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Adventures on Ambien

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I have a prescription for Ambien, I take 1 or 2 a month. I haven’t slept well for the past few nights so I decided to take an Ambien last night. I usually take one and go straight to bed but last night I decided to take one last look at TC. My college-aged son came home later to find me sleeping on the keyboard, here is his account of our conversation:

Son: Hi Dad
Me: Go ahead and put the leaves over the water son.
Son: Uhh… you OK Dad?
Me: Yeah, I took an Ambien a while ago and I need to go to bed.
Son: That’s probably a good idea
Me: Look here, I can still take you anytime I want to!
Son: I’m sure you still have your wits about you.
Me: Yep, I’ve got them wrapped around me like a pair of pants.
Son: O..K..
Me: I was writing a letter but it doesn’t make any sense now. Hey, why is the computer screen concave?

Then I stumbled off to bed singing “What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor?”

Anyone else care to share their embarassing Ambien moments?

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-01-03 07:58 ]

On 2010-02-09 19:22, MadDogMike wrote:
Anyone else care to share their embarassing Ambien moments?

All of my similar moments involve increasingly large quantities of alcohol, which is self-prescribed, so I don't think they exactly qualify for this conversation. Do they?

By all means! Alcohol Augments Ambien Adventures

A few years back my brother was working night shift. Before going to bed for the day he took an Ambien and washed it down with a little Jack Daniels. About 2pm, he was awaken by the police knocking on his door. The neighbor had reported that he had run into their truck. He told the cops they were crazy, that he had been home sleeping all day. Unfortunately, the paint on his car's wrecked fender matched the mark left on the truck's bumper. After asking around, it turned out he had driven down to the corner liquor store to buy cigarettes. Funny thing was, he already had a full carton of cigarettes at home.

wow funny stuff.

My Dad said that he sometimes talks to his buddy from the Vietnam war,
after 10 pm, when his buddy takes his ambien for the night.
he'll talk to him for 30 min or so.
If he talks to him the next day, he wont remember a thing they talked about.


I've been tryin' to get Hanford to sell Ambian for the Tiki Central bar crawlers for years!


You insomniacs are silly - I know of a COMPLETELY natural sleep aide with no evil, but extremely humorous after-the-fact, side effects - it's called MaryJane - she won't put you under so deep that when you DO go for a ride to the corner store for cigs and munchies in the middle of the night you won't forget! I know - it doesn't affect everyone the same way (I know some people who get the opposite effect from Ms. MJ) but it sure lets ME sleep like a baby! No go hit up your local dealer for dime bag and hit the hay!

Zeta posted on Tue, Aug 31, 2010 11:25 AM

That's some good advice beadtiki!
What where we talking about?

must find ambian black market. must sleep more than 4 hours. ugghhhh

boo and coffee aren't good for sleep..
but a mud mask and a nice relaxing bath
with Vivaldi's Four Seasons playing
always does the trick!

screw synthetic cure-alls for profit!

my problem is "staying" asleep. i can fallasleep anywhere, anytime. 6 hrs would be da kine!

most of my ebay purchases occur after I've taken my ambien for the night. I don't really remember buying them until they arrive in the mail. Then, it is like a nice gift from my subconscious!

Currently trying to wean myself off ambien after taking it every single day for a year now, and it's really really difficult and brutal.

My wife is not allowed on the computer or in the studio after she's taken her Ambien :lol:


Ambien-use with caution This is all my experience: compared to almost any herb or supplement I've tried, Ambien is far more powerful. 20 minutes, BAM, you're asleep. HOWEVER: 1-it only lasts for 4 hours and then you have to take it again to get 8 hours sleep. 2-Ambien, to me, is like crack to a crack-head--it rapidly becomes addictive (mental first, then physical) as its effectiveness diminishes with constant use. 3-side effects include slight memory loss, grogginess. Conclusion: great for emergencies but I personally try never to take it 2 nights in a row or more than once a week. read more

[ Edited by: beverly1 2011-11-07 06:17 ]


Ambien is a benzodiazepine dirivative I think. Drugs like Versed, the one they put you out with for outpatient procedures, etc. Do not take for longer that say two or three weeks. Though not as bad as Xanax or valium, it will cause structural changes in your little GABA receptors, according to some.


Warm milk still usually works for this writer. And it's cheap and legal and the warming releases a sleep-inducing chemical.

As the hypocrite e-writes, sipping a martini, cranked about the cold weather.

