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Why Pushing Daisies Will Be Canceled

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Pushing Daisies, which is my favorite new show in a season of television that is drowning in new shows, will be canceled because it's just too good to be on television.

It's clever. It's well written. It's absolutely charming in a very bizarre way.

Sadly, it's on ABC. (I still haven't forgiven them for canceling Sports Night.)

Luckily, it's not on Fox. (I still haven't forgiven them for canceling Wonderfalls and Firefly.)

If you check IMDB, the plot keywords are Supernatural/Diner/Resurrection/Murder/Baker. Honestly, what more could you want from a show?

Still, I don't think people will get it. There's no chance that the unrequited love issue can be resolved. My heart was broken after just one episode when I realized that Ned and Chuck could never be together. Then again, it begs the question, can you sustain a love affair with someone you can't touch but who you see incessantly? And don't shows usually go to hell after the leads give in to their mutual attraction. (Remember how bad Moonlighting got?)

Bryan Fuller seems mildly obsessed with baked goods and monkeys.

This show doesn't stand a chance.

Sorry for the disjointed rant. It's been a rough day. Remember: bilge belongs in bilge.

Cammo posted on Thu, Oct 4, 2007 8:07 PM

Hey, Kate, one of my favorite movies is "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir", the original sort of scary version with Rex Harrison. It's one of the great all-time flicks.

What about "Mad Men", I heard it was pretty good.

Hey, soak your troubles in a Preston Sturges movie if all else fails!

Murph posted on Thu, Oct 4, 2007 9:36 PM

I feel for ya.
I yanked my cable when they axed John From Cincinnati.


On 2007-10-04 20:03, Tiki-Kate wrote:
Sadly, it's on ABC. (I still haven't forgiven them for canceling Sports Night.)

I am SO with you on this! That was one of the best shows ever!!! Brilliant writing, great timing from the actors, and genius directing!

Heath posted on Fri, Oct 5, 2007 7:28 AM

"I used to think masturbation was chewing your food, I don't think that anymore."

This is definitely one of the more creative ideas for a show.
I'll be watching...

Cammo posted on Fri, Oct 5, 2007 9:21 AM

Kate, we pulled the TV cable out of our wall about 10 years ago and haven't looked back since. We just rent great movies instead; I keep a want list going, and it never seems to dry up. It's actually cheaper than cable, and way more satisfying. We haven't seen a commercial in a decade. Good riddance.

Don't give in to network TV. If the series is good, it'll come out on DVD faster than a monkey on a greased slide. Just rent it. I've seen the better "Monk" episodes that way. (A lot of stuff is at our main library - it's free!)

Just rent really really greats, here's what I've seen recently -

  • The "Prisoner" TV show (the first 6 episodes are probably the best things made for TV, ever)

  • "Desk Set" (all time best dialogue, written by Nora Ephron's parents!)

  • "His Girl Friday" (fastest dialogue ever filmed)

  • "Swing Time" (amazing musical, people don't even know it exists)

  • "Kansas City Confidantial" (litte seen noir, toughest movie I've ever seen)

  • All the Elvis movies (Teri Garr dances really badly in the backgrounds, she actually trips and misses cues, and bumps into people, she's just plain awful, it's funny as heck)

  • "Cabin in the Sky" (creepy and hilarious at the same time, an excellent, offbeat Halloween pick)

  • "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (sci-fi noir, with all kinds of themes running through it)


Two words:

Fuck YA!

(meaning: Fuck YA, I loves Pushing Daisies)

The story-telling fabulous, from how they rolled out the laws of The Piemaker's power, to the story-line of the mystery of his childhood sweetheart's demise. All the characters are well-cast and they've chosen some of my favorite actors of all time, including one Miss Ellen Green [of Little Shop of Horrors (the musical) fame], who I could watch on screen all day. And the costume designer is GENIUS!!! Okay, so is the set designer... ...FINE, and the writers.

About 20 minutes in I already started mourning its' loss. I love, love, love it. Those crazy-ass bible-belters are going to make sure it doesn't last very long. BUT I've already written ABC about how much I love it and I've talked it up to anyone who'll listen. All we can do if make sure the right some one in charge knows how we feels...

...precious... ....my precious...

here's the homepage for the show.


You can watch the pilot online.


I LOVE that show. The writing, the acting, the colors(it's like a technicolor dream at times), the directing...it's all good! I'll enjoy it as long as it's around.

I believe I've just put the last nail in the coffin. I watched it for the first time and you are right, its fantastic. However, any show I find any fancy with is almost immediately cancelled. I almost never watch tv anymore. Too dangerous. Apologies. Hopefully it'll last long enough to get a season dvd??? It is wonderful and witty.


I thought the same thing, but for another reason...

Like you, I enjoyed the pilot very much. But after watching it, I thought it made a very good short story, but I just don't think that you can sustain an entire series on the show's premise. Hopefully I'm wrong and the writers can keep the show interesting, but I am not that optimistic about that.

Heath posted on Tue, Oct 16, 2007 3:05 PM

Dead people brought back to life to explain who killed them?
A love interest where physical contact causes her death?
A private investigator that knits little bags to store reward money?
A dessert shop called The Pie Hole?
So many directions...

