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BenZart...MaoriChief, Glass pendant Update Today

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Hey GMAN, HE ended up in the box (which is now a file drawer Now because I TOLD him to Get into the box, so he jumped into the box thinking it was pretty safe and then I told him I was moving pieces out of the box so he thought he was ok. I had him fooled! I'm gonna need more poeces to fix so send me yer rejects I'll finish'em up. So anyway this guy is out of the box now Nd I can finish him up tomorrow. I'll give him some Mokom stuff on his face and ears .

Paipo posted on Thu, May 29, 2008 6:26 PM

Very nice. A little of your stuff goes a long way when you're jonesin' like I am. I thought he was bigger til I saw the fingers behind him - he's got the monumental vibe.
Now how about updating that thread title, hmm?


Nice Benz, is his biter lip going to change to a smile
now that he has seen the light of day again?

Beautiful pendant,,,as always Ben.. Always luv checkin' your thread. fB

awsome benz, liiike usual!


Dancing Lono Yeah! Cheers! yup! The next round is on me!! Yup! :D!


Thanks Paipo, Much Appreciated. I guess it has been awhile since I posted anything new and even L:onger since I did anything this Small even. I really shouldn't make my Fan club (cough,cough) wait so long I guess so I apologize.
Oh Yeah, the Thread TITLE, thats been a long time too, Guess I better get on the Ball and fix that too! Thanks for the reminder. :lol:

Thanks Seeks, and No he Won't be smiling because he wouldn't shut up so I had to give him a fat lip and I'll do it again if he starts up again. :)))

Yo Freddie, Thanks for the kind words and for Checkin' in again, Glad you Like'um.

Thanks Tiki Duddy, Always happy to hear nice stuff from you. :)

And Dear Clarita, Thanks SO Much and I'm On my way Down next week to Collect!. All I need is your Address, Phone # and first class air ticket. :lol:" :lol: :lol:

I didn't get a chance to finish that guy today, a bone got in my way. Not sure what kind of bone it is but it was given to me by a prominent carver who uses a lot of different bones. This is the first bone I have carved and it is not really too bad at all to work with. Maybe tomorrow or this weekend sometime I can finish both pieces.

I HAD some Help!!



Very nice pieces Ben. The bone one is beautiful and looks very shiny like a white stone or something, did you do something special ? (that is not a secret of course... :lol:)


good afternoon ben curley tiki is looking magnificent i love the detail, take care my freind

Awesome, awesome, awesome! :)

Aloha Ben!!! Love the Moai's but the polo-es-cree-dough wood is beautiful especialy when you work your carving magic,Mahalo for the insight and time, Jimmy


Thanks Ben, Freak, MArcus and Mooneytiki, Your comments are what make me keep going, Thanks.

Sweet Mother of Moai...Ben. Looking good. Somehow you see and carve in 3D (it appears with ease) one of the most difficult things for a carver to do.

GMAN posted on Sun, Jun 1, 2008 12:35 PM


You finally updated your thread subject AND you have a new piece in here! Happy Happy!! Good lord that bone is glossy! It looks like you used some of that fancy schmancy BenZart polishing stuff on there, aye? That sucker is so polished it looks like mother of pearl. Glad to see you back in the shop. Sweet pendant.



A bone brother?


Digger, Thanks for stopping by with the Kind words even,

GMAN, Thanks, and Yes I used some BenZart Majic to get the Bonzart polished but I dulled it up as it was Too shiny so you haven't seen it shine Yet. Yes I Finally updated my thread heading darnit, now I have to find another way to Annoy you and Paipo! :lol:

Seeks, Yes I guess you could call me a Bone Brother, I've been called worse. I guess now I hafta get more bone? I had put it off for a long time and have given all my bone supply away but it looks like I'll need to re-up it. I think I really liked it and I think there are a few pieces I am Compelled to do.
BenzBonZart??? Who Said that first? Not Me!


Hi Ben - I think the term BenBonBonZart would be good . . . eye-candy by Benzart! Deer antler and crowns carve very nicely too. You will find some great examples on eBay buy an artist whose last name is Funaki (I think) there are a couple of sellers who carry his work as well as one on the NZ site TradeMe.


Thanks Timid, Yes I have seen the works of the carver you mention, Awesome stuff.
Eye candy Huh? Cool, Thanks.
Here is the Wood Moko/Moai all done but the cord.

Kahu posted on Mon, Jun 2, 2008 1:36 PM

Looks like another fine example of benzart!

The Moai see of these little guys the Moai like them! Nice to see youve been managing a 'little' work, but we want BigBenZ back!

Miss your pic-heavy prog posts.. :(


What a pair!! I know there is no list anymore, but I need to be on it.

GMAN posted on Mon, Jun 2, 2008 4:59 PM

Great work there Benzo. I love the fact that he is two-sided. Very chic. Thanks for posting him.


Nice line on the face, where do you get all these? :)


Kahu, Thanks for the kind words.

Tama, Yeah I know, now that you're off the Dial-up you're just dying for More pic's. I Know, the Moai carve the Moai pic's I take :lol: It has been a Long time since I ndiod anything this small but I guess I'll get the big stuff going now sir!.Thanks.

Johnny, Thanks, I don't think you ever asked before?

Thanks GMAN, I guess you Don't like the one sided boneZart? :lol: :lol:

Thanks Seeks, get all what, the lines? Everybody hands me lines every day, you know Same old lines. :) They just showed up the other day? I've been saving them a long time and just brought'em out? um.. They just came to me in a dream? :lol: :lol: Actually I enjoy putting round pegs in square holes, my teachers always hated that in me.

