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Sept. San Diego Chop Chop - 8th in O'side, thanks for coming out!

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Bowana posted on Sun, Sep 9, 2007 9:29 AM

Thanks Bill and Lennie and everybody else for another great Chop. My Tiki still looks the same to the untrained eye, but there was definitely a lot of work done on it.

Nice to meet cha, TikiJosh. Cammo, Babalu, Birdman, Cheeky, and Sam (glad you recovered your stuff. Stupid thieves!), sorry you couldn't make it. We missed you.

See ya next time.

Bowana Udda Jungle

Cammo posted on Sun, Sep 9, 2007 10:59 AM

Hey, by the way, Josh looks totally into it. That guy is hooked.

Yes, Bill.....Thank you for hosting another great chop.

Josh is hooked for sure, Cam. Hook, line, and sinker!

Cammo posted on Sun, Sep 9, 2007 1:25 PM

Hook-knifed. And I ain't joshin'.


Great time as usual.

I finished up my guy today.


Cool to see all the new work and creativity going on at the Chopchops...Look at you guys, custom pendants, custom Oki mugs and a whole new crew of choppers. Even a touch of danger going on not only from the wicked power tools but burglars and trigger happy cops too.

I had a great time at the chop! Thanks to Bill for hosting (and cooking), everyone for food, snacks, and all. Thanks to Billy for the use of the angle grinder. That's the way to do sanding!
I'll try to post some pics of the tiki mask I was working on soon.
And mucho thanks to Buzzy for the huge frikkin logs! My wife almost had a heart attack when I brought those home. It looks like I've got a jungle growing on my patio!
Can't wait for the next chop!
And damn! You guys is a riot! Billy cracks me up.

Ok, guys.......PIFA. We're a bunch of Haoles, chopping at a Pacific Islander Festival. We need to start discussing the whole thing. Meeting? Small get together?

Cammo posted on Tue, Sep 11, 2007 5:02 AM

Maybe we should hire some protection. We need a RBG (real big guy) standing right next to us.

And Billy, do you plan on maintaining a constant stream of wisecracks the whole time, like usual? Cause sometime you get riffing on a theme and words come out of your mouth from Mars Zone 5 that could be misconstrued as a teeny bit satirical...


Dumb Haoles! Just think Simpsons and you will be fine.

On 2007-09-11 05:02, Cammo wrote:
Maybe we should hire some protection. We need a RBG (real big guy) standing right next to us.

And Billy, do you plan on maintaining a constant stream of wisecracks the whole time, like usual? Cause sometime you get riffing on a theme and words come out of your mouth from Mars Zone 5 that could be misconstrued as a teeny bit satirical...

Oh, no. Like I said before, I plan on being on my best behaviour. I once made a joke to a Hawaiian coworker about throwing people into volcanoes and he was so offended that after not speaking to me for a couple of days, he said
"Billy, that was a long time ago and my people didn't know any better. Can't see how that's funny".
I don't know if all Islanders are that sensitive, but I'm not taking any chances. I have the utmost respect for those people and their culture and I plan on letting it show.

Looks like I missed all the fun again since I was working in Vegas.

I've been so energized since carving with you all at the park, I brought my hand knives and dremel kits in case I got bored and ended up carving most evenings while Rita gave the one arm bandits a good fleecing. Good thing too as I couldn't leave town without raiding both of Tiki Lee's shops. (I'll post my haul later). I completed a Litrodora pendant, tattooed a 5" Koa pendant and was able to make a good start on a tough little Ebony tangaroa.

Still interested in the PIFA event if I'm welcome. I'll have to double check my calender before I commit. My EZ-up is available no matter what.


Ok, guys.......PIFA. We're a bunch of Haoles

No worries...just make sure to throw a little mud on TikiKate and all should be well. :)

Cammo posted on Tue, Sep 11, 2007 2:08 PM

See what I mean about Billy????

And -what's wrong with throwing people into volcanoes? What earlier state of any civilization didn't have human sacrifices? Europe was rife with it, North America of course, Asia yes please this way to the beheading circle.

If you're going to sacrifice someone to the gods that be, smoking live volcanoes are about the swankiest, thunderingest, Epic Opera best way of doing it. Hey, folks would line up for hours to be tossed into a volcano these days.


