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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet painting is finished.

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Bruddah Bear posted on 09/26/2012

Hi Wendy,

I follow your thread regularly, but I rarely post unless I have something more significant to say other than parrot the compliments of others. I do want you to know that I think you and Dan are aces in my book even though I don't write it here often.

I love the crawl mug, the sculpt is terrific, and the glaze is awesome. I have to say that I don't think that the cold paint is necessary. If the overall glaze were monochrome then it may need the embellishment of the contrasting paint, but I believe that with that speckled glaze and the degree of detail in the sculpt, the paint isn't really needed. The solid color on the sculpt contrasts enough with the variations of color and texture on the mug and allows the detail of the sculpt to pop yet remain a bit understated. The visual flow of the mug just works for me.

You could always give your customers the option of paint or no paint and perhaps save yourself a little bit work on some of the mugs. Just my humble opinion, for what it's worth.


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 09/26/2012

Wendy, The brighter yellow orange would be great!
Mahalo ~kele

dartharnie posted on 09/26/2012

LOVE the crawl mug - with or without paint. I think it's a fair point about saving work by foregoing the paint for those that ask.

However, knowing Wendy, she'll just open the next wish list that much sooner. She and Dan seem to be non-stop tiki automatons,.... machines of mass production... (even when they take the day off, there's tiki fun afoot)

The new glazes are stunning and that brown speckled one screams puffer fish to me.

danlovestikis posted on 09/26/2012

THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH. I appreciate the time and thought that went into your evaluation of the cold paint on the mug. I'm taking a break right now but in a moment after answering these messages I'll be back to working on a few new ideas.
I'll post them tonight for further comments.

Sacramento Ohana wait to see the tests tonight and please comment here.

littlegiles you and I both love to open the kiln to see what the glazes look like. The kiln is firing right now and will open again on Friday.

Atomic Tiki Punk I agree with you that it was too busy. I tried to copy the menu and it didn't work well.

LoriLovesTiki I didn't love it either. It's so wonderful to have everyone be honest with me. I need you all.

Hale Tiki yes your red/orange is in the kiln. I hope it looks good. I've glazed some in other colors so if you hate it there will be other choices.

Brudda Bear, thank you for your message. I'm trying to cut back. Dan just talked me through his preference and now I have another nipple-gate.

Kele I've painted it and it looks really good. Photos soon.

dartharnie less work is good if the mug is fine. You just reminded me that I'm going to make a puffer fish mug. I've made the mold for the puffers already. So many projects and so little time in a day. I'll just have to stay up later!

Now I'll work on more examples, cheers, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 09/26/2012

Wendy, I posted a reply and then you added more pics so I updated my reply and then you went and added even more pics to look at. HAHA

I have to agree with some of the others. I think the colors are a bit bright. The sculpt you did is so lovely I think the original without any color is wonderful. It has a great vintage look to it.

Of course, that is just my opinion.

  • Dale
danlovestikis posted on 09/27/2012

Painting tiny faces is a bummer.

Here's the lineup so far but maybe none of these will pass either.

#1 plain

#2 similar to the menu

#3 monotone with blue that matches the spots

#4 Dan's choice = topless

Comments please, Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/27/2012

I like the front of the monotone one - I think it highlights your wonderful sculpt without being too busy but prefer the unpainted back better than the blue palm trees.

I still love the unpainted one overall as well.

So many great choices! I'm sure the guys will like the topless wahine!

littlegiles posted on 09/27/2012

Wendy, is there any way to do a wash of the darker blue and then just paint her face and the lei around her neck? I love the original without any additional, but you lose the details of her face with that.

Gosh, I'm not helping much. Sorry.

  • Dale
VampiressRN posted on 09/27/2012

JMHO...I like them with just the glaze, but I will be happy with whatever you decide on...you are the talented artist!!!

Hale Tiki posted on 09/27/2012

I'm so excited! I'm sure it will look amazing!

Now, onto the mugs. First, the back. My vote is for the second from the left. Light colors, brown on the roof, a smattering in the leave. It's very subtle, but it's enough to separate it from the rest of the glaze. I like it, I really do. The front, on the other hand, well, Dan's a man after my own heart. I have to say, I like the topless one. I don't like the brown on the sign, or the bottom though. Maybe just the hula girl.

