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Sams Seafood

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Sam's was very interesting last night!

About 25 people showed to the "informal" meeting held by the owner of the land Sam's sits on. Most of whom were local property owners that are concerned with the removal of their ocean views and increase in traffic, trash, noise and safety.

The owner brought with him his business partner and architect to display and talk about a new structure including 5 retail shops with 16 condos sitting on top of them. All with underground parking for the condos and surface parking for the shops. There would also be another detached structure that would house a small restaurant or food court. The design looked updated and I think would definitely not fit in with the "small town" feeling that Surfside currently enjoys.

Once the architect starting describing the layout of the new building he was bombarded with questions concerning the obstruction of the view from surrounding home owners. Then the issues of safety came up (and the fact that there have been five recent deaths on PCH around the bend in front of Sam's.) Then came up the issues of additional traffic and parking issues.

I think the coup de gras came when I asked if they had contingency plans if the Sam's building became a designated landmark. The partner looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language! His "deer in the headlights" look showed everyone that he and they had not considered this a potential obstacle! He fluffed off my question with something to the effect of "...well, right now it isn't..."

When the nature of the questions from the crowd focused in on the anticipated selling price of the condos and lease occupancy I thought it appropriate to ask "Even thought it is public information available to all at the county records, what did you pay for the Sam's property?"
Again, I took the partner by surprise and he deflected to the owner who refused to answer! Right in front of everyone! It really made them look like they had something to either hide or be embarrassed about!

They did mention the fact that this was an "exploratory meeting" and they still had to submit plans to both the City of Huntington Beach and the CA Coastal Commission. It is still a long while off before anything would be decided (IE. permits, plan approvals, etc.)

My analysis: The owner and his partner(s) are in for a battle. They came to the meeting to win over the "locals" and they left them with a bitter taste in their mouths, a bit scared, and a lot more questions! (I even heard a couple of owners mentioning law suits!) I also feel that if the owners hooked up with some historical society members and some tiki freaks, they could (and should) pursue the idea of turning the Sam's building into an historical landmark.

The current managing partner of Sam's seems wiling to do what it take to make the restaurant become successful again. There is a name change in the plan to "Kona's". He (Chuck) is very approachable and I'll keep optimistic about the immediate future of the last remaining tiki temple in the O.C.

I think that there is definitely a possibility that the Sam's building may be saved from the wrecking ball.....As long as there is no "mysterious fire" that destroys it first!

***I took notes on cocktail napkins, along with a couple Mai-Tai's....So I hope this doesn't come out to fuzzy!

Nice work SoccertIki!

No Pictures of Wildsville Man with the Property Owner and the Architect??


A little more info. It is really hard to tie The CCC down for anything solid. The review boards can meet anywhere in the state, usually along the coast and anywhere from Eureka to Imperial Beach. The CCC will take no e-mail on these issues, only written concerns and to this address. OC and anyone can voice their concerns here:

Deputy Director (for Orange Co.)
Teresa Henry, District Manager

200 Oceangate, 10th Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802-4416
(562) 590-5071
FAX (562) 590-5084

The Wild Man was there to support a cool place and bring them some green....not to do publicity!!!!
It's cool that we treat this place like a historic sight,but we need the locals to start going there to support it with cash not words.

P.S. I went to the light gallery in Costa Mesa to do a walk through of the upcoming Art show this weekend
and I was very impressed with what this place had to offer. Cool place with some very cool art!

A big thanks to Soccer and Wild!