Anyway, the carving part of these is finished just don't know how I'm going to finish them yet.

On 2008-06-03 17:51, Benzart wrote:

Anyway, the carving part of these is finished just don't know how I'm going to finish them yet.

They look cool facing each other just like that - you could bind them both onto one cord? (sell em twice as fast too :wink: )

A very tough looking pair! Looks like a meeting of two great chiefs coming together for either a fight or greeting..

Moko moai twins!
So incredible!
so masterful!
so Blingitty blangitty awesome!
Ben, you never cease to amaze....
I'll be looking for you at the hukilau!


Thanks Tama, Bind them both Together for an Eternal struggle of Power. Neither one looks like he's about to give in or back down from the Other. This would be a power face-off for eternity, You wouldn't want to be responsible for keeping these two old goats at each others throats for so long now would you?? :lol: :lol:

HEY, LLT. Fancy meeting you here, actually Thanks for waltzing in here and throwing these fancy words around like we are supposed to understand what they mean! . NO, I'll be looking For YOU at Hukilau. Bring some mugs so we can trade??
Thanks for the Kind words (at Least I THINK they were Kind?).


Incredible, Ben! Intense stare down there!
Greeneyes looks good!


bound side by side ,
... born of two worlds ... the internal dilemma ... bi-polar


facing each other,
... kanohi ki te kanohi ... hongi ...

Bete posted on Wed, Jun 4, 2008 8:03 AM

Very cool looking, very nice!


Fabulous Benz

Only #83? :)

GMAN posted on Thu, Jun 5, 2008 6:03 AM

Do you need my mailing address? Choice wurks Benz.

Another Benzart Sweet Masterpiece!!!


Thanks Tiki Duddy I appreciate the kind words but I'm not happy with the green eyes. Not sure what I'll do if anything..

Toataiaha, Yes they were Born Bipolar. Easter Islanders with Maori Moko and each not backing down from the other, hope thios doesn't start WW3 Thanks for the observations and kind words. :)

Bete, Thanks for the comps!

GMAN, yes I do need your mailing addy, Send it on over along with sumpthin' in a box!! And Thanks Already :lol: :)

Mooney, you're Just sayin' that I Bet!. Howdy Friend.

Well I gave the OLD Bonehead guy a new eye so he could see better now If only I could fix his cracking bones. He's All Cracked up.

Next another bonehead Bonezart

teaKEY posted on Thu, Jun 5, 2008 6:54 PM

It would be cool if you stuck the stone and wood guy together. Whats next?

On 2008-06-05 18:34, Benzart wrote:
..now If only I could fix his cracking bones. He's All Cracked up.

Stick him on eBay as something you found 'in a cave on a recent trip to Rapa Nui'..? :wink:

Looks excellent Benz!! You sure you don't have any "short ear" blood in you???


Teakey, Maybe if they wwere both flat one sided I could do that but maybe I'll plan one like that with Wood and Bone or wood and stone, Thanks.

Tama, How'd You know where I found that guy? :lol: Thanks

TikiFreak, I could very well have "Short Ear" blood in my veins, since I was adopted I could believe anything now a days :).

Here is another Moai with a different look. It was a Long thin piece of Some kind of bone, tusk or ivory. Very fine grain and almost pure white and Much harder than the other piece of bone. I don't think this guy wants a Moko, he seems happy the way he is. I'll know more tomorrow when I finish him up.
I will have these guys all with me at Hukilau

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 6, 2008 5:29 PM

Why the long face Benno?



Cuz my Earz are SOoo darned Long!

GMAN posted on Fri, Jun 6, 2008 5:40 PM


Pity this last wasnt a wahine Ben, plenty of room on that chin for a moko-kauae..

G: 'why the long face' :lol:


as always your stuff is really inspiring
it really helps us newbees to have such great info
to soak up
looking forward to the next batch

Benz! cool eyes on the one guy, that's for sure. the new one looks too cool.

Heath posted on Sat, Jun 7, 2008 5:18 PM

You'd think I'd learn.

You've carved what you're referring to as pendants and posted pictures.
People have responded, positively I might add, and called them pendants as well.
I've looked at the pictures of the pendants and read the comments about the pendants.
But it's not until you post the picture of the third one in your hand that I realize just how small these really are.

All I can say is, well...



Thanks for the Laffs GMAN :lol:

Thanks Tama, Yes, I Thought about making it a she and giving her the moko-kauae but for some reason it just didn't fit having her with the long tough looking chin. However I do Realize that a wahine with the Moko-kauae would be a nice fit in this group. Thanks Tama!

Buzzard, Thanks SO Much for your kind and Inspiring words , I am glad that you realize that I put forth effort just to help you new carvers sail on to the next level. I enjoy helping the new carver and do my best to try and make you comfortable and give you a place where you can go to look for help without being put down. Anytime you have a question, my door is always open, Come on in.

Tiki Duddy, thanks for the props and kind words.

Thanks HeathI'm happy that you appreciate what it takes to create these pieces so small. It's Really not that difficult once you try it. Thanks for the props

I Really Love this latest piece and may have to keep him for myself. However I'll be wearing him and all these that I'm making and will be able to be talked out of them when the right person comes along , so don't be afraid to ask.


_Someone said they found this picture of me, Izzit SO?


[ Edited by: Benzart 2008-06-09 12:13 ]


Finished the Bone pendant including the cord which I made white to match the bone.

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