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For the drinkers.... how far have you gone?

Pages: 1 2 3 95 replies

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/02/2004

I recently got copies of Grog Log and Intoxica, and have found myself on a quest. Without planning or thinking about it, I have been systematically working through those books and making every drink possible. However, I am short a few items (ok, several) to make everything, but I was wondering if anyone else here has done the same thing?

So far, I have had....
Blood of the Kapu Tiki
Bum's Rush
Del Coronado
Doctor Funk
Don the Beachcomber Zombie
Happy Buddah
Leap Frog
Lei Lani Volcano
Pineapple Paradise
Rum Keg
Chief Lapu Lapu
Fog Cutter
Mango Cooler
Navy Grog
Planet of the Apes
Rum Barrel

That's 22.... so... who has done all 148(?) of them?

Not that I advocate excessive alcohol consumption, but the searching for and collecting of all the ingredients has become kind of like a hobby. I just can't wait to get back to the Tiki Ti in a week or two and have this done by a professional.


Swanky posted on 05/02/2004

I don't know how many I have made, but I often make a new recipe each night. I also usually grade and note each recipe for future reference.

Astro Aku Aku - A
Aurora Bora Borealis - rather sweet
Beachcomber's Gold - strong unusual taste
Beachcomber's Punch - B
Blackbeard's Ghost - A- tart
Blue Hawaii - A+ very tastey
Blue Reef - A+ very good!
Boo Loo - A - nice complex flavor, strong
Castaway - C+ - basic highball, sweetish
Cheif Lapu Lapu - tart sour
Coconaut - B Yummy!
Colonel Beach's Plantation Punch - C too sour
Cruzana - C- weird taste
Derby Daiquiri - A great balance to the end
Don's Own Planter's - B+
Don's Daiquiri - B+
Fog Cutter - C+ sourish
Gone the Beachcomber
Hawaii Kai Treasure - B - good balance
Hawaiian Room - B good
Headhunter C+ B - good blend
Hurricane - D sour
Kapu-Kai - D Harsh!
151 Swizzle - B - okay
Krakatoa - A
La Florida - B
Mai Tai
Navy Grog - A good
Never Say Die - good - touch sour
Oceanic Punch - C+ a little sour
Pago Pago - C
Pieces of Eight - F Sour!
Planet of the Apes
Planter's Punch - C
Polynesian Paralysis - B
Q.B. Cooler - C
Royal Hawaiian - C+ good mix
Rum Lift - B
Scorpion Bowl - F sour
Shrunken Skull - C - Grenadine is too strong

How many is that?

Basic rule of thumb is to cut the lime in half or less for all recipes. I don't like sour, so my judgement's are biased that way. And, they span a long time so I don't know if they would be the same if I made them again today.

Now, to Intoxica...

tikimug posted on 05/02/2004

Hey thanks Swanky, I was going to ask for a rating for each one tried and you went ahead and did it. Cool!

I'm starting to venture into these books and (like a kid in a candy shop) there is too much to choose.

Swanky posted on 05/02/2004

So, cut the lime in half or less, and don't go by the little icon guy as far as drink strength, look at the recipe. For instance, look at the Boo Loo's icon. Not a strong drink. Look at the recipe, 4.5 ounces of liquor! Then Gone the Beachcomber is supposed to be very strong, but the recipe calls for 1.5 ounces of alcohol.

Tiki_Bong posted on 05/03/2004

Once when I spent the night over at the Lagoon Room, my host - Al - made us a series of drinks that night. If memory serves, we had 8 different drinks that night out of the Grog Log.

The next day I had that special stroke-like hangover.

Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/03/2004

i thank you for having the patience, and time to post such lists! I would strongly recommend the following:

Puka Punch
Beach Bum's Own



Swanky posted on 05/03/2004

Yep, if I got into the Intoxica list, Beachbum's Own would get an A!

Quince_at_Dannys posted on 05/03/2004

Cut the lime in half?!? BLASPHEMY!!

Seriously, to each is own--but I suggest you start trying them with the full-strength lime. It really lifts the drinks and blends the flavors. Try to get used to it, because it is well worth it. Drinks started getting way to sweet in the 70's, IMO, and the American palate has gone along for the ride so much so that most people don't even taste sugar anymore. People used to drink straight Campari and Daquiris with no sugar! I'd like to advocate a shift back to those traditional ways.

