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Tikis by Mooney...Monday 6/9 New Tongaroa pendant and more

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Aloha to all!!!
Benella, thanks for the nice words much appreciated and your right the KOA wood has gone up alot since I bought it , so somebody will get a good deal on the mask when I'm finished with it. Mahalo again my friend.

Sorry for the long no post. I've been working on so many carvings my head is swimming as well as my carving tool bill. A quick note to let you know a bit of my projects and probably thursday with picture updates.

3ft lono fullbody out of norfolk pine

5ft lono (pics that i have been showing

Surf scene aprox 4" thick by 16" tall by 6ft long out of engineered support beam very cool wood texture.

Ku mask Hawaiian KOA wood (pics i have shown)

Another piece of Hawaiian KOA mask in process

8 Pendants to wear around your neck (2 completely finished one out of black walnut a lono, another out of (abeezia african mahagony a scrap piece that I got from a friend VERY pretty wood it has an irridecent mahagony tones to it when it moves back and forth , a lono out of KOA like carving concrete rock hard but super cool wood cant wait to finish, Rosewood lono and a bunch more I'll post Pictures on thursday sorry about the rambling Aloha to all, your friend, Mooney

Looking forward to seein' the Pendants.. Keep rockin' MoonDaddy~


C'Mon Mister Mooney Guy, I Happen to Know you are Holdingm out on us. Yep Mooney is Sandbagging folks. He has about a dozen Dynamite lono Pendants that will bhe to Die for and he might if he don't show'um to us reeal soon. Man I saw these pieces the other day nand they knocked my Sox off and I Still haven't found'em, they're GONE. Don't let mooney post anymore until he brings us up to date with these Killer lonos. C'Mon Mooney BRING'EM ON. I'm Tired 'o waitin!!


SUPERB headdress on the Lono--the whole thing looks great, actually. I'll have to check your thread more often---great stuff!!!


This is Kick-Ass man. Wow, so cool!!!

Mooney, the headress on Lono is incredible. :o

I'm trying to wrap my mind around where you started on that.

Beautiful old school style.


Jimmy, thanks for the tour of your home and for showing me all your carvings in progress! How do you keep all those "in progress" projects straight?! The pendants are definitely killer. And that big Lono... WOW! You have a special gift, my friend. Can't wait to see them all finished!

Aloha to all!!!
Mahalo freddieBallsomic
Benzart boy you sure know how motivate a guy!ha ha
Howland thanks for the nic words
Tahitiki I really appreciate the comp my friend
Lake,The headress thing It's really hard to say but what i'm finding out is that if i start at the top and get all my lines in on the headress then i keep hackin from there.
Gatorob, It was nice to see you and your family the other day, Stop by anytime your in town the door is always open and i dont know how i keep all those projects on track i'm sort of all over the place.

Ok here goes with th pentants I still have to do the brade for the necklaces yet. I hope y

above is my helper ryan with a finished Blackwalnut LONO.The cool part about the wood is that it came from my old jumior high shop class. My Dad got the wood when they close down wood shop so the wood is pretty old sure looks better than those old napkin holder that I used to make for my Mom.close up of LONO in blackwalnut

another pendant This one is a wave a sunset and LONO on the right in ahbeezia more wood that I found after the hurricanes.

This is a finished pendant out of Sa-pay-lee I got a few pieces from a friend

A close up of the irridesence when you move the wood back and forth beautiful wood.

Aloha to all my friends!!!I have more pendants that I'll post in a couple days, Aloha, Mooney


Very Nice I love that wood. I see a big wave on the center cutout one.


Beautiful pendants on great woods. Nice works.
Did you put lacquer or poly to finish the pieces ?


Holy Cow Mooney, great Lono pendants. Thanks for sharing these,
I was anxious after reading a few earlier posts about stuff you hadn't
shown us. Very Very nice.

Mooney, those are spectacular. Well worth the wait. The wood on the second Lono is beautiful~ On my PM...I meant Lono,,, not Ku. My Bad.. Maholla, Homes. fB

Most excellent. You are not one to disappoint. I love the design of the Lono necklace. Lets see more!!


