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BenZart...MaoriChief, Glass pendant Update Today

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GMAN posted on Mon, Mar 24, 2008 5:10 PM

Neato, Benz! That stand is really nice. Some lucky swapper is gonna be real happy with this fellow. I wonder if all your Moai will be reunited one day....hundreds of years from now and placed in a museum? Hell, they belong in a museum now.


Tama said: "Thats one mean lookin' Maori Moai. The zircote really lends itself to the piece. I also like the way the patterning seems to fall over the features of the face, almost as if it is surface patterning. I was a little worried that adding the moko might detract from this, but once again you quietly prove why you are King..

Well Thanks Tamapoutini,not sounding like a meanie! This Ziricote Wood is really spectacular and BEEOUTUFULL and that wild grain seems to Scare peeps away from carving over it for some reason. the thought it that it would take away from the beauty of those Magnificent natural beauty lines mother nature had bestowed upon that tree.Well I'm here to say that if you add something beautiful to something already beautiful that you end up with something double Beautiful and this is living proof. This is the first moko done with the micromotor and not the hook blade. The wood is VERY Unkind to the steel in the hook knife which was useless against the hardiness of this wood.
Now I DO Know that you have his brother down there with you and he would Dearly love to meet his younger sibling so get cracking and enter this swap and pay off the power that be so your two brothers may be reunited as one. I'm SURE they Both have Many nights full of tales to tell, Can't wait!!

Thanks Robin, Glad you like it as it was a different approach for this one and I was worried that it would not be usable. The wood has a heave, pleasant, Sweet smell to it, I will send you some chips.

Hewey, Thanks for the props and YES it feels GREAT!!! to be working on wood AGAIN. I'M so HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY to Smell the dust again, Yeah!

Freddie, Thanks~

GMAN??Thanks for the props. Yeah I can see it now "Benzarts Moai Reunite, Show your Stuff, Check each other out and all that stuff. I don't think they're gonna like the part about being stuck in some stinky ole' Museum,adnauseum, Yuchhhck!

Thanks for all the kind words to day folks, I didn't work today and instead did follow-up visits with doctors who say I'm getting better, tho I didn't hear from the mental mad man yet! :lol: :lol:
Work tomorrow

WHO wants to come to and have a Tiki Carve soon either at my house or somewhere else betweenport St Lucie and Tampa/St Pete. I think we can work something out.

That zircote is beautiful stuff, but what scares me about it is how hard it is. I've always wanted to carve in Yeehaw Junction!!


I'd love to see that.
My artistic abilities are limited to... well.... nothing.

But I can mix some drinks and play some songs.

YeeHaw Junction would be a blast.


On 2008-03-24 18:06, Benzart wrote:
WHO wants to come to and have a Tiki Carve soon either at my house or somewhere else betweenport St Lucie and Tampa/St Pete. I think we can work something out.

Me, Me, Me!!! Sunday, May 4th, I am SO there! But you already knew that! However, I don't believe I've ever carved anything, ever! But I can mix a beverage, and I'll come bearing mugs! :D


Well, Ben, this makes three of us. No carving experience. No carving skills (well, me anyway). But willing and wanting to come and share in the experience. Sounds like fun. (My son still needs to thank you in person for the mug!) Tell us the when and where.

[ Edited by: gatorrob 2008-03-25 18:14 ]

absolutely beautiful Ben!
a tiki carve sounds awesome! count me in. cool...

Robin posted on Tue, Mar 25, 2008 8:35 PM

I'm so looking forward to this thing wherever it is. Thanks for doing this Ben. Really love the stand option of your Maori.

harro posted on Wed, Mar 26, 2008 6:01 AM

Hi Benz, I'm so glad you are back at the bench and this moai is a brilliant piece to return with. As you know I'm very partial to your moais and this one with the amazing colours and neato stand is one of your best - I envy the lucky TCer who gets this in the swap!

PS I'd love to come round for a chop someday, maybe sometime next year?!?

GMAN posted on Thu, Mar 27, 2008 4:14 AM

We need to see some Big BenZart pics. I know you have a few kicking around the garage.....

Yea, like GMan said! Are you working on some big stuff too?


Thanks Aloha, The Ziricote cuts Terribly with the knife but cuts well with the flex-shaft burs,although they load up easily if you go too fast. It almost works like hard plastic and polishes up the same. The deep purple gets embedded into the white grain too easily though. YeeHaw sounds great, who is there?

Thanks Pablus, your Legendary bar-skills would be welcome at Any tiki chop shop, C'mon down/over! I'm
sure we could have you carving wood pretty quick too? Oh and the Uke's are a MUST!

Jen, That would be great, wouldn't it. Peeps, Jen has scheduled a visit to the Benzart shop om Sunday May 4th, so a Chop shop on that day would be great too. Either way, I get Jen on the 4th :) :) :)

Gator, we will Definitely have a spot for you and whoever you brin along when it happens, Thanks.