Hey Kiddies...The door is wide open to have tons of fun at this Chop and stay "true" if that worries you...peekie at some cool, off the cuff, Hawaiian sculpture...I haven't seen anybody doing anything in this type of vein around here (if they have, I would really like to see it)...lot's of area to jump off and put on your personal touch on if it pleases you.

Akua Ka'ki image

Temple image

Aumakua image

And a personal favorite...
The poision god - Kalai-pahoa...mucho black magic in this one.

GREAT reference pics there, Babs!

Mudslinger formerly known as Billybobaloo

RWT32 Las Vegas32, F&AM

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 00:45 ]

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 11:07 ]

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 14:03 ]

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-09-12 11:48 ]

Hey, I should have my truck by PIFA, so I can haul some stuff, too.

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 02:06 ]

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 02:09 ]

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 11:11 ]

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 14:06 ]

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 14:05 ]

mieko posted on Wed, Sep 12, 2007 8:55 AM

Ooo, editing party.


[ Edited by: mieko 2007-09-12 16:37 ]


This message deleted by Tiki Lion on behalf of his once-met friend, The Most Revd Dr Desmond Tutu.


[ Edited by: Tiki Lion 2007-09-12 14:58 ]


Not exactly a chop-related post but sort of-- where'd people get their draw knives (if you have one)? I know Bill had one cause some folks at the last chop were using it. Anyone else have one? If so, where'd you get it?
What with all the logs I got from Buzzy, I gotta start skinning one.
I found a couple of draw knives online.
Here's one from Rockler
and more at Lee Valley.
There was one at cybercarving.com but only a 5" blade. Any comment as to why the one from Rockler is twice as expensive? Does Rockler just mark up that much?

Any suggestions?
Muchos Mahalos!

PS--sucks about your chisel Billy. I feel your pain. Hope all works out!

Yo TikiJosh:
I dug up this old post from my carving thread

On 2006-06-17 13:59, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Debarking mexican fan palms:The easiest way

Here is picture showing the bark parts. The area on the bottom was cleaned by a tree service several years ago. You can tell because the fresh cleaned ones are brownish/orange. The top area has newer leaf stocks sticking out of it. What I do first is remove these

To do this, I use a specially designed, professional grade rechargeable motorized vibrating razor tool. I bought this one used for $100 from my friend at the tree service. I've been using it for months now and I still have not had to recharge it.
[edit-the preceeding was a joke. It is a regular $6 box cutter. Clysdalle=Duh!]

If you would like one, I will give you his contact information.
Cut just above where the leaf is attached to the trunk while wearing your safety goggles

I need to cut my fingernails and It should lift off in one piece

do this all the way up the tree.

A professional tree service bids cleaning like this at eight feet an hour. They are also on ladders, 50 above ground. A five foot log takes me about 10 minutes

For the next step:
I use a Ryobi hand planer. It is more of a consumer grade version but it doesn't weigh as much as most other models. I think it was about $75 regular price at Home Depot. The only problem that I've had with it is it gets clogged frequently and if you don't unclog it the motor wheel will get super hot and actually melt the plastic belt. the replacement belt was only about $4 but I had to order it and it took 5 days and cost $8 to ship. After learning about melting belts, I only run it about an hour or two and wait about 3-4 until it cools to run it again.
Here are some pictures with comments:
Here's the tool(it comes in a big gray plastic carrying case)

I think this shows the model# hpl 51

I work from the bottom of the tree towards the top. In this picture, the log is upside down with the bottom of the tree on the top. I'll start from the top and run the planer downhill.When you try this, it will be obvious which direction to go. The right way will leave a smooth plane and the wrong way leaves a mess of rough fiber on the plane and clogs the machine almost immediately

I keep going in one stripe until the good wood appears

then I look for the peak or angle and start bringing this down from the apex

this is the peak after about 3 passes

Then I just move in the same direction to the next peak you can see in the picture until the whole log is done. This log is a throw away so I'm not going to finish it but you probably get the idea. After a day or so i remove the fibers and lines that the planer left with a 3x18" belt sander. If the log is fairly dry when you plane it you might not need to sand it down. If I store them outside for a couple weeks they sometimes get surface mildew if it rains. I find that this comes off easily with the sander.