So, in summary:
Just the hula girl, not too much detail. Subtle color on the back. C'est magnifique!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/27/2012

I say unpainted in the case of this mug, the speckled blue glaze
is so great that adding more color just creates to much detail
and unbalances the overall look, Mrs. Black, My old art teacher would just say "Keep it simple"

dartharnie posted on 09/27/2012

Back=I like #3
Front=I like #4, but would rather see painted letters instead of around the letters...maybe in the blue you used for the palms of the back of 3

that said... 1 is retro and very pretty

little lost tiki posted on 09/27/2012

WOW! what a beauty of a Crawl Mug!
i love #4 it's perfect...that brownreally works well with theat beautiful blue!

MadDogMike posted on 09/27/2012

Wendy, I didn't post an opinion and I didn't want you to think that I don't care. It's just that I'm LOUSY at color selection! :lol:

Holler Waller posted on 09/27/2012


Beachbumz posted on 09/27/2012

I'm with Mike Wendy on this one But if you were to twist my arm and make me give you an answer it would be to leave them as they are.. I really like the glaze choice you picked it gives them a real old vintage feel as they are.. Any way you choose though there going to be perfect though.. Dang I wish I was going!!!! :(

danlovestikis posted on 09/27/2012

I figured out how to keep track of the votes coming in on the mug.
So far its a plane back and a tie for a plane front or the topless girl but no brown on the sign or at the bottom.

I'm going to go to the Sacramento Ohana and ask them to start voting. Thank you all so much. This is a huge help, Wendy

MahaloTiki posted on 09/27/2012

Hi Wendy.... I am liking the first un-painted version. That is a wonderful glaze.

As always.. great job to you and Dan!

ebtiki posted on 09/27/2012

Unpainted (i.e. #1) gets my vote, Wendy!
(But they're all fantastic.)

jdseeks posted on 09/27/2012

I like 1 the best both sides. The blue with speckling and sculpting detail together are fantastic.

-Jim Donahue

Bruddah Bear posted on 09/27/2012

Well, now that's a conundrum. More options to choose from. I'm going to ignore the plain one in my comparisons because you are trying to figure out a good possible paint scheme.

With the choices you have there, I like elements of all three painted mugs, on the fronts the highlighted lettering of "Hawaiian Hut" on #2, the blue background on #3, and just the wahine painted on #4 (with or without lei makes no difference). As for the back I think the color scheme on #2 is best, the only changes I'd suggest is a heavier paint job on the trees and paint the walls of the hut too, with maybe going a more golden yellow on the hut to contrast a bit more with the tree trunks. There's yellow specks in the glaze too so it shouldn't clash.

So if it is to be painted, my vote is front = a combo of #2, #3, & #4 as described, and back = #2 as described.

I know... You must hate me now.


swizzle posted on 09/27/2012

OK Wendy, i'm not sure if you want my response at all as all these opinions might just be making it harder to decide, but here it goes.

Although i quite liked the way you painted the hut in the very first picture you posted i think it's best that you leave the mug plain. That glaze combination is great and works as is. I believe that the only way to do the sculpt any justice is to paint it like a painting you would do on canvas, i.e. with multiple colours, shading and heaps of detail. Obviously painting one mug like that might not be an issue, but to do however many it is you have i understand that that is just not feasible.

So unless you go with the suggestion of what some of the other members have said about leaving it up to the individual about whether they want it painted or not, i'd leave it alone. You have more than enough work to do. :D

anthonymaye posted on 09/27/2012

Hello Wendy
I am with little lost on this i like #4 A very vintage feel.
Thank you for all you and Dan do its always a treat to see what you are up too.

danlovestikis posted on 09/27/2012

Hi Friends, there's still time for more votes to come in. It's good to see some of the Sacramento Ohana giving their opinion. So far number one is in the lead. This is really good for me. I would love to leave them alone. As a souvenir of the Crawl there is a lot going on there including the Sac Ohana Crawl on the bottom.

Here's a number Five option...plain except the face painted like number 3. Oh no now you are going to hate me!!!

Mahalo Tiki vote noted
ebTiki vote noted
jdseeks vote noted
Bruda Bear oh no! I'm going back to cross off your first vote and to add these.
Swizzle vote noted
anthonymaye vote noted

Now it will take the next hour to add new photos for the Progress Report. If you look between now and 9 AM check back later. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 09/27/2012

I added a vote from Steve from facebook, plain is still tops.

