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CLOSING NIGHT SAT. 04/18! TONIGHT! Kona tiki art show sat. feb. 28 salute to the swordfish!

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This just in:

This piece by Perry Drake will also be in the show:

A Sumi Swordfish... Supercool!

See you Saturday!

On 2009-02-26 09:10, Clysdalle wrote:
FINALLY...ready for the show!

Well it's still a bit wet....and my eyes are worked from rushing to finish but this bad boy is done. It's 10x30 1shot enamel on a resin coated clayboard. Wanted a slight 3d effect with the resin coating....and a different approach to the swordfish, a bit less traditional but something that summed up the turbulent times the place has faced...

Here it is...

"The Last Grasp"

Save your money folks! Enamel + Clayboard = pretentious artist. I'll be selling MY swordfish (pencil on paper) dirt cheap. I'm not in the show but I'll be in the parking lot selling it. You could probably get one of LLT's pieces for the frame for this badboy too.

Not bad Deus-h!
a lot better than
that pretentious
and bubbleless
Clysdalle piece! :lol:
Don't hide out in the parking lot...
grab some Scotch tape and C'mon in!
Can we color it at a table?

squid posted on Thu, Feb 26, 2009 5:49 PM

Hey Deuce! Can I put my name on it? My piece is STILL waiting to be fired (grrrrumble grrrrrumble) so I won't have a swordfish bit in the show.

I'm assuming that the art show is all ages correct?
have a friend that wants to come, but has the kids this weekend.


mieko posted on Thu, Feb 26, 2009 7:14 PM

I'm making up some special Kona swordfish pendants!



I saw the pendants live and in person at Babalu's chop this past weekend... they look incredible!

Oh, Jeff, yes, it's an all ages show!


I finished the pieces I'll be showing:

"Kona Tapa"

11" x 14" ink on paper. The Tikis and the Tapa Cloth border are based on Tikis and the Tapa Cloth that can be found at Kona.

"Swordfish Serenade"

The name comes from a suggestion by BigToe... Thanks Tom!

It measures 19.5" x 27", and is done in acrylic. I even made a kooky bamboo frame for it!

The piece is a celebration of Sam's and Kona, each represented by a swordfish. The tikis in the scene are tikis from the restaurant, and in the foreground shadows, a familiar figure foreshadows the future...

I am SO EXCITED about this show!!!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2009-02-26 20:45 ]


On 2009-02-26 20:44, tobunga wrote:
I finished the pieces I'll be showing:

"Kona Tapa"

11" x 14" ink on paper. The Tikis and the Tapa Cloth border are based on Tikis and the Tapa Cloth that can be found at Kona.

"Swordfish Serenade"

The name comes from a suggestion by BigToe... Thanks Tom!

It measures 19.5" x 27", and is done in acrylic. I even made a kooky bamboo frame for it!

The piece is a celebration of Sam's and Kona, each represented by a swordfish. The tikis in the scene are tikis from the restaurant, and in the foreground shadows, a familiar figure foreshadows the future...

I am SO EXCITED about this show!!!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2009-02-26 20:45 ]

Eric, what a great piece. I love how you incorporated Don into the painting, and those fantastic Sam's Tikis too. Really Nice !!!


What an Awesome group of artist and artwork, I'm happy to have kept going with my projects, After the show was put on hold, I never would of made it in time, Hot out of the kilns!

Vintage Sam's swordfish/clam shell bowl:

Swordfish mug/glass/vase:

Sam's/Kona Swordfish Bowl:

The bottoms on all three are signed and with the date of the show, Then clear glazed over, Never coming off!

Firing 3 kilns at once! I'll need to sell all these items just to pay for the electric bill!

Thank You Eric, Mahalo! and Cheers! Gogo

The term billfish is applied to a number of different large, predatory shanes characterised by their large size (swordfish can be over 4 metres long) and their long, sword-like shane. Billfish include the sailfish and shane, which make up the family Istiophoridae.

[ Edited by: GO TIKI 2009-02-27 11:18 ]

On 2009-02-26 17:49, squid wrote:
Hey Deuce! Can I put my name on it? My piece is STILL waiting to be fired (grrrrumble grrrrrumble) so I won't have a swordfish bit in the show.

