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Trailer Trash Chop in Lemon Grove - June 30th!! It don't cost nuthin!!

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Babalu posted on Fri, Jun 8, 2007 7:07 AM

Hey, I was able to pack up the family and get away to Palm Springs this weekend. The wife’s boss turned us on to a time share thingy. Sitting here now on the balcony looking over a golf park….It’s quite a change from the trailer park! Not sure these folks around here will be able to hang with the Babalu Bunch, or not? Anyway, I brought all my tools and clay and such so that I could hang out by the pool and make mugs.

Sorry Guys, I am building the Oki Doki mug now, but I had kind of already made plans with Cammo prior to try and launch that one at the Oasis…Got a few other ideas for the TT Chop mug…let’s see what the weekend brings on??

Hate to say it, but you guys might be setting yourselves up on the corn cob eating contest…Jo Jo is coming and she’s the local champ! She has a special set of teeth that she pops in prior to the “go” whistle…she has never lost.

This gal will be attending the Chop also...as you can see, this girl's a sure thing

And don't fight over this guy ladies...

I would like to make this. Where are all of you getting your logs?

Babalu posted on Fri, Jun 8, 2007 4:52 PM

Hey Monkey Man…will try to figure out something for you on the log…if I don’t find it, you can carve up one of the patio chairs. Great to have you along for the ride.

Yup, Pool side…hot here.

Cammo posted on Fri, Jun 8, 2007 9:46 PM

That looks pretty fine so far, Babs. Exactly how fun is it hanging out poolside with some suntan lotion, a pack of 'boros, and a five pound bag of modelling clay?

I don't know if Babs wants me to post the design for the Oki Doki Mug, so I won't till he gives me the word. It's really gonna look freaky, though, and it breaks a few rules about Tiki Mugs. Squid betta watch this guy Babalu.

The idea behind the Oasis mug is to use the profits for a big Chop Chop party, so we're all trying to make a top-notch piece.

Here's my fish update -

The fins are going to be so thin and fragile that I'm just digging them down, staining everything, and as the very last stage, Japanese backsawing them very carefully out. They'll just sit fixed to the bottom wood until all the details are done;

Babalu posted on Sat, Jun 9, 2007 6:15 AM

Hey Cam,

The fishy is looking far out man! Please bring him to the TTC…..You go right ahead and post your design anytime you want to brother. It’s a great design! Pool side ain’t all that…I’m starting to turn as pink as one of those drinks their a talking about on the Room Crawl thread…and in the sun, the clay tends to get soft and melt faster than the Hilton kid can get out of jail…Plus, I have to put up with all the rich folks and their sparkly bathing suits asking me what I’m a doing. My standard answer is I’m sculpting a Lexus…they all say the same thing…”Yeah, I can see that, looks good”, then they move their chairs to the other side of the pool. I’m staying somewhat indoors today, that is after I go out and find me some powder blue outfit and some white golf shoes to wear. You know, when in Rome…

Squid, don’t listen to Cam, you’re the man with the skills! It will probably take Babalu grips of time to get to the point of playing with the big boys and girls.

Hey, real-real good news!! Uncle Joe just called and the Turnblow sisters from the trailer park on the other side of town are planning on crashing the party….Hold on to your men ladies, these girls rock hard!

Cammo posted on Sat, Jun 9, 2007 7:00 AM

OK Babs since you say go - go it is.

Here's the linear and color versions of the mug. Babs is sculpting this BIG - and I've always believed that grip is the big thing in a Tiki mug, so we studied gripability and put this sucker in a Norcom wind tunnel not once but twice (mug empty/mug full of icy drink) before deciding on this style.

Yup, it's the only drunk Tiki mug. Just a few too many.

Watercolor glaze design -

On 2007-06-06 15:45, Babalu wrote:
Hey BB...whoever emailed you, I'm glad they did...we would love to have ya man! I will PM everyone that's coming with my address in a few weeks as we get a better count on attendees. I have been getting PM's from several new people that are coming this time around...very cool!

Chet...hope you can make it bro...we missed you at the last one.

Well, the word on the TT Chop is really starting to spread around the trailer park like wildfire now that Uncle Joe found out...It looks like Agnes is in...she's bringing Rice Crispy Treats and Tang. She has some kind of Rum - Tang thing that she's made up?

The invite came from "Pineapple Poet" via Yahoo. Should I bring Rum and Bandaids?



Sure, bring rum…I have bandaids to pass out. These Chop Chops are really fun…In the past people have shown up to carve, or draw, or play in clay…now we have some stone stuff happening , and mold making demos….anything goes…it’s really kind of turned into an open media creative boiling pot with carving at the helm. You can even just show up, hang out, and learn if you desire. Again, it’s all about having fun, learning, and posting up with some folks of the same ilk.

