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Sharing home bar photos

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I've been slowly adding to my home bar over the past 12 years. I've pretty much run out of space after converting a guest bedroom and 2 small walk-in closets into my bar. I've been leaning on my wife to "downsize" to a house with a basement, but it's not looking too promising. So for now I make do.20240512_16055320240512_16052220240512_16064120240512_16074120240512_16095020240512_16105520240512_16103220240512_16101820240512_16081120240512_16111620240512_16124020240512_16121820240512_16132420240512_16152320240512_16144420250121_214244

I just added these shelves above the closet doors last week to provide room for another 25 mugs.20250121_214226

[ Edited by andrews_tiki_reviews on 2025-01-21 22:07:34 ]

I added this little nautical section under the faux window after finding this vintage small ship's wheel at an estate sale recently. The old20250121_215538 chrome bow light was $10 on FB Market Place. Had to rewire it for 110v. I added the old brass barometer/thermometer combo from a thrift store find in Pacific City, Oregon a few months ago. I've had the original lobby card from The African Queen for a number of years, found framed as-is at a local Goodwill. The Adventureland record was a gift from a friend for my first annual Adventureland party in 2018.

Wow - Nice space. Your "Make Do" area is bigger than some of us have to work with :-)

You have a great collection of classic and new items as well. Is that Harvey's wall panel carved by you or did you find that someplace?!

Thanks for sharing!

[ Edited by SBJiminyC on 2025-01-22 05:16:27 ]


Magnificent, and inspiring! Fantastic!

Since we all know a home bar is never "finished" - wondering what are your pipe dreams for next steps?

The Harveys panel was on Ebay a number of years ago. Posted for $200. Plainly stated as coming from Harveys but nothing in the way of proof. But it was clearly old and weathered - totally gray from sun exposure and a little piece cracked and chipped off a bottom corner. It obviously wasn't a recent carving attempting to be passed off as an original. I surmised it was legit because no one would carve a fake and then wait years while it weathers before trying to sell it for a measly $200. I stained it when it arrived and it looks much better now.

I would love to have a basement to work with. Then I would divide into separate seating areas, each with a specific theme, maybe one would be August Holland, one for black velvets, one for long gone California classic bars. Aybe an area just gor old menus. I've got stuff I can't display due to lack of wall space. For example, I'm sitting on an 8 foot by 15 foot tapa cloth, just waiting for a bare 15 ft wall to hang it on. Lol And a large framed 1950s print of Leeteg's Hina Rapa from the Davis Gallery in Honolulu is tucked away. It had to come down when I obtained an original Leeteg 3 years ago and needed the wall dpace for her. So yeah, it's never finished. Lol

WOW Thanks for sharing.....Double wow for The August Holland prints!!!

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