Great job soccer.Had I had a little more notice about the meeting, I
would have been there right next to soccer tiki(Chris) at that meeting
asking additional questions.The bottom line is this is another typical
example of corporate greed.Its all about how much money they can make on
re-developement of prime coastal land.The new owner of the land that soccer
is talking about that was making this proposal, to the best of my knowledge
is the owner of Cannery Reality in Newport Beach.As if this clown doesn't
have enough money already.This guy has so much money he can afford to have
this tied up in red tape for years, because sooner or later he will get
what he wants, even if it involves greasing the wheel a bit.Think about
the millions he paid for the property, and then how many more millions
he will make if this all goes thru as planned.I was there when Trader Vics
in Beverly Hills closed, and saw what a travesty that was to go without a
proper closing.I am trully sad about the coarse of events that have taken place,
however I will continue to support Sams until I am the last one in the place
and the wrecking ball comes down, and they have to pry the Navy Grog from my
hand to get me out!!

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2008-03-13 14:38 ]


So, what's the first step in getting it declared a landmark?

Well done Soccertiki. Huzzah!

I sent Soccer Tiki's report of the meeting to several friends involved in mid-century preservation, here are some of their responses:

"I'm not sure if Huntington Beach has a local preservation ordinance under which
Sam's could be evaluated...but, assuming not, there's always the California
Register. Someone, though, would have to research and write the nomination."

"Apparently Huntington Beach DOES have a Historic Resources board and has
designated a few buildings.. Almost all of it the pre WWII stuff you expect.
Pete, can you go over this and figure out how one nominates a building
there? Can a citizen do it?"


"Frankly, I don't think the Coastal Commission is going to help our cause.
Recently they've become very pro-over-development. I wonder who bought 'em."

Unfortunately, the L.A. Modcom does not get involved that far down South. Someone local should pick it up with the Historic Resources board. Obviously, a building like Sam's is not on their radar, but it is definitely a part of the city's history.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2008-03-14 09:07 ]

Well, I think a good start would be to start accumulating old photos of SAM'S from as far back as possible and research any important newspaper articles from the past. There must have been some important weddings or meetings that have taken place @ SAM'S. Try to create a living history and tie it to the importance of the coastal community.
I'm sure there are at least a couple TCers who have info going way back and maybe even post cards, match books, tiki mugs and photos.
So...Anyone with any old photos that can be scanned and emailed? AND anyone with access to the newspaper vaults (O.C. Register and LA Times)?
What about the structure itself? Isn't it a remarkable enough design to attract some preservationist's attention?
Just some thoughts........


On 2008-03-14 09:06, bigbrotiki wrote:

"Frankly, I don't think the Coastal Commission is going to help our cause.
Recently they've become very pro-over-development. I wonder who bought 'em."

The CCC saved them the last time they wanted to develop the site. It has worked in Seal Beach to stop the Hellman Ranch project.

[ Edited by: tikihai 2008-03-14 10:26 ]

[ Edited by: tikihai 2008-03-14 10:27 ]

How about submitting a video of the joint to HGTV? Walk through the complex, document every room, include interviews with tiki people who know about Sams, show vintage pictures, narration, etc...It would have to be professionally done, of course. Actually, you could sell a DVD documentary about Sam's to a lot of people. Because its probably a fact that the people interested in putting up a walmart there don't read this forum, and don't "get" it. The idea is to get the idea of Sam's out to a greater audience. Perhaps someone out there who loves Tiki archecture with some extra change in their pocket might decide to help.

I'm on it. (Magick Films...documenting tiki for you and me.)

On 2008-03-14 10:20, tikihai wrote:
The CCC saved them the last time they wanted to develop the site. It has worked in Seal Beach to stop the Hellman Ranch project.

That's good to know. The previous quote came from an OC native who seems to have had other experiences. Maybe the CCC has a "win some/loose some" approach nowadays. Often for these group, it is a balancing act to not appear universally anti-development and yet preserve classic architecture.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2008-03-14 11:33 ]

I think documentary is a great idea....then edit some smaller spots for use on local news.

Also, put together a Save Sam's event and be sure to get in the film as well...use it as one of the main centerpieces....the even could feature historical pieces from Sam's like Menu's, postcards, mugs etc....

Interview artists like Tiki Diablo and Bamboo Ben, who's contributions are a part of the new Sam's....get SHAG, BOSKO, SVEN etc....This is a film that really needs to be made.

