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GROG posted on 07/14/2013

GROG just checked, and the photo's there. Did you click on "My Photos"?

Here's the photo if it's not opening for you.

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-07-14 09:16 ]

little lost tiki posted on 07/14/2013

That's not YOU,Ernie!
That area is a thick jungle of impenetrable hair
I'm calling shenanigans..
Those abs don't add up either....

Relax and recover,buddy!
You're in our prayers and thoughts....

VampiressRN posted on 07/14/2013

Nice before and after photos on your journal. Who knew a prick in the groin could create that fabulous six-pack!!! Hang in there Ernie...we are all sending healthy vibes your way.

danlovestikis posted on 07/15/2013

Grog I really needed the help to find your post surgery photos. Very cool. I'm glad you are better. Keep us posted. Many hugs, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/16/2013

GROG- you are one lean caveman...
Get well soon, I hear that people recover fast in a dry heat environment,
so the invitation is always open. :)

Thanks for the updates on your daily post.



GROG posted on 07/16/2013

Thanks ya'll.

danlovestikis posted on 07/16/2013

Hi GROG, Dan read your log last night at the hotel. He thinks you are a creative writer. He thinks you really did see that nurse but are hiding the fact and her from us. We are looking forward to having you all healed and ready to party. We are waiting to hear about the result and next step. Hugs, Wendy

tikilongbeach posted on 07/16/2013

Please get to feeling better soon. TC misses your photoshopping skills!

You need a van like this!

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 07/18/2013


My baby sister had open heart surgery 8 years ago.

She had "electrical" problems (heriditary) plus much blockage & is a member of the "cracked chest club."

Missy said that they gave her a stuffed heart to hold when she was experiencing pain & she was very upset when she vomitted on it! (they gave her a new one)

She is doing GREAT! & if my baby sister can do this, a grizzled old cave man can do it too!


GROG posted on 07/18/2013

Thanks Kele. GROG try and not vomit on GROG' heart pillow.

danlovestikis posted on 07/19/2013

GROG they will tell you to hold the pillow tight to your chest when you cough or laugh. I think you will have a lot to laugh about as you tell zipper jokes. When is your next appointment? (: Wendy

GROG posted on 07/19/2013

GROG meetng some heart surgeons next week at Providence St. Josephs, and trying to set up an appointment to see some heart surgeons at Cedars Sinai, but they wont' be available to meet with until first week of August. Been updating GROG' journal pretty regularly, so far.

danlovestikis posted on 07/20/2013


If I don't have the link in front of me I forget there's a place to go to besides here. I just finished reading about your rear end (car) and heart and bank update. 50! in September, you are really just a kid so you should do well. I would be sad not to see you at Oasis but some things are more important. Best wishes always, Wendy

GROG posted on 07/20/2013

If things keep progressing as slow as they are, GROG may end up being able to go to Oasis. But, that remains to be seen.

If you have trouble remembering to check the journal, you can click to receive an email that notifies you whenever GROG make new entry into journal.

danlovestikis posted on 07/20/2013

How a primitive man knows all the computer smart steps is beyond this senior citizen. I will go do that right now because I have a need to know. Today I will get set up to glaze your get well mug. I would love to hand it to you at Oasis but do as the doctors tell you to do. Many hugs, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 07/21/2013

Thinking of you Grog and hope all your scheduling works out for you. M

TikiAno posted on 07/26/2013


Just read a bunch of your blog/ journal. Wishing you the best through all of this. I do know that staying positive does help healing- and hoping the doctors do their part, too! I've always asked my doctors tons of questions through a variety of procedures, I may have to steal the Bonus questions at some point.

Wishing you all of that good stuff.

David / Tiki Ano

GROG posted on 07/26/2013

Thanks Ano. Much appreciated.

Thanks for reading my journal.

GROG thought those were pretty good bonus point questions. :)

TikiAno posted on 07/27/2013


They absolutely were. You a smart... and quick caveman. Will keep on reading it.... :)

All the best!

khan_tiki_mon posted on 07/27/2013

Grog, I have been enjoying your blog. I like the fact that you are considering your surgery your second birthday. That's the way I have referred to the day I had the heart attack. It was my second birthday. It's good that you can avoid the blood thinners. I will be on Plavix for the rest of my life. My cardiologist actually told me to avoid car accidents so I don't bleed out. No joke, that's what she said. I joke that I don't really have blood anymore it's more like colored water. I have recently begun carving and I am getting more serious about it and so I have invested in good gloves and a sturdy apron just so I don't puncture myself and bleed out. I hope everything goes well for you, I am thinking of you. My father had quintuple bypass surgery and everything went just as it was supposed to and his recovery was super fast. The miracles of modern medicine are just that.

GROG posted on 07/27/2013

Thanks Kan Tiki Mon. Better to be on blood thinners than dead. Glad you're enjoying my journal.

Stay healthy. No more heart attacks! And no slicing yourself open trying to carve.

lunavideogames posted on 07/27/2013

I just read an article in popular science that it is better to get heart surgery during a full moon. I didn't post a link because it was based on old data and speculative, but you can search for it easily if you want to see it.