I used to have a bit of a sweet tooth myself and would cut the lime. But nowadays, after having made all but a few of those recipes, I usually follow them pretty strictly and if anything ADD lime. Puka Punch for instance--I think it is much better with 1.5oz lime juice rather than 1oz. And the Beachbum's Own--I know everyone raves about that drink, but it's just not my bag. It's sweet and I don't care for the Licor 43. The only drink in Intoxica that I think is too sour for me is the Dr. Funk (which has absolutely NO sweet in it.)

Quince_at_Dannys posted on 05/03/2004

One more thing about sour--it cuts the hangover factor.

Your friendly neighborhood sour advocate,
Dr. Quincy

Swanky posted on 05/03/2004

Well, it's the balance that makes a good drink. Sweet and sour.

A good test is, make a "Pieces of Eight" by the book. If you don't think it's too sour, then maybe you can leave the recipes as they are.

Tikiwahine posted on 05/03/2004

Great thread!
My copies of Grog Log and Intoxica just arrived this morning.

I tend to have a very sweet tooth, but would like to make as many drinks as possible straight from the book before bastardizing..I mean adjusting them too much. :wink:

virani posted on 05/03/2004

Damn, thank you guys, i just made myself a Beachbum's Own : it is DELICIOUS.

But i have to admit i had to substitute Licor 43 by Vanilla liquor.

martiki posted on 05/03/2004

I think a lot of the mixologists on this board, (myself and thejab included) have found that some of the Grog Log/Intoxica drinks are certainly too tart. Balance is key, and I sometimes think there's a typo in there or two (NOTHING compared to the typo-on-every-recipe effect in the new "Don The Beachcomber" book) I don't think that you should have any kind of blanket policy about cutting the lime juice, but just make them as is and adjust it next time to taste. As far as making a drink lively, it's fresh juice that makes the difference, not the quantity of it IMHO. Balance!

Swanky posted on 05/03/2004

Yeah, I tend to sort of look at the recipe and see if the amount of lime juice seems right. I mean, if it calls for 1.5 ounces in a 4 ounce drink, that's a lot. If it's 1/2 ounce and there are other major amounts of pinapple juice and other sweet items, you can leave it as is.

The other secret ingredient in these recipes that you amy not think about is crushed ice. It really makes a difference.

Tikiwahine posted on 05/03/2004

I must say, having crushed and cubed ice on the door of the fridge is a HUGE time saver. Highly recommended.

thejab posted on 05/03/2004

martiki hit the main point: "Balance is the key". Only a couple of drinks in the Grog Log I found too tart (one calls for several ounces of lime - that can't be right). I've made most of the drinks in the Grog Log (exceptions being those with Pimento Liqueur and the one with Alize) and some in Intoxica. I'm somewhat embarrased that I've had Intoxica for so long and haven't hardly scratched the surface. Shame on me!

Alnshely posted on 05/03/2004

You don't like Alize? I really like the reef.

Unga Bunga posted on 05/03/2004

On 2004-05-03 12:16, Swanky wrote:
The other secret ingredient in these recipes that you amy not think about is crushed ice. It really makes a difference.

This is a bad example of an ice crusher.
(Photo courtesy of Polynesian Pop)

thejab posted on 05/03/2004

On 2004-05-03 14:49, Alnshely wrote:
You don't like Alize? I really like the reef.

I don't know, I never tried it.

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/04/2004

U.B. That's a BUMMER of an ice crusher. It's sad to see a broken mug. On a related topic, I picked up a vintage "ice-o-matic" ice crusher a few weeks back and I love it. Crushen ice rocks, but it might be melting a little too quickly.

Back to the original topic... too sour... no such thing. As far as I'm concerned, a perfect margarita (though not tiki) is made with 100% blue agave, Grand Mariner, ice and nothing but pure fresh squeezed lime juice (or recently thawed bottle of previously fresh squeezed). I love sour. If anything, I have found that most of the drinks taste a little better after sitting about 5 minutes or so. Maybe I'm not mixing/shaking/blending them enough?

So... to update my list...
Bali Hai Mai Tai
Carioca Hawaiian Cocktail
Cesar's Rum Punch

All damn fine beverages... but then again... I've had three of those tonight!