I have a funny/scary story from this past week. I am the director of the CardioPulmonary department in a hospital and sometimes get technical questions on the phone in the middle of the night. Thursday night I went to bed late and was still awake an hour and a half later. I wasn't on call so I took half an Ambien. The next morning at work, the night shift guy mentioned something about a four year old he had called me about in the middle of the night. I said "You called me?" After he told me his question, then I remembered him calling and I remembered what I told him. They don't always keep track of who is on call and they usually just call me if they have a question. He had called with a critical question about putting a four year old on life support. Fortunately I gave him the right answer, I guess I've been doing this long enough that I know the answers even in my sleep :lol:

Yikes...that is funny AND scary!!!

I am a life-time insomniac. Anymore I just take a couple of Advil PM and it helps a little but I haven't had a full nights sleep in years. I usually get 2 or 3 hours then wake up and sometimes go the living room a sleep for about an hour or two then back to bed...it is not normal, but I am too afraid to take an Ambien....especially now that I have read these accounts of hypnotic experiences.

Oh my! I guess I should stop complaining about waking up exhausted. I've never taken Ambien but it does make me nervous - my Mom took it and had some of those wacky experiences; but at least nobody's life was potentially on the the line at the other end of the phone! I totally understand why it's necessary, but those are some scary effects. Good thing that life-saving knowledge is fully ingrained!

I think if I could just be retired I'd sleep a lot better (I'm certainly willing to try it as an experiment!)

(edited for bad typos!)

[ Edited by: bamalamalu 2012-09-16 19:12 ]

My doctor told me to take Benadryl to help me sleep. It sometimes has weird effects such as it messes with my ability to walk straight.
For example, I have a 5 foot by 5 foot framed stained glass window leaning on the wall by my bed and one night I got up and bumped into the window and it fell on top of me and pinned me to my bed. I'm a little over 5 feet tall myself so it was quite the ordeal to crawl out and push the thing back against the wall.
I wasn't hurt and I laugh about it now.


Vamp, your sleep pattern is exactly like mine. Sleep a few hours, lay awake an hour, move to the couch and sleep a few more, go back to bed and lay awake again until 15 minutes before the alarm goes off :lol:

Anything with an antihistamine (Advil PM, Tylenol PM, Benadryl, Sominex, etc) knock me out for days so they are not an option. I go through about 30 Ambien a year, usually half a tablet at a time. But you can actually get up and function if you have to after taking an Ambien. My daughter was scheduled for a C-Section at 8am, the night before my wife and I were excited about the prospect of our first grandson - we both took Ambien at 10 and went to bed to get a good night's sleep. At midnight, my daughter called to say she had gone into labor and was headed for the hospital. Even with the Ambien on board we were able to get up and funtion normally.

lunesta knocks you out real good.......

Does anyone else have this before sleep and after sleep period like me?

As time passes at night I think it is soon time to go to sleep, so I typically avoid talking if someone is over at my place and if I am on the computer it is only on solitaire which sometimes helps to make my brain tired. Then computer off and glasses off and finish watching stupid TV now getting sleepy so go to bed. Now if during that time period anyone starts talking to me or the phone rings, the whole ritual has to be done over again...sure I could try to go to bed, but inevitably have to get up and go through the stupid "getting sleepy" process all over again.

I am a mess when I wake up in the morning...if nobody talks to me and I sit around doing stupid stuff I can wake up and be in a normal mood. But if someone starts yapping at me or there is some other interrupting noises when I am trying to wake up I get grumpy and have a bad start to the day.

I hate both of these phases, and people make fun of me for it but I truly think it is just a phase of my insomnia. I think these are bad habits but are now inherent and necessary.

Sorry Vamp, you're on your own there. Whether I go to bed at 9pm or 11:30, I almost always fall asleep within 5-10 minutes. It's just that I'm wide awake at 12 or 12:30.

I live about 15 miles from the Mexican border. When you cross, Verizon sends you a text warning you of roaming charges you may incur. I didn't sleep well this past week, I wasn't on call last night so I decided to take an Ambien and get a good night's sleep. This morning I got up and found a text on my phone "Welcome to Mexico..." Did I sleep-drive across the border last night? I hope I had a good time :lol:

allergy pill works for me, then atleast I dont have to wake up to breath

Mike...sounds like you had an out-of-body-siesta!!!

Lately I have been taking Advil PM...it does help, but per my own self, can't ever sleep any longer than 3 or 4 hours...se la vi.

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