If I remember correctly, the electric planer costs about the same as a draw knife, around $75-79. Get one of them instead. It will save you a ton of time and physical effort.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-09-12 10:16 ]


Josh - if you really want a draw knife, Rockler has regular tool parking lot swap events, call them to see when the next one is. That's where a lot of us got ours, mine cost 25.00. But Buzzy is right, go power if you're into it.

Don't borrow a draw knife from Billy.

Billy, cool down, we didn't wreck your chisel, that guy did, and he probably isn't reading this post, dude! Howabout making it a personal best goal to post 3 really nice things for every angry outburst posting from now on?

Buzzy - that's a fantastic shot from above of the peeled-off bark.

And here's something - who wants to carve COCONUT? I think I can pull some strings and maybe get some real aged coconut trunks to carve; they're smooth, heavy, dry and last forever. They seem to be the walnut of palm. This wouldn't be anytime soon, but maybe in a few months...

On 2007-09-12 09:33, TikiJosh wrote:
where'd people get their draw knives (if you have one)? Any suggestions?
Muchos Mahalos!

The Rockler swapmeet is coming the first Sunday of November. I picked up three drawknives for for $50 last year.

There's a really great AMVETS thrift store here in Chula Vista that has an ASSLOAD of old tools. I'm going to check it out tomorrow. Maybe I'll find some good stuff there!

Mudslinger formerly known as Billybobaloo

RWT32 Las Vegas32, F&AM

[ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2007-09-12 14:23 ]

Billy... let me speak from personal experience..

When you write a pissed post..... get all the venom out....

get all the angry... all the mad.... write it ALL down...

then... BEFORE you hit post.... DELETE the ENTIRE thing and WAIT to post until the next day.

Generally a different message will come out and you will retain your freinds.

Trust me on this...

Too bad some of us have to figure this stuff out the hard way. Hope nobody hates me!!


Billy, go over to Bilge and check out the crazy posts there. I think it's actually one of the best places on TC. Take it over there, and go crazy bro, your liabilities here are assets there, no kidding.

Hey, I can definately get Coconut Palm, but it would be around $40 for a 5 footer. And I can get 'Suare" or however you spell it, which is that mixed creamy-and-brown wood they do a lot of sculptural pieces out of. It costs more, like $70, but is anybody interested?...

VERY!!! Do we have to act now, or can we wait a few weeks? I'd LOVE a 5 footer of coconut palm. The other wood would have to wait until I got a little better, but it's good that it's available.


I'd totally be interested in coconut palm. I'm down for paying for a chunk of that. I tried bringing some back from a trip to hawaii a few years back, but they were just little logs, not good for anything. too bad.

I saw H20 doing the box cutter thing on Saturday, so I was already planning on giving that a try. Awesome idea. Beats trying to hack it all off with a hatchet.
I like the electric planer! I definitely have to try that. Might have to wait for a few weeks until I get a bit more cash. That and my birthday's coming up!
I might try and get a draw knife from the Rockler parking lot next time. Sounds like a good deal.

Thanks for all the info everybody!

On 2007-09-12 10:45, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:

The Rockler swapmeet is coming the first Sunday of November. I picked up three drawknives for for $50 last year.

Hmmm three for fifty huh, and you sold the dullest one to me for $35! Why you dirty so and so.... heh heh, Just wanted to get in on the CHOP CHOP FLAME WARS... yawn

...but seriously, Dr. Samuel Johnson is right about
Olson Johnson's being right. Rock Ridge, I mean Rockler is the place to go for used goodies.


Josh, I got mine off of craigslist. I put an ad up on the wanted forum, saying I wanted a drawknife. I paid $25 for a guy's grandpa's knife.

Ask Clysdalle where he got his, it's new, not antique like mine.

Hmmm three for fifty huh, and you sold the dullest one to me for $35! Why you dirty so and so.... heh heh, Just wanted to get in on the CHOP CHOP FLAME WARS... yawn

Hey! I need the money to buy logs to ruin.

Well, once again, I have to say how JEALOUS I am of all of you! There's nothing worse than knowing a group of great people, and then hardly ever getting to hang out with them. I sit here in Vegas watching one great event after another go by, and feel so cut off and isolated. One of two carving buddies moved away a few months ago, and the other just does pendants and small stuff. I'm just wasting away.....