[ Edited by: Tonnikan Jinn on 2004-05-04 22:52 ]

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/04/2004

1 hour update... two more recipies down:
Hai Karate
Kava Bowl

Just so I don't seem totally pathetic on a Monday evening.... I'm on medical leave from work (injured shoulder from wresteling with a patient) so I don't have to be anywhere but the doctors office and physical therapy for the rest of the week. So.......... I'm drinking tonight!!


Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/04/2004

... ok... one more then it's time for bed.


... so far it is a decent drink, but then again I'm not sure if I can really taste anything now or not... but, I'm on #29.


Trader Woody posted on 05/04/2004

On 2004-05-03 07:09, Quince_at_Dannys wrote:
People used to drink straight Campari and Daquiris with no sugar!

People drink Campari WITH sugar?! Bleaarggh!! Anyone who does so is missing the entire point of Campari.

Trader Woody

Quince_at_Dannys posted on 05/04/2004

People drink Campari WITH sugar?! Bleaarggh!! Anyone who does so is missing the entire point of Campari.

Trader Woody

Eww, that would be gross! Actually, what I meant was that people used to actually drink Campari and almost nobody does anymore. And you can't even get ANY lime juice at most bars these days, much less a decent quantity of it in your drink, and that's before I even start on the overdose of sugar. That's a reflection of the American palate in 2004.

I've gone to places and ordered a Mai Tai and told them to add some extra lime juice, and they look at me like I'm nuts, since they don't even use ANY to begin with--not even sweet and sour mix! Of course, when that happens I switch to a Martini, and then they try to serve it on the rocks and I have to explain that I want it straight up--"you know, in a cocktail glass," I tell 'em--and of course they don't bother shaking it in ice (and don't even TRY ordering it dirty, because they'll dump about half a bottle of olive juice the warm nasty thing); and at that point I'm ready to go berzerk, flip over some tables, fly screaming over the bar, go nuts on the bartender and sweep my arm across the endless rows of bottles of Apple Pucker, Kahlua, and Root Beer Schnapps, smashing them to the floor, and then proceed to make my own damn drinks!

thejab posted on 05/04/2004

*On 2004-05-03 22:12, Tonnikan Jinn wrote:*As far as I'm concerned, a perfect margarita (though not tiki) is made with 100% blue agave, Grand Mariner, ice and nothing but pure fresh squeezed lime juice (or recently thawed bottle of previously fresh squeezed).

I just recently found out that all tequila is made from 100% blue agave or it can't be called tequila on the bottle - it's a law in Mexico. "100% blue agave" is a scam for gringos.

TJ - I am impressed by your committment to learning the original tropical drinks from the Grog Log. To me, it's a necessary step to get a taste of what the tiki bar experience in days past was really like. Not to mention the way it makes one feel!

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/04/2004

Yeah, I'm familiar with "Norma Oficial" (NOM) the Mexican tequila laws. To legally be called tequila it has to be made in Jalisco (or a few other selected villages in near by states), made with no less than 51% agave "juice", the rest of which may be substituted with other sugar for the fermentation process. Tequilas like Jose Cuervo are referred to as "mixto", meaning that they are a blend of agave and other sugars, not to mention artificial coloring.
It's kind of like champagne.... unless it is made in the Champagne region of France, it is just sparkling white wine.

But that is another issue all together.

As far as my tiki drinking experiences.... I'm loving it! I also have Trader Vic's Bartender's Guide revised, and haven't even attempted anything in there yet. I want to get through Grog Log and Intoxica first. However, I need to find a few more ingrediants first like falernum and maraschino liqueur.


Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/05/2004

I think my count was off last night. The first two here I had yesterday:
Joan Bennett
Tropical Collins
Blue Reef
Red Tide
The Reef
Don's own Planter's
Don's Daiquiri

Getting more ideas, making notes, putting more miles on my liver, having a good time, and warming up for Gringo De Mayo.


[ Edited by: Tonnikan Jinn on 2004-05-04 22:54 ]

[ Edited by: Tonnikan Jinn on 2004-05-05 00:55 ]

[ Edited by: Tonnikan Jinn on 2004-05-05 01:05 ]

Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/05/2004

TJ, I think that you could find maraschino at Talevi's on Hollister. If not they would probably order it for you. That's where I get some high end ingredients Rum Passion fruit syrup liquor 43, etc. Usually though,I get my supplies like falernum at the Liquor Depot in Van Nuys". I still can not find any good grenadine!



Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/05/2004

Hey KT!

Thanks for the tip! I have been there recently, but I don't remember seeing the maraschino liqueur. Probably because I was looking for fallernum and different rums. I'll have to try them again.

I did find some Trader Vic's Rock Candy and Passion Fruit Syrups at Miratti's (I think it's called), right where Hollister turns into State. I think they had the T.V. Grenadine there too, but you are probably better off ordering online because they were $6.99 and $7.99 respectively. Online from T.V. is quite a bit cheaper at $4.75 a bottle, but then I'm not sure what their shipping rates are so it might be a wash.

If you are in need of stocking up, maybe we could place an order together and save a little cash. It's too bad that Santa Barbara doesn't have a "real" tiki bar anymore. There are a few places that have bamboo and tiki like decorations, but they are a far crw from the old Don the Beachcombers. I would just like a place with a nice quiet, comfortable, polynesian atmosphere with damn fine beverages. Kind of like The Mercury Lounge or Firebird, but with a full liquor license.

Anywho.... back to mixing! I've still got pages and pages of recipies to get through. :wink:


Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/05/2004

Cool, I'll check Miratti's. I do go to Los Angeles jst about every week. If I happen to make a supply stop, I'll pick up an extra Fee Bro's Falernum for you. I'll let you know.

I wish we had a good Tiki bar here too. The drinks at the Beachside are pretty good though. They have about five good tropical drinks. The most tiki place by far is Alphie's in Goleta on Hollister. My kids love to go there with me for breakfast. They make great food.





Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/05/2004


Check the post about "Grenadine." I'm going down to LA in a week and could easily do some shopping. I'm also making another pilgramage to Tiki Ti, and I can't wait.


Kon-Hemsby posted on 05/05/2004

Grog Log P45 Kapu-Kai
Great drink, but even better with a salted rim
(and don't even bother with the 'rimming' jokes, it's a fantastic drink)

Bottoms up!

Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/07/2004

Thanks TJ I have tried to Mirrati's on the way home twice and have not seen it. Tomorrow I will look up the address. While in Los Angeles you should check out

Wine & Liquor Depot
16938 Saticoy St, Van Nuys, CA 91406
Phone: (818) 996-1414

They've got alot of good stuff, at they lowest prices I've seen.



Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/07/2004

Thanks TJ I have tried to Mirrati's on the way home twice and have not seen it. Tomorrow I will look up the address. While in Los Angeles you should check out

Wine & Liquor Depot
16938 Saticoy St, Van Nuys, CA 91406
Phone: (818) 996-1414

They've got alot of good stuff, at they lowest prices I've seen.



K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b306c32d574b655cdd505493b7030305?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kingslod posted on 05/07/2004

When I saw the title of this forum, I clicked on it--anxiously anticipating some tales of drunken debauchery...Some lost weekend tales of woe and/or madness...I guess the title would be more like "How far down in the gutter have you gone?" or "How long have you spent worshiping the porcelain (Tiki) idol?"

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/07/2004

Hey KT,

Yeah, I'll check that place out too when I'm down there.
Miratti's is at 4441 Hollister Ave., South side of the street, one block West of Modoc.
On a slightly different note... I found a bottle of Parfait Amour for about $15 the other day at a liquor store down on Montecito St., just down from Castillo. It was a dusty, dirty bottle with the label taped back on because the glue had given out. I assume because of it's condition it is rather old.
Still no luck finding Falernum in Santa Barbara. Maybe there are some liquor stores in Montecito that have some older stock?


P.S. Taking a few days off from mixing. I'm trying to let my liver heal a little after "Gringo de Mayo." I only had one drink.... that I remember... and it was served in a bucket with a rubber shark in it.

[ Edited by: Tonnikan Jinn on 2004-05-07 14:17 ]

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Klas posted on 05/08/2004

On 2004-05-02 13:06, Swanky wrote:
So, cut the lime in half or less, and don't go by the little icon guy as far as drink strength, look at the recipe. For instance, look at the Boo Loo's icon. Not a strong drink. Look at the recipe, 4.5 ounces of liquor! Then Gone the Beachcomber is supposed to be very strong, but the recipe calls for 1.5 ounces of alcohol.

I agree that some of the Grog Log drinks are too sour (like for example "Pieces of Eight") but other drinks have IMO a very nice balance, so I don't think it's a good idea to cut the lime content in half or less as a general rule.