SEE, I Told you guys Mooney was holding out on us, Lookit those guys, Excellent stuff Jimmy , Just as excellent as the Other 9 0r 10 you still have not shown us yet, Bad Boy,do better next time and spring ALL the pictures on us! :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks Jimmy, When you coming over this week? Or when will you be carving at your house as Maybe I can come see you?

Paipo posted on Thu, Mar 20, 2008 8:10 PM

Beautiful lines on this one - even the tongue looks like a little wave. It's hard to get these guys to work in profile (I haven't figured it out yet) but you've totally nailed it! Me want!
Very keen to see how the wave/lono turns out too...

That's the Mooney we know and love.... flowing the surf style with the classic tiki style.

These are all really clean and beautiful pieces. Can't wait to see the wave, sun and tiki piece!

WOW!! I am a HUGE fan!! Keep up the awesome work...the surf carves make me feel like I am back on the beach...enjoying it all!! Looking forward to viewing more of your work!!

Robin posted on Fri, Mar 21, 2008 4:52 PM

Aloha Mooney. Boy are they nice....and I bet that wood looks like it's lit from inside in real life. Very interested in seeing the progress on the wave piece, what a nice design. Good story too!


It's about time you posted some of that Magic you've been hiding over there, however there are still more than a half dozen hiding around your house, I SEEN'em, HA HA, I know you are not feeling well yet so hurry and get better so we can do some more works. Darn Jimmy, your stuff is really talkin' to us here, you Gotta find a way to satisfy the need! Oh Yeah, Save one for me, the Best one of course.

Seeksurf, mahalo for the nice words. Ya know that part of my style and flow is the ocean waves that I try to make my tounges on my tikis look like Waves. Looking fwd to seeing more of your amazing carvings my friend
Benella- Thanks for the nicewords. the finish is a minwax handrubbed poly. BENZART turned me on to it
Congatiki-Sorry bout the delay with these but i'm a little computer slow and i wanted to finish a couple pendants before i showed em and let em go. Some of the wood that I have found is incredable and that makes it even better to see the magic of the grain just pop
Freddieballsomic--Glad you like em and mahalo for the comp. I have a coulpe KU pendants coming as well and a T-SHIRT design thats almost finished that sort of describes my Tiki/Surf flow in a cartoon style printed up soon as well.
Benzart--You know the Bug been kickin me 5 days of 102 temp sort of melts your Brain so it's nice to finally be below100 now, so I should be good by the end of the week to come slay some wood
Alohastation--Much appreciated kind words my friend
Paipo--Mahalo for the kind words.I know you can make the lono flow you have an incredable talent my friend just let it go
Lake--Thanks for the nice words, stay warm brother sending sunshine your way
Ticklish-Tiki--Much appreciated the comp. I'm glad that my Tiki/Surf makes you think of tikis and some warm Beach somewhere , by the way wheres home for you?
Robin-- Mahalo for the very kind words very much appreciated, I have other stories like the Antique dresser that i found on one of my Road Exploring days that I'm gonna carve a Tiki-beach scene all over it flowing through the drawers coming soon.
Aloha to all and again thanks for all the nice words very much appreciated.I have some more posts so here we go and when there finished most will be available if anyone is interested Mahalo to all

KOA pendant in the process it's pretty tall but I wanted to make some really tall pendants to really flair and stretch LONO's headress and this KOA is amazing wod HARD as concrete but it will be worth it

My kids holding a surf painting that is almost finished and I be framing it in Bamboo.

LONO almost finished in AH-BEE-ZEE-AH and when the finish coat goes on does this wood grain really pop


More Excellent stuff grasshopper, WHAT Are you doing back at work with that fever??? You gotta rest up so we can do more carving this week for sure. Make sure you bring that Other dozen you have almost done but Won't Show us! HAhaha :lol:
Really Jimmy, I Hope you are feeling better, you Know I Love your Tikis!

harro posted on Wed, Mar 26, 2008 6:36 AM

hey mooney,
last time i checked in here you were talking about all these millions of projects you had going but no pics - good to see you werent lying to us and finally showed us the pics - man top stuff absolutely killer - i love the lonos, so smooth and flowing. keep it up my friend!!

