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BenZart...MaoriChief, Glass pendant Update Today

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Ben, that's a misfit??! Wow! Geez I wish someday my best stuff could be as good as your "misfits". :lol:

ummmmm, yeah! What's mis-shapen?!


Good stuff, I like the look of it. Nice details!

the Mis Fit will be bringing much mana to Frankie's las vegas!!!

..being that Mr. Benzart was pretty much..Mr. Tiki Tropicana..a few moons ago!!




I've seen your box of "rejects" - they are better than many finished tikis.


Sweetness Benz fine little gems.


Happy to see that you're back with the wood ! Nice cuts.



Hey Benz, :o It's been a while for me here. And l come back to this, your so called misfits? :( Well what other misfits to you have in that box of yours? Why not line them all up and take some photos? :D I'd like to see what else you have that looks 100% better than some of those resin pieces I pick up at events. Hell, I'd even being willing to buy one or two, if you're willing to part with any of those treasures? :) PM me with the details if so?

Ahh - I likey that miss fit - Wow Benz, I don't know what you mean by missfit - I agree, if my gooduns were that good, I would be happy - my 3D just leaves so much to be desired lol.

Well done, awesome, etc etc - still havent thought up a word - it will come to me :)

you the :tiki:


the Eagle has landed!!


U da man!


great work ben, you realy inspire us to try harder

cant wait to try bone and stone more tools...more tools


Hi Ben,

Very nice - !

Thanks for the eyes! That's a Great example.


GMAN posted on Sun, Nov 9, 2008 11:42 AM

Howdie hey Benno! I finally was able to get set up with a new machine. I could not see any pics from work - some how they had them blocked I thinkee. I like the new, old guy. I think he looks great for having spent years in the box of misfit idols. Good on you. Hopefully, now that I am set up with wireless and a new 'puter, I can groove to more of your wurkz and get on with some of my own. Missed you brother....



Well, I guess it's been Too long since I've been here, Don't know where the Time goes lately. I'm WAY behind on my thank-yous so forgive me for just saying Thanks a Big Bunch. Every word from you guys means the world to me and that goes a Long way for inspiration so Thanks To you all.
Went to the Pet Shop looking in vain for bones and found a bag of white/pink rocks for the fish tank, but since I have NO tank any more I figured I would see how they carved. Here's the first one. His dimensions are 1 1/4" X 3/4" X 3/8".


Benz, this simple white rock turned into crazy cool! Man the detail
on this is out of this world. Simply outstanding!

Killer carve Benz! :drink:

GMAN posted on Tue, Nov 11, 2008 6:23 PM

very nice Benno. very classy. Why you no hava da bonz?


Thanks Seeks,this one sorta went all Maori. Have no idea what kind of stone it is, it chips off like glass but sands down smooth with the diamond burs.

Savage Daddy thanks, sometimes the fewest words say the most. :P :D

GMAN, Thanks to you too.
Sweet dreams Ya'll

Come on, Old Master, I know you can get smaller than that! how about
challenging yourself on something like a pinhead, maybe a full body tiki
on the head of a needle.
If the car business falters I'm gonna get rid of all my chisels and
come to Florida. I'll sip cocktails and just watch you. Once in a while
I'll yell out, "carve something tiny."

Very classy carve there Ben.

A long ways from that pet store rock.




Stupendous. It is amazing how much life you breath into a simple rock. Even how you turned your "binned" castoffs back into better then perfect art is amazing. Even if I haven't replied I have been watching...


Ummmm I guess that rock carves pretty good, huh! What the heck kinda rock is it???!!!!!!
Jammin, Benzer


Thanks Conga, No, I really don't think I can get much smaller than this, in Stone anyway, it is a limit of the tools and My skillz. However, You are Welcome to come and watch except that I'll put you to work! :P

Thanks Lake, but there is Still that pet store rock in there waiting to come back out.

Johnny, Thanks man, your assessments mean a Lot. Thanks for watching and waiting

Last night the camera battery died before I could get good pix so here are a few more. Look for this guy in the Market place later tonight.



