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Tiki on television

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I searched and didn't see a topic on this, so forgive me if there is one out there.

There is a surprising amount of tiki on television. Here is a few examples of what I mean.

There is an episode of Scooby Doo called 'A tiki scare is no fair' that has tikis all through it. (There is an old thread about this episode, but the pictures no longer exist)

In the Futurama episode 'Jurassic Bark', Bender brings Fry a tiki.

The opening credits of the CBS show Big Bang Theory, this picture quickly flashes across the screen. (this one is easy to miss)

King of the hill had an episode where they built a tiki raft. (this got its own thread and got me thinking about a television consolidation topic)


yeah there is a thread that covers this :)
I just did a search about tikis on the telly

Tiki on TV....
an oldie thread, but lotsa great mentions of Tiki in the media.

Also this other thread too:
Tiki Commercial thread too

It's good to see pics posted of finding tiki in the media tho :)

edit: fixed fer da link! XD

"It's like a Koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!"

[ Edited by: ravenne 2008-06-13 13:40 ]

I set my DVR to record anything that had "tiki" in the description -

Who knew there were so many little kids shows with Tikis in them. I actually watched the Scooby Doo episode...someone was pretty keyed into the Tiki element, there are A-frame houses, hula dancing, the whole nine yards. I'm guessing it was made in the late 60's, early 70's?

I cancelled the DVR request when I started getting a million episodes of anything with Tiki Barber in it, however.


Last night on the Venture Brothers, Dr Venture is shown in the past at a bar demanding a Suffering Bastard. Then after he collapses to the floor he demands it again to which the Bartender replies. "I'm still working on it!"


On HGTV's Don't Sweat It and DIY's Yardcrashers they are each making Tiki bars Saturday, March 13 at 11:30am Pacific Standard Time. I'm not sure how good these bars are going to be.


Shawn's dad on Psych (USA Network) has a tiki bar with mugs and stuff in his house. It shows up every once in a while.


On 2010-03-14 18:25, KeithH wrote:
Shawn's dad on Psych (USA Network) has a tiki bar with mugs and stuff in his house. It shows up every once in a while.

I was wondering if anyone else had noticed - I just figured they had! I saw the mugs there on the last episode! Looks like EVERYone wants in on Tiki now!


On My Classic Car on the Speed Channel there is a car show on the Big Island of Hawaii that has a cool vintage car with Tiki's on it. You can also watch the episode on http://www.myclassiccar.com


I was watching the new show "Prime Suspect" last night that I had TIVO'd. A suspect broke away and two officers chased him through a department store. They found him hiding and one of the officers grabbed a Tiki torch and beat the suspect into submission with the Tiki torch. Not sure if this post belongs here in Tiki on TV or I think at one point I saw another post about Tiki torches being used as weapons?

On Psych, the father has a bar in the corner of his living room with a cheesy light up Tiki in the background. A recent episode in a fancy mansion had a huge gorgeous painting of tropical women and some nice barware in the background.

There was also an episode called "Camp Tikihama"...I didn't see any Tikis, although here are the lyrics to the camp song.

Camp Tikihama what you are,
Reaches near and reaches far,
From white capped mountains to crystal lakes,
sing out loud for Tiki sakes!

We are friends who bond over bright ember fires,
And to marshmellow dreams we will retire,
Camp Tikihama you're so true,
La-la-la-la-la and then the view,
La-la-la-la-la and then the view!

GROG posted on Wed, Nov 16, 2011 12:29 AM

Good Vibes on MTV features a Tiki Bar with some familiar background characters sitting at the bar and some familiar artwork on the walls. You can watch it here: http://www.mtv.com/videos/good-vibes-ep-1-pilot/1672309/playlist.jhtml

When GROG first started working on The Simpsons, there was one artist who had his office decorated Tiki and that was Brad Abelson. He has left The Simpsons and is involved in this show. He was also at Tiki Oasis in August.

[ Edited by: GROG 2011-11-16 00:40 ]

What great stills! Very lovingly rendered Tiki environs. Unfortunately since it is targeted at teens, its inane, teenage-level stories and humor together with the minimum level animation make it kinda hard to watch.

I liked it, but I am admittedly into childish humor.


The name of the bar sounded familar....


...or maybe its a variation of this....



A sketch from the Rich Little Show in 1976 with Rich & Charlotte Rae as lounge act in the Orchid Room between two Milan Guanko tikis. Nice tikis but singing Love Will Keep Us Together in a tiki bar is a deevolution moment.

Hey, is that the Sahara Las Vegas Beachcomber !? :wink:

Those are not Milan Guankos, but the trusty PeeWee's Playhouse prop Tikis that have seen many shows over the years.

Follow the link in this link:


...to see them. I believe there were several of these, made from the same mold.