As for the icon guy showing how strong the drink is, I think it's supposed to show how much of the entire drink that's liquor and not the actual amount liquor. For example, a small cocktail often tastes much stronger than a bigger drink although the latter might contain more liquor.

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/09/2004


Noa Noa

Two more down, only..... oh geez!... that's a lot more to go.

However, it was a very pleasant evening sitting on my porch, sipping a beverage, tiki torches lit, reading Trader Vic's Bartender's guide.


Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/13/2004

Q.B. Cooler
Coronado Luau Special
Trader Vic Grog
Polynesian Paralysis
Royal Daiquiri
Skipper Kent Planter's Punch
Surf Room Mai Tai
Tonga Planter's

I think that's 46 so far (I'm marking each page as I go). At the moment I'm sipping a Polynesian Paralysis... LOVE IT!! I wish I could buy Okolehao in gallon sized jugs. That stuff tastes great.

So... am I just a drunk, or is anyone else out there drinking? How far in the books have you gone?


Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/13/2004

TJ where did you get the Okolehao? I could use some of that!



Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/13/2004


I got the Okolehao online from http://www.internetwines.com , but they appear to be out of stock right now. I'm going to look around a little more for some, ask some friends with family in Hawaii, talk to some local liquor store owners.... I will get some more even if I have to swim to Hawaii myself!

On a different note, the name of the liquor store at 4441 Hollister Ave. is Talevi's not Miratti's (although it is listed in the phone book as both). I went by there yesterday and they didn't have Trader Vic's Grenadine like I thought they had. NO WHERE in Santa Barbara has anything but Roses. I'm glad I'm going to L.A. in two days.


Swanky posted on 05/13/2004

I found this while searching:

"Rev. Ruling 61-70


Section 201.467 of the Distilled Spirits Plants Regulations provides in part that bottles containing spirits bottled on bottling premises for export shall have securely affixed thereto a label showing, among other things, the kind of spirits contained therein. This requirement means a designation as to kind in conformity with the standards of identity prescribed for domestic products under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act (27 U.S.C. 205(e)). However, the Distilled Spirits Labeling and Advertising Regulations issued under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act do not set forth a standard of identity for okolehao and do not contain specific provisions requiring this product to be bottled at not less than 80 degrees proof. Therefore,** a product bottled at 76 degrees of proof may be labeled as okolehao for exportation to foreign markets.**

26 U.S.C. 5201; 27 CFR 201.467 "

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freddiefreelance posted on 05/13/2004

On 2004-05-05 15:30, Kon-Hemsby wrote:
Grog Log P45 Kapu-Kai
Great drink, but even better with a salted rim
(and don't even bother with the 'rimming' jokes, it's a fantastic drink)

Bottoms up!

Google Image search for "Rimmer"

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=738&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fourhman.com%2Freddwarf%2Fimages%2Fcards%2Fcast-rimmer.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7484c11e7e370682e8889f01ac345ec0

Is there a drink called a Red Dwarf? There should be, something like a lager with a shot of Chicken Vindaloo in it...

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/18/2004

I just got a bottle of Falernum, Maraschino liqueur, a mini Licor 43, and a mini Campari so my mixing capabilities have grown substantially. My latest drinks are....
Pieces of Eight
Palace Court
Yellow Boxer
Tonga Zombie
Aku Aku Lapu
Demerara Dry Float
Golden Wave
Beachbum's Own
Blackbeard's Ghost

That's 55 so far, and loving every bit of it!


[ Edited by: Tonnikan Jinn on 2004-05-17 23:20 ]

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tikifish posted on 05/18/2004

I thought the title of this thread was referrig to how crazy have you gone while drunk!!!

Well, since it is about the grog log, I guess I can't add my 2 cents then - I dont have the book. But crazy stories...

Swanky posted on 05/18/2004

Get the Gror Log. $10!

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 05/18/2004

The best $10 I ever spent. BUt since getting that I have spent $100's in building my liquor cabinet. :wink:


J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2c639363661db692c410f8afdf55735e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JTD posted on 05/18/2004

On 2004-05-18 12:54, Tonnikan Jinn wrote:
...since getting that I have spent $100's in building my liquor cabinet. :wink:


Boy, no joke. Easily the most expensive book I've ever bought. :) Worth every penny, too.


Pages: 1 2 3 95 replies