Of course you can! Hey, I'll come over tomorrow with my Betty Crocker Easy Bake Oven and we'll get your stuff fired up. I aint no tree-hugger using CFL bulbs so it should be done in no time.


I'll fire yours tonight, If you want Squid, So you can have it for the show?

Getting excited for the show now that the hard work is done! Hope to see all you peeps on Saturday!

[ Edited by: Clysdalle 2009-02-27 13:22 ]

wow those turned out Great Go-tiki.



I'd like to start the bidding for Deuce's "piece" with one dollar.

D-Lo...nice work!!!

Meiko, love it!

OMG, Eric, i LOVE the swordfish serenade!!!!!! but, um, swordfish would die if they danced around a fire like that...sheesh

here is a revised animation of my joint:

Not so much 'lowbrow' as 'unibrow' art

[ Edited by: BigToe 2009-02-27 19:24 ]


Hey BigToe, that animation is cool, and Smokin' Sammy is AWESOME! Great to see its transformation from start to finish!

So call me crazy, but I'm working on a couple more pieces right now (well, as soon as I post this I'm back at 'em).

Here's a teaser of some of the elements and implements I'm using to create them...

Only teasin' 'cos that's all I've done so far, but the night is young, and the opening isn't until tomorrow!

I heard BigToe and Clysdalle will be accepting credit cards! Get that plastic ready

Tobunga, I'm working on a new piece I hope to finish before tomorrow night too

Oh wait, you can't do that with clay :lol:

BigToe, so why is it that dancing on the beach will kill Tobunga's fishies but your's is OK driving a hotrod (don't look now but Sammy's got a woody)

Everything looks great, congrats all and good luck at the show.

looks like a great line up , Very kool Art .


Today is the big day!

Hope to see all the TC Ohana out at Kona tonight!

I want to thank all the artists again for getting the show back on track on such short notice! Thanks for all the hard work guys!

There were other artists that had to pull out because of the wacky schedule. I want to thank them for wanting to participate, the show would have been that much better with them included.

So big thanks to:

Bablu was hard at work on his piece at the February chop, and it looked fantastic!

And thanks to BigTikiDude Jeff for his musical contribution tonight!

And thank you to Chuck Purrington for being open to the idea of an art show and allowing us to come in for a big kick off, plus a month-long run!

Hopefully, if this show is successful, Kona, or rather Don the Beachcomber will consider more art shows in the future, and we can get all this great work out and seen by an appreciative tiki audience!

Oh yeah, here's one last piece I finished this week:

It's called Swordfish By Night
11" x 14"
colored pencil on paper
It's based on the photo that I tool that was used for the flier for the show.

Yer pal,
Eric October

I got a few questions about tonite,
can you call me?
I pm'ed you my cell number.


Hey Jeff!

I'll get back to you with info as soon as I know! (in a couple of hours)

See everyone tonight!

Dave's Not Cool sez...

I heard BigToe and Clysdalle will be accepting credit cards! Get that plastic ready

Never trust Clysdalle and Toe with your credit card information!
it may seem like a good idea, after a few drinks...
BUT it's not!

Merely smile at them...
and stroll on over to ....

Yes Folks!
Where cash (and you, the customer)is KING!

and you can GET DEALS you've never IMAGINED would happen!
LOADS of affordable art and delightful things!
Drawings and paintings and LOTs of 'em!

How do we do it?
Volume! Volume!

you won't get the runaround
and you won't buy a Lemon!

Why buy from snooty credit-card accepting pretentious artists?
when you can buy QUALITY Merchandise for cash!

Those two had just made BANK at some Tattoo Convention/vending thing LAST WEEKEND!

we're the real deal!

Won't see us crossing over into that "other" genre
in the hopes of profiting off of two scenes...

No sir! Tiki-Tiki-Tiki here!
100% Tiki!

Not watered-down credit-card accepting poseurs,like those two!

This is the REAL DEAL!
C'mon down and Support the TRUE Tiki artists
like LLt and Kirby and Mieko
not those credit-card accepting Benedict Arnolds!