Progress Report and misc.

The Moai Bowl for Beachbumz has dried. I need to work on more of the Wish List to add more items that need to be bisqued. Philot's bowl is patiently waiting for the next step.

ebTiki hang10tiki littlegiles and tigertail7777 (holes still need to be drilled)

Steve Soto's Super Carved Maori style purple Tiki Bob.

Dan's peanut bowl. The one and only. Mahalo Tiki has his mold back as well as the special peanut mugs we made together for him to sell.

A South of the Boarder Bob for Corona Contessa - Sandy

WaikikianMoeKele ordered this small Bob with her favorite Hawaiian hotel on the back. This was the tiniest carving I've done. This glaze ran when I used it for McTiki last Wish List and it did the same here. I saved it with enamel paint. I'll not use this glaze for a Bob again.

I keep forgetting to take photos. This is the top shelf of the load that fired and opens tomorrow when it is cooled. We'll see if Marone Tiki's Moai bowl held the glaze or not.

Thanks for checking back. Cheers, Wendy

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/27/2012

Well its official, You are the "Bob Master" you make the best Bobs out there
The peanut bowl is 'Muy bonita'

Hale Tiki posted on 09/27/2012

The Bob's are just sooooooooooooooo beautiful!

MaroneTiki posted on 09/27/2012

Hi Dan and Wendy,

My bowl looks great.

I'd vote for the non-painted mug as well, but they are all nice.

Lady Di posted on 09/27/2012

Wendy, I like the plain and also the 3rd with the blue highlights...nice and tropical...love it.

Lady Di posted on 09/27/2012

Wendy, I like the plain and also the 3rd with the blue highlights...nice and tropical...love it.

danlovestikis posted on 09/28/2012

Thank you so much Atomic Tiki Punk and Hale Tiki.
Thank you Marone Tiki and Lady Di for the votes.
Marone Tiki my fingers are crossed I hope the glaze sticks.

So far it is a runaway with the plane version which is very good for me. I can get these boxed up for the crawl and shipping and work on the Wish List #3. I'll be watching to see if any more votes come in by 6 PM tomorrow. I'm counting the facebook votes too.

Cheers, Wendy

Professor G posted on 09/28/2012

Wendy, there are so many nice things to say, but I'll limit myself to just one (for now). Your work is absolutely a brilliant bridge between the best of the classic and the contemporary styles of Tiki.

Beachbumz posted on 09/28/2012

I'm loving the rocky texture of my bowl Wendy! Can't wait to see it all glazed up!!

tigertail777 posted on 09/28/2012

Even before you've sent it, Bob has brought me luck. He is going to hang in my new art studio space which I just procured today. :wink: You have some major artist good luck mojo. :D

WSWahine posted on 09/28/2012

I like 1 or 4. But whatever you chose will be fine for me. Thank you Wendy and Dan!

danlovestikis posted on 09/28/2012

Thank you all for your comments. I love having Bob be lucky. Dan still needs to drill those holes before I can ship. To my Sacramento ohana we can hook up at the crawl with your Bob's.

The vote is still going strong for plain and I haven't voted nor Dan but that would also be our choice!!! I'll count until 6 PM tonight.

We have chores to run to right now but I'll try to post photos later today. I didn't get chosen by Tiki Farm but I'll share my entry into the contest.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/28/2012

Love love love everything
Great colors
You put hang10tiki on the back of my lil bob, awesome
You the best


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 09/28/2012

Everything is so wonderful, of course the BEST is little Waikikian Bob with teensy Bob! I'm just all giggly!

btw, on the crawl mugs, I vote for #1, the 'plain' one.

danlovestikis posted on 09/28/2012

Hi Friends, we are back from our chores so I thought I post before I get to work on the Wish List projects.

When dartharnie told me about the Tiki Farm contest I knew I'd have to at least try. Sometimes its faster to make something than to draw it so that's what I did. I made a mug.

My idea was to make a mug for Tiki Farm Collectors. So I used my hand as a model and went to work. Here it is.

I grabbed a mug.

I squeezed the mug so it couldn't get away.

I rolled out a flat piece of clay and outlined my hand.

I extended the length of the wrist.

Using my hand I better formed the fingers.

Close up.

I attached the hand to the mug.

