow. Apologies.

Heck Phineas Foggcutter gets more replies than my stuff does anyway.

Phineas does post some pretty cool adventures.

TC yer losing too many people and it's getting kinda bleak in here.

Feel free to start your own forum or move to another platform.

tikiskip posted on 03/23/2023

I am now on Facebook as John Holt look for the penguin pic. Tikiskip is in the header too.

Kinda was asked to leave so I did.

"Feel free to start your own forum or move to another platform." Leevigraham

This place is on fire since I left so my input is not needed.

I will try to post stuff like bending rattan and things like that plus new lights I make here and there. Have not posted here in some time now so I do have some stuff backed up to post.

Am late to the Facebook game so it might fissile but have already saw some cool people on the Crazy Mamas thread an old punk bar We used to go to.

Hope to see you there, thanx.

Facebook needs a Frenemy button for guys like me instead of a friend's button.

Got lots a Frenemy's.

Sorry to see you go, Skip. For what it's worth, I thought Leevi could've handled that situation a lot more gracefully, especially considering how many years you've been on this forum.

I find myself not terribly interested in posting here either, but I won't be going to Facebook...been there, done that, had my personal data stolen by Zuckerberg.

Take care.

[ Edited by MrBaliHai on 2023-03-23 11:55:47 ]

I too am deeply disappointed to see you go tikiskip, although I perfectly understand your reasons for doing so. As you will no doubt know, I too have been made all too aware of the autocratic nature here on TC. Although not having been on Facebook previously, I have heard that the Tiki scene there is very lively, so I'll certainly be looking you up!

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2023-03-23 18:41:39 ]

How could have he handled things more gracefully?

TIKIGIKI posted on 03/25/2023

Well just my thoughts, but there are more diplomatic ways that don't besmirch the tone of the site. Perhaps a little less of the "it's my way or the highway"? (i.e shut up and toe my line or just fuck off!) Specially to a long time gentleman member who was not abusing anyone at all. Or perhaps any censoring (if necessary) COULD have been done in a PM and NOT in the public forum for everyone to see? So easy to just pull rank as it were. Hell, I'm only a newbie here but if that's the way long-timers are made to feel so unwanted that they then feel compelled to leave, then I too think it's a bit shabby.

Seriously now folks, anyone can see that this site is not exactly being swamped with dozens of new applicants, all eager to contribute to the wonderful world of Tiki, so maybe it can ill-afford to lose long-time contributors who just might hold a different viewpoint?

Most "members" here hardly ever post at all, not even bothering to leave appreciative comments on some of the fine work being shown....and in truth, TC is not always the most welcoming of places, as I'm sure you too will have now realised by apparently revealing your tacit support for such treatment.

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2023-03-24 17:19:31 ]

tikiskip MrBaliHai TIKIGIKI swizzle,

I've moved a few of your posts from the KAHIKI Columbus thread here where there is context.

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2023-03-24 17:42:01 ]


Kinda was asked to leave so I did.

You were never asked to leave. I was merely offering a suggestion that if you weren't having a good time on the forum then maybe you should reconsider spending your time here. The start your own forum was a hint to reflect on how much work it takes to build and maintain such a thing.


As you will no doubt know, I too have been made all too aware of the autocratic nature here on TC.

You mean you've been made aware of the rules which you've continuously broken. The reason why tikiskip's electric car thread was locked was partially because of your posts breaking the rules.

so maybe it can ill-afford to lose long-time contributors who just might hold a different viewpoint?

Different viewpoints are fine… if they're not related to tiki just don't post them here. This is primarily a tiki forum.

and in truth, TC is not always the most welcoming of places

TC welcomes anyone interested in TIKI, posting tiki related things or asking tiki related questions.


I thought Leevi could've handled that situation a lot more gracefully, especially considering how many years you've been on this forum.

More than happy to take on feedback. Shoot me a PM.

You've made it very plain to all that you wield the absolute and unquestionable power here mate, and yours is the final and irrefutable decision on everything. Yes we get it but there's a kinder, more diplomatic way to do it than just off-handedly telling people to like it or lump it, making anyone feel unwanted.