See y'all there tonight! :)
free hugs if I'm in a less crabby mood later!

Not flippin around scenes like pancakes
the REAL DEAL! :lol:

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-02-28 10:07 ]

Ken Worthington, get thyself to a dispensary! ya KOOK!
Hey Toe- "Smokin' Sammy" rocks, man.
Tobunga & GoGo- Supercool stuff. Yous two Mieko & Dave!
Have the fun time everybodies. Happy snapping, Ravenne~


LOL Ken ur Funny . tricks are for Kids and some times Silly Rabbits .

On 2009-02-28 09:28, tobunga wrote:
Today is the big day!

Hope to see all the TC Ohana out at Kona tonight!

I want to thank all the artists again for getting the show back on track on such short notice! Thanks for all the hard work guys!

There were other artists that had to pull out because of the wacky schedule. I want to thank them for wanting to participate, the show would have been that much better with them included.

So big thanks to:

Bablu was hard at work on his piece at the February chop, and it looked fantastic!

And thanks to BigTikiDude Jeff for his musical contribution tonight!

And thank you to Chuck Purrington for being open to the idea of an art show and allowing us to come in for a big kick off, plus a month-long run!

Hopefully, if this show is successful, Kona, or rather Don the Beachcomber will consider more art shows in the future, and we can get all this great work out and seen by an appreciative tiki audience!

Oh yeah, here's one last piece I finished this week:

It's called Swordfish By Night
11" x 14"
colored pencil on paper
It's based on the photo that I tool that was used for the flier for the show.

Yer pal,
Eric October

This is beautiful, I love this... Everything is so Awesome! Have a great show everyone. See ya there.

GROG posted on Sat, Feb 28, 2009 1:57 PM

Kirby came by to pick up a Tki Pendant display holder that GROG had absconded with, and he brought by his pendants he's taking to Sam's-the Kona-Beachcomber and the stuff looks great. These are hand-carved ORIGINAL pendants, so if you get a chance to purchase one (or more), you should definitely do so. Kirby had gotten away from doing Tiki art for awhile, but now that he is back, his stuff is better than ever. GROG found the photos of some of the he had posted on his thread, but these photos do not do these exquisite little carvings any justice at all. When you see these in person you will be very impressed. GROG seal of approval. Here are the photos from his thread:

here are a few tiki pendants I've been working on.. Some will be avalable at the kona art show...
i have been messing around with a lil paint with these guys..
this one was inspired by a tiki I saw at disneyland.

a lil more traditional

a lil more stylized I never get tired of the skullz

this guy is all dressed up to go to a fun tiki party. im not sure if someone has already done one like this before,but i thought it was a fun idea..


Mean Gene will be makin' the scene....

Great show, and WOW! the attendance was rediculous! If this place had been struggling as Kona, you wouldn't have ever guessed. The entire parking lot was filled! I found the only open spot available at the time we pulled up! What an incredible turnout, and I want to thank Doug Horne for the print and good conversation! Also it was good to see Dave and Rebecca from Purple Orchid, BigTikiDude "spinnin" on the 1's and 2's(Jeff, the 1970's called...They want their house speakers back!haha, i keed, i keed!), Soccer and Woohoo, Kenny, Squid(Dave, that Shrunkle is f'n insane...4 strawholes help it to go down faster for one person!)!, and the rest of the TikiCentral squad! Thank you to Tobunga for throwing this shindig together, man what a turn out! All of the artwork was incredible, and a big Mahalos to all the contributors who busted ass to get their art in the show...I took a couple of craptacular pics without flash as not to offend any spectators...

Wow! Cool pictures of my 'Bird. Nice work.
Yeah, Kona was PACKED tonight for dinner and the art show... Great turn out! and some amazing art.
I hope they don't do anything retarded with those "Sam's" letters (It was cool to see them up close!).... I overheard a waiter saying that they were going to put the swordfish AND the letters up on eBay.... He wasn't kidding. Let's hope he's misinformed... I think Ben could do something really cool for the Beachcomer in paying tribute to Sam's by using the letters as part of the decor.