Aloha to all!!!I'm almost out of this FLU funk and will be back carving tommarrow. I did a little last night on a lono pendant and a full body lono.
Ben, I know that i've got more,but i want to finish a few first before i bore everyone with a bunch of wood blocks. Thanks for the help,tips and kind words much appreciated.I'll show you the T-shirt design tommarrow or friday.
Aloha Harro!!! How have you been my friend?hopefull all good. I do have a bunch of projects and sometimes i bounce around a bit from one to another, (drives my wife crazy the whole A.D.D. thing) but it keeps me always busy. Anyhow i'll try to post more and finish a few more. I've been trying to put more detail into my pieces because thats what i would like if I were hanging it in my home so i tend to add a bit more and more.Thanks for the very kind words my friend,
Here are a few more projects in the works, Aloha to all , Mooney
Full body LONO out of norfork pine

Two LONOs in black cherry,one finished and one in the works, amazing color when it's finished.


Lono is a really great god to explore and experiment with. You've got some really great pieces going here! There's so much that you could possibly do with the headdress.
I love what you have going with the one on the right!

I got a little wave sliding session in yesterday to get the stoke going... I'm passing that stoke onto some carving action today.

Looking forward to seeing these Lonos progress, keep up the stylish work!


WOW, my friend, you're incredible !

I'm completely impressed by the last lono/pendants that are fantastic but the piece you've begun is totally crazy ! A perfect Lono.

Looking forward to see the progress.



GMAN posted on Thu, Mar 27, 2008 4:21 AM

Wow is right! Those are great Mooney! Amazing, actually :D

Kick Benz for for me, will ya?



Hey JimmyGlad to see you breaking a few more pieces out of the camera, where's the other 9?? HaHa :lol:
Really glad to see you feeling better, I think I may have taken some of that bug away from you as I've felt as bad as my computer the past few days. Can you catch that stuff over the phone?
The lono's are looking Crazy great too. C'mon over!


Looking good Mooney you a busy man.
Love the hints of surf stoke in the work.

Aloha Lake!!! thats whats cool about Lonos in Bens words the wilder the better with the headress!hope you get some surf soon
benella, Very much appreciated with the kind words. I'm just trying to get better at the whole carving thing and have more fun with it all the time, Mahalo my friend.

Gman, Ya i'll give ben a kick for you,ha ha ha. Thanks for the comp my friend. R you coming to Benzarts Chop Shop in may?
Ben, thanks for everything it's always nice to be able to come over and hang out and learn from the master,mahalo for the carving tuneup yesterday.Got to love those Lono's.
Seeksurf, Mahalo for the kind words. things are a bit hecktic at the mooney house sometimes but i wouldn't trade it for anything keeps the Blood flowing.I have a Rosewood Lono pendant going that I think your gonna really appreciate the tounge on this one,Aloha for now, Mooney

[ Edited by: mooneytiki 2008-03-29 18:36 ]

These pendants r spectacular~ Cant wait to see how that Lono in progress turns out. Beautiful art as always, Jim.

Robin posted on Sun, Mar 30, 2008 5:18 PM

Aloha Mooney. Can't wait to see that dresser...does sound like another good story. Your Lonos have really made me appreciate this form, and all the different woods make it really fun.

Aloha Freddie! Mahalo for the nice words it is much appreciated my friend.I started 2 more lono's last night and about 4-5 on going as well all shapes and sizes and diferent woods more pictures coming soon. I hpe the warm summer sun is coming soon for you,Aloha your friend , Jimmy Mooney
Aloha Robin! the whole dresser thing should be fun.It's always nice to save something and turn it into something fun. Lono's are pretty cool as all tikis but they sort of offer an endless supply of creativity with the headress.(Darn you BEN for really turning me on to those addicting Lono's)Ha Ha Ha I love exploring different types of wood and seeing the grain come alive in each carving. Looking fwd to seeing more of your cool carvings and looking forward to meeting you and all who are coming to BEN's chop shop in May, Aloha your friend, Jimmy Mooney