Film is a very powerful medium for this kind of thing, if edited correctly, you can really make the bad guys look REALLY bad, AND illustrate the beauty of the building and it's value to the community...both local and the Tiki people.

On 2008-03-14 10:50, lucas vigor wrote:
How about submitting a video of the joint to HGTV? Walk through the complex, document every room, include interviews with tiki people who know about Sams, show vintage pictures, narration, etc...It would have to be professionally done, of course. Actually, you could sell a DVD documentary about Sam's to a lot of people. Because its probably a fact that the people interested in putting up a walmart there don't read this forum, and don't "get" it. The idea is to get the idea of Sam's out to a greater audience. Perhaps someone out there who loves Tiki archecture with some extra change in their pocket might decide to help.

Let's get Huell Howser in there!!!!!!


I'm planning on being down at Sam's today around 5pm to start shooting some footage of it. If anyone would like to come down and talk a little about Sam's for the camera, I should be easy to find.


As a local historian here in Huntington Beach, I'm compiling a history of Sam's. If anyone has anything to contribute (photos, information, etc,) please send it my way. My email is (cjepsen at socal.rr.com). Once I have enough to write something meaningful, I'll share it with everyone. Hopefully it'll be helpful in preparing a nomination for historical status of some kind.


These two just got married today. They are going to sam's tonight on their first night out as husband and wife. I hope they have a good time.

This is Sid and Amy, my neice and her new hubby.

The Eliminators & Davie Allen and The Arrows are looking for a place to shindig together in the near future.. Sams?

Any updates? Recent visits?

I went there with the family last week on a Tues evening.
lots of specials before 7 pm,

and the food is great, but a tad pricey if not on a special.

I drove past on a fri. and sat. nite, and the place was packed.


On 2008-05-01 18:51, bigtikidude wrote:
I went there with the family last week on a Tues evening.
lots of specials before 7 pm,

and the food is great, but a tad pricey if not on a special.

I drove past on a fri. and sat. nite, and the place was packed.


Thanks for the update Jeff.

Anyword on what kind of music they're playing these days? In the bar area...

The music on the cd player was brother IZ,

then some horrible guy and lady with guitars and drum machine or backing tracks came on at 7 pm,

so be sure to be there, 4 to 7 pm, then leave quick.
unless the band playing is going to be good. but ask them what they do.


Last time I drove by there, it was a Stones cover band, I think. That's kinda cool.... At least its not some Jimmy Buffet cover band or some hip hop DJ . I really hope these new owners keep it going.....and keep giving regular folk that aren't necessarily into tiki a reason to go in there. Eventually, we gotta realize that a Martin Denny band or a Hawaiian band just wont pack the place.....
I've always thought that Sam's would be a rad place for an all day tiki fest with vendors and surf/ rockabilly/ exotica bands. If there are bringing live music back, maybe now is the time....

I just drove by and saw the Kona's sign on the door. (The big sign outside still says Sam's and the giant fish is still it) SoccerTiki and I are planning on doing some investigating tonight.


On 2008-05-02 17:06, Luckydesigns wrote:
Eventually, we gotta realize that a Martin Denny band or a Hawaiian band just wont pack the place.....

Don't be so sure of that. If the food and drinks are good, and not stupid, Beverly Hills expensive, the band shouldn't make a difference...a goofy classic rock cover band wouldn't insure any more patrons than a great Hawaiian or Tiki band.

As a matter of fact, who the heck wants to eat dinner to loud music anyway ? Nothing worse than trying to eat a nice meal, and getting blasted out by some wanker trying to play Van Halen....Pass the TUMS, please.

Being at Busters last Sunday and eating great food while listening to the Smokin Menehunes was a much better musical solution for dinner.

Just my $.02

On 2008-05-02 19:11, WooHooWahine wrote:
I just drove by and saw the Kona's sign on the door. (The big sign outside still says Sam's and the giant fish is still lit) SoccerTiki and I are planning on doing some investigating tonight.