Then I went to work on the face.

Here it is in front of some of Dan's Tiki Farm Collection.

Now I'll fine tune the mug and bisque fire it. Then I'll either glaze it and Dan may add it to his Tiki Farm collection or I'll hide the wording on the back, mold it and make this one of my original mugs. I could put requests on the back.

The texture for the mug is mold friendly. I would add wood grain or something else after it was cast.

Does anyone like this mug?

Cheers, Wendy

PS there are 2 hours 50 minutes left to vote on the crawl mug

tikilongbeach posted on 09/28/2012

I vote for the plain mug.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/28/2012

I would vote again, but a big Hawaiian guy is asking for my photo I.D. :lol:

19tikichef62 posted on 09/28/2012

I love the tiki farm entry mug ,I would definetly want one ,great to watch the progress on the wish list pieces lots of fun

McTiki posted on 09/29/2012

Wendy, your entry mug is simply brilliant.

Thank you for all you do.



ZeroTiki posted on 09/29/2012


MadDogMike posted on 09/29/2012

Wendy, sorry your entry didn't win. Well, you know I didn't beat you out for the prize ~ I never got off my butt and submitted a design :lol: Love the way you sculpted the hand!

dartharnie posted on 09/29/2012

That tiki farm mug is wonderful. How the heck would you hold it.

Every time I would go to pick it up it would seem like someone else beat me to it. An "Eternal Mug-o-Tug-o-War" as it were. Love it.

I also like the modification possibilities. Furry hands, Vampire hands, Zombie hands, cold paint nail polish, rings and so on...Knowing you Wendy, you already have over a dozen requests in your private messages


danlovestikis posted on 09/29/2012

I sure do love getting up in the morning and reading all your posts. The voting has closed and I'm thrilled to not paint these. I think the vote proved that this was the right way to go. Now I'll make the signature cards and box them up. THANK YOU!

Tikilongbeach I'll be in Long Beach for the December sale at DTB's. I'll bring any left over to the event.
AtomicTikiPunk I wish I were young enough to get carded, even for voting.
19tikichef62 I'll be having more time to work on the Wish List. Your Bob is the challenge I'm looking forward too.
McTiki its always good to have you pop in here. Maybe I should mold this mug.
MadDogMike I'm counting the days until your visit, hummm can I count that high? I'll use the fingers on each of my three hands.
dartharnie I love the Eternal Tug of War. I thought about a Tiki Farm Ring and scary fingernails when I made it. I think you are on the right track for this mug.

Progress Report:

I opened the kiln and success!

Marone Tikis bowl came out beautifully. The back and red usually pull apart. There were only a couple of these areas.

I repaired them with black and gray enamel and I'll bake it in the home oven for 45 min.'s to set and then its good to go.

I'm sorry for the blurry photos.

Aged for Alii Tiki and an Orange/Red for Hale Tiki

Red with black specks for Alii Tiki and another one for hiltiki or do you like the red/orange better?

Brown with green highlights.

The only super carved super tall Bob I've made so far.

The Bumatay bowl I've made for Dan so he'll keep working with me.

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The glaze was a bit too thick and ran to the bottom. Dan liked the effect so yippee.
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The Eric October bowl has more problems. Two areas of glaze popped off. This bowl is cursed. Dan will take a wire brush to it and I'll glaze again. There is always hope until a hairline shows up. When that happens I quit.
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All the items out of the kiln need to have their bottoms sanded. Then they are finished.

Thanks for stopping by. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2012-09-29 07:04 ]

littlegiles posted on 09/29/2012

Wendy, another successful kiln opening. Love Dan's new Bumatay bowl. I have to agree with him that the pooling glaze at the bottom has a very cool look to it. Almost looks like a whirlpool in the ocean. I noticed in the Eric bowl that there was some swirling around the bottom edge. Very cool look. I'm sure you will be able to get that bowl wrangled into submission. :) If you continue to have issues, why don't you fill it full of limes and call it a fruit bowl. Fill it with some fake limes and it could be a cool display piece.

Love your Tiki Farm entry. The idea of being able to customize the hand is a great idea. You have opened up a HUGE can of worms. Just think of a Zombie mug with the face being a bit aged and the zombie hand cut off at the wrist. Oh I have a ton of idea running through my head.

Can't wait to see what you work on next!

  • Dale

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