Holy Moley, how the hell do you top that!


PS: Your nails aren't dirty enough...get back to work :)


Well Thanks Babs, Maybe if I Worked in some of that Black river-rock and got my nails all ugly and chipped and cracked you could respect me more as a carver of stones. Maybe, maybe and Maybe again if I carved Big full bodied Maori standing in a Waka, paddling his way into battle with his other 78 warriors in kind, Blood in their hearts and on their hands, chanting the Haka at the top of their lungs with FIRE in their eyes and 150proof rum in their veins, now THAT carving would make me look like crap but when I finished it I could maybe say I topped this one???Huh? :P :lol::) :D:
Tanks for that Babba.

Surfin, Thanks, I really Don't know what kind of stone it is other than "Fish tank white rock", the bag failed to mention what kind it was. Yes it Does carve pretty god, easier than the green stuff, that jade izzit?
(Why do I keep seeing this image of you swimming with the Mermaids?)


[ Edited by: Benzart 2008-11-13 02:38 ]

Another amazing piece of carving. Your stuff really is in a league of its own.
But since you mentioned it, when are you gonna start on the Waka full of maori warriors? :wink:
Just kidding, with an output like yours, what is there to top?


Thanks Grapa, I'll get started on that Waka right away next year or so, wait up for it! :P :D Thanks for the kind words.

oh! That didn't sound right....
That little chief is a beaut,Ben!
HE should be on our quarters!
Amazing how small you can carve!
two thumbs up!

On 2008-11-12 19:09, Benzart wrote:

Surfin, Thanks, I really Don't know what kind of stone it is other than "Fish tank white rock", the bag failed to mention what kind it was. Yes it Does carve pretty god, easier than the green stuff, that jade izzit?
(Why do I keep seeing this image of you swimming with the Mermaids?)

[ Edited by: Benzart 2008-11-13 02:38 ]

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mermaidssssss!

(hukilau 09)! :D

harro posted on Fri, Nov 14, 2008 6:27 AM

The White Chief is awesome Ben - he has such a personality. As always the details are phenomenal, but this one just has a certain something...??? I love it, and can relate to the big ears too!!


Thanks LLT, its alright, he is really almost a pinkish flesh colored guy, but I'll be doing black ones and other colors including Pure white. Yes it's amazing that I can carve at all. smaller seems to be easier with the right tools. It's all in the tools like your brushes, smaller brush = finer detail. :P Thanks again.

Surfin :P :D :lol: You really think the mermaidz will let you in the pool with them again after last year?? I won't tell everyone the story! :)

Harro, Thanks, and Welcome back, been awhile, yeah the ears got a bit carried away, he wanted to be able to Hear everyone.


This lil guy is my absolute favourite for a long time Ben, just oozing character and a stern dignity. I couldn't imagine he was that small until you posted the finger pics for comparison. White rocks usually suck for this sort of stuff, but that little hint of colour and translucency really adds life to the carving.
Anyway, I'm off to sell all my toolz now and trade em in for a miner's shovel - If this is what the newbies can do after a year or two, there's no hope for us "old guys".


Thanks Paipo for the kind words and for the Laughs. Newbie you say, maybe to stone but I guess you're right, I've only been carving forabout 21 years or so, give or take a few. No don't be going a d soing anything drastic with your tools, you may want'em back one day. Tell 'ya what, I'll Hold on to'em for awhile for 'ya until you want'um back, then I'll think about givin'um back! heheh


Benz you always amaze me. Very cool and insane detail being so small.

Bete posted on Mon, Nov 17, 2008 2:38 PM

Hi Ben!
Just got cauught up looking at all the pictures since my last post. I was offline for a few months due to problems related to hurricane Ike (kinda a nightmare). Great pictures of the art pieces you've been working on. How's our friend "curly Lono" doin'? Ha, ha! Hope you're doing well!

