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Tiki Central / California Events

Sept. San Diego Chop Chop - 8th in O'side, thanks for coming out!

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I for one had one of the best spiritual experiences of my life at PIFA. The Islander community was full of good will and aloha spirit and it was a total honor to be invited (And invited BACK next year) to carve for the very people who's culture we all emulate, celebrate, and enjoy. The Tongans including us in their Kava ritual, the Islander population coming by and enjoying our art and process, the wonderful stories of the islands back home.........The experience of a lifetime. I'm pretty sure I'm a changed man after that and and I know that I'll never look at Tiki the same way. It's not just an excuse to have cocktails, luaus and Tiki parties in our tiki bars, rooms, themed porches and gardens.........This is an ancient culture(or rather the mix of SEVERAL ancient cultures) that were mostly destroyed by the introduction of our own. What we are doing is a beautiful and spiritual thing if we keep the right mindset. I predict even more improvement in the entire group as far as traditional work goes, after this weekend. Better traditional tikis= a better world!!

The Tiki Bars, themed porches, Luaus and tiki parties are just the places that we and others enjoy the spoils of our hard work. Lets face it.......carving tiki IS hard work, especially when you're carving something over 4 feet tall on a fat, wet log!!

The poor kids dancing in the cold rain on the first day, seemed unfazed

Cammo, actually CARVING!!

Kate, doing small work

Mieko and Babs with his junior audience

Me, working on "Kapa'a Maka Koa"

And the natives became restless......

........as Cam and I talked out of our asses.....

And more of the group arrived. Here is a rare shot of Zaya, as she is usually the one taking the pics.

A couple of Babs and his killer bunny-style artwork

Kate and Mieko with their spoils

A rare shot of Brian carving

Brian, Billy, Dave

My baby "Latiny Wahine" by the bay

Buzzy, the guy that made this all happen(thank you SO much, man!!)

And this is what I spent my weekend working on. A LOT of Aloha spirit was soaked up by this guy and he's sure to bring years of happiness.

Kapa'a Maka Koa, from the left(his left!)is 75% complete

I have more thank yous and pics, but for now, I think this will do. I'm exhausted and must get some sleep. Mahalo, all!!

Mudslinger formerly known as Billybobaloo

RWT32 Las Vegas32, F&AM

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-24 16:19 ]

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-24 22:30 ]


On 2007-09-24 13:54, Clysdalle wrote:
"Look at you carve haole, go on with your bad self..."

Props to ALL you haoles! :D

I guess I was worried for nothing. So glad you guys had a blast. Thanks for posting all the pics.

Billy, you really should start a thread of your work in the carving forum, that newest one is really good!

So when's the October chop? :wink:


On 2007-09-23 21:06, Zaya wrote:
Bowana, this one's for you!

Thanks. Wrap 'em up, I'll take 'em.

Wow, this was a big event. Damn, I'm so bummed I missed this. I'm glad ya'll had a great time. I'm getting chopping withdrawls.....I think I'm gonna sleep with one of my chisels tonight.

On 2007-09-24 16:43, 4WDtiki wrote:

On 2007-09-24 13:54, Clysdalle wrote:
"Look at you carve haole, go on with your bad self..."

Props to ALL you haoles! :D

I guess I was worried for nothing. So glad you guys had a blast. Thanks for posting all the pics.

Billy, you really should start a thread of your work in the carving forum, that newest one is really good!

So when's the October chop? :wink:

You really should have been there, Bill. You would have loved it and we missed ya! SO much aloha spirit went into my work that he'll be happy forever, even though he appears to be growling. On the carving thread, I may do that soon, but my next project is a carving profile for all of us on Myspace. Thank you for the compliment on Kapa'a Maka Koa. He's already very special to me.
Next Chop, I vote for October 5th or 12th at Babalus house. I know it's a longer drive for everyone up north, but I really dig his place and I'll be going to Arizona for the last two weeks of October.


Hey, Sundays are good for me as well.

Any other input?


I agree, that was a really great, totally sunshiney spiritual awakening weekend. I kept working on my Danger Tiki on Sunday in the garage, and more today. It's so freakin' addicting!

