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Hawaii Five-O 2.0

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[ Edited by: Donnabeach 2010-07-03 21:43 ]

molo posted on Tue, Jun 15, 2010 12:00 AM

On 2010-06-14 20:15, martian-tiki wrote:
The Venture Brothers has an awesome theme!

The Ventures ... their 5-O cover of Steven's classic theme ... and the Venture Brothers? Whaa?

On 2010-06-14 22:21, Donnabeach wrote:

I'm sorry for seeming so smug, molo. You obviously won the debate hands down. I didn't have a chance. Lol! How does that heat/kitchen saying go again? :D Aloha

If you want to take the high road and engage, then make the effort and apply yourself. I gave you lots to work with by way of counters. If you're looking for an excuse to duck or run-n-hide (or act like a kid), be my guest. Best then to simply agree to disagree. It's much simpler, and definitely less juvenile.

Or is this last post of yours a continuation of the "schooling" you offer?

molo posted on Tue, Jun 15, 2010 3:24 AM

Hey Donna, I'll give you an easy out to this tit for tat impasse we seem to have reached. In the name of Tiki spirit, I'll take a dose of my own high road medicine first. As it is, we're beginning to trade snipes and little more. All we're giving the gallery is a few cheap laughs, basically at our own expense. That's not why I came here; I doubt it's why you did either. I took a touch of offense at your "schooling' entendre, but in turn you could counter by saying I took "artistic license" in quasi patronizing you like one auntie. Perhaps neither was meant the way the other is taking it, or ultimately interpreted it. Like the old saying goes: wars are easy to start but difficult to stop once initiated. And yet here we are, having taken to the trenches.

So, let's either constructively engage, or simply agree to disagree. You keep scoffing at my recollections like they're meaningless. Why? What's the point in joining such a discourse forum, if not to reminisce and trade what we know (or think we know)? Or do you feel it should just be a matter of the published or net based references you can scrounge up and cite versus the ones I can, with no personal viewpoints or first hand accounts allowed? That's the part I don't get, as I can't imagine anything that would be drier or duller than if such things spun around that exclusionary basis alone.

Also, I asked you to cite where you found or determined a number of things you were claiming, to counter my own imperfect recollections (which btw are not based solely on memory, but on everything I have come to know or gather to date on the subject, though I'm anything but an expert). Somehow you seem to have missed that part, or chose to cherry pick past it. So if what you're presenting isn't based on any of your own personal recollection(s), perhaps you can enlighten me/us with some of your sources.

I'd also look forward to your responses to the questions (and that oddity) I posed to you earlier in my "factless rant" but you have yet to answer:

Molo: *My recollection was that it was the Ventures backing the commercials since the sound seemed more guitar oriented than that of the CBS orchestra version, but if you have a definitive source to cite, let me see it. *

Molo: *Now here's another odd thing -- I don't recall it moving up to 10pm back then (on Oahu anyway), more like 9pm. * [=> fact or fiction?]

Molo: So kindly point me to this network demo analysis you keep making reference of, especially as it applied back then and to the show (or wherever you're getting this).

Molo: *It only stands to reason having a Top Ten radio hit of a new show's musical theme coming out concurrently as it looks to win over new viewers would be considered a godsend in the entertainment world, then AND now. Now ask yourself, how often does this typically (or ever) happen? *

Molo: You do realize I was picking up where others left off on this "theme" in this thread, right?

If you simply want to pretend you possess some form of divine knowledge on these things, by not answering anything directly but implying you somehow know better, so be it. You won't have proven anything to anyone, and certainly not to me. If you come back only to nip at my heels, I'm going to ignore you from this point on ("all pau" Hawaiian style), so think well before firing away. I can hold my own at debate, but reminiscing is my first love. If you want to prove me or my memory wrong with any of the above, here's your opportunity, complete with olive branch. You'll be doing me a favor in doing so, as a factualized mind beats a fuzzy one any day.

PS. I'm curious if you live on the Islands, or lived there during the sixties? And no, it doesn't make or break a thing whether you did or not, as most of what we're discussing applies to every part of the country just about equally (Hawaii simply being ground zero). Likewise maybe you have some personal connection to the Stevens or Freeman family but aren't anteing up, or can lay claim to some insider knowledge .. who knows? I'll welcome it if you do.

**BTW Everything stated here applies to anyone else who happens to read this and might care to respond, or offer up something new or by way of clarification. I came here to engage and exchange, not troll or nitpick. **

On the west coast H5O did move to a 10pm time slot, does anyone remember if it was shifted to Friday nights at some point?
Of course other regions & networks in other parts of the country could have shown it at other times.