There are only two things that could happen that would push this event out to a different date…rain, and my daughter is expecting my first grandson (aka: the Bird) on July 18th…if that little man decides to come into the world early that weekend, Babalu would have to bail.

One last thing that could screw things up is if this fella Clemp decides to show up. He lives down at the edge of the park, and likes to shoot at everything. No worries though, we will keep Mieko and Tiki Kate on the ready to bounce this guy’s brains if he comes anywhere near.


Pops and I went to the VW classic today at Irvine Meadows. I didn't take many pictures, but I thought this one would be appreciated over here.


Cool picture HB!

Just back to the SD Cosa a while ago....Palm Springs was f--king hot!

The clay I was using out there by the pool was this real soft shit that I brought at Aaron Brothers...Yuck, but low and behold, when I arrived home, I found my new Roma clay sitting here a waiting on me...so, I squished all the crap I did out there in PS up and started this "do over" with the new clay pictured below....ohhh, I like this clay much better!! So, as you can see...he's centered and has one foot...that's what happens when you claim the right to "do overs"...you fall behind.

The only thing that I really took home from Palm Springs was this cool powder blue hat and the experience of walking through this dinosaur...I would move to Palm Springs if I could have this baby for a house...yes indeed.

Cammo posted on Mon, Jun 11, 2007 4:45 AM

Heard you had a racoon problem over at the Lemon Grove Lucky B Trailer Park, so here's what we did while ya were steppin' out with them hi-class big-ass peeps over at the Spring.

Them racoons were in the garbage cans all night every night makin' a hell of a ruckus.

I told Tommy Evans we had coons and told me to go to the Co-op and buy fly powdwer which I did. The Park Manager Chad Camp (Kathy Camp's son) said "they will fall dead into a ditch at 10 feet, mix it with coke"....

Git this stuff. It's magical.

Mix it with this. Cola is like diamonds and ice cream to coons.

Fit fer a king.

Ate a mite too much, I'd say. You could hang this guy on yer wall, he's so stiff.

And back to the garbage can he loved so well. Kind of ironic, don'cha think?

Welcome back, bro!


Cammo, you are out of control funny. :lol:


OH MY GOD!! Cammo, I think you've whacked "Kitty-Kitty"....Kitty-Kitty is Buck's (Uncle Joe's coon) girl friend. Man, you just might have started up a feud in the Park....I hope you can live up to the name Cammo....you better hide bro.

I might have to bounce over to the "House of Buzz" for a quick game of "You Sunk My Battleship" tonight, but I will jump right back on Oki when I get home later. I have to be done with sculpting on all mugs by June 21st as I have to travel from then through the 28th...off to make a rich man richer.

Well, Emily Jane (from down the way) said, that she wasn't going to come to any stupid Chop Chop, but she is planning on going to Kenny's one man art show at the Pinch Gallery in Costa Mesa on June 16th....Kenny has no clue what he's in for...Emily Jane has been cleaning up her trailer all day; I think she plans on bringing him home for a spell after the show...she just loves natural blond dudes wearing bowling shirts.

Damn........killed that coon deader than dead. All with fly-powder and soda-pop, eh?

On 2007-06-10 21:31, Babalu wrote:
The only thing that I really took home from Palm Springs was this cool powder blue hat and the experience of walking through this dinosaur...I would move to Palm Springs if I could have this baby for a house...yes indeed.

Been there. Done that. :D



Well, I took the kiddies to a movie last night, so I only got tiny bits done on Cammo's mug last night....Buzzy, I promise, I'll come over tonight to play a game of "You Sunk My Battleship", but I will have to jump back on this mug right after...Still have to build the Chop mug too.

Dave, Emily Jane was so totally impressed with your Photoshop skills this morning when she came over that she wanted for me to post this picture of her in her now clean bedroom and find out if you had a bowling shirt too? She might change her mind about coming to the TTC if you do.

Like I said before...the word on the Chop is really spreading around the trailer park like wild fire now. The McGraw family in in big time!

The mug is lookin' good.

Cammo posted on Tue, Jun 12, 2007 4:19 PM

Dude, pull the mold NOW! Eets perfect!

Looks like one of those Li'l Abner Shmoos -

And speaking of Li'l Abner...

[ Edited by: Cammo 2007-06-12 16:27 ]

If there are broads smokin' pipes I AM THERE!!! I'll bring a bottle of hooch.


Boy howdy, Babalu! Emily Jane shore is purdy! Do ya reckon she'd like to go to the county fair with me if'n I asks her real nice and polite? I'm really good at the ring toss game. I'll wear my best bowlin' shirt and I'll even put my tooth in.