Aloha to all!!!
I have a couple new pendants that I'm working on . Thanks for letting me share.
This pendant is out of rosewood very pretty wood but VERY hard but it's worth it. I've been trying to put a little different spin on all the tounges on each carving so they have their own personality and I'm trying to put a flair on the eyes to make it look more alive. anyhow this is the Rosewood LONO pendant

I wanted to really Stretch this Lono so he's a tall Lono. the wood is Ah-bee-z-ah Part of my hurricane discovery 3yrs ago. This stuff is left over from the wood that I made my steps in our house with after we rebuilt our home from the hurricans 4yrs back. I'm gonna bring a few small pieces of the raw wood to carve to Bens carving chop in may and give them away to the carvers in a drawing for those that show up. sorry about the rambling. I hope you like and Mahalo for letting me share, Aloha to all, Mooney

Robin posted on Fri, Apr 4, 2008 2:25 PM

Hi Mooney, you're really onto these Lonos! It's nice to see the stretch your making and the personality you're giving them. I'm looking forward to meeting you too and all the others as well....can't wait. It's gonna be fun!


That tongue is nuts Mooney, I love it. Sounds like you Florida carvers
are going to start having as much fun as the westerners.


More cool Lono's Jimmy, I had not seen that last one, were you Hiding him from me?? Looking great, you make me Proud Grasshopper


Very Nice, very creative original piece.


awesome tongue design, man I love it.
I want to see that other cool one you started too...

Very animated in classic "Mooney Style!"

Love the tongue, and some smooth lines going there!

Aloha to all!!!
Mahalo,Robin,Conga,Benz,Seeksurf,Tahitiki,Lakesurfer and all that have said nice words.I appreciate it, Mooney

I hope that I'm not boring you allwith the Lono's but I really love the headersses on the(very challenging for me).I have a bunch of carvings that are going on at the same time so I'll give you a little dip into my Messy Shed WARNING if you a neat freak dont look it will drive you nuts!Ha Ha Ha thanks for letting me share,Mahalo, Mooney
First is my piled high messy shed with a few carvings inside , but you cant see the carvings behind the dresser and to the left of the picture.

A Surf sceen carved out of engineered bulding truss.

a Close up of the surf sceen. It has flowing palm trees a wave below them a Sun at the top on the right and dunes in front of the wave. Many layers and levels with all different depts(pretty challenging)

Lono with a little more Hook Knife work to do but nearly finished.

detail of face area

Lono with the Flaired Headress.Lots of Hook Knife and bloody fingers

Mahalo for letting me share, Mooney

Heath posted on Thu, Apr 10, 2008 1:38 PM

Very nice collection, keep up the good work!

harro posted on Thu, Apr 10, 2008 1:57 PM

Sh&$%ttt Mooney!!!!!

There's so much lono goodness going on in your shed and backyard that it's making me go loco. Lono loco? :lol:

the last pic really is amazing - not just the detail in the carving, but the composition of the picture itself. the focus of the tiki and the soft out-of-focus background.

Look forward to the next Lono hit from you, and also progress on that big surf scene - that is brilliant! Keep it up!


All top notch work Jimmy... I love your surf scene panels, they've got a great style and flow to them.

Lots of goodies going on in the carving shed, not messy, just a lot of great work going on!

Nice view of the river you've got back there, a peaceful place to carve.

The detail on the mini Lonos is insane! Some inspirational work going on there.

Keep up the good chops, and thanks for the update... love the pictures!

Lono looks sick, and the panel is awesome. Keep up the great work.

Peace and Chicken grease,

Livin the dream

[ Edited by: King-bilt 2008-04-10 14:37 ]

Paipo posted on Fri, Apr 11, 2008 3:11 AM

Never bored with the Lonos, cause you keep doing something fresh with them every time. Repetition is underrated anyway - I like working a theme over to squeeze the best from it. Keep posting those surf scenes too, I'm diggin em!


simply diggin' everything on this page !

Nice work,


Mooney, Nice work on that panel. Your shed looks like mine, a few half worked pieces all over. Your lonos are Great! Keep it up man.


BORING, Boring, boring, NOT! Way Excellent detail here Jimmy, Look at you GO! I Knew you had stuff you were Hiding from us and I Know you Still have more. I'll See you next week and see the SWEET STUFF in Person.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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