Anyway, I also wanted to let you all know that a linoleum knife works great on cutting palm fronds/leaves off of the trunk. It's a big scary-lookin' hook that cuts like butter and very little hand strength is needed. Your arm does most of the work, and I can fly thru a two-foot section in under two minutes. The blades are replaceable in some models, and all the blades sharpen nicely with Benzart's sharpening techniques that he taught us.



Lee Marvin -

It shows how fun and addicting Tiki carving is when a guy who lives in Las Vegas wants to come to a San Diego public park for his vacations!

Marvy, we miss you too. Try telecommuting, it works. Just carve the same day we do and post pics as you go on the thread, like real time. It's fun, easy and safe to do in your own home.


Hey Lee! It's too bad you can't make it out here more - maybe we'll have to do a chop in Las Vegas some weekend! There's a couple of you guys out there. :)
Thanks for the tip on the knife - I'll probably have some logs soon and that sounds like a good idea.

Cammo posted on Fri, Sep 14, 2007 5:42 AM

Speaking of logs, I've got a line on some regular palm logs that were cut down some time ago. I think they're fan, and pretty close to Wheeler's place. Will check them out ASAP for quality. These might be either real long or real thick, which would be nice.

Cammo posted on Fri, Sep 14, 2007 8:08 AM

Hey, I hate making consecutive double posts, but what is the exact method of making a Witco real original homemade modern era piece?

What kind of wood were Witcos made from? It ain't oak.

Is there a thread on this? Can't find one.

Do you;

Carve something chunky.
Flame it deep.
Wire brush it down to the original wood.
Sand with 60 grit.
Flame it again, lightly.
Sand with 200.
Stain with pale amber.
Clear wax.


This would make a GREAT Chop demo, we could all pitch in. Those square ones of Wheeler's have been looking Witco-ish, but with more hand carved detail....

On 2007-09-14 05:42, Cammo wrote:
These might be either real long or real thick, which would be nice.

I wish I had at least one tiki that was long and think.

The Witco work is cedar. Way too light duty for building homes. Rots quickly and termites make quick work of it. It is like building a house with breadsticks.

Signature? I ain't signin nothin!

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2007-09-14 08:47 ]

mieko posted on Fri, Sep 14, 2007 9:32 AM

Redwood seems to have a similar enough grain that it will come out looking witco-ish with that same work. I'd love to work on this sometime, maybe the October chop??
Lee - what did you use on that fish for the swap?


I think some of the Witco stuff is cedar, and that would probably work great, but things I've seen on Sven's book thread, and around TC in general have a bright golden-amber natural wood showing through. Cedar would look deeper red-brown. It seems like it's almost a pine (!) or really light colored wood that's been burned/sanded/stained etc...

(Look at Sven's 'throne' and the light colors coming through.)

Does anybody know?

Cammo posted on Sat, Sep 15, 2007 9:28 AM

Here's what I'll be working on at the PIFA Chop;

Ideas, in order....

... Now I just have to Chop the thing!


Super duper cool Cammer!! Now stop drawing and start glazing! Fire tonight! 5:00 pm


On it Babs. We'll be there.

EEEEk! What's Oki doing?! He's gonna get SMASHED!

Hey, that's a great name for a mug - "Get Smashed"!

("Get Smashed" copyright Cam MacMillan September 2007!)

Thought I'd go Cammo style and telecybercommute the chop activities today:

Went to Mtn Mikes and got a pepperoni pie

took the pie outside to watch the Thunderboat races

Boy do these boats go fast

I'm also hooking out the fork

Next up, Babalu and Bowana...

Buzzy Out!


If San Diego Choppers were in the original Star Trek, who would they be?

Buzzy - Captain Kirk
Kate - Spock
Mieko - Uhura
Cammo - Scotty
4wd - A Romulan Centurian
Clysdalle - Bones!
Bowana - Sulu
Babalu - that hippie king guy who plays guitar with Spock
Cheeky - Chekov (smiles a lot, cool haircut)
Aaron - Captain Pike
Tikimekula - A Klingon (he makes Klingon weapons)
Billy Bee - that captain who takes his ship into the ice cream cone that eats planets
New guys - Weekly Guest Stars

or what?...


I don't know this word "hippie"....what's a hippie?

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