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Tiki Oasis 10 official thread

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Even though I couldn't make it this year, I want to chime in with the mahalos for throwing together such a fantastic event. I love to see my friends happy, and I have LOT of very, very happy friends right now. It has been wonderful being able to live vicariously through everyone's updates & photos here and on Facebook. Thank you for sharing, and thank you Otto, Baby Doe and crew for making it happen!

Such an amazing event! I've been going to TO since the Palm Springs days, and I'm STILL amazed at how big it's grown!! Lots of fun, hanging out with friends that I haven't had a chance to hang out with in years!

I've had a lot of people asking me about records. When The Hula Girls finished our set on the main stage, I guess we were tricky to find. If you want to purchase a record or CD or a hand screened poster, you can get 'em here:


Thanks again to Otto for having us, we'd love to do it again next year!
Can't wait for more pictures.... A lot of it is pretty foggy for me...


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns 2010-08-23 21:04 ]

great seeing all our friends at oasis again! way too much fun.
was it me or was this the best tiki oasis yet????
oasis turned 10,incredible room parties,great weather,playing bass for kin tsoy, martini kings played 2 fun shows plus my wife and i got re-married at oasis on saturday in a ceremony for 40 guests at the waterfall. couldn't think of a better place to renew our 20th year!
thanks to will the thrill for premiering the new 10 minute short film about the making of our new album on saturday eve at oasis.if you missed the flick -check it out here.
martini kings: the buddy greco sessions
also we apologize for selling out of the new disc early at oasis. if you would like a copy just visit our site at http://www.martinikings.com
thanks again otto, you know how to throw a party. also special thanks to baby doe for setting up our wedding reception and makin it happen.cheers!
tony and frank marsico
the martini kings


Tony, I was one of the crowd that took you up on your offer of the leftover wedding food that you wheeled out into the vending area. I thanked you, but did not realize it was YOUR wedding! Congrats!!!

Thanks to everyone for making the Oasis once again the high point of my year! This event was my 40th birthday party, & I couldn't have spent it with a better group of people!
Also, big thanks to this year's jacket folk:

Otto & Baby Doe
David Lozeau
D.J. Strike (Kitsch niche!)
Wendy (danlovestikis) and Dan Cevola
Doug Horne
Tom's art project
Jason Lee (from the R.I.P.tides)
Ken Ruzik
Mad Dog Mike
Danny Derva
Jason Wickedly
'Crazy Al'
Trader Tom

I had to leave early on Sunday, so apologies to those who were going to sign then. I was tickled to see so many folks from last year, as well as new arrivals that were (for the most part) happy, respectful of the TIKI, and genuinely enjoying themselves. As always, Otto & Baby Doe, the Oasis has made my year liveable until the next one!


Visit Zerotiki!

The Super Secret Sigil of The Electric Tiki Society(tm)

[ Edited by: ZeroTiki 2010-08-24 22:14 ]

hey 4wdtiki!
cool man. i hope the food soaked up some of the rum from the weekend!

I really hope to finally attend a Tiki Oasis next year. This year was just not affordable to me. Glad to see everyone had a blast! See you all next year!


I think I'm still recovering from Tiki Oasis. I wanted to say thank you to everyone for making my first Tiki Oasis experience a blast! I had a lot of fun with with good friends and new friends. It was great to finally meet some Northern California people and other people from TC. I'd like to say Mahalo to Otto, Baby Doe, and the Volunteer crew for making it possible for me to attend! I can't wait for next year!


What an incredible weekend for me & the Mrs. This being our first Oasis we didn't know what to expect, yet every moment was a memorable one filled with fun, great people & outta this world entertainment. We had such a great time it's taken 'til now to finally come back down to reality (now that I think about it, that could've been because of all the rum we consumed).

There are so many people to thank so I'll just give out the biggest heart-felt "Thank You!" to everyone who was there, from fellow attendees to the performers to the vendors to everyone who made things possible. And of course, a very special thank you Otto & Babydoe for making Oasis what it is today: THEE tiki event of the year. We're already making plans for '11!

And speaking of next year, since the 2011 Oasis will have a "south of the boarder" flavor, why not have Marty Lush & His Latin Livers on that main stage? That would be muy bueno!


On 2010-08-25 15:35, Tobor64 wrote:
And speaking of next year, since the 2011 Oasis will have a "south of the boarder" flavor, why not have Marty Lush & His Latin Livers on that main stage? That would be muy bueno!

I think most of those Latin Livers live in San Diego even.


On 2010-08-25 16:10, Tonga Tom wrote:

On 2010-08-25 15:35, Tobor64 wrote:
And speaking of next year, since the 2011 Oasis will have a "south of the boarder" flavor, why not have Marty Lush & His Latin Livers on that main stage? That would be muy bueno!

I think most of those Latin Livers live in San Diego even.

Marty Lush and his Latin Livers would be the best choice to headline!

I would prefer Shakira.