[ Edited by: Donnabeach 2010-07-03 12:29 ]

Maybe its time to get back on track here, since the topic is the new H5O show & older threads exsist for the classic H5O
even one of mine.

[ Edited by: Donnabeach 2010-07-03 12:29 ]

Good article on the history of the original theme song and the new song.


On a positive note...the guy who's playing Dan-O, is on Entourage this season and he's great. This guy seems to play the wise ass, balbuster, so expect more of that from Dan-O. Not really true to the original, but the guy's a good actor anyway.

On 2010-07-26 10:49, tikiyaki wrote:
On a positive note...the guy who's playing Dan-O, is on Entourage this season and he's great. This guy seems to play the wise ass, balbuster, so expect more of that from Dan-O. Not really true to the original, but the guy's a good actor anyway.

I think he is James Caan,s son.

On 2010-07-26 11:15, Iokona Ki'i wrote:

On 2010-07-26 10:49, tikiyaki wrote:
On a positive note...the guy who's playing Dan-O, is on Entourage this season and he's great. This guy seems to play the wise ass, balbuster, so expect more of that from Dan-O. Not really true to the original, but the guy's a good actor anyway.

I think he is James Caan,s son.

Wow...you're right.

Now that I look at him...he looks ALOT like his dad.

Nepotism seems to Hollywood now.

I've been tapped to review and compare the new H5O with the classic in the next issue of Tiki Magazine. Praise Jack Lord and pass the ammo.
btw if you're a fan of the original series, you'll want to check out my Movie Nite at Tiki Oasis next month, 8/21. Be there. Aloha.

I saw the panel at ComiCon for the new Hawaii 5-0 series - writers, director, and a few of the cast. They answered every question right (in my opinion)- historical respect for the orginial cast and style, attention to setting (Hawaii is the 5th main character) but the clips were flat (blow this up, girl in bikini, blow that up, bad cop-good cop).

Oh, and Kono is a girl.

I'm still not holding out much hope for this one. Trying to keep an open mind, but not fond of remakes as they seldom capture the flavor of the original. And really now...there is NO...I repeat NO...replacement for Jack Lord!!!

Just saw this in Entertainment Weekly:

  • Producers considered hiring a popular rock star to rerecord the iconic Hawaii theme, but they (thankfully) chose to work with the track’s original musicians instead. “You cannot change the original,” acknowledged Kurtzman. “It is the greatest theme.” And the best part? We’ll actually get to hear it! “CBS has been so supportive,” noted Lenkov, “with regards to us having a title sequence.”

So things are looking up....


I was also disappointed that the Kono character was placed with a hot girl....nothing against hot girls, but it was disappointing nonetheless.

I'll still watch it, because it's filmed in Hawaii.

I'll still watch it, because it's filmed in Hawaii.


That's my ditto too!!!


Looks like a Hawaii Five-O marathon on Spike today 8/30/10 :o)

On 2010-08-30 13:50, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Looks like a Hawaii Five-O marathon on Spike today 8/30/10 :o)

Looks like it's on all week. I just set my DVR to record all episodes.

Sadly I don't hold out much hope for the new show. Modern network TV cop shows tend to be dreadful and formulaic. They are filled with young beautiful cops wearing $1000 suits. Even the bad guys are attractive. Worst of all, the writing is just awful. Network TV is dead.

On 2010-08-30 20:50, CincyTikiCraig wrote:

On 2010-08-30 13:50, HOUSE OF KU wrote:
Looks like a Hawaii Five-O marathon on Spike today 8/30/10 :o)

Looks like it's on all week. I just set my DVR to record all episodes.

Sadly I don't hold out much hope for the new show. Modern network TV cop shows tend to be dreadful and formulaic. They are filled with young beautiful cops wearing $1000 suits. Even the bad guys are attractive. Worst of all, the writing is just awful. Network TV is dead.

I like The CLoser starring Kyra Sedgewick....a good show with a sense of humor.

I love Dexter too, tho, I'm not sure you could call that a "cop show".

I like Scott Caan, tho' I'm not sure I wanna see a wise-ass Dan-O...we'll see.

Hey I just saw an extended preview for the new Hawaii 5-0 here:


Not only is Kono a chick, but she's played by Grace Park, who played Sharon "Boomer" Valerii (Number 8) so well on Battlestar Galactica. I have to admit, I'm actually getting kind of excited about this show!

I've already seen the pilot, and it was not very entertaining. Scott Caan was quite good but Alex O'Loughlin in the Jack Lord part is wooden. This is his third cbs series and whether he is a vampire detective, a doctor, or a cop, he plays the characters the same way. Granted pilots are hard to judge a show by, they need time to get a rhythm going but this show is just so generic and offers very little of the "cool" that was the original. It pretty much borrows the names and location and recycles them into another NCIS:LA


Why the heck do they insist on "recreating" old classics? Personally, I grew up with the 50 crowd and the music and racing canoes really hooked me on the Islands for life.