That detail on such a small surface is amazing, Ben.. Beautiful as always. It is great checking your thread and seeing new pieces.. fB


hi benz
yeah, this one is my fav also!

at least until the next one


Ken, thanks for the kind words, and this just before you showed us your super carved nail. The only nail I could carve would be my thumb nail which gets in the way of the hook blade now and then, yours is COOL sir!

Bete, WELCOME BACK, you've been missed, Hate to hear you were amongst the Ike Devastation, Hope you're all right. I can Only imagine.
Ol' curly and I are still dancin around but his times getting short and I'll have to let him go one of theze days. Thanks for the kind words on my other stuff, much appreciated.

Freddie! Long time for you too, how you been! Thanks for the props on the small stuff, hell you should know since you've been doing this small stiff since you started I think, so, as old Earnest Tubbs would say, thanks, Thanks a LOT,.....

Buzzart, thanks for your input also, it means the world to me.

I apologize for not spending time here recently but I have been workingoutside the tiki ranks here on a special project and when its done I'll be glad to share photos of how it went and what it is. I Tink you may likee


[ Edited by: Benzart 2008-11-18 20:24 ]

Bete posted on Wed, Nov 19, 2008 7:35 AM

Hi Ben,
Yeah, Ike kicked in a bit hard here (we were declared a "disaster area" by the President), but things should be all "back to normal" in about 3 weeks. Very exciting about "Curly Lono", as your artwork is just so great, I know he has stories to tell (ha, ha).


That little dude is cool, Benz!

How's your eyes holding up after that one? :)


Sweeeeeet detail!


Well Bete, I guess you were among the Fortunate, unfortunate peeps who at least have a house to stay in? Glad you are about back to normal. I guess you are right about the Stories this old lono has to tell, unfortunately I think he will be pretty tight lipped with his stories.( A small slip of the chisel through his vocal cords silenced him forever I'm afraid :wink: ooops.) Thanks!

Bows, Thanks for the props, My Eyes are not doing bad at all since finding and using These things:

If it's cheating then I'm a Happy Cheater!

Thanks TikiLizart ( :P )

I have been in denial for a while but finally broke down this past weekend. I now wear glasses to carve the small stuff - and WOW what a difference. I no longer have to feel my way around the wood while I'm cutting. OK so I'm getting older,not OLD! My glasses are nothing like the ones you have posted - I got mine at the dollar store for $1.50!!


it's been almost a year since i said i needed my first pair of specks, and still i neglect the eye-balls....... shows you how much carving i do....

ben, this stuff you do makes me want to carve cool stuff too... maybe i should get back to the miniatures!

3.0X you are showing your age :)


You are a super duper hyper talented happy cheater! :)


Aloha, Age really has not much to do with it, since I had the cataract surgery I barely need glasses at all. Its a matter of seeing more than you are able with the naked eye. It depends on how small of detail you want to see clearly. When you create a feature and you start cleaning it up, all you can clear away is what you see. With more magnification you see more and can "Clean" more. even though you are removing stuff that can't normally be seen, overall it makes a huge difference to the normal viewer, it's just sharper. SO the more magnification the clearer, sharper it will look.
I have a few different head band type mags, up ton 3.5X but the difference is that with those the working distance is about 5 or inches, right down in the dust and crud. The fancy ones give me 16 inches distance to keep me away from forcing that stuff into my nose and eyes.
So you guys who don't need glasses, think about this if you are doing small pendant sized stuff.
Thanks Aloha.

C'Al, You are too old to see Above, :) You SHOULD get back too more Mini pieces, You have the ability No one else has to do this stuff and you only need a few more toolz! Do IT! DO IT DO IT.

Seeks, See above :) :lol: yes my age IS showing!

Clarita, don't believe Everything you Hear. Thanks for all the kind words.
:D :P :)

I guess I'm ready to pick up a pair, and see what all the hype's about! You think it takes me a long time to complete something now! Think how long it'll take if I can see MORE! Arrrrrrrrrr.

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