As a long-time Oasis attendee, I can honestly say Otto and Baby Doe truly put on the biggest Tiki extravaganza I have ever witnessed. It was so great to see old friends and make new ones too. And it was a lot of fun to have participated in a number of activities including pin-up modeling, the costume contest, go-go dancing for APE, and especially the Keep-a-Breast art show. A special thank you to my friend, Atomikitty, for joining me in most of these.

But most of all, I wanted to thank my sweetie-pie (Atomic Cocktail) for making me the loveliest costume I have ever had the pleasure to wear. It brought tears to my eyes when I first saw it put together. (Or as Charles Phoenix would say, "It made my spirit soar!")

We call it "The Look of Lava."

Otto posted on Wed, Aug 25, 2010 9:25 PM

On 2010-08-25 20:16, vintagegirl wrote:
As a long-time Oasis attendee, I can honestly say Otto and Baby Doe truly put on the biggest Tiki extravaganza I have ever witnessed. It was so great to see old friends and make new ones too. And it was a lot of fun to have participated in a number of activities including pin-up modeling, the costume contest, go-go dancing for APE, and especially the Keep-a-Breast art show. A special thank you to my friend, Atomikitty, for joining me in most of these.

But most of all, I wanted to thank my sweetie-pie (Atomic Cocktail) for making me the loveliest costume I have ever had the pleasure to wear. It brought tears to my eyes when I first saw it put together. (Or as Charles Phoenix would say, "It made my spirit soar!")

We call it "The Look of Lava."

Marsha, Chaz
You are truly fabulous

Otto posted on Wed, Aug 25, 2010 9:39 PM

On 2010-08-23 17:11, congawa wrote:
Thanks to Otto, Baby Doe, all the volunteers and everyone who worked tirelessly this weekend to make everything go so smoothy--and making it such a fun weekend (do I really have to wait 365 whole days to do it again)?

And the Ding Dong Devils want to thank everyone who attended the DDD/Hell on Heels room party Saturday night, especially since audience-participation turned out to be a key element in the fun (unfortunately, I missed, and only heard later about somebody drinking champagne from Jolie Goodnight's metal washtub after she finished her champagne bath--a true Tallulah Bankhead x100 moment)! Huge thank yous to Martini BombsHELL and Hell on Heels, for everything they did to raise the energy to a higher level, to Michelle for the great Montanya Rum, and to our busy bartenders Christine, Rita and Leslie. We formed our band after being inspired by Tiki Oasis a couple of years ago, and a room party like this was something we only dreamed about!

Caltiki Brent

[ Edited by: congawa 2010-08-23 17:11 ]

thanks for the totally rockin room party
ding dong devils delivered the goods!
and had the sexiest bartenders too! Who is that loveley Rita? OMG, every guy at the bar was vying for her attention, she must have been overwhelmed with conversation, but no, she was taking it all in stride!

[ Edited by: congawa 2010-08-23 17:12 ]

[ Edited by: congawa 2010-08-23 17:12 ]

Huge thanks to Otto & Baby Doe for all the hard work putting the shindig on! We had a blast again this year.

We also wanted to thank everyone that came to see us, along with our guest Marina, at our Aquarama symposium. We're honored to share these materials that haven't been seen and heard in over 40 years.

And thank you so much to everyone that came by our booth and took home a Vintage Roadside t-shirt or two!

Jeff & Kelly
Vintage Roadside

Huge Mahalo's to Otto and Baby Doe, and all their helpers and volunteers.
I was prepared for it to be a huge turn out, and knew what to expect.
and I had a great time, and made as many events and bands as possible.

Thanks to those who hung out on Sunday for Tiki Tena's and My DJ set.
and thanks for the Kudos.
I will be back for sure next year.


What a phenomenal weekend! Thanks to ALL of the folks who put the time and effort into the making of this spectacular. King Kukulele has proven his name and himself as the undisputed King of tiki entertainers, keeping the fest entertaining and on track for 10 years. Best bands, best room parties, best vending... I'm just in awe of the grand scale and smooth sailing of it all. Looking forward to next year.

-Weird Unc


Finally back home!

I'd like to join everyone else in giving a HUGE mahalo to Otto and Baby Doe for a spectacular weekend. We've been pondering an Oasis trip for years, but the logistics of crossing the Pacific we so daunting that we were afraid the effort would be too great. Welp, it was worth it %1000! SO much fun, SO many great people, SO much aloha, and enough amazing art/artists to charge my creative batteries for the next 10 years (or at least until we head out to Oasis 11)!

My only complaint is that it was over so soon!
Cant wait to see everyone again next year -

Aloha -
Henrik "VanTiki"

Loved meeting both of you. And LOVE the dress.

On 2010-08-25 20:16, vintagegirl wrote:

Great great great time. I got to introduce 8 new people to the awesomeness that is Tiki Oasis. Thank you to all the organizers and volunteers. I think next year we're venturing into room parties.