On 2009-03-01 00:02, Luckydesigns wrote:
Wow! Cool pictures of my 'Bird. Nice work.

I hope they don't do anything retarded with those "Sam's" letters (It was cool to see them up close!).... I overheard a waiter saying that they were going to put the swordfish AND the letters up on eBay.... He wasn't kidding. Let's hope he's misinformed...

I actually was told the same about the Sam's neon letters by a waitress...Sounds like this one is truth...I have full file 7.1 megapix of yer bird if you want to make a poster of it or something...lol...let me know, i can send you the jpg...


Thanks Eric! What A Great Turn-Out! Very fun! I didn't get to take many pictures, But here is some:

BigToe, Very cool art my friend:

The Master Squid:

The Lovely Mieko:

Dani and Myself:


Great Night !!!
First I want to say Congratulations to Tobunga for championing this art show,despite it's on again/off again status over the past month or so.
I'd say it was a smashing success, amazing turnout, and the art, as usual, was amazing.

Another thing that really made me happy was the fact that the place was jumpin'....
The Bar, dining room, art show area, and even the KONA banquet room in the back were filled up, with patrons...eating drinking, escaping....Tiki People AND non tiki people.
People dressed in Aloha shirts that were obviously not TC Ohana, but still there for the Aloha.

Maybe the "mana of Don" has already started to permeate the place, or it was just a busy night for the restaurant, OR I was just feeling the effects of the Mai Tais (very possible!), but there was a good vibe there..I felt it. It felt great !

Eric, thanx for choosing to pay tribute to the Icon that is Sam's, and helping with the fight to keep this place alive. KUDOS my friend!

I know the efforts of everyone here on TC is acknowledged, and it's nice to know that we have a place where we can have out Tiki Geek-a-thons, and it's actually appreciated by the proprietors.

Tikiyaki : Happy ! :)

PS : Regarding the SAMS Neon sign. I will email Chuck and see what the skinny is on this. I doubt that the wait staff is right on this. I'm guessing that they will hang up the letters somewhere in the place. Chuck is really keen on the history of the place, and I seriously doubt he would pawn something like that off on ebay.

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2009-03-01 08:35 ]

Wow!!! great night,
amazing art,
good times,
good friends,
and thanks to everyone for the kind words on the tunes.

Tobunga, thanks for puttin this together, and for asking me to spin.

thats too funny man.
but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I didn't have a PA system, of tikiyaki or someone to pug into.
so I made do. I thought the sound was fine.



Hey Jeff,

I personally LIKE the 70's speakers...If the 70's call you up, and ask for them back....tell them NO!

Speakers like that reek of pot smoke and the Black Sabbath "Paranoid" Album.

"Generals gathered in the massESSSSSSSSSSSS......." DA da !

well considering that we bought those speakers new in 98. I don't know what to tell you guys. haha
sorry no pot smoke on them,
but plenty of Sabbath has passed thru them.

I was very sad to hear that Kirby only sold one piece last night.
his new stuff is seriously rockin.
way to make a comeback bruddah.


Looks like y'all had fun, wish we had made it!

We are chained to our computers with a wicked deadline looming for this movie we've been slaving over.

Maybe we will see all of you soon.


Wow! What a great time. It was fun seeing everyone and getting caught up. This is one of the reasons I moved out here, to be able to participate in events like this.

Eric, a big thank you for organizing this shin dig. Your art looks smashing.

Squidly, thanks for the awesome piece. I found a "CUTE" corner to hang my "CREEPY" Squid art, love it.

Better late than never, below is my original for the show. Go check out the great art everyone did for the event.

I survived the head-hungry Jivaro tribe!

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2009-03-01 12:46 ]

Mahalo, Mahalo, Mahalo to Tobunga, Manuel, and all the other Tiki Artists who helped make this event such a huge success. Kona was packed!!!