I agree that it should be good for the economy but I'll still be averting my eyes.


I like the old show because I like watching most old shows that are dated. The vocabulary, the clothes, the interiors, etc.

As for the new show, Hawaii= good, pretty girls=good, but how about plot? To get hooked on a new cop show, I'd like a little plot please. Maybe even a little whodunit mystery once in a while.

Thanks to rugbymat....some Sac Ohana will be drinkin' and watchin' together...feel the LUUUUUV!!!...and hope for the best.


After watching the long preview, I'm actually excited to see it. I like Scott Caan more and more as I watch him on Entourage, and he looks like he'll be great in this show. The only thing I'm not buying is Kono becoming a 90 lb chick who can kick everyone's ass....Sorry, that doesn't work.
Adding a chick to te lineup is fine, but it should be IN ADDITION to a MALE Kono.

Other than that, I'll be tuned in...it looks like fun.

The key to enjoying this series at all is to NOT compare it to the original.

Let's face it, There will never be another Jack Lords and there will never be another late 60's/early 70's...all the lingo, hippies as bad guys, and Red China being the enemy is gone.

If you go in with that idea, it could be a fun show.


[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2010-09-04 12:14 ]


On 2010-09-03 11:00, tikiyaki wrote:

The key to enjoying this series at all is to NOT compare it to the original.

I can understand what you're saying, but how can I NOT compare it to the original when they're remaking the original? Why not just create new characters that are working for the Hawaii police instead of remaking the original ones and updating them? Also, what's the point of remaking this show? Most of the people being targeted to watch this with all the new "good looking" characters probably never saw the original, and those of us that did probably don't care about the new angle they're taking (where everyone gets in on the action like Danny) so who is this show really for?

On the other hand: SpikeTV is doing a great marathon of the original. I personally won't be watching the re-make and anticipating an early demise. Sorry for the negative attitude.

Its pretty pure and simple. The original is now deemed a classic. The new show has so many expectations it would have to live up to in order to even come close to that. Even though im fully aware of that and accept the fact that it will not capture that same original series feel, it has potential to become a decent show independant of the original but still share the same name. A tiki camparison would be, if you were to go into a Don the Beachcomber today, you wouldnt get the exact same feel and experience you would have at the original location that Don Beach built on Hollywood Boulevard in 1934. But in 2010 you can go into a Don the Beachcomber and sip that same mai tai recipe he created and have a similiar experience in an establisment with the same name.


On 2008-08-13 18:39, Tikiton wrote:
Mad Men absolutely sucks. I started watching for the reasons listed above, I liked everything except the characters. They should all go away. Maybe a lawn dart to the head, however they used to die back then...

A friend of mine had me watch this show because of my interest in 60s jet set culture but I couldn't stand that show (not sure why). Glad to see it wasn't some kind of premature negative judgement on mine part.

I don't understand the hate for Madmen,It may not be your cup of tea, But the show does not suck in any way
It has the very best writing for one of "today's" TV shows, most of the shows on TV are so poorly written
zero dialog,one dimensional characters,thread bare plot etc.

Madmen captures the social mores of the 1960's (yes it was really like that!) Great dialog,which is so rare in a TV show these days
(Joan to Roger: "you have crossed the line from lubricated to morose")
3 dimensional characters that are flawed and very human and great production values for a show with a very limited budget.

But I better get back to the new H50 now.


"There will never be another Jack Lords"

Thank you Tikiyaki.

"Red China being the enemy is gone."

Ironically, that is not exactly the case. Of course today, Wo Fat would be a corporate executive or a Chinese government finance minister.

JOHN-O posted on Fri, Sep 3, 2010 5:07 PM

And Hippies are still the bad guys !! :D

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2010-09-03 17:08 ]

I'm not able to attend the Hawaii Five-0 premier on the beach at Waikiki but they're having a sneak peek tonight. There are some people that are planning to live-stream it if anyone is interested.


Thanks for posting that link it was geeky cool to watch live footage in Waikiki of Willie K and Taimane Gardner performing before the actors came down the red carpet for the premiere.

Message from original Danno Williams

Written remarks from James MacArthur, who played Danno Williams in the original Hawaii Five-0,h on the world premiere of new Five-0 pilot, Sept. 13, 2010, Sunset on the Beach, Waikiki.

Good evening everyone! I hope youre all enjoying a fine Hawaiian sunset and Im sorry I cant be there with you tonight.

Ever since I saw the scrip for the pilot, Ive been very excited about this new Hawaii Five-0.From that first moment, I knew CBS had another winner on its hands.