I know, I know, the show is just starting out, but let's just stay positive.

Emerson: Contacted the company that makes these doors under false pretenses. They gave me a sample ID badge which I digitally altered using the magnetic code that matches the serial number of this machine. Is that cheap?

Chuck: (holds up an ID badge as well) I don't know. Is this? I gave the security guard a hug goodbye. My upper body distracted him while these things I call "hands" took this off his belt.

I think the show has endless story possibilities. It's like Murder, She Wrote or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Solve a different murder every week. (Why the hell would anyone want to live in Cabot Cove or Sunnydale?) Buffy and Angel couldn't be together either...


Hey Kate,
I hope you didn't take my post the wrong way.
I haven't laughed so hard at a tv show in a long while, well, while I was sober anyway.
The story-lines do seem limitless.
I love the guy that works at the morgue. He asks one question and gives an "Uhn-huhn" after the answer with a deadpan look.
Sorry that was the first word that popped in my head.
My wife thinks I'm a dork because of how excited I am about this show, well, uh, okay, that's not the only reason...

On 2007-10-16 23:29, Heath wrote:
Hey Kate,
I hope you didn't take my post the wrong way.

Not at all. I was trying to address joefla70's concern about not being able to sustain a series on the show's premise.

I think the same thing about many shows. Honestly, where is Damages going to go once the current mystery is solved? Are the Riches going to have to eventually move, and if they do, will they still be the Riches? I don't know what the show's creators have in mind, but I know that most of them come in with a plan for a sustainable series. Then again, some shows are just on a five year mission...


On 2007-10-24 20:16, Haole'akamai wrote:

Yep. It was a DW120.

My favorite line of the evening -

Emerson: Just because there's vodka in my freezer doesn't mean I need to drink it. Wait... yes it does.

This episode was sheer genius. I was inspired to go put on my old They Might Be Giants cds...

Has everyone been writing in?!

On 2007-10-25 09:59, Haole'akamai wrote:
This episode was sheer genius. I was inspired to go put on my old They Might Be Giants cds...

I really annoyed my boyfriend in 1990 because I could not stop singing Particle Man. Flood is one of my all-time favorite albums.

While I know that perfect is an unsurpassable degree, this show just gets more perfect every week.

It's doomed...

Chuck wasn't as cute last night as she has been before. They better fix that or I'm clicking.

Was it because her boobies weren't hanging out so much?

...not judging, just asking...

It was because her hair or makeup was different.

I watched the show after reading this post and really enjoyed it!

And, Newsweek gave it a thumbs up.


My favorite witty exchange from last night:

Emerson: There's a legless skeleton of a horse in John Jacobs tomb, and Olive knows you're dead.

Chuck: First of all, huh? And secondly, Olive thinks that I faked my death which is completely different to knowing that I'm dead.

Emerson: Yeah, different like purple and mauve.

I really want to like the show- watched most of the episodes, but in the end I come away feeling like it was too much fluff. The show sort of reminds me of a cross between a squeaky Tim Burton and an Enzyte commercial. I can see why people like it. It just hasn't grabbed me yet.

I don't watch TV much anymore. My fave thing to do is watch YouTube...if I watch anything. However, I actually did catch a few minutes of 'Pushing Daisies' last night in the lounge at work. Some of the other folks were watching it on break. I didn't know what it was at first but it struck me as somewhat too quirky and clever to be a prime time show. Plus I think Kristen Chenoweth is kind of cute even if she does wear way too much make up. She has big boobs too, yeah? Are those things real? Anyway, I digress...yes I thought of your post here at TC once I found out what show it was and from what I saw, I think your observation is correct. Hey I won't say it because not alot of people will: the majority of people in America are dumb-asses. No big scret there, but they like their mindlessness served up with more 'LESS' and less 'MIND'. If it's not 'Amercias Next Top Weirdo'..um I mean 'MODEL'...then it's gone.

[ Edited by: donhonyc 2007-11-15 23:42 ]

My favorite quote of the week:

Ned: The only reason I didn't tell you is because it didn't mean anything. Lots of stuff happens in the course of a day that I don't bother sharing. For instance, yesterday's four-berry pie was actually three and a half because I ran out of cranberries. I didn't tell you that.

Chuck: Actually you did. You asked if orange counted as a berry and I said it didn't, but no one had to know but us.

Ned: I like that you said "us."

Completely unrelated aside:

On 2007-11-15 23:40, donhonyc wrote:
I don't watch TV much anymore. My fave thing to do is watch YouTube...if I watch anything.

I try to avoid YouTube unless I have a few hours to kill. YouTube eats my brain. Time doesn't exist when I'm looking for and then watching cool things on YouTube.

The Coolest Thing I've Ever Found On YouTube. (It makes me laugh out loud every single time I watch it.)

Favorite dialogue from tonight's show:

Chuck: What about your ex-girlfriends?

Ned: Emerson doesn't want to hear about this.