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2009-03-01 12:45 ]


Sam's/Kona was packed, I forgot to mention what a Great Job Jeff ( bigtikidude ) Did, Spinning some cool vinyl, Thanks Jeff, All though I didn't collect vinyl in the late 70's early 80's I have some of my used, Very played surf records for you, My way of saying Thank You! For all ways making the events fun, With your DJ music, The Gogo's with the Ventures ( 45 ) Surfin' and Spyin'/Showdown In Newport is one of my favorites! I'll bring these with me to the next event.

You probably have this " Surf Raiders " Surf Wax Record

Though in rough condition, I know you'll find some use for them!

Thank You Jeff/Eric And again what Packed Fun Night! Gogo


Mahalo everybody!

Wow! What a phenomenal opening event last night!

I want to thank once again all the amazingly talented artists who really came through with some stellar work during a nutty show schedule.
The swordfish artwork for the month-long show is fantastic! If you didn't catch the opening night festivities, you can still check out the work until March 28th!

We're working on having a closing night gathering too... there will be a couple more pieces joining the show in the next week, so come on back to see more cool art!

Thanks too to DJ BigTikiDude...Jeff, your music was awesome!

And thank you to everyone who came out to support Kona and the artists! What an incredible turn out! I was so excited to see so many people... a tribute, I believe, to the great artists, and the great establishment... Sam's, Kona, and now Don the Beachcomber!

Thanks also to Chuck at Kona for being willing to host the show. I'm hoping the turn out gave them a sales boost, and sets the precedent for more events in the future!


Yer pal,
Eric October

On 2009-03-01 12:40, Swamp Fire wrote:

Better late than never, below is my original for the show. Go check out the great art everyone did for the event.

I survived the head-hungry Jivaro tribe!

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2009-03-01 12:46 ]

Wow, Doug, that's one fantastically bad-ass fish! Glad to hear it was a good time, wish we were there. Your partner, Jerry, sends her best...counting down to Oasis!



What a fun event this was! And no blubbering weepy-ness since (thank the Tiki gods) the place isn't being torn down! I think we all owe a big mahalo to Tikiyaki for beating the drum on this one. I am excited by the prospect of a new Don the Beachcomber's here on the mainland. And something tells me that the new name/ownership may lead to an increase in the "tipsy" (tiki's per square inch) factor in the decor. Great to see so many poeple I love in one happy place!


Mahalo Tobunga! It was a great show. We had a wonderful time!


Thanks KONA for such warm hospitality
and a BIG MAHALO to tobunga
for organizing this awesome event!
the joint was packed! :)
the vending was hopping
and the art was eye-popping!
Eric sold a great "KONA at night" piece to some lucky duck that eve!
that was my favorite!
Met a lotta newbies and got to hang with the oldies!
the enthusiasm/stoke/and inspiration choked the air!
Best surprise of the night was meeting Moss
the owner of Frankie's in Vegas!
it was rad to finally be able to speak with him in person
There are just too many friendly people in the scene! :lol:
What a kickin event!
bigtikidookie played some nice sets and added some mood-enhancing ambiance!
not enough Sabbath in those 70's speakers,tho!
Glad i could get all dem hugs from y'all!
i'll add them to the collection!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2009-03-02 08:32 ]

squid posted on Mon, Mar 2, 2009 11:39 AM

TOBUNGA and MANUEL! What an awesome job you guys did getting this show set up and coordinated. Thanks for letting me hang out with all you overachievers!


On 2009-03-01 12:40, Swamp Fire wrote:
Wow! What a great time. It was fun seeing everyone and getting caught up. This is one of the reasons I moved out here, to be able to participate in events like this.

Eric, a big thank you for organizing this shin dig. Your art looks smashing.

Squidly, thanks for the awesome piece. I found a "CUTE" corner to hang my "CREEPY" Squid art, love it.

Better late than never, below is my original for the show. Go check out the great art everyone did for the event.

I survived the head-hungry Jivaro tribe!

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2009-03-01 12:46 ]

Doug I loved your piece, I was staring at it all night across the room from me.
it has a angry dark feel that none of your other pieces have.
and sometimes thats a good thing.

Go Tiki,
that is some great stuff you have there.
I would be more than happy to give it a home.
and play it at events.



Tobunga: We love our Sam's plushy swordfish! Such a great idea & the make for great eating!

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