Hey Dav,

Dude, from what I know about Emily Jane, all you really need is the bowling shirt and your in like flint...I think that if you growled every once in a while that might be a plus? The last fella that came through the trailer park wearing a bowing shirt spoke a little French...All I'm going to say is if you could combine a little French with a hint truck diver, she would more than likely follow you to any darn fair in the world. Emily Jane is quite the cookie, she's kind of a clean freak, but that's ok, I guess...She cleans this fire place everyday at the same time a wearing the same outfit. She also throws the sexist little gutter ball you've ever seen. I would take her bowling if I were you.

Cammo, Made a little more progress last night, but I think I'm going to have to make these feet a little smaller....I don't like the way they would release from the mold, or not release is more to the point. I found a picture of the original carving you did on Buzzy's thread this morning...the feet will be more like that....kind of. Dav, you agree?


On 2007-06-13 11:47, Babalu wrote:
She also throws the sexist little gutter ball you've ever seen. I would take her bowling if I were you.

Barney's Bowl-A-Rama, here we come!

.the feet will be more like that....kind of. Dav, you agree?

Yes, be aware of the feet flairing out like that. It will be easier to mold if the sides of the feet were straighter.


I think Cammo is gone for a few days? A little more progress...feet getting better.

Daddy Lesel (left) and Chet...No one can figure out how they can both live in that little trailer together...come to think about it, no one really wants to know.


Hey Rick, is that Roma you are sculpting with? It looks really light in color. What number did you get?


Hey Dav,

I'm using no. 2 - white (med. stuff)....I really like it much better than the other "Van Aken" - Aaron Bro's soft stuff I was using prior. I still have 12 lbs left...I also brought 4 lbs of the no. 4 - white (hard stuff), and plenty of PVC pipe for core.

I know your really screwed for time, but I think you should come over and grab some of this clay from me and make a mug, or something else neighbor! I will also have plenty of kiln space. I hate firing up this kiln when it's not full.

Think about it man....


Hey Rick, I've got two lanterns cast so far. That'll take up some space. I'm planning on making more.

I was looking at your mug again and I think you can keep the feet flaired out a bit. If we make the back side of the mold in two parts it will work. It can be a four part mold like the lantern mold I showed you. One piece for the front, two for the back, and one on the bottom. Don't forget the divit on the bottom!


The mug is looking great!!

I'm going to strip one of the logs I have tomorrow morning, so it will be ready for this chop. :)


Right on HB....Strip that log! It's getting closer.

Hey Eric, Very cool that your showing up....bring the dogs.

Dav, Let's test some funky glazes on those lanterns?

This Cat (Teddy) down the road in trailer 2B thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt...His wife (Edith) has been feeding him herbed up brownies for years now. She claims she grows her own. We've been looking for her plants...still haven't found um.


Little bit more today...

Cammo, You are most likely not back yet...I'm going to make some minor adjustments to your design. Get your mold making / glazing outfit together Brutha....almost ready to have some fun. Your design is very sweet indeed, but I'm aching to move on to something a little more Babaluie like.

Dave, I think that this Roma no. 2 is still a little soft for me...I'm moving to the no. 4 on the next one. I've changed those feet, so we should be able to do Cammo's mug here with two sides instead of three.

The whole park is celebrating at my trailer tonight...the boss is not making me go on that trip as the "Bird" is so close to coming into the world. Just when ya think think the guy has no heart, he come through, so light the torches and ice the brew...we're having a bottle cap snapping contest tonight.

PS. If you live in LA and your not at Kenny's opening tonight, you are really missing out...this kids got some major skills...just go! They will stay open for you.


The mug is looking good, Rick. It's a little hard to judge the undercuts from the photos, but it appears to be okay. Post some side, 3/4, and back shots of it sometime.

Auntie Clarissa wants to come if she can get a fan belt for Ol' Nellie .

Apparently Bird Flu has hit the Trailer Park.


Dave....I think I know Clarissa! Sure she can come! She's the lady that always keeps those little frosted animal crackers out in a bowl for everyone huh? Damn, I love frosted animal crackers.

I still have some undercuts to deal with yet on oki, but he's getting there...that no. 4 clay is much nicer than the no. 2...the no. 2 is kind of hard to carve into it's so soft. Now that I don't have to be gone, I might scrape a little off oki and use the no. 4 in places. Learning as I go on this oil clay stuff.

I started a up potential mug for the Chop mug today...I've always thought that a drink called a "Man of War" would be cool...maybe I'll make the mug and someone else can figure up a recipe for a Man of War cocktail....this is just a start...you'll have to use your imagination a little.

Hey Vampire Lady! Thanks for stopping in! I posted today's picture just for you....we don't have any vampires in the park, but there are zombies that show up every once in a while :)

Cammo posted on Mon, Jun 18, 2007 7:11 AM

Holy Cripes! Is that Man O' War mug going to have a removeable CAP??? That's pretty SWANK, bud. Will the bottom mug be dangling tentacles with a little face peering out? Hope so.

I'm not a mug guy but I want one.


