Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge
"What's my Beef" with Atomic Tiki Punk
Tom Slick
Thu, Oct 14, 2010 7:30 PM
Talk about stumbling, and then being pulled into a shitstorm... First, let me clear the statements that I had made in the food thread, that Randy generously quoted 3 of 6.... Secondly, I was always under the assumption that ANY thread within the MAIN SITE posting areas were to be TIKI related, with the exception of Bilge/Beyond Tiki. Third, I only VOICED my opinion in the thread WITHOUT U-mod voting, or PMing a moderator to have it moved. And that was even when it was under the guise thread topic of "What did you have for TIKI dinner?" If it is a great thread about food, which I believe it is, then people who had been posting on it should have no problem following it anywhere on the site, period. That is of course, aside from the bullshit bickering, and immature arguing that has already plagued the thread now. I cruise from forum to forum on occasion mostly lurking, but when I see a topic not jiving within the category it is presented in, I have no problem addressing it with due respect. I feel it is not up to me to police the site, nor would I want that responsibility, but I will throw a comment in the thread itself, to address what I feel is the issue, and leave it at that. And to me, letting this minute issue in the grand scale of things, blow this far out of line is totally fucking stupid. Mai Tai had points that were made clearly, as well as ATP had presented his. I saw both sides of the views that they professionally presented. AtomicTikiPunk, I saw absolutely nothing wrong with your thread in general, with the exception of the title you temporarily changed, that I slipped into, and also that it possibly teeters on the line of off-topic in what i had thought was a tiki food and tiki drink category. No big deal, but I did address it. ATP, I also think you should understand(In case you already haven't noticed), that within the last couple years T.C. in its own way has been devolving into a generic tiki fansite, leaving a 'party city' type aftertaste in many T.C. Veterans mouths... Generally speaking of what I do know, is that arguing on the internet is like a special needs person winning 'gold' at the Special Olympics...In the very end, are they really a winner?(I'm just saying, and not directing this to anyone specific) Lastly, We all share one uncommon interest, and that is to come here to celebrate tiki, with the main focus being on "mid century polynesian pop culture." I still feel we are ohana, even though there are 'clicks' within TC,(Non of which, I belong to...Thanks for the love, clicky-people! :lol:), and nobody on any side of the opinions should have taken any of it personal; at least not until the direct personal verbage started. That's never cool, but should it happen, appologies are always welcomed. Shit happens, but as long as it attended in timely fashion, I would like to believe most people can relate. I hope the food thread continues, I also hope that one day Mai Tai and ATP can reflect back on this while tossing back a few cold ones, laughing together; and I hope that nobody gets soo discouraged from posting, just because we might not all agree, all of the time. That is life, plain and simple, and it isn't the end of the world, nor should it be for friendships. [ Edited by: Tom Slick 2010-10-14 19:35 ] |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 14, 2010 7:38 PM
I hope this doesn't damage your credibility John-O, (being the pariah I have become) Excellent "Beef" |
Atomic Tiki Punk
Thu, Oct 14, 2010 7:57 PM
Rescinded! [ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2010-10-30 02:32 ] |
Thu, Oct 14, 2010 9:47 PM