And here is another moment in Tiki Devolution:

Digging around the web, I found out that the "South Seas" Apartments on 19223 Saticoy Street in Reseda had been the location home of the 1984 classic "Karate Kid" (even though CheekyGirl had mentioned this here before)

Very appropriately for the state of Tiki in 1984, the place is characterized as a "dump" in the movie:


When I found and photographed the place for the BOT (page 218/19) in the early 90's, it didn't look that bad, the pool was fixed, but except for the cool font there was nothing left worthy of documentation. I wonder if it is still up. Has anybody been by there recently?

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2011-12-21 22:08 ]


As far as I know this is what it looks like still.


Saw this being aired after the new season of Beavis and Butthead. Not my favorite show, but I'm sad I missed this episode.

EDIT: I'm talking about the "Good Vibes" episode listed on Page 1. D'oh!

[ Edited by: PockyTiki 2011-12-21 20:18 ]

Has anyone noticed the killer tikis festooning Peter Gunn's pad...when he is home, that is?

I have actually noticed quite a bit of tiki on old TV programs while goofing on ME TV!!! If you don't have this channel, call your cable company and demand it!

On the latest episode of Absolutely Fabulous (01-01-2012) Job Patsy (Joanna Lumley)mentions going to the Mahiki just at the end of the episode.

Nice to hear tiki/celebrity reference in popular culture.


On 2012-01-07 20:40, atomictonytiki wrote:
On the latest episode of Absolutely Fabulous (01-01-2012) Job Patsy (Joanna Lumley)mentions going to the Mahiki just at the end of the episode.

I was wondering how long it would take for the Mahiki to completely jump the proverbial shark.

On 2011-12-25 15:35, Vince Martini wrote:
Has anyone noticed the killer tikis festooning Peter Gunn's pad...when he is home, that is?

Visual depictions of such findings are always appreciated on this forum :)

Don't forget tomorrow on "The Layover" (Travel channel)
Anthony Bourdain heads to San Francisco & the Tonga Room!

Have it set to dvr

The Tonga Room in San Francisco was the location for a group date on The Bachelor tonight. Did anyone else happen to see it? or would anyone else admit it if they did?
They are at the bar from the 42 minute mark until the 51 minute mark and have a few good shot of the place in the background. The Bachelor is being re-aired this Sunday at 4:00 on the east coast. As 'they' like to say, check your local listings and set your DVR's

Just saw Bamboo Ben on Storage Wars at Oceanic Arts.

Just saw it to, Big K. good to see Ben on the tube, Ben you looked good & confident on camera.

On 2012-01-17 19:59, Big Kahuna wrote:
Just saw Bamboo Ben on Storage Wars at Oceanic Arts.

Any idea what the title of the episode was? :)

Yeah and which Storage Warrior did Ben have to deal with - The Moron with the kid, the Moron with the wife, the Jerk or the other Jerk?


I've got some screen shots. Anybody want to see them?



Thanks WestADad. :)

You brought the show some class Ben, I like your reference to Frankie's & Moss.
Does anyone else think these "reality stars" are douchey?

On 2012-01-18 11:43, Chuck Tatum is Tiki wrote:
You brought the show some class Ben, I like your reference to Frankie's & Moss.
Does anyone else think these "reality stars" are douchey?

Cool! Way to cool Bamboo Ben! I would like to see the episode. I haven't seen Storage Wars, but like most reality stars, hopefully, they'll just fade away. But, when they have someone on who's expertise, like Ben's, is really refreshing.

Found it: Storage Wars: Operation Hobo

OA/Bamboo Ben part is at around 16:40

[ Edited by: Trad'r Bill 2012-01-18 16:23 ]

Thanks Y'all! Just trying to keep the Tiki torch lit. OA is the best!!! If you get a chance go to this link and tell them you want more Bamboo Ben, OA, and Tiki!


are you working at OA now?


On 2012-01-19 11:13, bigtikidude wrote:
are you working at OA now?


Just my Home away from Home. :wink:

On 2012-01-18 16:15, Trad'r Bill wrote:
Found it: Storage Wars: Operation Hobo

OA/Bamboo Ben part is at around 16:40

[ Edited by: Trad'r Bill 2012-01-18 16:23 ]

Thanks for the link, Trad'r Bill.


You mean that wasn't an original that shot a lizard, monkey, and a snake?

"Don't laugh, that's his name" What an ass.

that guy totally looks like leon from blade runner. i'm surprised that he didn't ask you what a tortise is.

Here are some stills from the Hawaii Five-0 episode For A Million Why, Why Not? Where a company called Tiki Gods is used for a bank heist, I’ve recognized a few of the tikis in other episodes as props so it’s nice to see them in one place.

Dano solves the jumble

Tiki Gods office

The store front

and even a truck

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