And that was some way to offer "a suggestion" as you put it! Your answer to tikiskip was tone-deaf. Read it again. While I will allow that maybe it's not what you might have "meant", but it definitely reads as rude. Writing online requires extra care not to appear tactless. Tone is very, very hard to convey.

Now in my own case it was never explained to me how my posts ACTUALLY contravened rules either, just some vague accusations of "misinformation" which I vigorously maintain they were not, (or being a "dick" as you like to so often put it), and then you went and changed the very mechanics of this site to hide them altogether so other members could agree or not. No appeal?

Discussion of electric cars is NOT "political" BTW. They are being promoted in ALL developed countries and regardless of which side is in power....in fact often by both sides.

The following is only a suggestion: Don't have a "Bilge" designated forum for "unrelated" stuff (i.e. NON-Tiki?) if you only welcome discussion of Tiki as you claim. And are then you are going to stamp out anything that's posted in it for being non-Tiki....or a "conspiracy theory/misinformation" only in YOUR PERSONAL view. (Didn't see any mention of there being a King Tiki when I enlisted.)

Example: the question was posed: "Should Tiki be Politically Correct", then you posted a sticky above all and declare "YES". Clearly your manifesto of authority on any further discussion or differing views? So why not just delete everything under your post then? You have the power....

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2023-03-24 22:54:50 ]


I'm tried of this back and forth.

As the sole developer and maintainer of this forum I do have the authority to manage the forum as I see fit. There's only one other person who has ultimate authority and that's hanford_lemoore.

As per rule 13 I can make a judgment call on any of the rules.

Also as per the rules:

Breaking of any of these rules or contributing to the disruption of the site may lead to loss of account functions, a repeal of your Grand Membership, temporary or permanent banning, or any other action the Proprietor of the site decides. Thank you for understanding.

I'm issuing a temporary ban for 30 days. Your account will be re-instated on 24th April 2023. When your ban is lifted, you're welcomed to post again. I would strongly recommend sticking to tiki only topics to avoid any further rule breaks that will result in a permanent ban.

In the last 365 days, since the forum was relaunched you're the only member I've had to ban. Everybody else has managed to stick to the rules and not cause disruption.

TIKIGIKI posted on 03/25/2023

Just goes to prove that you're doing well then in gaining complete conformity! Look I will allow that moderating is often a hard and thankless task, (yes I do it myself elsewhere), but resorting to blocking any opposing views....really? I guess it really IS "good to be the king"? Oh, don't waste any time fixing up the "ban". Unnecessary I assure you.

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2023-03-24 23:00:29 ]

members of this site are expected to abide by the decisions made.

TIKIGIKI is now permanently banned for not abiding by decisions made and causing further disruptions.

If any other members have questions, thoughts about this feel free to PM me.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/25/2023

The topic of this thread is Should Tiki Central be "Politically Correct" ? not should Tiki Central be "Political"

The keyword here is context and context has officially left the building!

TikiGiki, I have tried to politely point you in that direction numerous times, but you repeatedly return to non Tiki posts about Disinformation and the Pandemic, there is a term for that “conversational narcissist”

Your need to vent under the guise of "Free Speech" in your "non" Tiki Posts, repeatedly hammering your point of view, reek of Grievance and Entitlement in actuality and are just exercises in circular reasoning and one-sidedness and if paranoia was a religion, you would be the Pope of that Church.

Skip, don't leave! you're cranky like me and one of the best Tiki Lamp builders here, you are old school Tiki and screw anyone who doesn't appreciate that, now get off my lawn!

Now this thread is not for bullshit or grievances, if it doesn't pertain to the original topic and in context to, Then Anti-Social Media is the place for that!

swizzle posted on 03/25/2023

Thank Ku for that. Now i can actually enjoy looking at this site again.

leevigraham posted on 03/25/2023

tikiskip, don't leave! you're cranky like me and one of the best Tiki Lamp builders here, you are old school Tiki and screw anyone who doesn't appreciate that, now get off my lawn!

Embrace the crankiness… being sharp and to the point doesn't break any rules.

I want to see more tiki lamp projects, in fact it's the next frontier for my home tiki bar.

WhiteDevilPress posted on 06/18/2023

Well, I-- Nope. Not biting. Don't even get me started.

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