I can remember back to when Lenny Freeman called to invite me to participate in the original version. My first thought was, Great! If Im lucky this is my free ticket to 13 weeks in Hawaii. Count me in!

Little did I know that 40 years later, people would still be calling out to me to Book em, Danno! wherever I go, and that Hawaii Five-0 would become a worldwide phenomenon, an indelible part of our modern culture, ready tonight to launch a bold new incarnation.

I think I can confidently speak for Lenny (Freeman), Jack (Lord), Kam (Fong), Zulu and the rest of the original gang, as well as myself, in saying that were all just delighted with the outstanding caliber and sheer talent of the people involved with the Five-0. Its very heartening to see our legacy now in the hands of the terrific people you see before you tonight.

Im looking forward to making an appearance in the new show when the time is right, and I cant wait to see what the writers have in store for me. In the meantime, Ill be watching each week, eagerly anticipating the further adventures of the new Five-0 team.

May you all enjoy Hawaii and its fabulous people as much as I continue to do to this day, and may your association with Hawaii Five-0 be as successful and fulfilling for you as mine has been for me.

And remember, Be there! Aloha!

[ Edited by: Mongoloid 2010-09-14 09:01 ]

10pm tonight. Hoping for the best. Dadadadadaadaaaa.... :)

Washington Post said it was decent.

[ Edited by: JackLord 2010-09-20 11:14 ]

Here in Toronto, there was a big booth by the train station this morning. Reps from the network were handing out leis and I saw them setting up fountains for punch, etc. I guess they really need to build enthusiasm (or at least awareness) for this show.

I haven't noticed much promo work by CBS up here. I also noticed that rival NBC is pimping "The EVENT" big time which makes me wonder why CBS is counter punching.

On 2010-09-20 10:32, rugbymatt wrote:
I haven't noticed much promo work by CBS up here. I also noticed that rival NBC is pimping "The EVENT" big time which makes me wonder why CBS is counter punching.

I think the first 5 minutes of this evening's episode kind of summed up why they didn't promo this show very much. It might as well have been another episode of 24. Hanging on for the rest, but not expecting much from this. I hope they dare to be different with this.

[ Edited by: Vince Martini 2010-09-20 19:17 ]

Okay...it's growing on me now that McGarrett is putting together his team. I'll stop the rolling commentary and watch the rest of the show now.

As a lifelong fan of the original 5-0 I went into this fully prepared to hate the
new show and guess what?

It doesn't suck!

Corny dialogue, gratuitous violence, tense melodrama,
and they even ended with all the main characters sitting
around chuckling!

See you next Monday!

You said it John-o!

And yeah, I've got a feeling that this thing is gonna be lame. Lame like that new Trader Vics was in Vegas. All hype, no substance. It feels comparable to how the remaking of a Dirty Harry movie would be, today. The era is so part of the original... To take it out of that, there had better be some amazing writing involved.
Or maybe I'm proven wrong tonight, and it's a great show. We'll see.

I didn't hate it....I liked it for what it was
Just the Kono character...as hot as Grace Parks is, I think it' a serious injustice to the show to make Kono a chick.
I loved Scott Caan, just as I thought I would...he was great, and his wisecracking kept me laughing throughout.

There was very little beauty shots of Hawaii, and not many local characters, except that one guy from "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"...he was good.

I'll keep watching.

they should have kept to the actual era like madmen.....it's so refreshing to see period style shows these days as opposed to shows like this trying to capture the "spring break" audiences and college kids.....too bad....it could have been a real cool, intelligent crime drama especially if it was a little darker in it's story telling than the original.


My take:

I went in with an open mind and imho it crashed and burned. The camera work and graphics are stellar, but it just felt like I was watching CSI: Honolulu.

My biggest complaint is McGarret. Look, I realize this is the 21st Century and the original 5-0 debuted in 1968. But the appeal of Steve McGarret was that he was larger than life. He was a cool and calm stoic who was hard as steel and yet had a heart of gold.

In contrast, this guy plays McGarret like Kevin Costner would play him. Indeed, this show is more a remake of The Untouchables than it is of 5-0. And the McGarret-Danno dynamic is all wrong. It was more like watching how Starsky and Hutch were first aquainted. In the original, Steve was in charge and Danno was the loyal right-hand man. These guys were decking each other half the time.

An interesting mix of PC (the terrorists) with a complete jettisoning of PC (when Steve, Danno, and Chin question the fella selling shaved ice). I will say no more of that. Quite violent- glad its on late.

As a cheesy cop/buddy show or, as I said, a remake of The Untouchables in Hawaii, its entertaining enough. Its technically competent and the acting is fine. Its just did not do it for me. But that's just my opinion and I know others will feel differently. No worries.

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