Here's our findings:

Yes, the name has changed to Kona's
(Only the sign on the door says Kona's as of now but the menus and the business cards say Kona's too)

Tikiness: Two thumbs up as always

Food: Two thumbs up!! Lots of specials all week long

Service: SUCKED!! They just don't get it. I wish they would rehire all the Old School Waitresses that use to work there. SoccerTiki and I sat at a booth in the bar and waited 15 minutes until we decided we should flag someone down to take our order. There were a total of 5 staff in the bar plus the manager (four behind the bar standing there talking to each other. One waitresses who kept vanishing and the manager who had his head in the clouds)

Music: I'll let you decide....When we arrived they were playing Bob Marley then a the band set up in the bar and played Classic Rock/Folk Music. We left as they were playing Bobby McGee.

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2008-05-03 09:22 ]

Oh, I though they were having the bands in the banquet room.... No, I think more of a loungy act is perfect for dinner. The problem is that most of the cool has left newport, costa mesa, huntington a couple of years ago. Most people don't go out to search out cool original music in this area any more. Hence the closing of just about all of the live music venues in the area....'The Tiki Bar', 'Club Mesa', and 'The Galaxy'.
I think it's hard to get people into a bar to listen to slow, different, rad music these days. ....and I'm talking to really pack the place, you might need somthing more accessible....like a cover band. Something that people know. Something that they can latch onto.
....I think it sucks too....but if that's what it takes to keep a place like Sam's open... I'm trying to be realistic.
I def don't want to go there and hear Boby McGee though...or loud rock while I'm eating dinner...

I had heard that they were not going to have loud rock bands in the back tiki room, because of volume issues and the condos behind them complaining all the time.

I have seen a couple bands there in the past as well as a few partys.

that really blows if true.


My parents went there on Sun. and said that the new owner is open to having partys and bands in the back room again.



We went on Sunday night as well...there was an acoustic guitar duo playing cover songs. I was laughing because they reminded me of Tenacious D. I had the Kona Burger (excellent), and the girl and I shared a Navy Grog for two (not so excellent, nothing Navy Grog about it.) The service was great, both owners were working and continuously stopped by the table to check on us. (We sat at one of the booths in the bar.) Also, we picked up a brochure on renting the place for an event i.e. a wedding reception, and the prices were pretty reasonable, something like $500 for 4 hours. We're thinking of having ours there, anyone know any local neo-exotica bands that want to play Kona sometime in the next year or so? :wink:


Tikiyaki orchestra

Martini kings

On 2008-05-28 15:50, lucas vigor wrote:
Tikiyaki orchestra

Martini kings

Yeah those were the two I had in mind, I was half hoping they would volunteer their services - for a fee of course :D

[ Edited by: Jason Wickedly 2008-05-28 16:21 ]


(Holding up hand) Consider the T.O volunteered. :)

On 2008-05-28 17:00, tikiyaki wrote:
(Holding up hand) Consider the T.O volunteered. :)

We'll take you up on that! Target date is probably Spring or Summer 2009, we're going to plan a big ol' Tiki party wedding and reception. Our parents will be SO thrilled. :wink:



Well, we'll just have to convert them to Tikiphiles. :)