G-Pat, Thanks, Looks like there are more Tiki Peeps in Tampa/St.Pete that anywhere els in Fla except Maybe Ft Lauderdale. We really have to think about whats best for everyone, I guess that makes it My Place? :lol:

Thanks Robin, I really felt he needed a place to rest his Big Head!. We have been wanting to do this for a long time too.

Thanks Harro, I appreciate the comps. This guy kind of took off on his own as I wasn't going to get anywhere near as detailed with his Moko as he wanted, so it seems. I've never done a moko with a cylinder burr on the flex shaft before and it was very challenging, but this wood refuses to budge under the hook blade so I had no other choice as the V-liner is just not the right tool and burning is not right either for this wood. He just took over and with the help of some interested Ancients, Twisted my arms until I complied!
You are Welcome here Anytime you can make it here, C'mon UP!

GMAN, Yeah, Yeah, I Know, but my computer is not liking the web these days. I recently installed the Wicked,Evil Windows Vista and in trying to gain control it has booted me off-line and I have to figure out what I did. Meanwhile I am using Sherry's Lap Top. You're right too, I Have been kicking around the garage, working on the little Maori but I'll wait to show you pictures until he looks more like he should!
I'll post piccies after my doc appt later today.


Go Ben Go! You Florida cats should sooo organize a Chop! They are sooo much fun! We have been learning just a ton from each other at these Chops we do in San Diego, and are having a blast with it.

Make sure you all have some pop up tents or something for shade...and plenty of water :)


Thanks Babalu, Yes, I seem to Remember your First Chop, it was Really Great! We have had a few down in Ft Lauderdale but none for awhile and we Need tyo do some on a regular basis. It'll happen, things are looking Much better and I'm feeling good for a change.
My computer is feeling a bit better enough that I can get online so here are the updates on the mini Maori who is supposed to be for Fast-FreddieBallz.

WoW! Thats lookin' spectacular, Ben. Good to hear your feelin' better. Man did I get revved up after readin' that last line...My palms got a lil' sweaty. :lol:


Looking Great Benz.

I'm jealous of that Fast-FreddieBallz guy.


Freddie. Don't hat all hot and botherede yet with sweaty palms and stuff. If you hold this guy he may just Slip right away.:lol:

Thanks Seeks, I said it was SUPPPOSED to go to him I didn't say it IS!! Ha

Heres an update from today

Cool little fella for Freddie, how tall is that guy?
And do you remember that tiny Maori head you sent me a while back? It's
hanging from the rear view mirror of my new truck and I am daily amazed by
it. As Jack Black sez in Nacho Libre.....You are the bayst!


Really good, Ben.
This wood seems to be a kind of maple, isn't it ?




Thanks Conga and yes I remember your Maori but not which number he was/is. Glad he is still "Hanging around".
This little guy stands a full 7 Inches tall!

Thanks ben, the wood is actually KOA and Harder than Maple. Cheers.

Now for the Florida Chop Shop, since Jen Tiki will be at my house on May 4th how about we do a Chop Here on Sat the 3rd and hold-overs on the 4th. timidtiki is coming to Fla sometime soon so Maybe it could be then? There are several Fort Lauderdale carvers I would love to have as well as the Tampa/St Pete folks and maybe some in and around Melbourne. Mooney is 10 miles away so he should make it. Actually ANYONE who can make it will be welcome. I have a decent amount of logs and wood available for free too.
I don't drink and Sherry does a little, so we have no bar supplies and will need a list of stuff to get. I'd like some feedback and a little help so speak up if you can make it.


[ Edited by: Benzart 2008-03-28 05:02 ]

harro posted on Fri, Mar 28, 2008 5:19 AM

OOOHHH YEAH :) :D love the face and expression already on this little Maori!! The positioning of the eyes, pursed lips and nose is just perfect already.

You make it look so easy Benz!

Lucky man FB.

I want to reserve my spot at the Chop. I should have some neat stuff to show/work on by then.


Thanks Harro, it IS EASY! make it too, come on Over and I'll show you.
Aloha, GREAT to See you can make it too, Where's will?


So great to have you and your work back on a regular basis. You're on a Benzart roll now. Love looking at the progress shots you always give us.

Reserving my spot too. Really looking forward to it.

You don't have to ask me twice !!
My smilin face will be right there.


All right!
Obsessed tiki carvers. My kinda crowd.

Mind if I call Coombs and see if he can swing over?


Thanks Robin, and you have No idea how great it feels to feel good :)

Thanks will, You have a spot!

Pablus, Definitely a Tiki kind of Crowd, C'mon over and I would Love to see Wayne come along.

Heres some updates for today on the Maori


On 2008-03-28 14:29, Benzart wrote:

Well, Ben, you know how much I love a good tiki booty shot, but right now, I'm really glad you know where to stop on the anatomical details! :blush:


Thanks Jen, You Know I always take care of you Thanks.