Emerson: I must admit, I am curious. Before Dead Girl came along, I didn't know what you liked, or if you liked, or if you had anything to like with. For all I knew, you could have been one of those people who was born with both, but didn't use either.

Last night's episode was exceedingly funny. So many great quotes to choose from.

My favorite:

Emerson: Well, that idea might make a stupid idea feel better about itself.

My second favorite:

Olive: Can I ask you a question? If you loved me....
Alfredo: Yes?
Olive: And we could never, ever, ever touch. Wouldn't you eventually get over it and move on letting someone else have the slightest hope that you might move on to them?
Alfredo: If I loved you?
Olive: Yeah.
Alfredo: Then I would love you in any way I could. And if we could not touch, then I would draw strength from your beauty. And if I went blind, then I would fill my soul with the sound of your voice and the contents of your thoughts until the last spark of my love for you lit the shabby darkness of my dying mind.
Olive: Eh, forget it.

My third favorite:

Emerson: So whoever killed Billy is walking around with nine fingers thinking they got away with murder.
Chuck: Mm-hmmm. Footloose and finger-free.

I could go on...

HER MOTHER????!!!!

On 2007-12-12 21:01, Haole'akamai wrote:
HER MOTHER????!!!!

Oh my gosh! I know!

And by the way, my favorite lines this week:

Emerson: We are giant, enormous idiots. And don't you say "gi-normous" because that ain't a word.


Coroner: My niece gave me this sweater.
Emerson: That thing’s uglier then a chipmunk’s ass.
Ned: He means the sweater, not your niece.


So yesterday I was talking to my friend in Hollywood (it's fun saying that)...He was shopping for neat stuff to furnish a recently acquired Palm Springs vacation house (also fun to say) while his wife (a set decorator) was busy at work on NEW! Pushing Daisies episodes. 13 episodes have been OK'd/ordered and "they" think a full season is likely.

The show is great and I'm more than surprised that it wasn't canceled after 3 episodes considering the utter crap that most hit shows are these days. (Though I've learned from my friends that utter crap can pay pretty danged good.)

YEah! YEsyESyes!!!!!!!!!!

Hell YES!!!

Thank The Maker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woofmutt, I could KISS you!


On 2008-06-07 11:03, Haole'akamai wrote:
Thank The Maker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indeed. I was really bummed when it didn't come back on after the writer's strike ended, but the website was updated a while back to say that the show would return in the fall. Also, ABC has aired a commercial advertising it's return.


...just read a short article onSFGate, it seems to say that ABC is going to start Pushing Daisies all over again in Fall. So we'll have to watch all the old epoisode over again and then we'll (maybe) get new ones.

Not that I mind watching them all again (not that I haven't already on abc.com's Full Episode Player already....).


I know this is about Pushing Daisies (cute show), but did anyone watch Eli Stone? I thought this was a superior program (for a change - ENOUGH with the "reality" shows - ugh! Groomer Knows Best?! They're REALLY stretching now).


Don't want to derail this thread, but want to express agreement. Eli Stone is a great show. Who would have though that a show about lawyers, a guy with a brain tumor, visions, and way off beat tie ins like George Michael could be so amusing. Great show! Back to Pushing Daisies...can't wait....:)

Normally I don't give a crap about awards of any kind, but I'm happy about this one:

2008 Emmy nominations...Outstanding Art Direction For A Single-camera Series

Pushing Daisies

Michael Wylie, Production Designer
Halina Siwolop, Set Decorator.

The show received 12 nominations total, a list of the categories is HERE a more detailed list with names is HERE.


And Happy Birthday Halina (9/18) who didn't win an Emmy. Mad Men got it.


We are getting season 1 on DVD on Friday. For some reason no one had it retail around our little jungle cottage here in Lush tropical Santa Cruz.

Hot off the Press...

goes to...

Barry Sonnenfeld, "Pushing Daisies" ("Pie-Lette")!

(Glad to see they at least got a nod for writing, too)

Lee Pace... sigh.....

a week!


So, what do people want most to happen/find out about this season?

Alright then, I want to find out more about Emerson's daughter.

Favorite line so far:

Ned:* If I could breathe, I'd vomit...*

I guess I'm the only one who's a freak about this show. That's okay, it'll be my burden to shoulder.

I thought the return episode was great, if you are a follower.

Or not; according to TofuJoe, there was too much rehashing for him. He said, "It felt like they were collecting up all the loose ends and taking stock. Not tying them up, mind you; just taking stock."

That was just fine in my book, especially since the Emerson's Daughter storyline did get addressed (and added to)!!


I'll shoulder some of that burden with you. I'm not entirely sure what I want from the show this year.

I do think they needed to take stock in this episode. The first season was cut short because of the strike, so it's been an awfully long time since that last episode aired. People needed to be reminded of what happened last season, and I'm sure it picked up some new viewers after the all of those Emmy nominations. Those folks needed to be brought up to speed.

My favorite line this week:

Emerson: “It is not okay for a grown ass man to weep in public with a bunch of happy families enjoying pie. If you can’t hold it, go cry in the bathroom. Sit on the toilet and do it. Like a man.”

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