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Rest In Peace,Tiki-Kate

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So glad to hear things are going well. Get well soon.


Great to hear from you Kate. Keep fighting the good fight, we're all pulling for you here !

Come on Kate....I'm sitting over here waiting to paint cute stuff and I'm not going to do it unless you yell at me!!!!

Get better lady....good thoughts your way.


Babalu posted on Thu, Apr 1, 2010 3:41 PM

When your ready kid, we are going to have one big ass Chop over here at my house...you let me know when you feel up to it.

Glad your doing better Kate...I think about you often.

Keeping active works wonders toward healing. I had a patient who at 70 had lesions throughout her body. I saw her every year for 10 years. The last visit she said, "Well Wendy I won't be seeing you again." All I could ask was why? Her answer, because my insurance company is now contracting with another hospital. Seeing her scans each year and how horrific they were showed me that mind over cancer works. She always told me that she was too busy to have cancer so she did what the doctors said and never worried. I hope she's now 90 and going strong. You seem very strong too. God Bless you. We look forward to meeting you one day. Maybe Oasis? Wendy and Dan


I was at my sister's house the other day, and just as I was leaving, the mailman came along with an enormous box that turned out to be for me.

I want to thank Cammo again for coordinating all of this for me. It's so sweet of you.

I could barely lift the box thanks to the giant basket from Queen Kamehameha. I've been living off the contents for days. My gosh, there's some amazing stuff in there. Thank you, Amy.

I also wanted to share some of the fabulous hand made cards that I've received.

Mike and Roxanne sent that amazing Get Well Kate drawing pictured on page 12 of this thread. It was too big for my scanner. :) I'm going to have it framed.

This first one is from Cammo who knows how much I love Nancy Drew.

Aquarj's daughter Nina drew some lovely cakes for me.

CheekyGirl made this one and included some great pictures of herself, me and hiltiki at a Chop.

MadDogMike sent some little tikis with his well wishes.

Tobunga actually worked this adorable pendant into his card.

Doug Horne remembered that monkeys freak me out.

Instead of a card, TikiG actually made me a get well painting.

Krisdrama made this intricately cut tiki card.

Bongo Bungalow made a get well Kate shirt, and Puamana sent a great Heather Watts card.

Bamalamalu made me a little beach scene. Something to dream about...

I also want to thank the Bongofurys. I was horrified when I came home one day to find an open package sitting in front of my house. Apparently, the person who took it upon them self to look through my mail wasn't interested in the awesome vintage beach towel and the pile of DVDs that Ron and Mickee sent. Phew!

Thank you all for the dozens of cards that I've received and for the sentiments expressed within.

Truly in the Tiki Ohana spirit, marvelous!

I want to post this FASCINATING LECTURE here, which even though Kate might know most of the information, should be watched by everybody. It is a great glimpse of WHAT ELSE happened (and continues to happen) to the post WW II generations other than Tiki Culture :) :


GROG posted on Wed, Apr 21, 2010 12:07 AM

WE miss you, Kate.

Hope you are doing better.


Kate, your a great friend and Ray and I wanted you to know how much we are thinking about you. Also, when I dont feel good, easy food is always appreciated. So we are glad you enjoyed it! get well, tiki season is upon us!



Kate,, Sad to hear you're not feeling well, hope you feel better soon, it's no fun to feel bad, if you need Anything, holler!


feel better kate!!!


Nice job Amy , always a class act .Get better soon Tiki Kate.

mieko posted on Wed, May 5, 2010 6:45 PM

I saw Kate today. Her last bout of Chemo has really tired her out, so she hasn't had the energy to get on TC. She's resting up and hopes to check in soon. Thanks for your continued thoughts.

Good Luck Kate,
we are all pulling for ya.



Get well soon Kate.


Kate could use another great big cosmic group hug right about now.

Everybody ready?


Babalu posted on Fri, May 7, 2010 7:39 AM




GROG posted on Fri, May 7, 2010 8:40 AM

(((((((((((((KATE!))))))))))))))) x10



We are thinking about you Tiki Kate!

Jen and Scott



TikiG posted on Fri, May 7, 2010 9:31 AM


Stretching my arms from the Nation's Captial...




I'm newer to TC and haven't had the pleasure of meeting you, but I love hugging people (not in a creepy way though :) ) The community at TC is a beautiful expression of compassion, joy and love.... happy to be a part of it all.

Praying for you today! (((((((((KATE)))))))) May you be strengthened and encouraged!

Peace & blessings,
Jason <


More strength to you, Kate!



I'm wishin' & hopin' for lots & lots of strength for you right now. Oodles of it.




A hug and a prayer for Kate. Hang in there!

Bowana posted on Fri, May 7, 2010 8:48 PM




Kate, YOU ROCK! Keep kicking its ass!



squid posted on Sat, May 8, 2010 7:00 PM


Couldn't resist that second one!

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OK Loogie, if that doesn't bring a smile to Kate's pretty face, nuthin' will ! :)



Thinking of ya!





((((((((((((Kate! I got ya in my Heart!))))))))))))





Keep At It Kate!



Miss ya.



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