Just wanted to let you know that we all hope you are doing well.

GROG posted on 08/07/2013

SON- OF-A......... ! If GROG get it the last week of August, like GROG was hoping, then it will TOTALLY be in the opposite part of the lunar cycle!! Let's hope the data really IS outdated.

Thanks for your concerns.

Read GROG' heart journal you bastards! It's funny. http://www.heart-valve-surgery.com/journals/user/erniekeen

danlovestikis posted on 08/07/2013

You Blog is so good it should go viral or at least catch a virus. I've signed up to be notified when you post but going to the site I found a whole bunch to read, or if my memory is really that bad, re-read. I am looking forward to seeing you at Oasis. Keep on blogging dear friend, Wendy

GROG posted on 08/07/2013

Got a call from heart surgeon's office. The hospital scheduled GROG' open heart surgery for August 28th at 7am.

It's on the calendar.

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-08-07 16:58 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/07/2013

We will try not to break you, until then Grogster!
see ya at Oasis?

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2013-08-07 15:03 ]

danlovestikis posted on 08/09/2013

GROG Goes To Oasis...new hit on Tiki Television.
Lets all hug him until he runs away screaming GROG had enough!

See you all there, Wendy

The Gnomon posted on 08/14/2013

Clearly, I've been out of the loop for a while. Sorry to hear that GROG is in need of surgery. In case your doctors are unable to locate suitable instruments for the operation (on you in particular), I might be able to send you some of mine.

Have a blast on the 28th. Will it be televised? Stay in good spirits. I'll be thinking about you.

GROG posted on 08/14/2013

Hey, GROG sold those tools on ebay years ago. Glad to see they ended up in a good home. Thanks Gnomon.

danlovestikis posted on 08/15/2013

I've been saving up really big hugs for you GROG. If you try to run away Dan will trip you for me. Wendy

GROG posted on 08/15/2013

GROG on left, Wendy on right. :lol:

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-08-15 00:12 ]

danlovestikis posted on 08/19/2013

GROG it is a good thing you took that photo because Dan only pretended to take photos of us hugging!
I didn't do that so here's one of MadDogMike, Dan and you.

I'm so happy that you got hugged all weekend. Now go get fixed. Wendy

rixzantis posted on 08/19/2013

Best of luck with your operation!
from Rick (your tattooed Tujunga neighbor)

GROG posted on 08/19/2013

Great seeing you and Dan (and all my other friends) at Oasis. Thanks for the hugs Wendy. (She hugged me every time we ran into each other.)

Thanks neighbor Rick.

danlovestikis posted on 08/21/2013

...and not a single photo to prove it!

GROG posted on 08/24/2013

Somebody give GROG a cold at Tiki Oasis. You bastards! Had it since Monday. GROG better not have to postpone heart surgery because GROG too sick! Hopefully can shake it this weekend.

MadDogMike posted on 08/24/2013

Get well soon GROG. There's a cow out there with your name tattoo'd on her butt.

GROG posted on 08/24/2013


danlovestikis posted on 08/25/2013

Drink a lot...of water to get well. Oasis was great but the hugs were the best part. We are praying for a super fast recovery for you. Wendy and Dan

kraken posted on 08/25/2013

Lots of water is very good for recovery, but
feeling confident about the procedure and
enthused about your life is even better!
Three cheers for Grog! Hip. hip, hooray!

danlovestikis posted on 08/25/2013

MadDogMike with Dan and the real GROG of a fine vintage. Best Wishes Buddy. Wendy

GROG posted on 08/26/2013

Thanks ya'll.

I'm worried. I still haven't kicked this cold yet. I go into the hospital tomorrow for pulmonary test and chest x-ray. The heart surgeon's office told me to tell the surgical coordinator how I feel and she would determine whether we need to reschedule surgery or not. Who the hell went to Oasis and gave me a cold?! Atomikitty and her husband came back and got a cold also, so it was definitely from Oasis.

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bamalamalu posted on 08/26/2013

I prescribe more rum drinks - alcohol kills germs.

Hope it all goes according to schedule!

kraken posted on 08/26/2013

Grog, I can only repeat my anti-cold prescription from
a little earlier in this thread. Inhale a mist of TRUE
colloidal silver water every hour or two, and your cold
should be gone overnight.

GROG posted on 08/26/2013

Surgery has been postponed until September 11. :(

Mom flew out here last Thursday and was supposed to be here until Sept.18. Now she may have to change her flights and stay an extra two weeks.

Damn you whoever gave GROG cold!

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-08-26 14:56 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c57167aa6631748387e7de1f18f35038?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiTacky posted on 08/26/2013

So sorry, GROG! :(

But look on the bright side—now you can hear all the September 11th jokes!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e01c7e12080283066ced001977e37f65?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigbrotiki posted on 08/27/2013

Good against cold:

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VampiressRN posted on 08/27/2013

Hope you will be able to get rid of that cold soon. Don't give it to your MOM. :)

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