Speaking of addicting, it's really hard not jumping on that two lbs. of Kava in my kitchen cupboard. We gotta do a Kavachop but soon.

Sundays are lousy for me.

Better ask Babs first before pulling into his driveway and demanding hot dogs. He's kind of busy.

Hey, if the new Billy gets any more happy, we'll have to call him "Billy the Cudly". His Tiki was REALLY getting attention, as was Clyde's...

I LOVE Clydes crazy LSD rabbit, man. VERY cool!

thanks guys......my next one will be a tiki from the pink floyd's "the wall" or maybe a clockwork orange tiki :wink: think I have a good theme here...

Cammo posted on Tue, Sep 25, 2007 8:08 AM

re. Clockwork Orange Tiki

My Vote = YES.


(Double Post again, I hate doing this!)

As an incentive, whosoever has the next Chop, I'm donating one freshly baked Fall-style item. They're all made from scratch, no mixes. For instance, I grind my own cinnamon. These will be baked directly at the person's home, so they'll be served hot. I'll bring all the ingredients, you just provide an oven.

Chop Host can choose 1 and only 1 from:

  • Ritz Hotel New York Cheesecake
  • Vermont Quiche (nice for brekkie)
  • Nut Tarts (small, go great with coffee)
  • Pumpkin Pie, Maple Syrup sweetened
  • Chocolate Pecan Pie

I will be having a very SMALL piece of one of these, so there will be a lot available.


I'll also be bringing my traditional Tortuga rum cake, made with Meyers because it's the only rum I refuse to drink. It also makes a mighty fine cake.

Haven't heard from Babs yet......we need to give him more incentive. Hows this........I'll bring a live rabbit to sacrifice. Or maybe we'll just get him high and feed him musubi!


Rabbits love Rum Carrot Cake!

mieko posted on Tue, Sep 25, 2007 1:29 PM

I thought Babs was pretty busy this month, my house might be possible if we want to be a little further south, but I don't have very many days available either. I don't mind hosting at all, although other months might be better. :)
I know Saturdays have been better in the past, but this month or next month (or possibly both) I want to do a Sunday, as it will give Kate and Hiltiki a chance to come.
Last weekend in October is out for me, others are maybes.

I'm trying to find out if there are any Saturdays in October that we are not working.

Babalu said that October was pretty bad for him.

I'd love to host sometime, but I live out in the middle of freakin' nowhere. (Plus, my lawn is really crappy.)


I'm busy the weekend of the 22nd, all others are good at this point.

You all know I'll gladly host again...:D

Cammo posted on Tue, Sep 25, 2007 5:09 PM

The last weekend is probably no good for anybody - too close to Halloween, and the one before is no good with 4WD, so which is it to be?

HOW about a PUMPKIN CARVING HALLOWEEN Par-Tay? We all bring our own and go at 'em with hook knives! I know a few tricks, I'll gladly do a pumpkin demo! Or is somebody going to squash this idea?

Fresh Pumpkin Pie anyone?

Ok, I'm OFICIALLY lobbying for the 13th and I don't care where. Would be nice to go to Babs or Miekos because my new truck (picking up a '65 Chevy C20 pick-em-up truck tonight) is a guzzler, But Bills house is fine for me as well. Seems like his place was MADE for this sort of thing.

The 13th? Anywhere?



Well, this month is going to be a tough one for me...weekend of the 13th I'll be in San Felipe for the Poker Run...weekend of the 20th, I'm in Vegas...weekend of 27th, I'll be back in London. In general, October kind of sucks for me.

Would like to have another one at my house sometime before I move that big ass table back indoors...maybe Nov? I'm doing a shit load of traveling that month too though....just don't know the sceduale yet.

We'll figure it out.


Once again, we will miss you, Babs!!!

In other news, we are invited to chop at this carshow in Esco this weekend. Sunday to be exact, and powertools and vending are allowed......there's just no power for grinders, but chainsaws are A-ok. Just to repeat myself, we can sell our tikis, so if you make it, bring some tikis to sell. More details will come as we organize if anyone is interested. It would suck to do this by myself, because I have nothing to sell, really. Bill? Buzzy? Dave? Cam?Mieko?

I'm moving this weekend so I'm out...sorry man...