WOW Benz, He has come out big time fantastic Chops.

Aloha Ben!!! Havnt seen U since ah Yesterday!!! That little carving you have going there is absalutly Incredable my friend. I know it's supposed to Be for freddieballs but it my get snagged by the Tiki Gods if left unatended. Freddie if your out there You should thank your lucky stars this is one amazing piece having seen it in person. Ben thanks for the tune up and pointers yesterday I wouldn't be half as much a carver without your help and incredable insight. Oh Ya the whole Benzart Chop Shop thing sounds good if i can save up the GAS money HA HA HA I'm there you know that,have a good day my friend, at the firestation today for only 23 and a half more hours,aloha, Jimmy


Clarita, Clarita, Clarita, SO Happy and Positive and So Sweet Thanks for brightening my day! you have a Standing invitation to come around here Anytime you like, THANKS!

Thanks Benz!! If I wasn't such a rat, I would be knocking on your door right now :D!! even I'm afraid of your curly club :D ! I'm so happy your are back! please take care!!

may 3rd sounds great, Ben!! can't wait to see/meet everyone there. i'd be happy to bring any supplies/goodies we may need. (favored brands of rum, Pablus?)

Benz, your new carving is looking GREAT! I'm glad you're feeling better. I wish I could get down to Florida for your chop and meet all the east coasters!!!


Not good but excellent !
Can't wait to see what this guy's holding :wink:



Thanks Seeks, he's coming down the home stretch now

Thanks Jimmy, Appreciate the kind words, I'll see you at the Shop Chop.

Clarita, Thanks yor your brightness, you Can come around Anytime

Thanks Greentp, I'm Happy you are gonna maker it to the chop. We'll cover the food and you guys can worry about the liquidz. :lol:

Tikifreak, Thanks for the comps and I wish you could be here too but I Know it's a Long way away. I'll be taking Pictures.

Thanks Ben, what if he isn't holding Anything? You know they Do that now and then! :lol: :lol:

I'll have more updates later today Thanks everyone


OK Here's the Update for today, looks like he's Almost ready for the Moko

Wow, That expression is amazing,I cant wait to see more of this one.Awesome workmanship.

Thanks Seeks, I said it was SUPPPOSED to go to him I didn't say it IS!!

Whooooa, "Et tu, Brute?" :lol:
WoW, this badboy is looking unbelievable. Everything is great... the detail, the attitude, the wood. Cant wait to see my favorite part of your art... the moko. Hope everybody has a good time at your chop. If you all wanna come up here, we gots alotta wood, AND snow(10 inches this morning). Have a good time on your cruise!! Laterz


So Nice, The Master @ work. Freddy he said maybe :)

He's got your touch all over it! Are you gonna moko him up?
Ya know, it's hard coming up with comments...your stuff is so amazing. 8)


Canyon Lake, Thanks for the props, I Want you to look at the detail and stuff so you miss all the mistakes :lol: Thanks.

Thanks Freddi, You kinow I tease unless someone doubles your price :lol: I didn't actually work mon him today but I Did Draw all over him looking for that perfect Moko and I think I finally have the base camp setup and will begin hunting parties tomorrow. Thanks for the Cruise well wishes :) :)

Seeks, freddie is worried about you?, Don't be Freddi, worry about ME.Thanks Seeks.
Thanks Surfin, I know it's hard to comp a guy who looks like a Giant Untouchable Master bastard carver, but I'm just a normal guy who has a difficult time with the same things, I am an Artist and I Live off the comps and good words like any other artist. I promise I'm not up on top of some mountain, I'm on the street next to you Some of my stuff may sit up on the mountain after I'm done with it, but I didn't put it there and I'm learning just like the rest of us I Also try to teach and That is the best way to learn how to do your5 stuff, Teach you mine??!!
hre is the pencil update for today, hope you can see where things are going?

GMAN posted on Tue, Apr 1, 2008 7:13 PM


Your drawing abilities are improving. Beautiful teko. I really like the face and the lips. It has a great expression. You never cease to impress me.

Nobody does eyes like you, Ben. All your tikis look alive. Amazing!

Aloha Ben!!!
A guy take his family out of town for 2 days and comes back to see a SMOKIN carving everthing flowing and the tats getting ready to start,Looking aweasome my friend. Aloha Mooney

Robin posted on Wed, Apr 2, 2008 8:51 AM

I have to agree on the eyes...very expressive. The Moko is always pretty exciting to see happen. Little blade, great lips, nice stance...who could ask for more?

That fellow's beautiful!
And what a dignified powerful face!
and with the moko......
nothing short of incredible....

Bete posted on Wed, Apr 2, 2008 5:04 PM

Nice new art pieces Ben! This one is looking nice so far and the last one turned out great per usual!

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