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The Grog blog

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Very Cute, your dad.

GROG posted on Wed, Jun 5, 2024 2:50 AM

In 2010 GROG and KIRBY join up and make the first original Tonga Hut Mug. 62ab5b0a4a1a3 62ab5b0a410b3

Now, 14 years later GROG and Kirby join forces yet again to make another mug for the Tonga Hut. We just finished the master mold and it drying before we make the production molds from it. (Not the same mug as before. A brand new Kirby original design/sculpt! )Stay tuned!

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I started doing ceramics in 2010. It's really hard to stop. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have made.

Me too!

GROG posted on Fri, Jun 14, 2024 6:35 PM

KIRBY cleaning up the first Artist Proof out of the first production mold.


GROG posted on Fri, Jun 14, 2024 6:42 PM

And one of the bowls GROG has completed lately. The "Lava Bowl". Lava spills out of the top and runs down the supporting Moais and cools as it puddles at the bottom. Turned out nice, and looks even better in person.



GROG off to visit TN now, but back in ten days.

[ Edited by GROG on 2024-06-14 18:48:34 ]


That is a banger Mr Grog....it's a Hunka Hunka Burnin' Bowl...

GROG posted on Sat, Jun 29, 2024 1:16 AM

KIRBY and GROG have production molds and have started pouring greenware for the mug we're doing for Tonga Hut. Planning on an edition of 125. Kirby designed and sculpted. We've got about 45 poured so far. Cute Kirby-style Moai on a surfboard riding a wave.100_6566100_6570 2100_6572 2

We've got a second mug we're going to get started on for Tiki Tom's Tiki Bar. Will be designed and sculpted by GROG.

[ Edited by GROG on 2024-06-29 01:17:30 ]

GROG posted on Thu, Jul 4, 2024 3:12 AM

Kirby did a bunch of carpentry the last couple of days to build a work area in GROG'garage so we have a good workspace to get batches of mugs completed. GROG helped.

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GROG posted on Thu, Jul 4, 2024 5:05 PM

The work area we built and put to use. It's not quite finished, but we had a day without pouring any mugs because we were building. Trying to build and keep mug production going at the same time. Kirby is always in a rush and GROG always trying to slow him down so we can be more organized, cleaner, and get things done right. GROG the Felix Unger and Kirby is the Oscar Madison of this odd couple, for sure. But Kirby the driving force.

The newly built workspace. 100_6589

Kirby using the workspace. 100_6588

A small army of mugs underway. A little less than 60 so far. We put 2 more production molds into the rotation today, and with the two that are drying, we should be pouring slip into 10 molds soon. 100_6590 100_6591

[ Edited by GROG on 2024-07-04 17:15:31 ]

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