Ah nuts, Billy! This sounds really cool, but I'm already booked for this weekend. Can you get them to postpone it for us? :)

I didn't think that a whole lot of people would be able to make it on a sunday at such short notice, but it was worth throwing out there. Mainly, this is a good thing for anyone with inventory to move......Like Bill.

What do you think, Bill? You wanna chop and sell at the nutfarm with me?

Remember, these are hotrod people. Not the kids, but the older guys with the white beards and the orange coupes and what not. Like the "Good Guys" crowd. They have cash and more and more of them are wanting tikis for their yards and garages.


I'm already booked for Sunday, but Billy's right - this looks like a really cool laid back event. 4WD Baby, haul a whole lot of Tikis down there, sit in front, and carve! Jeez, in your spare time you can look at engines and detailing! These guys come with trucks to load Tikis into!

If you guys do it, we could all give you stuff for your booth. I've got some mugs, etc.

Strange, n'est pas, that Billy the Crud's first managed event is at the NUT FARM?!

I was waiting for someone to point that out.......Billys "Nut Farm Chop". I was invited to this by the guy who just sold me my 65 Chevy truck. I LOVE my big ass gas hog!! Whoever goes with us, we'll need to maybe carpool and keep it to two vehicles. Like my truck and bills truck(if he goes) and we'll fit all our junk in the two at a meeting point. I'm not sure, but being that it's a car show, the space will be limited and we will have to get there EARLY to set up. Remember, these are the older car guys who get up early and start going home at between noon and 2pm. The show STARTS at 9am.

Cammo posted on Wed, Sep 26, 2007 2:02 PM

Go nuts, guys.

"Look at you carve haole, go on with your bad self!"

Love dat.

I'm in Billy. Zaya said she'd go for a little while too...


Buzzy Out!


I'd like to go, but most likely won't. I'm helping David move :rolleyes: :wink:, want to check out some bands at the Adams Ave Street Fair, and have three commisioned tikis I gotta make some progress on.

mieko posted on Wed, Sep 26, 2007 4:06 PM

I've got to catch up on things around the house, so I don't think I can make it. I also don't really think my stuff would go well with the target audience, although if anyone wants to take some of my pendants, I'll give you part of anything you sell. :)

I'm going to see Wanda Jackson at the street fair with my daughter on Saturday. Should be a blast.
If anyone wants us to take things along to sell, we can do that. Too bad, no Bill, man! I was hoping to have some of your larger tikis there as an eye-catcher. Now Buzzy and I will just have to be really outgoing.
Mieko and Cammo, I will call you later on this week about the pendants and mugs, OR, you can drop the stuff at Buzzys place.
We'll need a pop-up as well. Anyone got one to lend?

Also, Dave......your pendants should go with us as well.

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-26 21:04 ]


Hey Billy, I can offer my popup, I should be able to swing it and my pendants over to Buzzy's sometime on Saturday.

On 2007-09-27 10:27, mieko wrote:
Hey Billy, I can offer my popup, I should be able to swing it and my pendants over to Buzzy's sometime on Saturday.

Groovy, Mieko! Talk to Buzzy about the pop-up. He said something about a hut, so we may not need it. Hopefully this event will get us out there for the Hotrod crowd and we'll pick up some comissioned pieces. That's what I'm hoping, anyways. We REALLY need a group card that we can write our names on!!

Zaya posted on Sun, Sep 30, 2007 8:28 PM

It was a fun day at the car show! It was nice hanging out with the 3 B's! Here are my pictures from today....

Oh yeah, Hot Rods.

Look, the red shorts guy is in the back ground! :lol:


Billy the Crud


Billy the big tiki carver show off

Bill and a captive audience

Ok now they're all getting comfortable

Me and my future carver. He's begging for chisels!

See you soon guys!



Those Hot Rods look more like Lead Sleds.

Is Billy's new wheels the one Buzzy's having the Tiki Tailgate Party from?

4WD is making one NICE freakin' Tiki there! Love that detail, it's looking sort of Northwest Indiansque, but more tricked out. GO GO GO!

You all look so happy and relaxed! Even that former mud-swinger!

Off to Dreamland By the Sea...

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