There are too many highlights to mention, but a few were:

  • Going to the Bali Hai for the first time (and 2nd on Sunday night).
  • 2 sets by Tikiyaki
  • Both of Martin Cate's symposiums
  • Finally getting a Tiki tOny bird!
  • Seeing APE perform
  • and like 100 other things

It's been a week and I can still barely process it all. What I do know is I'm drinking from my Tiki Oasis 10 mug and remembering what a great time it was.

Assorted photos:

I can't wait for next year,


Huge mahalos to Otto and Baby Doe for such a great weekend. Every year this thing just keeps getting better and more fun. I would also like to thank Heath for help with the go-go stages and Jim Giddings for his tireless work keeping the stage show running smooth. My family and I had a blast. Oh yeah, a personally fun highlight for me was DJ Lee stopping by the Finkniks booth with his Uke' where Lee, Sleestak and myself busted out some Black Flag covers. It's the little things that happen between people all weekend long that makes Tiki Oasis so perfect. I usually have at least one moment during the event where I get emotional thinking about how you can wedge 2000+ people into an event and 2000+ people can all be smiling and enjoying themselves. This was also my first chance to see Marie since the crash and if I had missed every single thing else that went on seeing her up and moving around with a smile would have been enough. Aloha to all.

On 2010-08-30 11:59, Matt Reese wrote:
This was also my first chance to see Marie since the crash and if I had missed every single thing else that went on seeing her up and moving around with a smile would have been enough. Aloha to all.

Hell Yeah!!

If you picked up the magic post card somehwere at Oasis 10 then you are the winner of a Sophista-tiki Original.

Just reading through some of the previous posts on the page above me. I have to agree with so many things that were said. Seeing Marie out and about and in good spirits was heartwarming. Marsha's lava outfit was the tops of fabulousness. Seeing old friends and making a few new ones, the bands, the room parties. I enjoyed being able to participate in special events with contributions of art like The Keep a Breast Show ( Marsha was my model) and Tiki Kates auction. I especially love the fact that the winner of my piece from Kates auction was my neighbor Paul. I hand carried the print all the way down there on the plane and Paul carried it back up to Seattle just 2 blocks from its original location.
I would also like to add that although I did not vend this year, with all the great comments I recieved in person I will be vending next year.
Tiki Oasis is such a high of goodness it will take me through many months of gloomy winter here in Seattle. I cant wait for next year. Dawn

It was our first year (and first time west of the Mississippi) and it was an amazing event that we are so thankful we are a part of. Many thanks and appreciation to all of our new friends, and all of our customers that made a dream a reality.
DeTiki will be back next year- bigger and better! And with a whole new wardrobe the way I have been burning up Ebay.

We miss Cali already!

Otto posted on Tue, Aug 31, 2010 6:21 PM

Tiki Oasis listening party tomorrow night!!
Wed, Sept 1
8pm til 1am
Forbidden Island

Featuring music I scored at Tiki Oasis. Kim Tsoy, and live music from Tiki Oasis 10!!

Live, in-person, Bob the Sound Wizard

Be the first to hear these live recordings!!


On 2010-08-27 16:37, VanTiki wrote:

My only complaint is that it was over so soon!
Cant wait to see everyone again next year -

Aloha -
Henrik "VanTiki"

Oh man Thanks so much for coming by my booth to say hello! The first and last time I got to see you!?? I did not even make it in the pool this year.. till sunday after dark. Well? i could always try to get out there in the middle of the Pacific. Or there is next year in seems??

HEY!! HUGE THANKS TO MATT!! for busting out a super stand-in APE crate for all to enjoy a great show.. that APE Sign too? KING KONG like!! WOW!


You are most certainly welcome.

Coupon Extended!

Hey there Oasites,

just letting you know that I've extended the coupon code (available in your program) to last through September 14th! That's 20% off orders of $30 or more at TraderTiki.com. Orgeat, Falernum, Don's Mix... all the best stuff!

That is all. Dang I had a good time. Cheers!


ps - spelling errors are your friend.

Exotic Syrups for Tropical Mixology!

[ Edited by: Trader Tiki 2010-09-02 14:32 ]


Wow...Now that was a blast..It was my first Oasis and it did not dissapoint..
All the entertainment was top notch and it was great to talk to alot of them after their shows and find no rockstar attitudes..

The room parties I attended were a blast..Ding Dong Devils..Thee Swank Bastards and Chum rocked em..

Tried sushi for the first time..Between shots of Jameson and Zombies..

Every one so cool and full of the aloha spirit..Met alot of new people and saw some old friends..
Thanx to everyone who has a hand in making this event happen..

Hey Matt Reese..Got room for 1 more uke player for The Black Flag jam?

And contrary to what Squid believes..It wasnt me who brought all the rockabillies!!

Just a couple of em..

[ Edited by: slapbass 2010-09-03 09:33 ]

[ Edited by: slapbass 2010-09-03 09:40 ]


There is always room at the Finknik booth for jam sessions. See you there next year.

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