Setting it straight...
As the new (since January) owner of Sam's Seafood we have reluctantly decided to change the name. The restaurant has a long history but poor reputation, the locals have deserted it and it has become a place that people still remember getting poor quality all you can eat crab for $10.95. My wife and I are the majority owners, we do not have the marketing budget to try to restore the name. Kind of like pushing a boulder up hill with no end in sight. So we renamed it KONA, the outside sign has now been changed and the fish sign should say KONA by the end of the month. My apologies to WooHooWahine who was in I think May 3rd and received crappy service. Both of the managers have been relieved of duty the second week of May and we now have 3 new managers who actually care and want to see the restaurant succeed. I do acknowledge that service needs to improve and we are working very hard on it. It is not our intention to dilute or whitewash the Tiki theme, we want to promote it, grow it, and help it reach new heights in the O.C. and points beyond. As many of you know, we have the Tikiyaki Orchestra scheduled for July 11 and have also brought back the Smokin' Menehunes. Unfortunately on Friday's and Saturday's we don't have the audience to support the cool Tiki inspired music. My good friend Soccer Tiki has been a fantastic supporter and we are LISTENING! A new, true to it's roots, Mai Tai will be forthcoming in addition to our "house" Mai Tai and we will once again be selling the last of Sam's Seafood Tiki mugs. We will be paying great respect to Sam and his business, so we want to reach out to everyone who has some old pictures from Sam's that they would like us to put up in the restaurant as an "Aloha to Sam's" wall. Thank you all for your continued support, concerns and ideas. My wife and I look forward to meeting all the Tiki Central folks soon!
Chuck & Susan - KONA Restaurant Proprietors

Sounds good to me.

thanks alot,
I have some Ideas, I'd like to discuss with you if I may.
can you e-mail me?

[email protected]


Always good news when the owner says he wants to amp up the tiki in his tiki restaurant. :)

Glad to hear about the Mai Tai. After being at Hukilau this weekend, and spending 3 days at the Mai Kai, I see how important the drinks are.

I have to say, Kona has the food part dialed in...that's a good thing.

My recommendation is to start with some of the Beachbum Berry Books, and pull some drink recipes from there. I'm sure most Tiki Geeks would agree.

Either way, Chuck I'm glad you're making sure that we all know that the "bad mana" has left the building.

Damn, if I only lived closer to HB, I would be there for Happy Hour all the time.

GROG posted on Wed, Jun 18, 2008 3:45 PM

On 2008-06-18 12:55, bigtikidude wrote:
thanks alot,
I have some Ideas, I'd like to discuss with you if I may.
can you e-mail me?

[email protected]

Are they music-related suggestions?

GROG posted on Wed, Jun 18, 2008 3:45 PM

On 2008-06-18 12:55, bigtikidude wrote:
thanks alot,
I have some Ideas, I'd like to discuss with you if I may.
can you e-mail me?

[email protected]

Are they music-related suggestions?


We played there saturday night for the O.C. Weekly party, and the place was packed with wall-to-wall bodies. It was an awesome party! The waitresses and servers were all very professional, despite how busy they were. The appetizers were excellent. Sunday night we also played, but there was hardly anyone there. I guess most of the tiki centralites in OC were in Florida for the hulikau, and it was Father's day. I am guessing lunch was probably pretty packed. The only complaint I could ever make is that one of the bartenders was kind of rude to us ( a shaved head guy), but other then that the staff was awesome! One of the waitress came up and danced a hula for us, and she was very, very good! The owner (a tall fellow) was a very nice and professional gentleman, and we enjoyed playing there immensely. The decor is still Tiki to the max, so I think the new owners "Get it"! They even had exotica playing over the PA system! Can't beat that!


Is Kona's open during the week for lunch ? I would love to come up from San Diego to help support it.

On 2008-06-18 19:22, tiki leki wrote:
Is Kona's open during the week for lunch ? I would love to come up from San Diego to help support it.

Here's Kona's website http://www.samshb.com/

Let us know if you ever come up Soccertiki and I will meet you at Kona's for a Mai Tai :)

[ Edited by: woohoowahine 2008-06-19 05:56 ]

I am glad to hear about the positive changes,however I disagree with the signage change.
I don't care what anyone says or thinks,I have a 24 year long history at Sam's and I
think for landmark and nostalgia reasons the neon swordfish should stay on the roof
where it has been for 51 years now.There now I put my two cents worth in, for what
little it may be worth!

[ Edited by: 1961surf 2008-06-18 22:30 ]

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