Hey Cam, Good to have you back man...Yup, that's the plan on the "Man-O-War" mug. What do you other regulars think...is this direction for a Chop mug cool enough?

Despite my love for really cute things, I'm totally diggin' the man-of-war. Love the concept. Love the execution thus far. If you want to get all symbolic: Each participant of the Chop can be represented by a tentacle...

Cammo posted on Mon, Jun 18, 2007 1:19 PM

The tentacles are the love that flows at each chop. Or, in the case of Tikimecula's, the heat that descends from the sky?

Who cares, that's a really cool mug!

Hey, TMek, if you're coming, can you bring your shepherd dog? I got a great frisbee he can run after - it has a little switch on the bottom, it lights up and makes disturbing Outer Space sounds. It's his if he can catch it.

Hey Babs, can TMek bring his dog?


Cammo, Kate....Glad the concept works for you. Hope everyone else feels the same. Of course TMec can bring the poochie!

Dave, I know what your thinking....Still have to work the undercuts a little. This one could very well end up being a 3 sided mold. More to go.

Cammo, I think I will add some of that no. 4 clay to Oki before you come over to carve the line work in.

Well, great news! Johnny will be at the Chop!! Let's just say that Johnny is by far the swankest dude that posts up here in the Park. All the girls love Johnny....well, except for Emily Jane...Johnny doesn't own a bowling shirt. Johnny has been away for quite some time now....He packed up his pup tent and his uniform and has been camping outside the fence over at the Base by Mira Mar for quite some time now. The guards don't pay him much attention anymore....they all dig Johnny too.

Zaya posted on Tue, Jun 19, 2007 1:57 PM

Hi Babalu, I'm really looking forward to the chop! I'm counting down the days. I have my wood burner all ready to go. I'll bring all the pens that I have, and some extra wood in case anyone's interested in trying it out.

Hey, that Johnny guy does look pretty swanky! I bet Buzzy's going to give him a run for his money in being suave though. Buzzy really does have the moves! :wink: I was thinking that later I could have everyone over to my pad for a barbeque, but after my last gathering I need a little more time to do some "repairs"!

See you soon!


P.S. That picture is actually from when my dad's mobile home burned down!

[ Edited by: Zaya 2007-06-19 16:58 ]

Wow Bab!

Captured this critter in me Ma's backyard. I'm fattening him up to make some ol' Possum Pie!


On 2007-06-19 15:21, CheekyGirl wrote:
Captured this critter in me Ma's backyard. I'm fattening him up to make some ol' Possum Pie!

I'll bring some pool cues so's we can use 'em for meat stabbers and pot passers! We'll have to make sure to keep the matches away from Zaya.

Rick, it's actually to our advantage to make the mold three sided. It's much easier removing the casting, and there won't be any worries about making the separation line exactly down the middle.

Cammo posted on Tue, Jun 19, 2007 8:55 PM

Kin Ellie Mae and her critters go swimmin' in the Cement Pond?

Big News! Jethro just got this purdy new car down on Wilshire, Mr. Drysdale helped him sign the papers! (Hope Uncle Jed don't get mad.)

Smoke 'em iff'n ya got 'em!


Okay....Ginger, Mary Ann, Jeannie, Emma Peel, or Ellie Mae? I gotta go with Ellie Mae hands down! No, Betty Page can't be in the line up.

Dave, Knowing about the 3 side part thing makes me feel much better! Cool - Cool!

Zaya, I want to try to burn a few lines with that burner of yours!....really happy it's coming to the Chop. Will make sure that you have some prime table space to play on.

Cheeky... Lady, there ain't nothing meaner than a possum when your a shoven carrots down it's throat. I would shoot him from outside that cage if'n I were you. I've heard possum skins make great house slippers.

Well, it's a sad day in the Park.....last night, Eugene, from down the way in trailer C8, tried straining rubbing alcohol through a loaf of wonder bread a thinking that it would take out the impurities....killed himself deader than shit...He won't be making it to the Chop.


Zaya, you are so right about Buzzy having all the moves!

Special, special treat today folks!...If you haven't check out Buzzy's thread yet....

Master Buzz, one of the hardest working tiki carvers in all of California, and long time patron of the San Diego Chop Chop, has just launched Episode One of the "House of Buzz".

You are one SMOOTH dude Buzzy! Can't wait for Episode Two!

Please click on the video link below. The beginning video trailer is also linked below that.

Episode One:

The Trailer:

On 2007-06-19 08:01, Babalu wrote:

That looks more C'thulonic than Physaliaic, but I like it!

Cammo posted on Wed, Jun 20, 2007 3:41 PM

"Okay....Ginger, Mary Ann, Jeannie, Emma Peel, or Ellie Mae? I gotta go with Ellie Mae hands down!"

Emma Peel could sweep kick all of the above,


it's always Time For Tina.

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